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And; from the improved state of the morals of the poor it might be hoped, that the sons, at least of those who would be most forward to complain of such an addition (as they might consider it) to the burden of poor rates, might experience some miugation of that evil. For I need scarcely observe, that the project would not be worth attempting, if the proposed instructions were not to go far beyond the customary reach of a threepenny weekly school*. The means of early instruction would thus be open to all, whose parents were willing to embrace them. How far it would be proper to warrant the use of coercion to enforce attendance, might be a fit subject for consideration; but it is to be hoped, that the necessity of having recourse to it, if general accommodation were consulted as much as possible, would occur too rarely to make it appear harsh or offensive. The authority, to which I have above referred, is that of Dr. Adam Smith, and to which, on no occasion contemptible, I venture, in this case, to attribute more than its usual weight; for, in general, he is sufficiently adverse to the too frequent interference of government with the choice and inclinations of the subject; and his very forcible observations on the important consequences which may be looked for from the morals of the poor, according as they are orderly or depraved (never more worthy of attention than in the present state of our poor, and in the present state of Europe) must come with added strength to all who entertain higher notions of the peculiar advantages of a Christian instruction, than that eminent political writer seems to have done. Some expedient of the nature above-mentioned appears to me, for various reasons, so loudly called for, that I cannot mention it without regretting my want of leisure and of talent to do justice to the subject. The measure is, at all events, deserving of serious contemplation, and would certainly be better not attempted, than unwisely executed. I should, therefore, be sufficiently flattered could I but be instrumental to the provoking of a discussion, which may, one day, perhaps, gain some share of notice from your pen; persuaded that

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* An institution under act of parliament perhaps would scarcely em. brace the various objects proposed in "An Essay on the Importance of Schools of Industry and Religious Instruction, &c. by Robert Acklom Ingram, B. D." but the remainder would furnish an easier task for pri vate beneficence to accomplish. 29

Vol. VIII. Churchm. Mag. May 1805

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the ablest champions of our establishinent, comprising Church and State, need not think it beneath them to bear a part in it, e

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I am, dear Sir,

Your very sincere friend,
And humble servant,

R. I.

On the Latin Words Græcised, employed by the Writers of the New Testament.



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Naddition to my statement of the opinions of Mr. Evansou, inserted in your Magazine for last Month, I wish to lay before your readers a specimen of the argu ments which that Gentleman brings to prove that the major part of the canonical scriptures of the New Testa ment are spurious.

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In his Dissonance of the four generally received Evangelists (p. 28.) we have these words. There is however another circumstance in this story of the demoniae, as also in the passage cited as objectionable in the Acts of the Apostles, which if considered as it deserves, appears very satisfactorily to evince the spuriousness of both the pas sages, and even to point out nearly the date of their interpolation: which is, that the word legion in the first, and the words aprons and handkerchiefs in the second, are not Greek, but Latin words written in Greek characters." He then proceeds to bring forward his reasons for thinking that such terms evince the spuriousness of the passages in which they ate contained, which are too long to insert here, and afterwards draws this conclusion; "It is not probable that common Latin words were adopted into the Greek language by any, and still less so by good writers, till after the arms and arrogant haughtiness of the Romans and the servile adulation of the conquered provinces, had been carried to their greatest height; that

, till the latter end of the reign of Trajan, or beginning of the second century of the Christian æra." (p. 29, 30.).

He says he does not recollect any Greek writer of note who has adopted such a practice prior to the Historian Herodian, in the third century, and that it is evident it was not in use some time after the writing of St. Luke's histories, because Josephus does not give into it (p. 30.) After some further observations on St. Luke's own practice, &c. he thus concludes his argumentation. "I'muşt confess that this single circumstance of the language strikes my mind so strongly that I suspect every passage and writing, wherein it is tonnd, to be either an interpolation or fiction of no earlier date than the beginning of the second century; and if corroborated by other cir cumstances of inconsistency or great improbability, it affords me a full conviction of their spuriousness and want of Apostolic authenticity." (p. 32.)

Who would not suppose, when he reads all that Mr. E. has so confidently advanced upon this question, that he had made himself master of his subject, and was sure of his ground, before he ventured to rear such a superstructure upon it; that he had himself consulted, not only Herodian and Josephus, but all the Greek authors that treat of Roman affairs, and after a careful and minute investigation had found that none of them employed Latin words græcised? But no such thing. Testimony, with this gentleman, we know possesses little weight. He appears to have been satisfied by his own reasoning that such a thing could not be, and then, with his usual precipitation, committed himself upon it to the public, bringing it forward as an argument to prove that large portions of scripture are forgeries.

