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exclusive of national radio and television programs paid for by the national committee or others.

Major expenditures listed by Mr. McGlinn included $315,389 to the Central Campaign Committee of Philadelphia, $93,987 to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Citizens for Eisenhower, $130,000 to the Republican State Committee, $10,000 to the National Citizens for Eisenhower, $22,000 to the Pennsylvania Citizens for Eisenhower, $47,000 for Congressional campaigns, $420,000 to the National congressional and senatorial committees and $100,000 for administration. He said the State Committee had spent about $250,000 more and that the various Eisenhower committees also had spent beyond the contributions he listed.

Joseph McLaughlin, publicity director for the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee, estimated that the committee spent $305.000, including $141,700 for precinct workers at $100 a precinct. He thought the State Committee itself had spent little, possibly no more than $30,000. Labor helped the Democrats out at least to the extent of $93,270.

Rhode Island

The only major campaign cost figure comes from Frank Rao, Democratic state chairman, who said his office had disbursed funds between $90,000 and $125,000. He declined to estimate what had been spent locally, but observers in Providence said the major Democratic spending had been handled through the State fund and that the higher figure cited by the State chairman would nearly cover Democratic costs.

No Republican figures were available because of the absence from the state of Charles H. Eden, state chairman. Newspaper advertising indicated the Republicans outspending the Democrats two-to-one. Mr. Roa estimated that the Republicans had spent twice as much as his party, but impartial observers believed the spread between the parties was not great. Citizens' committees for various candidates spent substantial sums, but their disbursements are not available.

South Carolina

Expense reports are required only from candidates in South Carolina. Best estimates are that at least $200,000 was spent by the major parties. A Democratic official said the party had spent $24,500. South Carolinians for Eisenhower released a report showing $65,770 had been spent. One item was $1,000 for a platform for an Eisenhower rally at Columbia. Another was $50 for a bad check. A study by a University of South Carolina faculty member indicates Republican spending totaled $203,000 and Democratic $38,200.

South Dakota

The Republican State Committee raised $89,713 and spent $76,927, W. R. Wilder, treasurer, reported. Bills of $500 and $1,000 are outstanding. It gave the national committee $20,990 and spent $20,297 on radio, television, and newspaper advertising. Ford dealers sent an estimated $2,500 to the national Eisenhower fund and an organization of professional men for Eisenhower spent small amounts locally. Filing of reports is required by Thursday. Democratic books are in the hands of Ward Clark, State chairman, who was out of the State last week.


Unofficial estimates put campaign costs at $1,000,000, but official statements due Thursday probably will show spending of around $100,000. Tennessee's filing law is vague. Technically first reports are due from candidates and their managers 5 days before election and final reports 30 days after the election. Few candidates and no managers filed preliminary reports.

Final reports filed by Senator-elect Albert Gore, Democrat, and Representative Howard Baker, Republican, show they spent $2,803 and $4,444, respectively. A later report by the Democratic State chairman, Buford Ellington, showing $7,188 expenses for three candidates, listed $3,080 as having been given to Mr. Gore, a discrepancy Democratic headquarters did not explain. An accountant preparing a Democratic State committee report estimated earlier that the committee's spending would be $20,000. No estimate of spending by Volunteers for Stevenson was available.

Guy L. Smith, State Republican chairman, said, "I don't know how much we spent and could not give an estimate now. It was only a nominal amount." Citizens for Eisenhower raised $1,600 at the State level. No figure was available on amounts raised by local units.


Reliable sources indicated that about $1,000,000 had been spent to carry Texas for General Eisenhower, most of it furnished by Democrats following the lead of Gov. Allan Shivers. The Democratic State committee was pratically idle for the campaign, with the Stevenson-Sparkman organization run by Speaker Sam Rayburn, campaigning for the Democratic national ticket.

A person high in the Democrats-for-Eisenhower movement said $250,000 had been spent through the State headquarters, but this did not include what had been spent by units in most of the 254 counties. The State Republican committee disbursed about $500,000, including $263,616 sent to the national committee. In addition a lot of money is reported to have been sent directly by wealthy individuals to the national committees of both parties.

James Sewell, campaign manager of the State Stevenson-Sparkman Club, said the final audit would show that about $110,000 had been spent, and that at least that much more had been expended on the local level.


