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THE above engraving does not, like many | It is only interesting as representing the of our embellishments, recommend itself residence of one who must be known by to the notice of our readers, by the natural name to most of our readers, and who has or architectural beauties which it depicts. ever been a great favourite with all who

have perused the work by which he has immortalized himself. If, as we believe, it is the prerogative of genius alone, to throw fascination and interest over a tri

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vial subject, or a dry detail, we need not | doing, use him as though you loved him; laughter.) Perhaps some honourable gentlewonder at the rank which Isaac Walton that is, harm him as little as you may men, who were interested in such matters, enjoys in the estimation of posterity. His possibly, that he may live the longer." would get up in their places, and propose that work on angling has been the delight of This is perhaps as singular a case of iron! (Shouts of laughter.) For his part, if one or two of these bridges should be built of every "brother of the angle," and of self-deception as the records of biography this passed, he would move for leave to bring every man of taste, since its first appearexhibit. Dr. Paley resembled Walton, in half a dozen more bills, for building bridges ance. The simplicity of its style, the ge- we believe, in this peculiarity of his cha- at Chelsea, and at Hammersmith, and at nuine love of nature which it displays, the racter, as well as in its simplicity, bene- Marble Hall Stairs, and at Brentford, and at purity and philanthropy of its sentiments, volence, and intimate sympathy with na-fifty other places besides." (Continued laughthat true politeness, the result of a sound ture. No writer presents us with more ter.) understanding and of an amiable sensi-joyous and eloquent descriptions of the Mr. Low declared it to be the opinion of the "worthy chief magistrate," that, if any carts bility, beautifully exhibited in every page, gaiety and revels of inferior animals, than go over Putney bridge, the city of London was and heightened in effect, rather than ob- are contained in his Natural Theology; irretrievably ruined! and added, that the river scured, by the somewhat quaint language and these he gives with a gout which we above London bridge would be totally destroyed of the age in which it was written. But should not readily imagine to consist with as a navigation! the book is itself a portrait of its venerable the love of angling. Such, however, was author; nay, it presents him to you alive the case. Little remains to be said of the -you walk with him, reflect with him, life of Walton. Few events worthy of bedwell with him on the peaceful beauties ing recorded can ever mark the history of of the landscape, and silently and gently any man, whose time was engrossed, and sink into the calm and amiable temper of whose desires were confined to the prosemind and heart which dictated this most cution of an amusement. He was born innocent of books. at Stafford in the month of August, 1593, died at Winchester on the 15th of December, 1683, and was buried in the cathedral there.

Walton appears to have been well acquainted with the writings of Montaigne, whose essays were excellently translated by his friend Cotton. In many respects, particularly in the artlessness of his character, our author resembles Montaigne, but he had less of whim and eccentricity. Montaigne informs us of his good nature, but the kindheartedness of honest Isaac oozes from him unconsciously from pore. Of the tenderness of his natural disposition, it is impossible to doubt; and yet it is curious and almost ludicrous to note how the love of his art, and the force of habit, occasionally hoodwink his humanity. He expresses indignation against every other form of cruelty; and, censuring those who even fish at improper

seasons, he observes:


"But the poor fish have enemies enough beside such unnatural fishermen, as, namely, the otters that I spake of, the cormorant, the bittern, the ospray, the sea-gull, the hern, the king-fisher, the gosara, the puet, the swan, goose, ducks, and the craber, which some call the water-rat: against all of which, any honest man may make a just quarrel; but I will not, I will leave them to be quarrelled with and killed by others; for I am not of a cruel nature, I love to kill nothing but fish."

