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whole legislature. Another, and the only control exclusively vested in the House of Commons is, the annual grant of money for the support of the army. It is in its nature the most effectual: it is the privilege of the House of Commons alone. The constitution allows the other house to reject our votes of supply; but neither to alter their nature nor to increase their amount. It is the peculiar characteristic of the Commons House: it is that which forms our strength and our pride: it is that which has given us a preponderating authority over all measures of state. On this subject we have ever thought that the smallest dangers are to be guarded against with the utmost vigilance. No jealousy has here appeared unreasonable: no encroachments, however slender and unintentional, have been thought too harmless to be repelled. Such, sir, has been our jealousy, and (I may add in justice) your jealousy, of this great privilege in our intercourse with the other house of parliament. What new term can be imagined adequate to the feelings with which we are bound to guard it as a control over a standing army?

and the spirit of the people, when they cannot prevent an encroachment in one quarter, have often gained a compensation in another. But it is never too much to say, that those who contend for the exception must always prove it, and that those who rely on the constitution need only allege it. Where is the proof? It is no ordinary evidence which can outweigh such principles as those now under our consideration—the exclusive right of this house to grant supply, and the danger of every prerogative which may be a source of independent revenue.

It will probably be said, that ministers are responsible for the exercise of this like every other power of the crown. Wherever a power is proved to be legal, responsibility is doubtless our safeguard against its dangers: whereever the creation of a new power is shown to be absolutely necessary, there also we must content ourselves with such security as the responsibility of ministers may afford. But we must not speak of responsibility till either the legality or the necessity of the power be first made out. Responsibility is no reason either for recognizing or for granting political power; it is only a security of a certain value against the abuse of an autho

I am well aware that in every human system, especially in a government so complicated as ours, and formed by the course of cir-rity which legal evidence proves cumstances in a long series of to exist, or urgent danger renders ages, there are anomalies which it necessary to create. must be owned to have the cha- Anciently while our kings deracter of law, though they be ut- frayed their expenses from their terly irreconcileable with the ge- own revenues, with occasional aid neral principles of the constitu- from parliament, there are but tion. These irregularities are, I few traces of parliamentary interam ready to admit, often balanced ference in appropriating public by similar deviations on the oppo- money to particular objects. Afsite side. So that the last result, terwards, when the kings of Enthe just counterpoise of constitu- gland were reduced by a happy tional authority, is maintained.-poverty to that dependence on the The principles of the constitution commons which preserved the

British constitution, they were still considered as contracting to defray the whole expense of the state, on condition of their receiving a certain gross annual revenue. They were allowed to apportion it according to their own judgment, unless where the appearance of great abuse called for investigation, rather for the punishment of delinquents, than for the better regulation of the expenditure. Attempts to improve this practice were made at various times under the princes of the house of Stuart. It was not until the glorious era of the revolution, that the system was established of appropriating all parliamentary grants, by the authority of parliament, to services previously approved by parliament, which gave reality and energy to all the ancient constitutional principles, respecting the power of the purse, created a constant and irresistible control over the public expenditure in this house, and ought to be regarded as the most important reform in the practice of the British constitution which has been effected in modern times. Since that happy period, every part of public law and parliamentary usage on the subject of finance, is consistent and intelligible. We have only to open the journals of this house to comprehend the constitution.


MR. CURWEN. The abuse of the poor laws has transferred from the individual to the public, not merely the charge of providing for the casualties and misfortunes incident to humanity, but for the direct consequences of men's vice and folly. Economy