Campaign costs officially entered November with the secretary of state showed outlays of $80,466. Privately, Democratic officials estimate their campaign cost $100,000 at all levels. Similar Republican estimates put the party's spending at $150,000. Only two things can be said with certainty about the campaign. It was the most costly in the State's history and the Democrats are in the red. State committees are limited to spending $34,383, or 121⁄2 cents per voter. The official report showed the Democratic outlay was $30,772, the Republican $26,069. Vermont

With Vermont's three electoral votes conceded to the Republicans in advance, the main election spending was for State candidates. Negligible amounts were spent on the national races. A Citizens for Eisenhower Committee was the only independent organization in the campaign. It raised and spent $2,197. The Republican State Committee raised $26,000 for the national committee and spent $9,552 to reelect Gov. Lee E. Emerson. Democratic sources raised $2,500 for the national committee and the State organization spent $3,000 for Governor Emerson's opponent, Robert W. Larrow.


Republicans and Democrats for Eisenhower spent $6 for every dollar spent for Democratic candidates. At least $160,628 was raised and spent for the Eisenhower-Nixon slate, while outlays for Democratic candidates are known to have been $32,100. Congressional contests, not broken down by parties, cost about $21,018. Three Republican House candidates were elected, the first in 20 years, and General Eisenhower carried the State by 80,000.

Democrats reported they had a difficult time raising funds and could have made a better showing with more money. Eisenhower groups conceded their liberal support came from persons usually contributing to the Democratic cause. A leader of the Democrats for Eisenhower said $80,000 had been raised by the organization. The State Republican Committee raised $63,000 and sent about half to the national committee. The Democratic State Committee reported its spending between $20,000 and $21,000. In Richmond, Democrats for Eisenhower spent $20,000, a leader of the group said.


Washington had its first million-dollar election. The looseness of the State's filing law makes reports largely meaningless and there is no penalty for failure to file. Top Democrats estimated their costs at $450,000 and $150,000 more was spent on the September primary. A competent estimate of Republican spending put the party's bill at about $528,000, but no figure for the primary was available. Democrats put Republican spending nearer to $900,000 and the Republicans asserted their opponents had spent about $600,000.

Republicans gave the national committee $83,000 and the Democrats sent $8,000 to their national committee. Each party spent something more than $400,000 for individual candidate races.

West Virginia

An incomplete tabulation shows campaign spending in West Virginia of $248,494. A Democratic State Committee report listed $35,285 in contributions and expenses of $26,212. The committee for Senator Harley M. Kilgore, Democrat, spent $24,381.

The Republican State Committee has not filed its after-election report. It is known to have sent $25,000 to the national committee. Preelection statements show the Republican State Executive Committee through October 21 had received $73,600 and spent $78,349. The Republican Finance Committee reported receipts through October 23 at $98,935 and expenses of $87,597. Citizens for Eisenhower received $6,665 and spent $3,570 through October 31, while the committee for Chapman Revercomb, Republican candidate for the Senate, raised $9,175 and spent $3,585 through October 21.


Known campaign spending in Wisconsin by political parties at the State and local level and by candidates totaled $916,636. This was exclusive of $206,029 spent by the Republicans in the primary campaign and $9,165 by the Democrats. The State Republican organization reported expenditures of $577,437 and receipts of $465,914, Democratic State spending amounted to $53,946. Spending by various Republican candidates, their committees and by independent groups, brought Republican spending to at least $792,919. Similarly, the Democratic total was $122,060. Minor parties spent $1,717.

The McCarthy Club for the reelection of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Republican, reported receipts of $60,546 and spending of $34,489. The Senator personally collected $24,087 and spent $18,869, his report shows. Farmers for McCarthy spent $1,875.


Incomplete reports indicate Republican spending amounted to $26,834, and that the Democrats spent $16,439. A preliminary report of the organization for the reelection of Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Democrat, listed among its receipts $1,000 from the CIO, $500 from Averell Harriman of New York, and $500 from a New York group called the National Committee for an Effective Congress. The Wyoming Lincoln League, supporting the Republican ticket, spent $14,750.


The following table was compiled from reports submitted by correspondents of the New York Times on campaign expenditures in 1952. The total figure for the States does not purport to be the total actually spent, but wherever possible, it represents the total according to official reports or the statement of competent party officials.

Where outlays of labor groups went to Democratic candidates, they have been added to the column of Democratic spending.