And his mode of preparing a live bait still more strikingly illustrates our observations:

"Put your hook into his mouth, which you may easily do from the middle of April till August, and then the frog's mouth


WHILE we are erecting suspension bridges
over arms of the sea, and cutting tunnels under
navigable rivers, it is worth while to take a
regard to the spirit of improvement.
glance at the opinions of our forefathers, with
seems to have begun to show itself in the last
half of the seventeenth century; for we see,
from "Grey's Debates," that on April 4th, 1671,
the second reading of a bill was moved, "for
building a bridge over the river Thames, at
;" and it is from the opinions delivered
during the debate, that we are enabled to draw
conclusions very favourable to the progress of
knowledge. Upon that occasion, Sir William
Thompson observed,

"Mr. Speaker, London is circumscribed,
I mean the city of London; there are walls,
gates, and boundaries, the which no man can
increase or extend: those limits were set by
the wisdom of our ancestors, and God forbid
they should be altered. But, Sir, though these
landmarks can never be removed-I say never,
for I have no hesitation in stating, that, when
the walls of London shall no longer be visible,
and Ludgate is demolished, England itself will
be as nothing-though, Sir, these landmarks
are immovable, indelible, indestructible, ex-
cept with the constitution of the country, yet
it is in the power of speculative theorists to
delude the minds of the people with visionary
projects of increasing the skirts of the city, so
that it may even join Westminster! ***”

Mr. Boscawen said, "If there were any ad

In the present day, it is not only highly amusing to read these denunciations of misery fallacy of human judgment and foresight. and ruin, but we are thereby reminded of the Not only is there a bridge at Putney, but the forebodings of Mr. Boscawen are almost all realized, as relates to the erection of bridges, although not so, as to their desolating effects minster has been found to be a convenience on the city of London. A bridge at Westanother has been erected from Fleet-market into the opposite fields (at Blackfriars); even the "couple more" are really in existence, and nearly in the sites pointed out--the Waterloo and Southwark bridges; and, what is still more remarkable, it has not only been "proposed," but one of these (the Southwark bridge) is actually built of iron!!! Sir Wm. Thomp have sought in vain for the walls of London. son, had he lived to the present moment, might Ludgate bar is demolished; the “wall, gates, and boundaries, set by the wisdom of our ancestors, which no man could increase or ex

tend," have disappeared. London is extended on every side, so that the skirts of the city are not to be distinguished, by a stranger, from


The conclusion of this remarkable debate is not less deserving of notice. Sir Henry Her

bert, just before the house divided, said, “ I honestly confess myself an enemy to monopolies; I am equally opposed to mad, visionary projects; and I may be permitted to say, that, in the late king's reign, several of these thoughtless inventions were thrust upon the house, but most properly rejected. If a man, tell us that he proposed to convey us regularly Sir, were to come to the bar of the house, and bring us back in seven days more, should we to Edinburgh, in coaches, in seven days, and if we did him justice; or, if another told us not vote him to Bedlam? Surely we should, he would sail to the Indies in six months, should we not punish him for practising upon our credulity? Assuredly, if we served him rightly."


Luther, when making his way into the presence of Cardinal Cajetan, who had summoned him to answer for his heretical opinions at Augsburgh, was asked by one of the cardinal's minions where

grows up, and he continues so for at least / Vantage derivable from a bridge at Putney, he should find a shelter if his patron, the elector

six months without eating, but is sustained, none but He whose name is wonderful knows how I say, put your hook, I mean the arming wire, through his mouth, and out at his gills, and then, with a fine needle and silk, sow the upper part of his leg, with only one stitch, to the arming wire of your hook ; or tie the frog's leg above the upper joint to the armed wire; and, in so

bridge at Westminster would be a convenience.
perhaps some gentlemen would find out that a
Then other honourable gents. might dream
that a bridge from the end of Fleet-market into
the fields on the opposite side of the water
would be a fine speculation; or who knows
the river altogether, and build a couple more
but at last it might be proposed to arch over
bridges, one from the palace at Somerset-house,
into the Surrey marshes, and another from the
front of Guildhall into Southwark. (Great

shield of heaven!" was the reply. The silenced of Saxony, should desert hiin? Under the minion turned round and went his way.

