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Laftly, In the felection of tracts, the greatest care fhould he taken not to diftribute any of a fectarian tendency, or with the leaft allufion to political subjects; and am happy to say, that their idea appears to have been kept in view in all the publications of the above Society. M. A.


A gentleman wishing to convey, together with a gentle reproof, a useful leffon to his Gardener, who had omitted from day to day to prop a valuable fruit-tree, until it was in confequence damaged by the late high wind, obferved, "You fee, Gardener, the danger of putting off from day to day the doing of any neceffary work: yet in this way foolish men defer their repentance from one day to another, until in fome unexpected moment, the wind of death comes, and blows them into eternity."

A Lady who once heard Mr. Romaine, expressed herselt mightily pleafed with his difcourfe, and told him afterwards, that the thought he could comply with his doctrine, and give up every thing but one. And what is that, Madam" Cards, Sir," You think you could not be happy without them?" No, Sir, I know I could not.' "Then Madam, they are your God, and they must fave you." This pointed and just reply is faid to have iffued in her converfion.


Affurance encourages believers in their combat; but does not deliver them from it. We may have peace with God, when we have none from the affaults of Satan. Dr. Owen.

To fhew us the worth of time, God, most liberal of all other things, is exceeding frugal in the difpenfing of that; for he never gives us two moments together, nor grants us a fecond till he has withdrawn the firft, ftill keeping the third in his own hand, fo that we are in a perfect uncertainty whether we fhali have it or not. Fenelon.

The true manner of preparing for the laft moment, is, to spend all the others well, and ever to expect that. Idem. We doat upon this world, as if it were never to have an end; and we neglect the next, as if it were never to have a beginning. Fenelon.

Spiritual peace and fpiritual floth will never dwell. together in the fame confcience. Dr. Owen.


Sound Doctrine. Extracted from the Writings of the most Eminent Reformed Divines. Tranflated from the French. Hazard, Bath. Mawman, London. 12mo. Pp. 310. Price 3s. 6d.


the happy revival of an active fpirit of zeal for the diffufion of the everlafting gofpel, we remark, with particular pleasure, the various publications tending to imprefs the confcience with a deeper fenfe of the truths once moft furely believed among us. The prefent extracts, from the most respected fources of the French Proteftant church, and her most diftinguished divines, will fhew that, whatever darkness bigotted fuperftition, or proud philofophy may have caft over that once illuminated region, we may ftill hope that a like spirit may be again stirred up, as glowed in the bofom of thofe venerable men. whofe names grace the pages here produced, and fpeak the found doctrine which they taught, and their congregations held.

It is a strong encouragement to attempt anew the introduction of these evangelical truths into France, that it is a foil in which they once had taken deep root; and probably many individuals might yet be found, among the too general apoftacy, holding faft the faithful word, and reading the book of God, and the works of thefe found divines, in which, though dead, they yet fpeak; and speak a uniform language, teftifying to the glory of their Divine Mafter, and fhewing forth the riches of his grace in all its divine fulness. May the Spirit of God more abundantly diffuse the sweet favour of this grace in every land!

The Confeflions of Faith of the Walloon and Reformed in France, are in unifon with our own; and the teftimony of Daille, Despagne, De Bofc, Du Moulin, Durand, Euftache, Farel, Guelter, Heidegger, Leger, Meftrezat, Ofterwald, Pictet, Spanheim, Superville, Turretin, Wefenfels, Calvin, and others, with the Heidelberg Catechifin, all speak one language, teach one faith, and one Lord.

The collector of this precious affemblage of teftimonies from this bright hoft of confeffors, has furnished a rich treat on the various fubjects of his works; which might, indeed, be all reduced to this one point, That "Jefus Chrift crucified is the foundation, the centre, the substance, the all in all of religion."

This collection was first published in French at Bafil, in 1769, with the approbation of the Dean of the Theological Faculty. We understand the author was a Swifs minifter, whofe life was fpent in the zealous labours of the miniftry, and whom God greatly bleffed and owned. It will be found, we truft, amidst the too general and awful departure from the gofpel in Switzerland and Geneva, as well as France, that a " few names yet remain even in Sardis, who have not defiled their garments, and fhall walk with their divine Saviour in white, for they are worthy." The Lord revive his work in the midst of the years, and increase their number univerfally! Perhaps the new order of things now arifing, with whatever inaufpicious commencements refpecting the gofpel of Chrift it may have been begun, may be fo ordered and fettled by Him who rides in the whirlwind, and directs the ftorm, as to iffue in his more abundant glory, and the triumphs of the truth as it is in Jefus.

