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CHRISTIAN BRETHREN,-You are almost the only class of persons in the nation, known to be the holders of your fellow-men in cruel bondage in our colonies, who have not been publicly expostulated with on the palpable injustice and unparalleled inconsistency of your

APPEAL TO THOSE PERSONS, PRO- ther you ought not, as professed disciples of FESSORS OF RELIGION, WHO YET Christ, immediately to imitate this praiseworHAVE PROPERTY IN THEIR FEL-liberty. Surely you will not attempt to reconthy example, and instantly to set your slaves at cile your conduct, in regard to having property in your fellow-men, with your allegiance to Christ, who has enjoined it upon all his disciples, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." You must be aware that a great crisis, in regard to our 800,000 fellow-subjects who are held in bondage in our colonies, is fast approaching. There are many reasons for concluding their liberation cannot be long deferred; we hope this will be effected by the British legislature, and not by their own means; at any rate, we wish you to "come out" from among the slave-holders before the just indignation of heaven avenge the wrongs of these, our oppressed and insulted fellowsubjects, many thousands of whom are also our fellow Christians. Why should you linger


As members of the Anti-Slavery Society, we have repeatedly, in our official publications, avowed it as our deliberate opinion, that "slavery is incompatible with Christianity"-in direct violation both of its spirit and maxims. Need we remind you that our Divine Lord has enjoined, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye also unto them" It would be insulting you to suppose that you are willing to receive such treatment from your slaves as you are inflicting upon them.

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An apostle, too, enumerating the most flagitious characters, whose conduct was condemned by the sound doctrine of the gospel, has placed upon the lists "men-stealers "t-that is, those who had violated the law of Moses on that subject: "He that stealeth a man, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death." Admitting that your holding "men" in bondage as your property is of equal enormity with actually stealing them, so that, though you have not "stolen" them, they are yet found in your hand, it follows that your conduct is condemned, as being totally inconsistent with your professed characters, both by the law of Moses and the gospel of Christ.

when it is evident the city will be destroyed? Ought you not be examples of doing justice, God, and thus to adorn the doctrine of God and loving mercy, and walking humbly with our Saviour? Ought you not to hate the garment spotted by the flesh? Ought you not to abstain from even the appearance of evil? But does your holding men in cruel bondage com port with either justice or mercy? Does this practice adorn the religion you profess?-or does it not rather give the enemy reason to blaspheme? Can any blot be more foul upon your Christian character? Is it not rather indulging real evil, and encouraging it, than abstaining from its appearance? Is it possible you can enjoy a conscience void of offence, either towards God or towards men, while you hold such prohibited property? We seek your consistency, your honour, your happiness' when we urge it upon you," let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke."

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It is a most affecting and deeply humiliating fact, that every denomination of Christians among us (excepting only the "Friends,") are more or less implicated in this accursed thing; some by being actual proprietors of slaves, as the bench of bishops, in regard to the Codrington estates in Barbadoes; and the Moravian Missionary Society, with some distinguished members of that body, who have either slaves or slave-estates in the English, Dutch, and Danish West India colonies: as, CHURCH OF ST. JOHN, SOUTHOVER. also, some individuals belonging to the Independents. Nor can we acquit the Wesleyan, BOTH historical documents and the in- Southover, the building was found too the Church, and the Baptist Societies, of teresting remains of antiquity to be found small to contain the increased congregatacitly sanctioning and encouraging the prac-in and near Lewes, prove it to be one of tion, and an enlargement became necessary. tice of slavery, by having admitted, as mem- the most ancient of our towns. To some bers of their churches, slave-holders, who, as of these remains, however, antiquaries seem somewhat at a loss to affix a precise date, and this applies to the church represented above. It is situated in the parish of Southover, which may be considered as forming a part of the town of Lewes.

> we have shown, are, in the character of Christians, proscribed by the spirit and letter of the gospel of Christ.