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THE following account of this extraordinary man is taken from an address of Sir A. Johnston to the Royal Asiatic Society:"The Pasha of Egypt, one of our honorary members, a chief of a clear and vigorous mind, observing the advantage European states have derived from a similar policy, has publicly encouraged the introduction into Egypt of all those arts and sciences which are calculated to improve the understanding of the people, to mitigate the effects of their religious feelings, and to secure the stability of the local government; he has assimilated his army and his navy to those of Europe, and subjected them to European regulations and to European discipline; he has formed corps of artillery and engineers upon European principles; he has attached regular bands of military music to each of his regiments, with European instructors, who teach the Arab musicians, according to the European notes of music, to play upon European instruments the popular marches and airs of England, France, and Germany; a short distance from Cairo he has established a permanent military hospital, and placed it under European surgeons, and the same rules as prevail in the best regulated hospitals in Europe; and he has formed a school of medicine and anatomy, in which not only botany, mineralogy, and chemistry are taught, but human bodies are publicly dissected by students who profess the Mahomedan religion, and who are publicly rewarded, in the heart of a great Mahomedan population, according to the skill and the knowledge which they display in their different dissections. At Alexandria he has established a naval school, in which the Mahomedan students are instructed in the several branches of geometry, trigonometry, mechanics, and astronomy, connected with naval architecture and the science of navigation, and a dock-yard, under the control and superintendance of a European naval architect distinguished for his talents and his skill, in which, besides frigates and other vessels of smaller dimensions, four ships of the



try, for the instruction of all orders of his | THE SAFETY OF IMMEDIATE EMAN-
people, in reading, writing, and arithmetic;
he has sent, at great expense to himself, young
men, both of the higher and lower ranks of SOME of the friends of Negro Emancipation
society, to England and France, for the purpose are apprehensive of evil consequences from its
of acquiring useful knowledge, the former in immediately taking place. This is much to be
those branches of science and literature which regretted, as it serves to weaken a righteous
are connected with their service in the army, cause. We purpose, in a future number, to
the navy, and the higher departments of go- treat somewhat at large on this point, and are
vernment; the latter in those mechanical arts, confident we shall be able to show the utter
which are more immediately connected with fallacy of the fears which are entertained.
their employment as artisans and manufac- For the present we must content ourselves with
turers; he has constituted a public assembly letting our readers know the opinion which is
at Cairo, consisting of a considerable number entertained by some intelligent observers, re-
of well-informed persons, who hold regular sident in Jamaica. The following passage is
sittings for forty days in each year; and pub- extracted from the Christian Record, for May
licly discuss, for his information, the interest last. This publication is conducted by church-
and wants of his different provinces; he pa- men, and is every way entitled to public con-
tronises the publication of a weekly newspaper fidence. Coming from such a quarter, we
in Arabic and Turkish, for the instruction of hope the sentiments expressed in this editorial
his people; and, finally, he protects all Chris- paper will have their influence.
tian merchants who are settled in his country,
not only in time of peace, but also in time of
war, and afforded the European merchants
who were settled at Alexandria and Cairo, a
memorable instance of his determination to
adhere under all circumstances to this policy,
by informing them, as soon as he had received
intelligence of the battle of Navarino, that
their persons and their property should con-
tinue as secure as if no such event had oc-
I have dwelt at some length upon
this subject, because I have felt it to be my
duty, in consequence of the information which
I have received as Chairman of the Com-
mittee of Correspondence, to give publicity in
this country to those measures, by which one
of the most distinguished of our honorary
members has restored to Egypt, in their
highest state of perfection, all the arts and
sciences of Europe; has emulated, as a patron
of knowledge, the conduct of the most en-
lightened of the Caliphs of Bagdad; and has
afforded, as a Mahomedan, a bright example,
for their imitation, to all the Mahomedan so-
vereigns in Europe, Africa, and Asia.”


1787, by Dr. Currie.

"VERY frequently, indeed, it is asserted, that the condition of the negroes in the West Indies is happier and better than in their own country; and, therefore, that those transported to our sugar colonies can really sustain no injury. Whence, then, I have asked, arises the waste of life in the West Indies, which occasions the necessity of so large a supply to keep up the numbers there; and whence the increase of life in Africa, which affords this supply without their numbers being diminished? Ten millions of negroes have been carried across the ocean to support a population which, it is said, at present does not amount to more than 800,000 souls. Ten families planted in those islands 300 years ago, when the slave-trade commenced, under the auspices of freedom and of nature, with the advantages of a fertile soil, and a climate congenial to their constitutions, might by this time have produced a greater number. Who can doubt it? Within half this time, a handful of Englishmen have spread themselves over an immense continent

