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of the bravest, and the energy of the most powerful, and an enterprise moreover sure of ultimate success ; for if the Church be only true to herself, the gates of hell shall never prevail against her.

If I may be permitted, Sir, to trespass briefly upon the pages of one or two future numbers of the Christian Guardian, I shall be glad to avail myself of the opportunity of making a few observations upon topics connected with this important subject, which have hitherto, I think, been too much overlooked. Tractarianism has been considered too exclusively as a mere theoretical system, which may be encountered and demolished by the mere exposure and refutation of those palpable and prominent fallacies by which it is characterized. But this, Sir, is not enough. The experiment has been tried, and has failed. The system has been logically refuted over and over again; and yet it lives, and the vitality and vigour of its nature is little impaired. It is indeed an exemplification of the truth that religion is, in all its forms, a practical thing, and that to enable it to take root and fix itself in the heart, it requires but little the aid of mere opinion. No, Sir, Puseyism is too remote in its origin, and too congenial in its nature to the depraved inclinations of the human heart, and consequently likely to be too permanent in its results, to be so cursorily treated. We are thus only lopping the branches, and strengthening the root.

While the multitude, then, are satisfied to contend about rites and dogmas, and other prominent but less important features of the system, let those who perceive the real importance of the matter at issue, look more deeply to the groundwork upon which it rests. It is the remark, I believe, of Lord Coke, that "to trace an error to its fountain head, is to refute it." Such an investigation is, notwithstanding all that has been already said upon the subiect, greatly needed in the present case. But, above all, in order effectually to stem the tide which is still flowing onward and onward, from this polluted source, we must view the question, not so much in its immediate results, which are but transi

tory, as in those which, though more remote, are likely to be permanent; for it is thus only that we can hope to provide that specific antidote which the case really requires.

Again, it has been too common to consider Puseyism in its connection with superstition only, and as the pioneer of Popery; it is, however, rather as allied to infidelity that it assumes the most alarming character. It is impossible to peruse the earlier writings of some of its first and most influential promoters,* without observing how close was this connection in the early period of its development, and to the last it is to be feared this alliance will continue. To unbelief it owed its birth, and, if timely remedy be not provided, it is to be feared that infidelity may be again indebted to it for renewed vigour, if not for a new existence. The alliance of mysticism and scepticism, always intimate, is eminently so whenever the evidences of religion are more immediately in question. The real effect of every attempt made to exalt the authority of the writings of what is called Catholic antiquity, must be to lower that of the apostolical records. The argument of the Tractarians with us is an argument ad verecundiam, and goes to prove that the evidence is, in both cases, identical. It destroys, in fact, the exclusiveness of the evidence in favour of the inspiration and consequent infallibility of Scripture; and if deprived of this exclusiveness, what has it left? I am speaking, of course, of the external evidences of Christianity. The experienced believer, doubtless, possesses other proof, peculiar to himself, of the genuineness of the faith which he professes; but, as regards the world in general, the great bulwark of Christianity is undoubtedly the historical evidence which we possess of the authenticity and genuineness of the sacred Scriptures. If this be done away with, the very groundwork of Protestantism is destroyed; and then how feeble the only substitute that remains to the world in the boasted

*I allude more particularly to Fronde's "Remains," and Pusey's "History of the Rise and Progress of Rationalism in Germany," published about 1830.

infallibility of the Church! And when we reflect how much of truth there is in the remark, that "the present is an age destitute of faith, and yet dreading scepticism," it is awful to contemplate what may be the result of any unhallowed tampering with this bulwark of the world's belief; and fearful, indeed, is the responsibility of those to whose guardianship this divine light has been entrusted, to preserve it pure and undiminished, in a state of society so critical and perilous.

Once more, the author of all error and delusion, the father of lies, well knows that, without some admixture of truth, his impositions would never gain ground extensively among mankind. Hence it seldom happens that any system becomes generally prevalent, without containing some important, and perhaps long-neglected truth. Of this circumstance it is most needful that we should avail ourselves; and that we should endeavour to distinguish, and to separate, the pure metal from the dross. The principal reason why errors, once refuted and suppressed, have so often reappeared, perhaps under another shape and name, but in substance the same, is, that they have been condemned without discrimination. The corn has been rejected, and committed to the flames, along with the chaff; truth and error alike repudiated. But truth, when so treated, will, by its own intrinsic worth, sooner or later gain the ascendant again, and become the more firmly established from the very injustice of its suppression; and the error with which it was associated, never having been exposed in its naked deformity, will reappear at the same time, and participate in its increased triumph.

Under these several heads, Sir, the subject of Mr. Gresley's pamphlet may suggest ample materials for profitable reflection and discussion; and may naturally lead, amongst other practical questions, to an accurate estimate of the position which each of the contending parties at present occupies with reference to the Church to which they both profess to belong, and more particularly as it regards the Baptismal question. And, if you

will permit the insertion of this paper in the Christian Guardian, perhaps some one more competent than myself to an adequate elucidation of the subject, may be induced to undertake it.