One object in addressing you is because we would discharge a solemn duty. An apostle has said, "If a brother be overtaken with a fault, ye who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness."§ From our principles in respect to the incongruity of slavery to Christianity, we certainly consider you as having, by your conduct, encouraging and abetting the horrible practice of holding property in your fellow-men, been "overtaken" with a most grievous "fault"-a fault no arguments can justify, and which no circumstances can palliate.

We are totally ignorant, says one of its historians, of the time when the church of St. John the Baptist, in Southover, was reared. A will, which bears date 1512, mentioned it as existing at that time; and, from the terms in which it is referred to, we may conclude that it was not by any means new at that time. The Another reason we have is to acquaint you building was not large, but sufficiently with the conduct of our brethren, the Friends, capacious to accommodate the parishionin regard to giving up the practice of holding ers, whilst the gates of St. Pancras slaves in 1769, and thus having "cleared church (attached to an ancient monastic themselves" from any participation in the institution there) were thrown open to evils of colonial slavery since that period. We those who preferred to worship with the respectfully urge it upon your attention, whe-prior. But after Henry's reforming zeal + Timothy. had levelled the proud structure, and the parishioners again flocked to the church of

Matthew vii. 12. + Exodus.

§ Galatians vi. 1.

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The whole of the present south side of the church is built of alternate squares of flint and stone, and corresponds with the style of building at the close of the sixteenth or the beginning of the following century, at which time it is most probable that the alteration took place. The stone window-frames, which were introduced at the time of this repair, are Gothic, and were probably taken from the ruins of the dissolved priory. That they were not originally formed for the situa tion they now occupy is evident, from many parts of them being composed of different materials from the rest, owing, probably, to some of the stones being broken or lost in taking them from the walls in which they were originally fixed. This church has recently undergone considerable alterations. It consists of a nave and two aisles. A painting of John baptizing our Lord fronts the west. altar-piece represents the last supper, and possesses considerable merit.



THE following anecdote of the late Dr. Walker, well known as the Director of the London Jennerian and Vaccine Institutions, is extracted from the very interesting memoir of him, published for the benefit of his family, by his friend and successor, Dr. Epps.


"While our troops were using the weapons of destruction, Dr. Walker was busily employed in saving life. His work of vaccination being completed, he attended the sick of the British navy and of the Turkish army. The sense of weariness,' while engaged in these works of mercy, he seems hardly to have known; being assisted by his excellent friend, General Sir John Doyle, in prosecuting these labours of goodness. The following extract of a letter from that worthy officer speaks volumes. 'The General can never forget the impression made upon him by the extraordinary situation in which he first made an acquaintance with that amiable and benevolent individual (Dr. Walker). The day after the action near Alexandria, where the brave Abercrombie fell, the General was riding over the field of battle, attended by two orderly dragoons, to see if there were any wounded, French or English, who had escaped notice the evening before, when, on turning round a wall near the sea-side, he was struck with an appalling sight of more than a hundred French soldiers, with their officers, huddled together, desperately wounded by grape and cannon shot from an English brig of war. From being collected in the recess of the wall they had escaped notice on the previous day of search, and were exposed to the night air, and with undressed wounds. Here the General saw a man, evidently English, in the garb of a Quaker, actively employed in the heavenly task of giving his humane assistance to those poor brave sufferersgiving water to some, dressing the wounds of others, and affording consolation to all. Upon inquiry, he found the benevolent individual to be Dr. John Walker, who was himself almost exhausted, having been thus nobly employed from day-break without any assistance."

After reading this account, we are quite prepared for the following statements of Dr. Walker's views respecting colonial slavery:—

"When in Ireland he wrote the following spirited address: Irishmen! your legislation is yet unstained with the blood of the helpless and oppressed Africans. Will ye listen towill ye approve of-will ye join with-will ye support, declarations subversive of every principle of justice and humanity? It was in the latter part of the present century that ye asserted your own rights, and declared to the world that ye were free. Be consistent with yourselves, and maintain the dignity of man. But I hear a cheering voice: though faint it is expressive, and its sound extends far; it utters the melodious and pious language of humanity-sweet and harmonious as the music of the spheres. It is the expressive voice of CONDUCT, which speaks louder than WORDS, and which is happily heard among thousands of the people, both in this and the sister kingdom. When both the aged and the young, the delicate and the robust, the rich and the poor, when thousands of almost every profession, and of every rank, deny themselves the delicious gratifications of the western hemisphere, rather than indulge themselves at the expense of humanity, we must please ourselves with the hope of an approaching reformation.'

