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disgrace. Happily for the interests of huma-
nity, the formidable armament of France only
served to proclaim to Europe, the estimation
in which the negro held his freedom, and the
sagacity and courage with which he could de-
fend it. But the effects of this struggle were

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all, whether it punish or protect. The rights of property are inviolable, and every individual has the free and uncontrolled power of disposing as he pleases of whatever belongs to him. The sys tem is becoming general of dividing the land into small allotments, where the Haytian farmers cultivate provisions and other articles, and rear cattle, Labourers are hired by the day or week, weekly labourers being paid on Saturday. On large estates contracts are entered into between the

THE SAFETY OF IMMEDIATE EMAN-long felt. In the latter part of it, extermina-pigs, poultry, &c., for their own use, or for sale.


No. III.


Continued from p. 181.

THIS state of things continued till the peace of Amiens in 1802, when Buonaparte fitted out a powerful armament for the purpose of reducing the negroes of St. Domingo to their former state of slavery. We have seen, that to this period no evil consequences had folup lowed Emancipation. The negroes were peaceable and the colony was flourishing. It was yet subject to France, under whose authority Toussaint held command. This state of things is a practical refutation of the statements of our opponents, respecting the ruinous effects which will be realized in our colonies if slavery be immediately abolished. It shows that the negro mind is competent to act with discretion, amid the new circumstances to which freedom would give rise,-that the ordinary laws of human conduct are as applicable to the African as to the inhabitants of Europe. If the immense population of St. Domingo could pass, with safety to themselves and to the white inhabitants, from slavery to freedom, without the slightest preparatory measures having been instituted, how preposterous are the fears which the colonists affect, of the consequences to themselves and the negroes, from the emancipation of the latter! If in the midst of a civil war, when they had been encouraged in pillage and murder by their masters, they could profit by the bestowment of freedom, with how much more certainty may we calculate on the happy effects which would issue from a similar boon in our comparatively thinly populated islands! It is in vain to reason with those who refuse to admit the soundness of such an inference.

tion rather than conquest was the object of
the French. Neither sex nor age was spared
-cultivation was driven from the plains, and
every means employed to spread famine and
disease through the island.

proprietors and labourers, for a certain term, of one, three, or five years, renewable with mutual "Is it to be wondered at, that, under these cir- consent; one fourth, and latterly, as will be seen cumstances, Hayti should have ceased to export hereafter, one half of the produce being secured to the labourers, who are also fed from the estate, tropical produce? And how perfectly absurd, and who have Saturday and Sunday entirely to therefore, are all the reasonings which by a comthemselves, with garden grounds to cultivate on parison of exports from that island in 1789 with those of 1805, would endeavour to establish the those days if they think proper; while the proinaptitude of a black population for productive in-prietor or renter pays all outgoings except labour, dustry? To secure the means of subsistence, in and provides for medical attendance and medicines, and for the care of children. The legal punishments for offenders are fine and imprisonment. Corporal punishments are by law wholly abolished. Men and women labour together without distinetion; but the men in larger proportion than the women, who are generally charged with the duties of the kitchen. The labourers are punishable, by fine and imprisonment, for not fulfilling their contracts; or for absenting themselves without leave, except on Saturdays and Sundays, from the estate on which they have contracted to labour; or for changing their place of abode without a passport; and they are prohibited from keeping shops or exercising trades without a licence, as, indeed, all persons are, such licences being, in Hayti, one main source of revenue.

case of another invasion, and to defeat that inva-
sion, if attempted, become now the grand objects
of Haytian solicitude. It was made a fundamen-
tal law of the state, that the moment an enemy
should begin to debark on the shores of the island,
that moment every town on the coast and every
building on the plain should disappear, and the
whole of the population betake themselves, the
women to their mornes, and the men to arms.
fatal to all schemes and efforts of prospective in-
And this state of uncertainty and peril, necessarily
dustry, continued to operate, in a greater or less
degree, until the year 1826, when France first re-
nounced her right to attempt again the subjugation
of her ancient colony.