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An Attempt to exhibit the Meaning and Connexion of Romans v. 12, &C. particularly fhewing how they apply to the certain Salvation of all Infants. Pp. 30. Price is. Faulder. 1800.

THE feriptures are exprefs and full refpecting the everlasting condition of thofe perfons to whom they are addreffed: "He who believeth, fhall be faved; he who believeth not, shall be damned." About the state of angels, heathens, or any who die in infancy, little is faid; divine revelation being adapted to promote our own falvation, not to gratify our curiofity concerning others. The future state of infants is, however, a subject highly interefting to human feelings, and peculiarly to thofe of parents. Several good and great men have laboured to establish, upon fcriptural ground, the certainty that all infants are faved; while they have differed confiderably in the arg ments adopted by them for the purpofe. The writer of this fmall pamphlet obferves, that Dr. John Taylor, Prefident Edwards, and Dr. Chauncy, have detected the errors of predeceffors, but have fubftituted others of their own. He refts his argument chiefly upon the 15th verfe of the fifth chapter to the Romans; apprehending, that by the "many who are dead," are meant infants, “that "had not finned after the fimilitude of Adam's tranfgreffion ;" and that much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jefus Chrift, hath abandoned to the fame many;" inferring thence," that the benefit to the infant pofterity of Adam univerfally extends, beyond their deliverance from death, to pofitive future felicity." The next two verfes he understands of Adam's adult pofterity.

The author limits the effects of Adam's fin upon his infant pofterity to temporal death, confidering future mifery as annexed only to actual tranfgreffion. Accordingly, he paraphrafes v. 19, in thefe words: "As in confequence of the one difobedient, many will, by becoming finners, and 'continuing in fin, receive the wages of fin, which is the fecond death; fo many will, notwithstanding they are finners, by the obedience of Chrift, be treated as righteous, and partake of eternal life." p. 22. It feems improbable that zadinu, which fignifies to conftitute, and is here twice tranflated "made," fhould be used in senses so different as thofe expreffed in this paraphrafe.

The information, candour, and benevolence, difcovered in this attempt, recommend it to acceptance; and the arguments form a defireable fupplement to thofe which others have advanced upon this interefting topic, particularly in an Effay intitled, Infant Salvation, respectfully quoted by the Author, and printed for Button in 1793.

Captivity without Dominion, experimentally confidered: in a Sermon preached at Waltham Abbey, on Romans vii. 23, by W. Brackett. Sudbury, printed Button, London. p. 36. Price 6d.

THAT being brought into captivity to fin, and being under its dominion, are not only diftin&t circumstances, but incompatible with each other, is the pofition which the author aims to establish in this difcourfe. He ap pears to be aware of the difficulty of his fubject. To enter fully upon all the different diftinctions of the law in the members, and the law of the -mind, he thinks," is not to be expected in the present state." He confiders the "law of the mind" as difpofing the will; but that "what may be denominated affection, being thought with approbation, liking, or defire, feems to be a medium of exercife both to a principle of grace, as the law


of the mind, and indwelling fin, as the law in the members." We doubt whether practical chriftians, in general, will be able to avail themselves of this diftinction, under the prevalence of temptation, as it will certainly not be eafy to difcern the difference of " thought with approbation, liking, or defire, "from the operation of the will." They may, however, derive benefit from the perufal of this difcourfe, as it is written in a fenfible and profitable manner. In recommending its general tenor, we think it need. ful to fuggeft fome caution, relative to a paffage in p. 5, and another in p. 13; in which we think the author has been carried by his system beyond fcriptural ground. In the firft, he says, believers" never were liable (in the proper fenfe of the word) to the wrath or difpleasure of God," &c. If they were not, we cannot fee it neceffary that Chrift fhould fuffer in their ftead, or should make interceflion for them. In the latter, he uses expreffions equally unguarded: "If many perfons will harangue and infift much on the duty of all men to love God, I prefume they cannot mean the exercise of an affection peculiar to the influence of a divine principle, as the law of the mind." We, on the other hand, presume that the terms in which the first great command is given, cannot be understood otherwise; and that it is the command of God which alone constitutes duty.

The Clofe of the Eighteenth Century improved. A Sermon, preached at
Princes Street Chapel, Dec. 28, 1800. By CH. BUCK. Published by
request. 8vo. p. 48. Price is. Chapman, &c. London.
THIS is a good fermon, and contains much information. It compre-

hends a fummary of what has been done among us in the last century to promote the interefts of religion, and the various inftitutions which have been established for that purpofe. The names of fome of the most distinguished inftruments in effecting the late revival of religion are mentioned; and, from the confideration of the divine benediction upon their efforts, the preacher earnestly addreffes his hearers, and exhorts them to redouble their diligence in the fervice of the Lord.