"We would therefore have every Christian proprietor to examine the question closely, and consider whether that which his conduct assists in perpetuating is, under any modification whatever, what his Heavenly Master would have him to perpetuate. If it be not contrary to his will, the Christian will be comforted by the examination which satisfies him of this clearly; if it he contrary, and he is convinced of this, will he not rejoice that he has made the examination, and discovered in time the necessity of an altered conduct?-of doing every thing in his power, and, with a fixed purpose, to bring it to an end? For our own parts we beg to avow distinctly our belief that keeping men in slavery is directly opposed to the spirit of the gospel, and that were all slave-holders to become Christians indeed, the state of slavery would not exist a single moment. But unhappily, there are many who are, and will still continue, any thing but Christians. We sire to have it abolished, as a crime against God think ourselves, therefore, compelled, in our deand our fellow-creatures, to have regard to those measures of precaution and expediency which may be necessary to guard against the evils that would arise from any hasty and undigested measure of emancipation, through the opposition of unchristian men, and the working of the general depravity of man-a depravity as strong no doubt in the bosom of a slave, as in that of the being who con

estate. But at the same time, we would record our deliberate belief, founded upon no slight ac

line, three carrying 110 guns upon two decks, Extract from a Letter to Mr. Wilberforce, in siders him as but one of the live stock of his and one of 130 guns, have been recently built; he has opened the old port, which was formerly shut against them, to all Christian vessels. He has encouraged the formation of regular insurance offices, and authorised Christian merchants to acquire a property in lands, houses, and gardens. He has employed an English civil engineer of great eminence, on a very liberal salary, to improve all the canals in the country and the course of the Nile: he is about to construct carriage-roads from Alexandria to Cairo, and from Alexandria to Rozetta and Damietta: and M. Abro, the cousin of his minister, is about to establish upon them public stage-coaches, built on a model of one sent to him by a coachmaker from this country; he has introduced steam-boats, which navigate upon the Nile, and steam-engines, which are used for cleansing and deepening the bed of that river, and for various other public works; he has patronised the employment, by Mr. Briggs, of two Englishmen, taken for the purpose from this country, in boring for water in different parts of the desert, and he has discovered, through their operations, some very fine water in the desert between Cairo and Suez; he has encouraged the growth of cotton, indigo, and opium, and the former of these productions is now a great article of trade between Egypt and England, France, and Germany; he has established schools in the coun

have converted a wilderness into a fertile country-have given battle to the most power ful people of Europe; and through a sea of toils and troubles, have arisen to the rank of thirteen independent states. The English were free men: the unhappy Africans were slaves."

quaintance with, or short experience of, the present
race of negroes in this island, that the measure of
emancipation (which ALL AGREE must one day be
passed), accompanied by a judicious, and in its
details well defined, enactment, for the alteration
and government of the newly freed labourers, and
with the establishment of an effective police,
might THIS DAY take effect with perfect safety to
all classes of the community, and without one of
those evils following, which are made the bug-
bears to frighten from the measure the Christian
advocates of truth and justice. Nay more-if the
negroes are not now fit for such a boon, we be-
lieve they NEVER will be. We desire, therefore,
to see Christian Proprietors, not seeking how to
reconcile themselves to their possession of their
fellow-men, but how they may immediately and
consistently abandon it. Again we say, the ques-
tion presses-it must be decided soon.
either go back at once, if WE CAN, to the state of
slavery in which we were thriving a hundred years
ago, or at once meet the spirit of the times, and
change our unwilling slaves into willing, because
properly recompensed, free labourers or fearful
indeed will be the consequent ruin and destitution
to all the present proprietors-the very least of
them. We say Now is the time to make the change

We must

only fix this, and men will be astonished at the easiness and safety with which it will be effected. May the spirit of wisdom and of a sound mind be in all our councils !"