"Such is the general condition of the agricultural labourers of Hayti in point of law, even according to the evidence to be found in the official report of Mr. Mackenzie. He nowhere under-fed. Indeed, the very contrary may be ventures to tell us that they are over-worked or inferred from the whole of his writings. We hear

Now, in all this long interval, what inducement was there to expend capital in re-erecting sugar works, and in renewing, on the plains of this island, those large agricultural establishments capital, indeed, it had no existence. The very which had been so completely destroyed? As for means and instruments required for the culture, preparation, manufacture, and safe keeping of exportable produce were annihilated, and had now not one syllable from him of their want or disas it were to be recreated; and was not this the tress, or of the severity of exaction or the cruelty very state of all others in which we might have of treatment to which they are subject. But if, expected to see realized those prophetic wailings turning our eyes from the agricultural class, we of returning barbarism which we are told must intake a view of the general state of society in this fallibly accompany negro freedom? But what is community of emancipated slaves, we shall find that they have made such advances in the imthe historical fact? It is, that in spite of all the ruin which had thus overspread the island; in provement of their social and political institutions as infallibly indicate great progress in the arts of spite of the innumerable discouragements which The documents produced by Mr. combined to obstruct industrious effort, and the civilized life. employment of capital in prospective plans of agri-Mackenzie prove that Hayti possesses a regular cultural improvement; in spite of all the disor- constitution of government; a code of laws evi But to return to our narrative. Generalganising and demoralising circumstances in which dently founded on good sense and justice; an Vincent, a military officer and proprietor of St. adequate administrative system of jurisprudence; Domingo, arrived in France with a communia fiscal establishment which appears to be well cation from Toussaint, just at the moment of regulated and effective; a well-disciplined military the peace of Amiens. He instantly repaired force; and a police which seems to give security. to Buonaparte, then first consul, and endeato person and property. The whole of its laws, voured to dissuade him from the prosecution too, are clearly and intelligibly expressed, so as of his design, assuring him that he could not and, being printed and universally circulated, are to be level to the capacity of the most ignorant, succeed, and that the peaceable and prosperaccessible to all; so that every Haytian may ous state of the colony rendered it unnecessary. But his efforts were ineffectual, and easily make himself acquainted with all his social, banishment to the Isle of Elba rewarded his Civil, and political rights, relations, and duties, while every thing connected with them is open also manly and faithful conduct. The armament to the examination and criticism of strangers." sailed, and the happy and flourishing island. became a scene of outrage, cruelty, and blood. The French army was commanded by Le Clerc, who, having perfidiously seized Touissant, was opposed by Dessalines, afterwards emperor of the island. The atrocities which were practised by the planters have never been exceeded amongst the most savage tribes. Having induced the French Consul to undertake the expedition, they endeavoured, by every means which craft and worse than Spanish cruelty could dictate, to insure its success. But all their efforts failed. The proud military of France won no honour on the plains of Hayti, and the miserable remnant of their force was ultimately compelled to retire in

the people of Hayti have since been placed; they
have continued to struggle with their difficulties,
and have risen superior to them; they have con-
tinued to improve their social and civil condition,
and, instead of declining in civilization, as we
were assured would infallibly be the case, they
have been progressively advancing in it, not only
since 1826, when their independence was declared,
but previously to that period; and a decisive
proof of such advance is to be found in the single
fact, that, in the interval between 1804 and 1824,
Hayti more than doubled its population.'

It is probably known to most of our readers
that the West India party have represented
agricultural labour in Hayti to be as coercive
as in our slave islands, and the condition of


the labourer to be worse than that of the
Let such statements be reconciled
with the following facts before they are again
proposed for our belief:—

"The Haytian laws have utterly abolished
slavery. They proscribe and wholly abolish the
use of the whip, both as a stimulus to labour and
as an instrument of punishment. They give to
rights. Every man is admissible to all offices,
the whole body of the people the same equal
whatever be his colour. The law is the same for

* 40 Report of the Lords, p. 850, 25,

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Mr. Buxton, in his examination before the Lords' Committee, was asked,

Have you made inquiries into the moral condition of the inhabitants of Hayti, or the free people of colour in our own colonies; and what is the result of those inquiries, if you have made them? I have made inquiries as to Hayti, and the result of those inquiries is, that the people are iu a very prosperous state indeed, and that there is by no means any great proportion of crimes amongst them; that is the result of the inquiries I have been able to make.

forts of their own, or are they exporting ?—I be "Does that prosperity consist of the mere com

Ibid. P

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to be industrious.

