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when the words are separated by a sign of punctuation, or when the sense admits of a pause? * (c) Is not r or c, when the penultimate consonant, often carried over instead of the final? (Gr. pp. 96, 97.)

3. Read: (a) Vous-z ave-z appris-z à connaître les-z hommes. Je le veux-z aussi. C'est-t un-n écrivain, et (the t of the conjunction et is never sounded) un grand-t écrivain. Rang-k élevé. Neuf-v heures. (b) 1. To-n ami; bo-n enfant. Courtisan avide; le ton est trop bas. 2. Dites aux-z uns et aux-z autres. C'est-t un-n attentat atroce. 3. Femmes, enfants, tout fut massacré. Je veux et je peux. C'est bon et beau. (c) Abord-r agréable. La mort-r épouvante. Aspect-kt importun. 4. State which final consonants are generally silent, and which are generally pronounced, when a word is used by itself or followed by a consonant or aspirate h (Gr. p. 97, c).‡

§ 5.

1. In what instances is a small letter required in French, whereas a capital letter is used in English? (Gr. p. 1.) Translate: (a) Le mois de janvier; c'est aujourd'hui lundi. (b) Il apprend le français; le peuple français. (b) Le prince de Condé a-t-il déplu à Sa Majesté, à Votre Majesté? (c) Croyezvous que je réussisse ?-2. Are French words divided into SYLLABLES S in the same way as English words? (Gr. p. 1.) Read the following, dividing them into syllables: § Utilité, abbé, anatomie, compagnon.

§ 6.

Orthographical Signs and Endings.-1. How many French accents are there, and what is their use? (Gr. p. 2, foot-note '*.') Which vowels admit of the acute accent? which admit of the grave? which admit of the circumflex? Account for the treble use of every accent in the following words: décédé, témoin, répartir. Père, crème, dès. Frêle, forêt, dû. 2. What is the use of the apostrophe (')? What are the three vowels which may be replaced by the apostrophe, and when does their elision take place? Parse the words in italies: l'acteur, je l'admire; l'actrice, je l'admire; s'il n'était pas si

There are a few other exceptions which will be found in the Gr. p. 97.
Observe that 'c' when carried over is always pronounced as a k.

See in GUESDON's French Examination Handbook (p. 288) a list of the

words beginning with an aspirate h.

§ What is a SYLLABLE? (Gr. p. 1, foot-note "¶)

imprudent, il ne s'exposerait pas ainsi. [Does elision ever take place before oui, onze, onzième, ouate, uhlan, yacht, yatagan, yole, yucca'? When does the elision of final e take place in lorsque, puisque, quoique'? in quelque'? in 'jusque*'? in presque in entre'? in 'grande? (See Gr. p. 2, foot-notes '+' and '.']—3. What is the use of the CEDILLA? of the DIERESIS? of the HYPHEN? Read: (a) Façade, leçon, reçu. (b) 1. Noël, naïveté, saül; 2. ouï, oui. (c) 1. Parlé-je? a-t-il ? a-t-elle ? a-t-on ? dis-moi; 2. arc-en-ciel, vingt-deux, c'est-àdire.-4. What are the English ENDINGS equivalent to the following French ones-aire, el, eur, eux, ie, ien, if, ique, isme, asme, iste, oire, té (of abstract nouns), fier (of verbs)?. Translate: 1. Militaire;† 2. éternel, cruel; 3. erreur, faveur; 4. modestie; 5. comédien; 6. actif; 7. comique; 8. despotisme; 9. pléonasme; 10. artiste; 11. gloire; 12. beauté; 13. modifier (Gr. p. 97, § 127).




§ 7.

Classification and Definitions (Gr. pp. 2-4).-1. How many PARTS OF SPEECH (Parties du Discours) are there in French? Name them (Gr. p. 2).—2. What is a noun or substantive ? How kinds of nouns are there? What is a proper noun ? many What is a common noun ? When is a common noun called 'collective' ? When is a common noun called 'abstract'? Parse the following words: Alexandre; roi, troupe, courage (Gr. p. 3).-3. What is an article? How many kinds of articles are there? Give the definition of each, and remark on the nature of what is generally called 'partitive article' (Gr. p. 3, and foot-note '*'). Parse the words in italics: Le fromage, un fromage, du fromage.-4. What is an adjective ? How many kinds of adjectives are there? Give the definition of each of them (Gr. p. 3). What name might be given to all other adjectives than those qualifying? (Gr. p. 3, foot-note '.') Parse the words in italics: Beau livre; ce livre; mon livre; un ou deux livres; le deuxième volume; quelque livre.—5. What is a pronoun? How many kinds of pronouns are there? Give

* Before a vowel, as 'jusqu'à, au, ici, en, alors,' &c.