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MR. BURKE Somewhere expresses an opinion, that it is better that the minds of men should be occupied with information ever so trivial and useless, so that it be not erroneous and prejudicial, than that they should be destitute of information of all kinds. Nor does the great name of Mr. Burke, with all the knowledge of human nature and of politics with which it will ever stand associated, yield by any means the most powerful sanction to this opinion. It is perpetually reiterated and confirmed to us by the concurrent voice and experience of those, among whom, during later times, the advantages of extended knowledge and intellectual culture have been enjoyed. It has at length become a problem, how any persons possessing the benefits of an ordinary education could delude themselves with the notion, that the same causes which produced innocent gratification to them should involve the elements of anarchy and mischief to others. For, what, let us inquire, have they first to establish, before they can give any weight or plausibility to their opinion? They must prove, that men will be the more likely to disobey, the more thoroughly they know and appreciate the cogent reasons which enforce obedience that they will be the more engrossed by sensual pleasures, in proportion as they have access to such as are of a higher and an opposite character: in contradiction to the experience of all mankind, they must show that we are inflated with vanity, in proportion to our intellectual acquirements; and disposed to fraudulent self-aggrandizement by learning, from the historian and the moralist, that "true self-love and social are the same.' In short, they must make an admission, at once the most humiliating and impolitic that can well be imagined; namely, that the grounds of truth and of duty in religion, morals, and politics, are so weak and questionable as to render it necessary to forbid all examination of them.

We trust, however, that these remarks are but little called for by the present state of society. We are persuaded, that if there be a party who uphold the opposite opinion, that party is daily on the wane. We joyfully hail those indications which distinguish the present as the golden age of education. We cannot but anticipate

its constant and accelerated progress,
when we find, among its most zealous
promoters, men upon whom it has most
profusely showered its advantages, and
who combine the influence of rank with
the authority of office.

set on foot, for the improvement of the lower classes, and especially the children of the poor, in moral and religious knowledge, from which we hope much good will accrue, not only to the parties concerned, but to the kingdom at large. These are the likeliest, or rather the only expedients that can be adopted, for formBut while we entertain the highest hopes ing a sound and virtuous populace; and, if from the operation of these forces, which there be any truth in the figure by which somay be said to constitute the primum ciety is compared to a pyramid, it is on them mobile of the great process, we may ad- its stability chiefly depends: the elaborate orvert with equal pleasure to the excellent nament at the op will be a wretched comorder and adaptation of the mechanism pensation for the want of solidity in the lower parts of the structure. These are not the times by which it is carried forward. We refer in which it is safe for a nation to repose on the particularly to the abundance of cheap pub- lap of ignorance. If there ever were a season, lications, the rise and currency of which we when public tranquillity was ensured by the deem of sufficient consequence to be ranked absence of knowledge, that season is past. among the most important characteristics The convulsed state of the world will not permit unthinking stupidity to sleep, without of the present age. In some of them the being appalled by phantoms, and shaken by most useful knowledge is contained, sim-terrors, to which reason, which defines her ohplified to the level of every degree of in- jects and limits her apprehensions by the telligence, and rendered accessible and reality of things, is a stranger. Every thing attractive to all by their cheapness and in the condition of mankind announces the elegance. We confidently anticipate the approach of some great crisis, for which nomost beneficial results from this source, ledge, probity, and the fear of the Lord. thing can prepare us but the diffusion of knowand we trust that The Tourist will not While the world is impelled, with such viocontribute least to justify such expecta- lence, in opposite directions; while a spirit of tions. giddiness and revolt is shed upon the nations, and the seeds of mutation are so thickly sown, the improvement of the mass of the people will be our grand security, in the neglect of knowledge accumulated in the higher orders, which the politeness, the refinement, and the weak and unprotected, will be exposed to im"We congratulate the nation, on the ex-minent danger, and perish like a garland in tent of the efforts employed, and the means the grasp of popular fury."

We cannot close these remarks more suitably than by adopting the eloquent language of one of the greatest writers our literature can boast, in confirmation of these opinions.

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THESE are the ruins of one of the most beautiful monastic edifices which we owe to the piety, or the superstition of our forefathers. Its situation is most romantic, and, at the same time, exceedingly appropriate to the purposes of its establishment. It was founded by Henry the Third, and peopled by a colony of Cistertian monks from Beaulieu Abbey, which lay a few miles off. What time this holy fraternity spent in their devotions, we are not informed; but we may fairly conjecture that they did not suffer


themselves to be unduly engrossed by literature, as their library at the time of the dissolution, under Henry the Eighth, consisted but of one book.

