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TOOMBS, ROBERT,-Letter on the Confederate currency, 205;
remarks in the Assembly Hall, 207-208.
TRUMBULL, LYMAN, Senator from Illinois, 233; on the trans-

fer of certain suits to the U. S. Courts, 249; on the dis-
charge of state prisoners, 257-258; on compensated
emancipation in Missouri, 814.

Virginia East.-Organization, 844; officers, 844; emancipa-
tion convention, 845.

Virginia West.-Convention, 845; State organization, 845;
soldiers sent to the army, 845.

VOORHEES, DANIEL W., Representative from Indiana, 238;
on the transfer of suits to the U. S. courts, 252; on the
admission of members from Louisiana, 822, 823.

Unitarians.-Numbers, 881; ministers, 881; churches, 881;
do. in Ireland, 831; do. on the continent, 881.
United States.-Emancipation proclamation issued, &81;
views of the Government, 832; letter from Secretary
Seward to Mr. Dayton, 832; letter from Secretary
Chase to the Loyal League in New York, 882; speech
of Postmaster Blair at Cleveland, 832; speech of Secre-
tary Chase at Cincinnati on emancipation proclamation
832; do. at Baltimore, 834; remarks of the President in
his letter to Springfield, 833; his amnesty proclamation,
883; arguments of those who sustained the procla-
mation, 834; do. of those who opposed the proclama-
tion, 834 letter from Earl Russell on the proclama-
tion, 834; extent of the operation of the proclama-
tion, 888; slaves liberated, 835; its efficiency and in-
fluence on the colored race, 835; efforts to secure the
advantages of it, 835; enlistment of colored troops,
835; question of the relation of the insurrectionary
States to the Union raised, 835; extent of this question,
836; consequences awaiting its decision, 836; letter of the
Solicitor of the Treasury, Mr. Whiting, 836; letter of
Robert Dale Owen, 838; J. J. Combe's review of Mr.
Whiting's letter, 839; remarks of the press, 840; re-
marks of Judge Sprague, 840; members of the Cabinet,
841; intercourse between citizens North and South, 841;
letter of Fernando Wood on peace propositions, 841;
reply of the President, 841; Colored People's Conven-
tion, 842; resolutions, 842; Convention of War Demo-
crats, 842; resolutions, 842 various meetings of Con-
servative Union men, 842-843 Convention of Germans,

VALLANDIGHAM, CLEMENT L., Representative of Ohio, 233;
offers a resolution relative to peace propositions, 234;
defines his position on the civil war, 265; the arrest and
trial of, 478.


Wasium, supposed new metal, 845; features, 845.
WARING, FREDERICK A., the case of, 491.
WATTS, Governor of Alabama.-His letter on reconstruc.
tion, 8.

West Virginia.-Act consenting to the division of Vir-
ginia, 306.

WHATELY, RICHARD.-Birth, 845; death, 845; offices and
writings, 845.

Wisconsin.-Correspondence with Gen. Pope, 846; war ap-
propriations, 846; elections, 846.

WHITE, CHILTON A., Representative from Ohio, 233; on the
conscript bill, 281.

WHITING, WM.--Circular to provost-marshals relative to
arrests, 485; letter on the relations of the insurrection-
ary States, 836.

WICKLIFFE, CHARLES A., Representative from Ky., 233; of-
fers a resolution relative to military governor in the
District of Columbia, 234; on African soldiers, 260; on
the conscript bill, 280, 288, 284.

WILSON, HENRY, Senator from Mass., 233; on arrests in Del-

aware, 285; on immediate emancipation in Missouri,
313, 315; on the conscript bill, 274, 275; on a national
currency, 295.

WILSON, ROBERT, Senator from Missouri, 233; on compen-
sated emancipation in Missouri, 316.

WOOD, FERNANDO.-Letter to the President on peace prop-
ositions, 841.

WRIGHT, HENDRICK B., Representative from Pennsylvania,
233; offers resolutions on public affairs, 265; on the
conscript bill, 280.

WEIGHT, Jos. A., Senator from Indiana, 233; remarks on ar-
rests, 840; on the discharge of State prisoners, 245.


Vermont.-Troops sent to the army, 843; conventions, 843; YEAMAN, GEORGE H., Representative from Ky., on the re-
elections, 843.

VERNET, EMILE J. H.-Birth, 843; death, 843; paintings, 843.
Virginia.-Military force, 844; bank circulation, 844; debt,


VOL. III.-55 A

lation of the Confederate States to the Union, 261; on
the admission of West Virginia, 306.

YUNGER, JOHN, case of, 490.

YANCEY, WM. L.-Birth, 846; death, 846; pursuits, 846.



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