"In connexion with his attempts in behalf of the abolition of slavery, it is right to bear witness to the fact, that Dr. Walker was one of the first who exposed the fallacies of those who advocated that slaves are well treated and happy, in the following queries, which he sent to a public newspaper. Some correspondent had asserted that no one could inflict, without

the permission of a magistrate, more than thirty-nine lashes at one time. Dr. Walker saw through this deceptive statement, and asks How often could these be applied during one day?" It was stated, also, that the negroes are well provided for in every thing, and had, besides, the produce of their gardens, which they sold. Dr. Walker asks-The negroes having every thing provided, what do they do with their money?" And, in conclusion, puts this unanswerable question- If negroes are well used, why are such large importations necessary?'

"He further notices the fact, showing the injurious influence of the slave system, as well upon the masters as upon the slaves. There is no influence more powerful in the education of human beings than the force of example. We are naturally imitative. This disposition in our nature is active in early youth, and only leaves us in our death. How lamentably true this appears in what is observable in the conduct of the Creoles, and those who have spent much of their time in the West Indies or other parts, where they have seen men degraded even below the rank of beasts! It has been remarked, that on their arrival in Europe, where a degree of equality prevails among the different ranks of men, they have a certain air of insolence about them which sufficiently marks the habits of tyranny they have accustomed themselves to on the other side of the Atlantic.'"

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Here was deposited
the mortal part of a man,
who feared GOD, but not death,
and maintained independence,
but sought not riches;
who thought

none below him, but the base and unjustnone above him, but the wise and virtuous; who loved

his parents, kindred, friends, country,
with an ardour

which was the chief source of
all his pleasures and all his pains;
and who, having devoted
his life to their service,
and to

the improvement of his mind,
resigned it calmly,
giving glory to his Creator,
wishing peace on earth,
and with

good-will to all creatures,

on the twenty-seventh) day of (April), in the year of our blessed Redeemer, One Thousand Seven Hundred (and Ninety-four).

(From Lord Teignmouth's Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir William Jones.)

HOMER AND MILTON. PERHAPS few authors have been distinguished by more similar features of character than Homer and Milton. That vastness of thought which fills the imagination, and that sensibility of spirit which renders every circumstance interesting, are the qualities of both: but Milton is the most sublime, and Homer the most. picturesque. Homer lived in an early age, before knowledge was much advanced; he would derive little from any acquired abilities, and therefore may be styled the poet of nature. To this source, perhaps, we may trace the principal difference betwixt Homer and Milton. The Grecian poet was left to the movements of his own mind, and to the full influence of that variety of passions which are common to all: his conceptions are therefore distinguished by their simplicity and force. In Milton, who was skilled in almost every department of science, learning seems sometimes to have shaded the splendour of genius.

No epic poet excites emotions so fervid as Homer, or possesses so much fire; but in point of sublimity he cannot be compared to Milton. I rather think the Greek poet has been thought to excel in this quality more than he really does, for want of a proper conception of its effects. When the perusal of an author raises us above our usual tone of mind, we immediately ascribe those sensations to the sublime, without considering whether they light on the imagination or the feelings; whether they elevate the fancy, or only fire the passions.

The sublime has for its object the imagination only, and its influence is not so much to occasion any fervour of feeling, as the calmness of fixed astonishment. If we consider the sublime as thus distinguished from every other quality, Milton will appear to possess it in an unrivalled degree; and here, indeed, lies the secret of his power. The perusal of Homer inspires us with an ardent sensibility; Milton with the stillness of surprise. The one fills and delights the mind with the confluence of various emotions; the other amazes with the vastness of his ideas. The movements of Milton's mind are steady and progressive: he carries the fancy through successive stages of elevation, and gradually increases the heat by adding fuel to the fire.