One word more as to the spirit and temper which it behoves us, as Evangelical Christians, to manifest towards our erring brethren in this unhappy controversy, and I have done. Let us not be provoked by any invectives on their part, nor even by threats of expulsion, into angry recrimination or uncharitable censure. Let it not be so much our aim to measure our strength with them as a party, but rather to win them over to better things by the manifestation of a spirit of meekness, forbearance, and brotherly kindness, on our own part. Let us, moreover, seek for ourselves, by watchfulness and prayer, an increase of spirituality, earnestness, and devotion; for, until this is done, we can scarcely hope that our efforts to stay the plague will be honoured with success. Whenever errors and heresies are permitted to assail us, we ought to view them as judgments upon us for our past unfaithfulness. And I am sure that, in looking back, we shall perceive abundant reason for self-reproach and humiliation; and great cause to acknowledge the justice of the Almighty in permitting us to be visited with the tokens of his indignation. Let us not forget to enquire how much of the essential spirit of Tractarianism may exist within the pale even of evangelical profession; and at best how flimsy and superficial it is, as fashionably prevalent in the present day, when compared with the deep-seated, and earnest piety of a Leighton or a Newton. These considerations ought to induce a spirit of deep contrition, and great meekness of carriage towards those who, however they may be in error, have manifested an earnestness and deadness to the world well deserving of imitation. But how little of this, or rather how much of the very opposite spirit, has been apparent in the writings of the Evangelical party since the first commencement of the Tractarian controversy! Self-justifying and dogmatic, they have exhibited not a little

of that exclusiveness and intolerance (the very essence of Popery,) which they so justly condemn in their opponents. It were easy to mention at least one special organ of the Evangelical party as an exemplification of my remark; but it is enough to condemn the thing. Far better were it to imitate the spirit in which the Evangelical Newton disputed with the (in one sense) Tractarian Scott, and eventually won over to the truth one of the most untractable spirits

that ever engaged in theological con-
troversy. This spirit of meekness,
combined with untiring patience in
instructing those who oppose them-
selves, will generally in the end pre-
vail; and this is the course which all
true friends of the Church should adopt
at the present time; holding the truth
in love, forbearing controversy, and
yet in meekness instructing those that
oppose themselves.

I remain, Sir, respectfully yours,

To the Editor of the Christian Guardian.

REVEREND SIR,—It was with much
pleasure that I perused the articles
on the subjects of Popery and Trac-
tarianism in the June number of the
Christian Guardian. With the writer
of the article signed "A Protestant,"
I feel convinced of the necessity of a
systematic and bold exertion of Pro-
testants to withstand the growing evil,
ere it is too late. Allow me to suggest,
a useful hint might possibly be taken
from the plans which have been adopted
by the Roman Catholics. I refer to
the following extract, contained in the
article entitled "The Progress of Po-
pery:"-"The bond of union among
the members is simply to recite a
short prayer every day, and to sub-
scribe a halfpenny a-week to the funds
of the Society." Could anything be
better adapted for universal exertion?
Let a society be formed for taking
such measures as shall be deemed,
upon due deliberation, most efficient.

Let branches be established in every town and village in England. Surely persons might be found in the smallest communities, who would be willing to collect these pence from all who were willing to contribute, and

who would undertake the proper distribution of such reports, &c., as might be issued. Juvenile associations should be especially encouraged, because if the young are engaged in the work, we may anticipate a continued and steady resistance. Popery will not be at once baffled, one victory will not terminate the conflict; although repulsed it will re-collect its forces, gain experience from its reverses, be reinforced from head-quarters, and will make redoubled efforts to effect its purpose, efforts which nothing but a steady and uncompromising struggle can resist. I have no doubt but that these remarks will be met by the assertion that a society for promoting the principles of the Reformation is at present in existence. I should be glad to see this institution more generally supported, but still entertain doubts as to its being adapted to the present crisis. No one need discontinue his subscription to the above-named society on becoming a weekly contributor to the one in contemplation.




THE accounts from Ireland are heartrending. We have received letter upon letter each outvying the other in its catalogue of horrors. We

shall not harrow up our readers' feelings by the perusal of them; enough appears in the public papers and elsewhere, to excite the fullest sympathy and most active benevolence.

But dismal as the statements are, light is breaking through the gloom. There is reason to hope that this awful calamity will be overruled by the good providence of God, to the giving a deadly blow to the power of Popery over poor, unhappy Ireland.

We give a few extracts from our letters, bearing upon this all-important point:

66 The accounts from Achill are most cheering. Four fresh Scripture readers required; the schools crowded-all enquiring the way to Zion, and the priest's influence completely at an end." Again, "The priests are now silent. They will not help, and can say nothing against those who do. Persecution is suspended, affliction and misery have opened a wide door: hundreds are flocking to the church. Oh! to be thankful, and humbled, and prayerful. No creature seems to know where it can end; and what is to be done? Tipperary, where the firearms are being purchased, is comparatively rich; but where the judgment is sorest, the Spirit of grace seems poured out.”