After this time, Netley Abbey passed into the hands of various possessors, and among others of Sir Bartlett Lucy in the year 1700, who sold it to a carpenter of Southampton. The latter intended to pull it down, for the sake of the materials; and we are told that we owe the preservation of the ruins from this Gothic attack to the following occurrence, the account of

which we take from Browne Willis, who gives full credence to the legend. "During the time," says he," this man was in treaty with Sir Bartlett, he was greatly disturbed by frightful dreams, and, as some say, apparitions: particularly by that of a monk, who threatened him with great mischief, if he persisted in his purpose (of pulling down the edifice). One night, in particular, he dreamed a large stone from one of the windows fell upon him and killed him. This so terrified him, that he communicated these disturbances to a particular friend, who advised him to desist: but avarice, and the contrary advice of other friends, getting the better of his fears, he concluded the bargain; when attempting to take out some stones from the bottom of the west wall, the whole body of a window fell down upon him, and crushed him to death."

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Sweet hour! the latest, loveliest,
Of all that 'tend upon the sun;
Thou blushing loiterer of the West,

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I would the wintry months were gone,
If but again to welcome thee,
And share thy smile o'er land and sea.
And while the gorgeous heavens weave
The crimson clouds into a veil
Before his brow, as he takes leave

Of earth-to watch the crescent pale
O' the moon, I see the evening star
Beckoning her sisters from afar;

And listen to the tinkling bells

Of flocks returning to the fold;
Or village peal-those chimes that tell
A tale of memory to the old,
Of hope to youth-whilst, high above,
The rooks wend homeward to the grove;

Or see, while trills the nightingale

His notes, the slow owl skirt the plain,
And bats' swift circuit in the dale;
All motives to a dreary train
Of pleasant thoughts, that breathe repose,
And mark the rosy evening's close.
O'er lands beyond the Appenine,
Though darkness soon dispels the charm,
With deeper glow thy beauties shine,

Sweet twilight!-mirror'd in the calm
Blue water, till the night-wind's play
Succeeds the sultriness of day.

There 'tis the convent-bell ye hear,

And the impassion'd vesper-chaunt;
Or blither music greets the ear,

Where the guitar, and some romaunt,
The tarantell' and tambourine,
Make glad some vine-embower'd scene.

There, too, the fire-flies hold their dance,
And the cigali's jocund song
Resounds, unheeding night's advance,
The silver olive trees among;
And myrtles yield their fragrancy
To wanton zephyrs wandering by.

I would the wintry months were flown,
Once more, sweet hour, to walk with thee;
If, haply, not where suns go down

In climes that zone the midland sea,
With fancy and with thee to roam
Among th' accustom'd scenes of home.
Felix Farley's Bristol Journal.

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THIS. was one of the most celebrated cities; while the heads of cattle beneath deities of ancient mythology. She was signify that her care extended to the worshipped with the same distinctive at- country also. The breastplate or necktributes, in various countries, and under lace, adorned with the signs of the zodiac, various names. She is supposed to have was intended to show that this superinbeen originally the Isis of the Egyptians, tendance was exercised through all the and to have been introduced into Greece seasons of the year. There seems good under the name of Diana at the same time reason to believe that when the Romans with Osiris, under that of Apollo. This invaded this country the worship of this figure is remarkable as representing one great goddess was introduced among our of the false deities mentioned in the Scrip- ignorant ancestors. In the year 1602 an tures, "Diana of the Ephesians," her image was dug out of the ground in Monmost splendid temple being at Ephesus. mouthshire, which, by the form, dress, It was built by the united contributions and inscription, appears to be the figure of many of the Grecian states and princes, of the Ephesian idol. We are also inand was so magnificent as to be esteemed formed by an ancient manuscript in the one of the wonders of the world. The Cotton Library, that in the time of the figure itself was probably intended to set heptarchy, Ethelbert, King of Kent, built forth the extensive blessings of Provi- a church in London, to the honour of St. dence, as bestowed on all classes of Paul, upon the spot where formerly stood created beings. It is drawn as many-a temple of Diana; and a variety of relics breasted, to denote that the goddess pos- have been dug up, at different times, near sessed abundant fountains of nourish- the site of St. Paul's, which strongly conment. The turrets, crowning her head, firm this account. show her peculiar guardianship over

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