The flights of Homer are more sudden and transitory. Milton, whose mind was enlightened by science, appears the most comprehensive; he shows more acuteness in his reflections, and more sublimity of thought.Homer, who lived more with men, and had perhaps a deeper tincture of the human passions, is by far the most vehement and picturesque. To the view of Milton, the wide scenes of the universe seem to have been thrown open, which he regards with a cool and comprehensive survey, little agitated, and superior to those emotions which affect inferior mortals. Homer, when he rises the highest, goes not beyond the bounds of human nature; he still connects his descriptions with human passions; and, though his ideas have less sublimity, they have more fire. The appetite for greatnessthat appetite which always grasps at more than it can contain, is never so fully satisfied as in the perusal of Paradise Lost. In following Milton, we grow familiar with new worlds, we traverse the immensities of space, wandering in amazement, and finding no bounds. Homer confines the mind to a narrower circle, but that circle he brings nearer to the eye; he fills it with a quicker succession of objects, and makes it the scene of more interesting action.

REPORT OF THE COMMONS', East?—No, he is not; Mr. Trew drew more malice and envy upon him than any person in the island.



OF 640 SLAVES, IN JAMAICA. "HAS there been marked increase of exertion in any quarter?-Yes; the Church Missionary Society have been exceedingly ac

tive since that time.

"When you say the Church Missionary Society, do you confine it to that body?-Oh, no! "To whom do you extend it?--I should extend it also to the Sectarians.

"Great exertions have been made by Sectarians to instruct the people?-Certainly. "On the part of the Established Church has there been any great increase of exertion in the Island of Jamaica ?-If I were to give a candid opinion, I think the appointment of the bishop has very materially impeded the progress of instruction in Jamaica.

"Are you a Dissenter or a member of the Established Church ?-A very zealous member of the Established Church, and very much opposed, in some respects, to the Dissenters.

"Yet, being myself a zealous member of the Established Church, having knowledge of the Island of Jamaica since the passing of those resolutions, and since the appointment of the bishop, is the conclusion at which you arrive, that religious instruction on the part of the Church of England has advanced or retrograded in the Island of Jamaica ?--It has not advanced in any degree at all adequate to the expense of the new establishment.

"You state that the appointment of the bishop has, upon the whole, formed an impediment, will you assign your reasons?-The bishop has thought it dangerous to interfere with the vices of the people; he has not proceeded at once to endeavour to do away with the gross immoralities he witnessed, but he has rather thought it necessary to temporize, and to leave them in their present state.

"When you say he has thought it necessary to temporize with the vices of the people, do you mean of the whole population, white and black, or with any distinction of colour?-The whole population, white and black; when he has known instances of gross immorality, he has not set his face against them in the way I consider a Christian bishop ought to have done.

"Was the malice and ill-will which he drew upon himself general?-Very general.

"This gentleman's exertions in spreading religious instruction among the slaves were disapproved of by white persons generally?—I think that that has been greater, since the bishop in going round used constantly to hold up St. Thomas-in-the-East as an example to all his clergy; he did that to an extent which raised a great deal of ill-will against Mr. Trew, at the same time that he opposed Mr. Trew himself in a very extraordinary manner. "How did his support of Mr. Trew, and holding him up as an example, consist with his temporizing with the vices of the population?-He did not support Mr. Trew; but in going round he spoke of St. Thomas-in-theEast in a very laudatory way, and wished that the other parishes were like it; but, at the same time, he very materially opposed Mr. Trew.

"How was the malice and ill-will evinced towards Mr. Trew generally?-By scandalous reports, and in various ways.

"With respect to their doctrines, have they been injuriously addressed to the passions of the negroes?-I do not believe they have at any time; I have heard their doctrines some three or four times, but not more, for I did not choose to mix myself up with them; their instruction was as sound and as good as any man could deliver.

"You give this opinion, conceiving it just, whereas you would prefer clergymen of the establishment, brought up at St. Bee's, and so on?--I would decidedly prefer pious clergymen of the Church of England.

"Notwithstanding that, you bear this testimony in favour of the lives and the doctrines of the Sectarians?-I do.

