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troversy, they were without sin. Jesus Christ knew no sin, and yet Satan attacked Him, and haunted and followed Him as perhaps, he never attacked and haunted and followed any other being, and that just because He was the best and holiest and most Godlike being that ever walked the earth. The devil saw Him and hated Him, perhaps as he had never hated a being before. Hence, he must either have flown from Him or flown at Him. He flew at Him, but only to be hurled back again and trampled upon and bruised. If you are a good copy of your Example, your Original, he will see the resemblance, see it before anyone else, and he will feel something of the old hatred and fly at you. But as He, your Master, overcame, so may you, so shall you, if you are a faithful soldier, and you shall sit down with Him on His throne even as He has sat down on His Father's throne. But remember that resemblance to Christ, rather than saving you from temptation, will only the more certainly bring it upon you.

THIS IS NOT AN EXPERIENCE SO HIGH UP THAT YOU WILL BE SAVED FROM INFIRMITIES.-We came into the world with minds and bodies diseased and deranged as the result of sin. Our fathers, a good way back, have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth have been set upon an edge. We reap-in our imperfect memories and damaged perceptions and emaciated and diseased bodies-the result of their transgressions and also of our own. Hence, mentally, we are prone to make mistakes, all sorts of mistakes; while, bodily, the worship we give and the service we render to the Great God of

Heaven is marred and disfigured. But these infirmities cannot justly be accounted sins. I cannot condemn myself for what I cannot help. If I have a crook in my leg or a twist in my eye, no power can make me blame myself for my limping gait or my defective vision. They are infirmities and not sins -infirmities which render my service all imperfect contrasted with the pure service of perfect beings, but which imperfection is more than met and covered by the all-atoning sacrifice of my Saviour.

The requirements our loving Father makes upon his children are graduated to their ability. If I am strong I must serve with my strength, if I am weak, according to my weakness. If I am wise I must serve with my wisdom, if I am ignorant according to the little light I possess. If I have ten talents I must use every one of them, if I have only one that one must be made the most of for His glory and the good of souls. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart." Therefore, whether it be a big heart or a little heart, so that it be laid on the altar and filled with His love; whether in this sense it be a perfect or an imperfect heart, He will be content. The work may be very imperfect, but if the eye has been single and the intention pure, if the worker has been perfectly offered and sprinkled and accepted, God will be pleased and satisfied, and say, amidst the plaudits of angels, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

The War Cry, No. 12.-MARCH 13, 1880.





THIS is a question, as we have already intimated, of thrilling interest to every really converted soul. Hunger and thirst after all inward and outward rightness with God and before Him is natural to the spiritual man. And the possibility of complete deliverance must, whatever be his opinion, interest him, and deserve his most careful attention.

Can I be saved from sinning and from sin here? I know, you know, we all know, that we shall have deliverance there, in the new heavens and the new earth, but what about this very earth in which we are compelled to live for the present, can I love God with all my heart here in this town, in this house? Aye, in this poor body, with all its aches, and pains, and infirmities, with devils tempting me and men opposing me, and the mighty work of winning souls to Jesus on my hands, is it my Father's good pleasure to give me NOW that inner

hidden kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost? That is the question; and that is a question of surpassing importance to every redeemed soul whose eyes shall rest on this paper.

IT MEANS HAPPINESS! Sin is the great evil of your existence. Perhaps you have thought otherwise. The Devil's great interest is to delude you by making you feel that your happiness is dependent on your circumstances. You used to think so in an unsaved state. You said then, if you could only secure some form or other of earthly treasure you should be blessed. And now, you say, with Christ and something else you will be happy. Give me this or that and Jesus, and it shall be all right. But it was not so then, and it is not so now. God is your great good. You were made to enjoy Him. He, and He only, can fill and satisfy your soul. Sin separated you from God before conversion, and now sin dulls your senses and clouds your vision, and prevents God manifesting Himself in all His glorious power within you.

Peter told the Jews that God, having raised up His Son Jesus, had sent Him to bless them. But how? By destroying the Roman yoke, and making them again a great, free, powerful nation? No! By the completion of their beautiful temple, and the revival, in all its pomp and magnificence, of that temple's ritual and service? No! By sending them trade, and commerce, and plenty, and health, and friendships, and all the desired relationships of family life? No? How then? Oh, Hallelujah! By turning every one of them away from his iniquities. That was the Lord's plan for making

the Jews blessed; but they would not have it, and rejected it and Him who brought it, and the great bulk of them clung to their iniquity, although it was the deadly poison which drank up their life's joy, and shut out from them the great Healer, and Saviour, and Joy Giver, and died and were damned in it. And so with you, dear reader. God has sent Jesus to you on the same heavenly, benevolent errand. He comes to your heart to bless, and gladden, and satisfy; but he comes to do it in this very way. He cannot do it in any other, and that is by turning you away from your iniquities. They are the asps whose venom poisons the springs of gladness in your soul. He has come to destroy them, the works of the devil,-all of them, big and little; and the little-if any of them can with propriety be so called-no less than the big; to destroy them root and branch, fruit and flower, and leaves and branches, and stem and root,-the whole Upas tree must go! His mission to you,- His mission of mercy, and blood, and sacrifice,—is to make an end-a complete end-of sin in your soul. So shall ye have peace and abiding joy, and in no other way.

IT MEANS USEFULNESS. You want to be of some service to the Master, and to your brethren, and to poor perishing sinners. Very good. This, too, is a never absent instinct of a divine nature. To win souls to Christ, and to nurse and strengthen them when they are won. To be a saviour of men. Hallelujah. You are such in some measure already. You have His spirit, and are ever and anon about His business. But you are feeble and inconstant.

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