+ The ending aire of nouns or adjectives is gencrally changed into ary.

the definition of each of them (Gr. p. 3). Parse the following words: Je, tu, il, nous, vous, ils. Ce, ceci, cela; celui, celui-ci, celui-là. Le mien, le tien, le sien; le nôtre, le vôtre, le leur. Qui, que, quoi, dont; lequel, duquel, auquel. On.-6. What is a verb ? What does a verb denote when active (transitive)? when neuter (intransitive)? when pronominal (reflective)? When is a verb regular? irregular? defective? impersonal? auxiliary? (Gr. p. 3.) Parse the words in italics: Je blame quelqu'un. J'arrive. Je suis blámé. Je me blâme. Inviter, punir, apercevoir, vendre. Absoudre. Il pleut. Il a tout perdu; il est arrivé. Remark on the verb être.-7. What is a participle? Parse the words in italics: Une personne étonnant tout le monde; elle est étonnante. Elle a étonné tout le monde; elle est étonnée.-8. What is an adverb ? What do you call 'adverbial phrase' (locution adverbiale)? (Gr. pp. 3, 4.) Parse the words in italics: Il combat courageusement, trèscourageusement. Il l'a fait à dessein.-9. What is a preposiWhat do you call a prepositional phrase (locution prépositive)? Parse the words in italics: Je viens de Paris. J'ai réussi à force de persévérance.-10. What is a conjunction? What do you call a conjunctive phrase (locution conjonctive)? (Gr. p. 4.) Parse the words in italics: Le maître parle et l'élève écoute. Je le punis afin qu'il soit plus attentif.-11. What is an interjection? What do you call exclamative phrase (locution interjective)? Parse the words in italics: Ah! au secours!

tion ?



§ 8.

1. What is meant by VARIABLE and INVARIABLE parts of speech? (Gr. p. 4.) Which parts of speech are variable in French, and which are invariable ?-2. What is Gender? Number? Case ?-3. What is meant by Degrees of Comparison ?—4. What is Person? Mood? Tense? Voice? (Gr. p. 4.)

§ 9.

Gender of French Nouns and Adjectives (Gr. p. 5).-1. What is the GENDER of French nouns? How can the gender of the names of inanimate objects be ascertained? (Gr. p. 99.) -2. What is the gender of French adjectives and pronouns? (Gr. p. 5.)-3. What are the two ways of expressing the feminine as to animate objects? How is the MASCULINE of nouns and qualificative adjectives generally INFLECTED to form

the feminine? Give the masculine of 'une marchande prudente.' -4. What do you remark as to the feminine of nouns and adjectives ending in e, er, gu, x, f, eur; 'en,* on, el, eil, et' ? Give the masculine of the following, remarking on the formation of the feminine (Gr. p. 5): (a) 1. Une élève, habile; 2. une tigresse, une traîtresse. (b) Bergère, chère. (c) Aiguë. (d) Epouse, heureuse (douce, fausse, rousse, vieille, préfixe). (e) Veuve, active, brève, (baillivet). (f) 1. Trompeuse ; 2. protectrice ;§ 3. pécheresse, vengeresse; § 4. majeure, mineure, meilleure, supérieure ; || 5. gouvernante, servante, impératrice. (g) 1. Européenne, chrétienne, payenne; 2. lionne, bonne;¶ 3. éternelle, vermeille; 4. muette, cadette, coquette (complète, incomplète, discrète, indiscrète, inquiète, replète, secrète, concrète).

§ 10.