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Why do you prefer the clergy of the Church of England, in spite of those circumstances?-Because I have a great objection to the want of discipline among the Sectarians; persons are admitted who ought not to be entrusted with the doctrines of Christianity, in my opinion.

"Have you seen inconvenience arising practically from that?—I cannot say that I have seen any positive inconvenience arising from it, but I know of persons being admitted whom "Do you mean to say that he encountered I consider very improper persons to be adany opposition on estates where he was desi-mitted; but their conduct has been very exrous of giving instruction?—Yes; I mean to emplary since. state, positively, that on estates on which he had authority to go, and where the attorney promised to support him, he was opposed and hindered most effectually.

"Is it necessary for an incumbent of the Church of England to have permission to go upon an estate within his own cure?-Decidedly; he cannot set his foot upon it without permission; he cannot go and instruct the negroes without the people of the estate permitting it, and even the bishop himself has restricted the clergy going upon those estates. I do not allude to Mr. Trew in my last observation.

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Supposing Mr. Trew, in the discharge of his duty, had thought it indispensably necessary to instruct the slaves in his own parish, the slaves being willing, during shell-blow, to receive his instruction during that vacant space of time, was it impossible for him to discharge that duty?-Quite impossible.

"What created that impossibility ?-The will of the individuals.

"Were you to be understood that the bishop himself had restricted clergymen of the Church of England going on estates where the negroes were anxious to be instructed?-Yes; and that in one instance, to my knowledge, a threat was made to remove the curate to a distant part of the island if he continued his exertions. "Do you think the clergy in general could continue the exertions Mr. Trew made without injury to their health?-I see no reason on earth why they should not.

"Not adverting to particular instances, but speaking generally of the life and conduct of the ministers of the establishment, and the Sectarian teachers in Jamaica, during your stay, consistently with your own knowledge, you being a member of the establishment, with all your prejudices in favour of the Established Church, which should you say were the most efficient teachers of the black population, the ministers of the Establishment or the Sectarians?-The Sectarians, decidedly; they give themselves up very devotedly to the work, and in many instances have been emi-Sectarian teachers in the West Indies, when nently successful.

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"Do the Sectarians go to the same extent of bodily exertion ?--A great deal more. "Upon the whole, with reference to the

you consider the lives led by them under your own knowledge, their manners, the adaption of their language to the understanding of the negroes, and their mode of instruction, such as you have seen it practised, do you think them, upon the whole, well suited to the religious instruction of that population ?—I think they are, but not without some reservation.


First, in regard to the morality of their lives, do you believe their lives to be moral ? I believe it to be unexceptionable, from what I have observed.

"Do you believe that one inconvenience arising from it is a want of security being given for such persons as to their discretion? -Yes, decidedly; I consider that very objectionable, their want of responsibility to some higher power.

"Do you think that feeling is very general, even among planters who are disposed to give religious instruction to their negroes?—I do not find that it is.

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They do not object to the Sectarians for that reason?-No.

"You do not think that feeling mixes up with their objections?—No."


THE borough of Hull, in the reign of Charles II., chose Andrew Marvell, a young gentleman of little or no fortune, and maintained him in London for the service of the public. His understanding, integrity, and spirit, were dreadful to the then infamous administration. Persuaded that he would be their's for properly asking, they sent his old school-fellow, the Lord Treasurer Danby, to renew acquaintance with him in his garret. At parting, the Lord Treasurer, out of pure affection, slipped into his hand an order upon the treasury for £1000, and then went to his chariot. Marvell looking at the paper, calls after the Treasurer, "My Lord, I request another moment." They went up again to the garret, and Jack, the servant boy, was called. "Jack, child, what had I for dinner yesterday?" "Don't you remember, Sir?-you had the little shoulder of mutton that you ordered me to bring from a woman in the market." "Very right, child. What have I for dinner to-day ?" you know, Sir, that you bid me lay by the blade-bone to broil?" "Tis so; very right, child; go away." "My Lord, do you hear that? Andrew Marvell's dinner is provided ; there's your piece of paper. I want it not. I knew the sort of kindness you intended. I live here to serve my constituents; the ministry may seek men for their purpose; I am not one."-Dove's Life of Andrew Marvell.