and forethought are banished; improvidence and immorality encouraged. To restore the respectability and the happiness of the inferior classes, they must be brought back to those manners from which they have swerved. Their general good sense I think as highly of as any man, but, misled as they have been by depending on parochial relief, an immediate and complete reformation is not to be expected. From the debasement which has arisen out of that system, gradually operating for two centuries, half that period may perhaps be necessary before the stain can be removed,—until this can be effected, I would by no means recommend any other than a gradual change in the system. Evidence may there be adduced, that the effect of the present system is to degrade the poor man as well in his own estimation as in that of the persons on whom the charge of maintaining him is devolved,—that his happiness is at an end-his existence embittered. The relief bestowed on him may remove indeed the cravings of hunger, but it is at the expense of all the best feelings of his nature. To restore independence of mind to the labouring classes is an indispensable ingredient in every plan for bettering their situation. Need. there be any other proof requisite of this than the superiority of our people, on the whole, over every other nation. Whence does this arise? Is it not among the blessed fruits of our free constitution, inspiring independence of mind and action, giving consequence in his own eyes to every member of the community? Hence has arisen the glory, the pre-eminence of England. Extinguish the vital spark of liberty, destroy the political

character of the people, and we shall soon sink to a level with countries groaning under despotism! Is it then consistent either with sound policy, or with humanity, that three millions of people, or nearly a third of our population, should be suffered to remain in the degraded state of pauperism? The loss of public estimation takes away a principal incentive to right action, and lessens the influence of moral principle, which places the reward of merit in the esteem of the virtuous. On this ground, beyond all others, does this measure press itself on the consideration of the house.

consists in wanting little: in contradiction to it, worldly or vulgar happiness is to want and enjoy much.-Thus it will be invariably found, that where the earnings are greatest the forethought is least.

From year to year the malady has been augmenting. The amount of the poor rates in 1760, was not quite two millions: in the last fifty-six years they have quadrupled. It will not, I believe, be difficult to assign the causes that have produced this melancholy change, presenting us with such an accumulated prospect of human misery. From 1760 we may date The sums now collected for the a great revolution in the state of poor are an intolerable burthen: the country; from that period we the industrious, who are now com- began to become a great manufacpelled to contribute to the support turing nation; agriculture shortly of the idle and the profligate, after declined. By the politicians though their utmost exertions are of those days it was viewed as a hardly adequate to procure sup- subordinate object. The wealth of port to their own families, are the country was doubtlessly rapiddaily depressed into the class of ly augmented: luxury spread its paupers. It will not be questioned baleful influence through all ranks by those who have paid attention of society. The price of labour to the past and present state of the rose, and the earnings of the workpoor, that their moral conditioning classes were increased, though has undergone a most unfavourable change, and particularly within the last fifty years, during which period the sum collected for their maintenance has quadrupled. The increased wealth of the nation, advancing their wages, has at the same time lessened their happiness. By destroying the principle of economy, their wants have augmented beyond their earnings. The present moment has acquired undue preference, as compared with the future. Much is this change to be lamented, as it operates on their moral and philosophical happiness. Moral happiness dwells in the mind; philosophical happiness

not their happiness. The demand for workmen in the various manufactures transferred to them numbers from the peaceful occupation of agriculture. The habits of their former lives were soon lost: higher wages were obtained, more expensive habits acquired, and no thought taken, or provision made, for any reverse. Temporary depressions of trade occurred; the numbers that were thus at once exposed to hunger and the extreme of misery were too great for private benevolence to succour: so numerous were the demands for parochial relief, that all sense of shame was lost sight of. The plague is not more rapid in

its progress than this malady has proved itself. The example of one great town quickly extended to another, and in a short period pervaded the whole kingdom. To so shameless a pitch is it now arrived, that pauperism is contemplated and calculated on in the very outset of life: instances are not wanting of parties applying immediately after being married for relief from the parish. What was strictly the sole inheritance of misery is now indiscriminately claimed as a 19ght appertaining to all.

dearing relation destroyed. In its place, a principle of savage selfishness pervading all classes-engendering mutual jealousy and hatred. Age, infirmity, youth, idleness, and profligacy, indiscriminately huddled together.

Can any mortal contemplate such a conclusion of life, and not bless the attempt to preserve him from it? I put it to every gentleman's feelings who hears me, if he can doubt the poor of England will hail any change of system which will in its operation secure to them the enjoyment of their peaceful habitation and domestic comforts? Yes, they will gratefully acknowledge to God and you the escape from this misery, which the poor laws now hang over their head.

