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Manufactures, fc.


Vol. VI.

November 1, 1825.


VIEWS OF COUNTRY SEATS. STONEHAM-PARK, HANTS, THE SEAT OF JOHN FLEMING, ESQ. M.P. STONEUAM-Park, about nine miles grounds were originally laid out by south from the city of Winchester, that master of landscape-gardening, and five miles distant from South Lancelot Brown, but have been since ampton, is situated in a beautiful his time very considerably improved. and finely varied part of Hampshire, The mansion has been lately erectwatered by the meanderings of the led by the present proprietor, and is Itchen, the rising hills and open 1 constructed of fine white brick, with plains of which are delightfully in | all its architectural adornments of terspersed with rich woodland scene- Portland stone. It stands on a site ry. The park is not less than five well chosen for its picturesque beaumiles in circumference, commanding, | ty, commanding a distant view of the from various situations, a change of Southampton water, bounded by the prospect of the most pleasing kind. New Forest and the Isle of Wight. It is well wooded, containing, besides The principal front is towards the a number of judicious plantations, || west, upon which is a noble portico some very old forest - trees, and of four columns, with an appropriate abounds with deer. The Belvidere pediment. The peculiarly graceful Lodge at the upper part of the park, proportions of the Ionic order were erected after designs by Mr. Hop never more happily displayed than per, is probably the most splendid in this entrance; it is alike creditin the kingdom, as well from the in- | able to the taste and ability of Mr. comparable beauty of its situation, Hopper, the architect, and demands as from the remarkable taste display- | unqualified admiration. ed in its architecture. The pleasure- A bold entablature is continued Vol. VI. No. XXXV.


round the mansion; and upon the land, who was held in “ especial south is a corridor, designed in cor- grace and favour both by Queen responding taste, with columns re- || Elizabeth and James I." and died in sembling those of the portico, the the year 1613, at the age of sixtywhole height of the building. Upon cight. The monument bears his efthis front the edifice rises from a figies and that of his lady in the rich beautifully wooded glen, through costume of that period. Here is also which is conducted a very handsome a monument to the memory of Adand extensive sheet of water. On miral Lord Hawke, bearing the arms the north are the offices, screened of his family, together with a repreby trees in the front. Within the sentation of the battle with Conflans park is the parish church of North in Quiberon bay in 1759. His lordStoneham, a pleasing object, con- | ship died October 17, 1781, aged taining several monuments of the seventy-two. John Fleming, Esq. Flemings, from the age of Elizabeth the present proprietor of Stonehamto the present time. One of them Park, is a representative in Parliacommemorates Sir Thomas Fleming, ment for the county. Knight, Lord Chief Justice of Eng


THE SEAT OF ALEXANDER BARING, ESQ. M.P. Tuis magnificent structure was. The mansion, on the south and commenced, and the centre or prin- western sides, is fronted by a broad cipal part built, by Inigo Jones; but || and handsome terrace, ascended in the classical alterations and additions, the centre of each front by a flight by Mr. Wilkins, on the model of the of steps of considerable width. At Parthenon, leave scarcely any trace the angles of the terrace are piers, of the original design. It is highly | the projection of which breaks the creditable to the taste and judgment uniformity of surface on this noble of Mr. Wilkins, that he could thus basement. The north wing, design. introduce these improvements with led and built by S. P. Cockerell, in a out razing the original building, which corresponding style of architecture, must always attract some degree of is upon an extensive scale, containing curiosity as the work of Inigo Jones. a grand suite of apartments, con

On the south side stands a superb | nected with a beautiful conservatory, portico, the elegant proportions of richly supplied with a great variety which are those of the same Grecian of exotics. The offices are not yet model. It consists of eight Auted finished. The present possessor is columns, without bases, resting upon daily adding to the improvements of a grand flight of steps, and support the house and demesne. ing an entablature, which is continu- il The view from the portico is beaued round the entire building. Upon | tiful beyond description, including the metopes, between the triglyphs, || an interestingly continued variety of are sculptured wreaths of laurel. wood, water, open grounds, and im

These are the only enrichments of provements, heightened by the spire the frieze, which is surmounted by a | of the village church rising amidst bold cornice.

'the foliage; all

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