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When in our little happy bower,

Or 'neath the starry vault at even,
We walked in love and talked of Heaven,
And pour'd forth praises for our dower.

But now, I could my hairs well number,

But not the tears my eyes which wet;
The Rhine will to their cradle-slumber,
Roll back its waves ere I forget-
Forget the blow that twice hath riven

The crown of glory from my head.
God! I have trusted, duty-led,
'Gainst all rebellious thoughts have striven,
And strive, and call thee Father still,

Say all thy will is wisest, kindest,
Yet-twice-the burden that thou bindest
Is heavy-I obey thy will.

At Katwyk, where the silenced billow,

Thee welcomes, Rhine, to her own breast;
There, with the damp sand for her pillow,
I laid my treasure in its rest.
My tears shall with thy waters blend them;
Receive those briny tears for me,
And, when exhaled from the vast sea,
To her own grave in dew-drops send them,
A heavenly fall of love for her!

Old Rhine! thy waves 'gainst sorrow steel

Oh, no man's miseries, thou canst feel them;

Then be my grief's interpreter !

And greet the babe which earth's green bosom
Had but received, when she who bore
That lovely undeveloped blossom

Was struck by death-the bud, the flower.
I forced my daughter's tomb, the mother

Bade me, and laid the slumbering child
Upon that bosom undefiled.
Where, where could I have found another
So dear, so pure? "Twas wrong to mourn
When those so loving slept delighted;
Should I divide what God united?

I laid them in a common urn.




Sir,-Having been for the last six months in possession of good health, and, indeed, better health than ever I remember to have enjoyed previous to a dreadful attack which I experienced last November, of low nervous fever, I feel it my bounden duty, after returning thanks to Almighty God for my happy recovery, in gratitude for your kind attention, to make this acknowledgment of the very Liquid Vegetable Universal Medicine. My sister tells me great benefit I received from the use of Mr. Morison's I took the liquid, being so ill and weak at the time she sent for you as to be unable to take the pills, and you were sent for, in consequence of the medicine I had previously taken not giving me any relief. Indeed, I was so ill that I don't recollect what passed; but my sister tells me that I had nearly lost my hearing, and could only speak with great difficulty, and that, by your advice, the medicines were administered to me in very strong doses; and, in four days, such was the effect the medicine had on me, that my sister, and every one that saw me, became convinced of my speedy recovery, which very soon, by the aid of Morison's Medicines, was accomplished. It is, therefore, my wish that this may be made public, that the afflicted, in the worst of cases, may not despair. I beg to offer my best thanks to Mr. Morison for the invention of the Medicine, and am, Sir,

Your very obliged humble servant,

CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. MORISON'S UNIVERSAL MEDICINES having superseded the use of almost all the Patent Medicines which the wholesale venders have foisted upon the credulity of the searchers after health, for so many years, the town druggists and chemists, not able to establish a fair fame on the invention of any plausible means of competition, have plunged into the mean expedient of puffing up a "Dr. Morrison" (observe the subterfuge of the double ), a being who never existed, as prescribing a "Vegetable Universal Pill, No. 1 and 2," for the express purpose (by means of this forged imposition upon the public), of deteriorating the estimation of the "UNIVERSAL MEDICINES" of the "BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH."

KNOW ALL MEN, then, that this attempted delusion must fall under the fact, that (however specious the pretence), none can be held genuine by the College but those which have "Morison's Universal Medicines" impressed upon the Government Stamp attached to each box and packet, to counterfeit which is felony by the laws of the