I shall now, having myself a great respect for testimony, bring forward one sufficient witness, who will level this whole hypothesis, ingenious as it may seem, with the ground; and this witness shall be that honest and respectable Greek historian Polybius, who wrote a century and half before Christ, and who græcises the Roman military terms. I first learned this from Parkhurst's Lexicon upon the Greek Testament, under the word ay, but not having this author in my own collec tion, I applied to a learned friend who has, that I might ascertain the correctness of Parkhurst's assertion. He replied to my queries in these words, "I have no Paris

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edition of Polybius, but I find in my edition, Lib. vi. the words τριαρίες, πρίγκιπας, αγατες, κεντυρίωνας, δεκυριωνές, all these occur two or three times in the chapter. Polybius renders Velites προσφοφόρος, and centuriones sometimes ταξιάρχες. He uses the word extraoperapies, but this he thinks necessary to interpret iets apex occurs too. It is proper to observe that the words above mentioned are found nearly together or in a few following pages which contain an account of the Roman militia; I am not sure that they occur elsewhere in the work; legion is usually rendered sparos. I cannot find in him the words you quote from the New Testament, but I think they probably may be found were the work of Polybius to be read through with the view of seeking for them at any rate he seems to have familiarized the Greeks to Latin war terms to such a degree, as to make the continuance of such an adoption of Latin terms, easy to his followers."

In a postscript to his letter my friend makes an observation upon the subject I am upon, which I think too sensible and judicious to be lost."

Since sealing my letter it has occurred to me (though I know not that the opinion is worthy of attention) that possibly some, if not all, of the words which you have quoted from the New Testament, may not have been græcised by the Apostles directly from the Latin, but may have been before introthiced from the Latin into the Hebrew tongue of the Apostles' time, and so græcised by the Apostles from the Hebrew; thus pay may be formed from the Hebrew, a word evidently made from, and of the same meaning as flagellum, and what renders this almost certain is, that if the Greek word had been formed directly from the Latin it would have been payor and not Φραγελλίον ; on the other hand it would be φραγελλιον if form

”.פרגול ed froin the Hebrew

The same reason also might be assigned for its being σιμικίνθιον, and not σημαίνθιον as Hederic would have it.

Though St. Luke upon other occasions does not use the "word Aye, yet here he was not at liberty to alter it for here he was recording a Name not speaking of a thing. The dæmons said their name was mab (Gr. λeyewv) it would have been quite absurd if the Evangelist had given it σπειρα, Οι τρατοπεδος.

Ex uno disce omnes

From this instauce we may learn what little dependence is to be placed upon the arguments which Mr. E.


has adduced to invalidate the canon of the New Testament. If he could not submit to sober and impartial investigation in a case which so glaringly demanded it, can it be expected that he has in others. In fact, as far as I have considered his work, the bulk of his reasoning lies open to similar objections. His love for his heretical opinions urged him to bring forward precipitately and inconsiderately every argument in favour of them, that he could clothe in a specious dress.

April 22, 1805.







FEEL great pleasure in addressing a remark, which I think it necessary to make, to a publication which appears to me to be conducted on exemplary principles, with regard to both religion and politics. I see, with pleasure, a constant adherence to the established religion of the church of England, and to the excellent constitution of this kingdom, continually enforced and maintained, without the fulsome arrogance, of everlasting egotism, or the insolent clamour of perpetual vituperation. Avoiding every boast of your own religion and loyalty, you employ the best means of imparting those qualities to others; and, in your work, wit and learning, mirth and argument, combine in the same important cause. I do not make this eulogy in the hope of procuring attention to my communication, but as a genuine effusion of approbation: if my letter is not worth inserting, you will of course reject it; but I assure you neither hope nor fear can influence me to abstain from declaring, unreservedly, those sentiments which I feel sincerely.

I am not a very old man, but have been some years married, and lately sent my son to an academy near town. At his departure, following the recollected example of my own parent, I put into his hands a new Bible: on his return for the holidays, I saw, with surprise and regret, that it was still new. When I was at school, which is


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