Eight Village Dialogues, between Farmer Littleworth and Thomas Newman, Rev. Mr. Lovegood, Parfon Dolittle, and others. By Row. Hill, A. M. 12mo. pp. 126. 15. fewed. 15. 6d. bound. Williams,

OUR opinion of the excellency of thefe dialogues is fufficiently evident from our inferting them in the body of the work; and the fame circumftance makes it unneceffary to give extracts. We have no doubt but the public opinion will coincide with our own, and give them an extent of circulation proportionate to their merit. Befide their religious tendency, they difcover traits of real genius and originality. All the characters are fo accurately drawn, and every incident fo naturally introduced, that, unless we are deceived by the partiality of friendship, they will rank with the most popular productions of the age; and we fincerely hope, they will be as useful as they are inftructive and entertaining.


FOUR Sermons before the Miffionary Society, May 1801, by the Rev. H. Mends, W. Roby, J. Cooke, and W, Tyler, to which is prefixed the Annual Report, &c. 2s. 6d. Chapman,

Divine Authority of the Bible; or, Revelation and Reason opposed to Sophiftry and Ridicule; being a Refutation of Paine's Age of Reason. Parti and 2. By R. Thompfon. 12mo. 2s. Higham.

Poverty, and other Poems, Religious and Moral. By Charles A, Allnatt. 12mo. 2s. Matthews.


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Poetical Verfion of certain Pfalms. By R. Cumberland, Efq. 29. Rivingtons.


Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progrefs, with Original Notes, Preface, and the Life of the Author. By T. Scott, Chaplain to the Lock. No. 1, 2, and (to be completed in 9 monthly Nos.)8vo, with Engravings is. each. Seeley. The Evangelical Clergyman; or a Vindication of the Religious Principles and Conduct of a Minister of the Gospel, By G. Hodfon. $vo. Is. Williams.


The Nonconformist's Memorial, No. 1 and 2, with elegant portraits New Edition improved. (To make 3 volumes when complete.) Price each No. 1s. Button and Son.

A Charge to the Clergy of Bedford. By R. Shepherd, D. D. Mawman. Advice to a Minifter of the Church of England, &c. By J. Naple aon, D. D. 2s. 6d. Sacl and Co.

The Revelation of St. John compared with itfelf and other parts of Scripture. 28. Hurft.

A new and large Collection of Hymns and Pfalms. By the Rev. J. Deacon. Symonds.

Dialogue between a Churchman and a Methodift. 1s. Rivington.

Real Religion, exemplified in the Experience of Mrs. Agnes Beaumont. Written by herself. Revifed, &c. by S. Burder. 12mo. 2d. Button and Son. Letters to Dr.Ryland, on his "First Lie refuted," By J. Rowe. 6d. Do. The Partiality, &c. of Socinian Zeal, in Reply to the above. By J. Ryland, D. D. 1s. 6d. Button and Son.

The Example of Chrift a Motive to Benevolence. By. G. R. Ward. Is Hurft.

Dr. Gill's Reafons for Separating, &c. calmly confidered by R. Hart, M. A. 18. Rivington.

The Important Question at Iffue, &c. in a Letter to the Editors of Zion's Trumpet. By J. Hey. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Button and Son.

Reply to Ditto. By T. Biddulph. 6d. Rivingtons.

Oriental Dialogues on the Spirit and Beauties of the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. 8vo. Cadell and Davies.

Poems tranflated from the French of Madam Guion. By the late W. Cooper, Efq. To which are added fome Original Poems not in his Works. 18mo, 3s. Williams.



MAY 7th, 1800, died Mrs. H. wife of Mr. H. needlemaker, Atwood, near Aleefter. Born of pious parents, it was her privilege to be called regularly to the duties of divine worship, both public and domeftic and on these duties, from very early life, the difcovered a readiness to attend; yet was there perceived no clear mark of inward piety until The drew towards the age of twenty, when, being afflicted with a fever, the converfation of Minifters and other Christian friends was rendered ufeful to her foul. The work, which appears to have been at this period begun, advanced rather in a gradual way for feveral fucceeding years; and, in January 1793, the joined the Baptist Church at Alcefter, where the continued a much-refpected member to the end of her days.

The diforder, which terminated in her death, commenced February 1799, and was pronounced by the faculty hydro-thorax, or an accumulation of water in her cheft. During the last three or four weeks, her departure

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