Here is another letter from a different quarter:

Kealmalhudad, Dec. 11.

"I am happy to be able to tell you, that exclusive dealing and every other sort of persecution has ceased through all this district, and the work going on prosperously. The school and congregation here have increased lately. There are now twenty convert families, averaging five in each family, and the school attended by between thirty or forty children. We expect it to increase very much

as soon as the weather gets mild. For the last eighteen months, we had little or no access to the converts. A very great change has evidently taken place, so that no regard whatsoever is paid by them to the cursing of the priests. I can speak on the subject of religion to almost every one I meet; and I now find the people willing to be instructed, and to admit their ignorance of religion. May the Lord enable us to go on with steadiness and perseverance, and may he continue to acknowledge and bless the labour of his servants. We have reason to believe he has been with us, otherwise we could not stand against the very powerful attempts that were made to put us down. I am now convinced that nothing can put down the work so successfully carried on hitherto. Many here are made happy by the reading and hearing of God's word, and through grace enabled to rest on Christ our Saviour and on his finished work. The conduct of the priests, in these times of extreme suffering, has tended very much to alienate their affections from them. The distress and suffering here from want of food, is far greater than I could describe. The people are literally starving, and dying very fast. I know some converts here living on one meal in twenty-four hours, and they are considered by some well off. I am much afraid that things will become worse. agricultural pursuits are laid aside, except by a few independent farmers, so that no provision will be made for next year. Men's hearts are failing them. "P. CONNOR."


"Ballybunion, Dec. 7, 1846. "I am sure you will be anxious to hear something of the good work going on here. It is true that Ireland has lost nearly all her support, by the good will (not pleasure) of the Almighty. That is a great loss; but what matter about the potatoes, if only one soul will be saved. My opinion is, that thousands of my

dear countrymen will be benefitted this very year. The poor Romanists are calling on Protestants to teach them, as well as support them. They do not wish to mention the name of O'Connell or the priests; that is a great change, particularly in this parish. The Roman Catholics have put some of their own creed off the Board of Works, and appointed Protestants; among the rest, they have called on me. That is a change; and they told the priest, if he said a word, to let him mark the consequences. That is a change.

"The late storm had driven into this harbour two ships. One became a total wreck. The cargo was plundered by the country people; it was all flour. You will be glad to hear that none of the converts put their hands to anything; not even those that are reading the Bible, and have not yet gone to church. The same day I visited a convert family: the woman of the house told me her children had gone to bed, the night before, supperless. One of those who plundered the vessel came to her to sell some flour at half price. 'No,' said she; it is written in the word of God, "provide things honest in the sight of all men," and therefore I'll have nothing to do with it. I'll trust the Lord; for he said, that he will not forsake me.'

"If ever there was a time that the Lord's people had a right to bestir themselves, it is now; no matter who or what they are clergy or laity they will be heard in one will. This day I have been stopped eight times by a party of men. The last time was in a smith's shop, when I spoke for nearly an hour, telling them that Christ died to save sinners; and also that while they would allow the priests to rule over them, the Lord would be angry with Ireland. That is a change.

"From morning to night, I am out among the people, and will have to go to another place the rest of the week. Oh! that we had more faithful labourers. I hope soon to bring together all the useful men of the barony, so as to put ourselves in a proper order to go out through the length and breadth of the land, pub

lishing peace to the captives, and light to those that are in darkness," Lastly, how cheering to read such accounts as the following from Ventry:

"The general impression of the people seems to be, that this visitation from the Lord is a judgment on the land for the denunciations of priests from Sabbath to Sabbath, for no reason but for reading or hearing the word of God in their own native tongue. Before the inspection (of Irish schools,) was over, I could read the Bible in many houses where I durst not put my head under their roof for the last three years." Then, after a touching picture of the distress of the people-"Many who have long been convinced of the errors of Popery, have come out and joined our church. I think, before one month is over, hundreds will join our church, whatever their motives may be; but we are happy to have them under the sound of the Gospel, which is able to make wise unto salvation. Popery is shaking from its foundations, and the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour getting free circulation among the people in their own native tongue."

It is hoped that the following plan may be generally adopted. It is very desirable to ensure the due relief of the Protestants, and especially the converts, by placing supplies, as much as possible, in the hands of the parochial clergy. Nor is it the least important point, to uphold their health and spirits by such an encouragement. There are fearful symptoms of many a faithful standard-bearer fainting under the present severe pressure. Already we know of some who have been compelled to abandon their posts.

A friend writes, respecting one most devoted clergyman, "I have written to his curate, requesting him to furnish you with a statement, for he is unable to give details, and they have been obliged to keep all from him. I never saw such a wreck in my life. A more joyous Christian, or more robust man than he was a few months ago, you scarcely ever met."

We are more and more impressed

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