Every motive of humanity as well as policy calls on us to endeavour to devise means for securing so large a portion of our fellow-creatures from the degrad

To stop the progress of this alarming malady, in modern times, expedients have been resorted to which bear a strong analogy to the policy which produced the act of the 8th and 9th of William and Mary, I mean the erection of workhouses for the reception of the poor. The principal object of these receptacles, seems to have been, not to accommodate the needy, but to deter them from ap-ed situation to which they are replying for relief: as a preliminary, every domestic comfort was to be sacrificed their little property seized for the benefit of the parish-every hope of returning to their fireside extinguished. Who can view these mansions of misery without horror. This springs from that radical error in the administration of the poor laws which confounds vice and virtue, and equally entitles both to relief. To guard against the idle and the profligate, the unfortunate are the victims. Every feeling heart must deplore that a fellow-creature should be exposed to such a cruel alternative.

The best regulated poor houses present a dreadful state of existence, a society with no one common bond of feeling-every en

duced. Eight millions expended, and that without promoting the happiness of one individual who participates in it. If the evil is suffered to proceed, the whole industry and revenue of the country will be inadequate to support the poor-not a comfortable and happy, but a dissatisfied and degraded poor, who discover, when it is too late, that improvidence and want of economy, which makes them a burthen to others, robs them of every comfort of life.

Splendid as is the renown which the nation has acquired by its naval and military exploits, these will not form the most brilliant and striking feature in the future history of the present times. The admiration of succeeding ages will be directed to that revolution

that has operated and is still operating on the moral state of man, by the system of education introduced by Bell and Lancaster, which in its progress, will multiply the happiness of every succeeding age by increasing its habits of virtue and probity. In twenty years we may fairly contemplate that there will scarce be an individual to be found who will not possess the means of making himself acquainted with his duty to God and man.

The blessed effects of a general system of education, I hold equally high with Mr. Whitbread, and consider it as the foundation on which is to be built any system for bettering the condition of the people of England. Whatever can lead men to curb their passions and teach them to oppose the future to the present, must be attended with the most important results to their happiness.

Disposed as I am to look to education as a most powerful auxiliary, so great is the evil with which we have to contend, that it would not, in my humble opinion, be safe to confide in any plan that did not offer not only an equal, but extended scale of support for 'the afflicted. I am neither called on nor disposed to enter into the discussion of any abstract principles. It matters not whether every human being be entitled to a support from the produce of the earth; or that the most imperious duty on man after the payment of debts is, the exercise of charity. I am disposed to allow every latitude that can be required to the claims of misery, and to agree that the exercise of benevolence is the highest source of human enjoy


Nor is the axiom less true that

it is an imperious duty, binding on every mortal, to exert his utmost endeavours for the support of himself and those he has contributed to bring into the world. By the sweat of his brow, man is ordained to earn his bread. No claim can honestly be set up for relief till every effort has been made and failed. The neglect of this princi. ple has brought on the nation the evils it now endures; unless the consent and opinion of the working classes can be brought back to a recognition of this truth, it is in vain to look for relief from any remedy that can be proposed.


May 7th, 1816.

Mr. TIERNEY in reply to Lord Castlereagh, observed, that if ever he saw real fear disguised under a lofty tone-if ever he saw a person attempt to look tall by walking upon stilts (a laugh)-if ever he saw a minister betray a consciousness that he was tottering to his fall, it was on that night, and in the person of the noble lord. (Hear, hear.) The noble lord was mistaken when he attributed to him and his friends the impression prevailing in the public mind against him: they on his side did not deal in sinecures, and such an attempt would be a sinecure. (A laugh.) The house was told that, by voting for the motion, they would withdraw their confidence from ministers. For his own part, he had no confidence to withdraw, for he had never given any; but he differed as to this point; he did not think that the effect of the vote would be to remove the noble lord and his colleagues from his office. He wished to know

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