1. Are there any other irregular feminine forms than those comprised in the foregoing exceptions? (Gr. p. 5.) Give the masculine of expresse, professe, grosse, grasse, lasse, épaisse, métisse, chatte,** belotte, sotte, vieillotte, gentille, nulle, folle,†† molle,tt vieille,tt belle,++ jumelle,++ nouvelle,+t jouvencelle, pastourelle, paysanne,** blanche, franche, sèche, fraîche, tierce, caduque, publique,‡‡ turque, grecque, absoute, dissoute, favorite, coite, maligne, bénigne, longue, oblongue, abbesse, carmelite, compagne, diaconesse, déesse, duchesse, héroïne, fille, larronnesse, pairesse, quakeresse, nièce, reine, quidane, cane, chevrette, dinde, louve, perruche, pouliche.-2. What is the feminine of enfant, grognon, châtain, fat, dispos, hébreu, résous ?

§ 11.

1. Mention some nouns always feminine, even when applied

* En, pronounced in.' Ex.: européen, chien, payen.

† See Gr. p. 101, foot-note¶

Observe that most words in eur are used both as a noun or an adjective; thus, trompeur, as a noun, means deceiver; as an adjective, deceitful.

§ See the list of the words which change EUR into rice or eresse in the feminine (Gr. p. 98, § 129).

Is not the feminine of all words in érieur regularly formed by adding e mute?

¶ What is the feminine of compagnon, larron, and grognon? (Gr. p. 5, foot-note '.')

** Are there any other words in at or an irregular? (Gr. p. 5, foot-note '‡.') Give the two masculine forms, and remark on the same (Gr. p. 5, foot-note '').

Are there many French adjectives ending in ic in the masculine? (Gr. p. 5, foot-note T.')

to a male, or always masculine, even when applied to a female, and remark on the use of the words 'male, femelle,* or femme.'-2. Give the double feminine and meaning of the following, and remark on the same: Chanteur, chasseur, bailleur, demandeur, vendeur.' Give the feminine of devineur, and devin (Gr. p. 97, § 128, 1, 2, 3).-3. State the different meanings of the following, when masculine and when feminine: Critique. Enseigne. Garde. Guide. Manoeuvre. Moule. Page. Souris. Trompette. Aide. Aigle. Cornette. Couple. Foudre. Fourbe. Mort. Mousse. Pantomime. Livre. Manche. Mémoire. Mode. Pendule. Poste. Somme. Tour. Vapeur. Vase. Voile. Greffe. Hymne. Merci. Palme. Parallèle. Poéle. Réglisse. Remise. Solde. Physique.† Crêpe. Office. Paillasse. (Gr. p. 97, § 128, 4.)-4. What do you remark as to the gender of amour, délice, orgue, gent, œuvre, orge, période, pâque ? (Gr. p. 98, 5.)-5. What is the gender of compound nouns § (1) when the compound consists of two or more nouns? When the compound consists of one or more nouns with any other word than a verb? When the compound consists of a verb and any other word? Ex.:|| (1) La Fête-Dieu;' (2) une basse-cour, un contre-temps, une contre-épreuve; (3) un portefeuille; un porte-voix (Gr. p. 98, 5, b).

§ 12.

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Number of French Nouns and Adjectives.-1. How is the plural of NOUNS and QUALIFICATIVE ADJECTIVES generally formed? Give the plural of Le marchand prudent, la marchande prudente.'-2. What do you remark as to the plural masculine of nouns and adjectives ending in s, x, or Z; au or eu (œu); al? (Gr. p. 6.) Give the plural of (a) fils, voix, nez; (b) tuyau, beau, neveu, vou (landau, bleu); (c) cheval, royal (bal, carnaval, régal, chacal, fatal, final, initial, nopal, cal, pal, serval, cantal; colossal, frugal, glacial, jovial, natal, automnal, naval').-3. (Gr. p. 6, § 6, 3) How many nouns in ou are irregular in the plural, and in what consists their irregularity? How many nouns in ail are irregular in the

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Is the word femelle applied both to persons and animals, as the English female? (Gr. p. 97, foot-note '.')

What is the difference between le physique and la physique; le moral and la morale? (Gr. p. 28, foot-note '*.')

Amour, délice, and orgue are masculine in the singular and feminine in the plural.

§ Such compounds only as have their different parts joined by hyphens. Read and translate the examples, and remark on the same,

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