Differences between the total given and the sum of the Republican and Democratic spending arise because a breakdown of spending by the parties was not always available, as authoritative estimates could not always be balanced with known itemized spending and because in some instances money spent to get out the vote has been included in the total.

Duplications have been eliminated wherever possible and, where there was a variance in estimates, the more conservative figure was used.

An (R) after the State's name means the State went Republican in the Presidential election. A (D) means it went Democratic.

[blocks in formation]

Alabama (D).
Arizona (R).
Arkansas (D).
California (R).
Colorado (R).
Connecticut (R).
Delaware (R)
Florida (R).

Georgia (D).

Idaho (R).
Illinois (R)
Indiana (R).
Iowa (R)

Kansas (R).

Kentucky (D)
Louisiana (D).
Maine (R).
Maryland (R).

Massachusetts (R).
Michigan (R)-
Minnesota (R)
Mississippi (D).
Missouri (R)

Montana (R).

Nebraska (R)

Nevada (R).

New Hampshire (R).

New Jersey (R).



270,000 2, 000, 000




25,000 750,000

920, 582



138,000 809, 130

31, 229

431, 200

[blocks in formation]

138, 700 111,000 123, 200 870,000 636, 564 250,000



18, 800


284, 018


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


(By Clayton Knowles)

WASHINGTON, November 30.-The House of Representatives will open an investigation into campaign spending tomorrow that is widely expected to document the case for raising the $3,000,000 limitation now imposed on spending in a national campaign by one political committee.

Leaders of both parties, many of whom will testify during the first week of the hearings, agree that the advent of television has made it impossible for the parties to maintain even a pretense of financing a national campaign through their regular organizations.

Television time costs in the neighborhood of $33,000 for a choice half hour. The Republican and Democratic National Committees each earmarked at least of their respective $3,000,000 funds this year for television and radio expenses, and, because the final bill was much larger, the difference had to be covered by volunteer organizations.

Representative Hale Boggs of Louisiana, who heads the inquiry as chairman of the Special House Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures, declared today that his group wanted expert opinion on "problems that arise in a videoera campaign."

"The recent campaign added 'jet stops' to the 'whistle stops' and expensive TV rhetoric to the fireside chats," he said. "The enactors of laws which were passed in 1925 and 1939, as were the ones under which we are presently operating, could not possibly have foreseen these drastic changes in campaign techniques and the alarming costs of these techniques."

Mr. Boggs placed the cost of the recent campaign somewhere between $50,000,000 and $100,000,000.

He emphasized that the hearings should not be considered "a partisan political proceeding." The witnesses will include National and State political leaders of both major parties, as well as experts in particular fields.


"These witnesses," he said, "are all experienced in their fields and should be able to assist us materially in accomplishing the duty imposed upon us—that of making sound and constructive recommendations for remedial legislation to the Eighty-third Congress."

Because the parties' national committees cannot foot the whole bill under existing limitations, many auxiliary "citizens" and "volunteer" groups, as well as political subsidiaries of labor unions and other organizations, are playing an increasingly important role in financing national election drives.

Prominent among the witnesses during the first week will be representatives of such organizations.

Following is the schedule of the witnesses:

Tomorrow-Representative Clarence J. Brown of Ohio, Republican national committeeman; Hermon Dunlap Smith and John Paulding Brown, chairman and counsel, respectively, of Volunteers for Stevenson.

Tuesday-Arthur E. Summerfield, the chairman of the Republican National Committee; James P. McGranery, Attorney General, and Neil Staebler, Michigan Democratic chairman.

Wednesday-Stephen A. Mitchell, Democratic National chairman; Walter Williams, chairman of Citizens for Eisenhower; Dr. James K. Pollock, professor at the University of Michigan, and Ralph W. Hardy, director of Government relations for the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters. Thursday-Paul A. Walker, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission; James L. McDevitt, director of Labor's League for Political Education (American Federation of Labor), and Sheriff Thomas E. Whitten, chairman of the Allegheny County Republican Committee of Pennsylvania.

Friday-Robert A. Gray, Florida's secretary of state; Sinclair Weeks, chairman of the Republican Finance Committee, and Norman A. Sugarman, Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

The CHAIRMAN. The committee will adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(Thereupon, at 12: 55 p. m., the committee adjourned until Tuesday, December 2, 1952, at 10 a. m.)

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