Front cover image for Trash culture : popular culture and the great tradition

Trash culture : popular culture and the great tradition

"The popular culture that surrounds us in our daily lives bears a striking similarity to some of the great works of literature of the past. In television, movies, magazines, and advertisements we are exposed to many of the same stories as those found in the great books of Western literature, but we have simply been encouraged to look at those stories differently. In Trash Culture, Richard K. Simon examines the ways in which the great literature and cultural work of the past has been rewritten for today's consumer society. Trash Culture concludes that the great books are alive and well, but simply hidden from the critics. It argues for the linking of high and low for the study and appreciation of each form of literature, and the importance of teaching popular culture and books alongside the great tradition in order to understand the critical context in which the books appear."--Book cover
Print Book, English, ©1999
University of California Press, Berkeley, ©1999
x, 189 pages ; 24 cm
9780520216471, 9780520222236, 0520216474, 0520222237
Trash and literature
Critical context
Star wars and The faerie queen
Trash talk show
Friends, Seinfeld, and Days of our lives
Tragedy, the Enquirer, and the critics
Advertising and utopia
Shopping mall and the formal garden
Playboy and The book of the courtier
Cosmopolitan and the woman's coming-of-age novel
Star trek, Gulliver's travels, and the problem of history
Great books in Vietnam
Matthew Arnold meets Godzilla