The "Vegetable Universal Medicines" are to be had at the College, New Road, King's Cross, London; at the Surrey Branch, 96, Great Surrey-street; Mr. Field's, 16, Airstreet, Quadrant; Mr. Chappell's, Royal Exchange; Mr. Walker's, Lamb's-conduit-passage, Red-lion-square; Mr. J. Loft's, Mile-end-road; Mr. Bennett's, Covent-gardenmarket; Mr. Haydon's, Fleur-de-lis-court, Norton-falgate; Mr. Haslet's, 147, Ratcliffe-highway; Messrs. Norbury's, Brentford; Mrs. Stepping, Clare-market; Messrs. Salmon, Little Bell-alley; Miss Varai's, 24, Lucas-street, Commercial-road; Mrs. Beech's, 7, Sloane-square, Chelsea; Mrs. Chapple's, Royal Library, Pall-mall; Mrs. Pippen's, 18, Trinity-grounds, Deptford; Mr. Taylor, Hanwell; Mr. Wingrove-place, Clerkenwell; Miss C. Atkinson, 19, New Kirtlam, 4, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth; Mr. Payne, 64, Jermyn-street; Mr. Howard, at Mr. Wood's, hair-dresser, Richmond; Mr. Meyar, 3, May's-buildings, Blackheath; Mr. Griffiths, Wood-wharf, Greenwich; Mr. Pitt, 1, Cornwall-road, Lambeth; Mr. J. Dobson, 35, Craven-street, Monck, Bexley Heath; Mr. T. Stokes, 12, St. Ronan's, Strand; Mr. Oliver, Bridge-street, Vauxhall; Mr. J. Deptford; Mr. Cowell, 22, Terrace, Pimlico; Mr. Parfitt, 96, Edgware-road; Mr. Hart, Portsmouth-place, Kenning ten-lane; Mr. Charlesworth, grocer, 124, Shoreditch; Mr. R. G. Bower, grocer, 22, Brick-lane, St. Luke's; Mr. S. J. Avila, pawnbroker, opposite the church, Hackney; Mr. J. S. Briggs, 1, Brunswick-place, Stoke Newington; Mr. T. Gardner, 95, Wood-street, Cheapside, and 9, Nortonfalgate; Mr. J. Williamson, 15, Seabright-place, Hackneyroad; Mr. J. Osborn, Wells-street, Hackney road, and Homerton; Mr. H. Cox, grocer, 16, Union-street, Bishopsgate-street; Mr. T. Walter, cheesemonger, 67, Hoxton Old Town; and at one agent's in every principal town in Great Britain, the Islands of Guernsey and Malta; and throughout the whole of the United States of America.

N. B. The College will not be answerable for the connone such are allowed to sell the "Universal Medisequences of any medicines sold by any chymist or druggist, eines."

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Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communi cations for the Editor are to be addressed.

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THE Porte St. Denis is a triumphal arch raised by the City of Paris, in commemoration of the two months' campaign of Louis the Fourteenth, in 1672, in which short period he effected the passage of the Rhine (12 June), conquered from the Dutch the three provinces of Utrecht, Overyssel, and Guilders, together with above forty cities and towns, laying Holland prostrate and helpless at

his feet.

This war, as brilliant as it was unjust, and fruitless in its results, was carried on in conjunction with our profligate and thoughtless King Charles, who joined in it for no better reason than that by so doing he might continue his shameless

and disgraceful career of vice, having entered into a secret treaty, by which he was to receive from the French King the sum of two hundred thousand pounds per annum for his co-operation. There were but few, also, of his profligate courtiers who had not been contaminated by French gold. Louis had previously assured himself of the neutrality or assistance of all the neighbouring powers. In this flagrant violation of justice, indeed, so false and frivolous were the reasons employed to justify his attack upon Holland, that one of the chief pretexts for it was the legend upon a medal, in which she boasted of having " Assertis legibus, emendatis sacris, adjutis, defensis, conciliatis regibus,

vindicata marium libertate, pace egregia virtute armorum parta, stabilita orbis Europæi quiete." "Secured the laws, purified religion, succoured, defended, and reconciled the monarchs, asserted the freedom of the seas, by the strength of her arms made a glorious peace, and established the tranquillity of Europe." Which was, perhaps, not boasting of much more than she really had done; yet, upon the complaint of Louis, and to appease his pride, the die was broken; but his thirst for revenge and conquest was not so easily removed. Voltaire observes "that it is singular, and worthy of remark, that not one of the enemies who were ready to overwhelm this little state

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