"Did they work for wages?-Yes. "Did they work by compulsion?-No, I never saw any people working by compulsion; I have ⚫ been told that deserted soldiers, and people who were vagabonds, worked by compulsion; people who were about the country, without any fixed residence, or any fixed employment; what would be called vagabonds or vagrants in this country.

"Were they kept to work under the lash?-No, I never heard of that.

Are you aware that there is a prohibition against all corporal punishment in that country? -Yes, 1 know there is.

"Did they appear to you to be living comfortably?—Yes; the most happy, the richest, the best fed, and the most comfortable negroes that I saw in the West Indies were in Hayti, even better than in the Carraccas.

"Were they decidedly better than the slaves in Jamaica-No comparison.

"What were their victuals, compared with the food of the slaves in Jamaica; were they superior or much the same ?-They were fed on meat principally; cattle is very cheap in Hayti.

"Is meat much cheaper in Hayti than in Jamaica?—Yes; much cheaper: it is 2d a pound, whilst the contract price in Jamaica is 12d.; in both places these are the highest prices.

"Were you able to perceive any difference at the Cape in the latter period of 1829, compared with the former period of 1828; had any progress been made in the interval?-Yes; the country had been tranquil at that time, and it appeared to me that there was more trade the last time than at the former, and there were several more schools


On the whole, would you say that civilisation was progressing ?-Yes, certainly, rapidly."

The same witness fully accounts for the Haytians not exporting sugar; of which fact the pro-slavery writers are accustomed to make so disingenuous a use:

"Do they import any sugar in Hayti?-Not that I know of; I believe they may import. The cultivation of canes is not encouraged in Hayti; they had no means of making it into sugar, nor any capital to set up works.

What were the causes stated to you?-The destruction of the works, and the want of capital to establish them again; and the necessity of attending to other more urgent concerns, feeding themselves and making clothes: besides, the government do not encourage making sugar, to avoid giving offence to the sugar colonies.

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Did you never hear the unwillingness of the free black population to work at the cultivation of sugar assigned as a reason?-Never; on the contrary, I was told that they were very ready to work if they were paid.

"Did you ever hear the necessary rate of wages of free labour, as compared with the lower cost of production in the maintenance of slaves, assigned as a reason why sugar could not be profitably cultivated in Hayti?-Never; on the contrary, many Europeans settled in St. Domingo have told me that they thought they could make sugar cheaper in Hayti with free labour than with slave labour in

our colonies, but the government do not encourage it.


"If the investment of capital in the cultivation of sugar by free labour in Hayti would be profitable to individuals, and as it would also be profitable to the state that capital should be so how do you account for capital not being so invested?-The insecurity of the country; they have been hardly out of a state of revolution yet; last time that the Spaniards made a claim upon it was during the period I visited St. Domingo the them for the Spanish half of the island, and they were obliged to raise a large army to defend the country, which prevented their attending to cultivation.'

The extent of our quotations prevents us from dwelling on the conclusion to which the facts of this case so irresistibly lead. The past progress and present condition of the black population of Hayti assure us of the safety with which slavery might be abolished throughout our colonies, and will leave us without excuse if we defer this work of righteousness

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A COMMON CHARACTER. Nor altogether wicked, but so weak, That greater villains made of him their tool; Not void of talent, yet so much a fool As honour by dishonest means to seek ; Proud to the humble, to the haughty meek; In flattery servile, insolent in rule; Hate in his heart, and smiles upon his cheek Keen for his own, for others' interest cool; This man, with abject meanness join'd to pride, Was yet a pleasant fellow in his day; For all unseemly traits he well could hide, Whene'er he mingled with the great and gay; But he is buried now-and, when he died, No one seem'd sorry that he was away!

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THE castle of Edinburgh stands on a | the square tower, is the apartment called high rock, accessible only on the east the crown room, wherein are deposited side. On all others it is very steep, and the Scottish regalia, consisting of the in some places perpendicular. It is about crown, sceptre, and sword of state, which 300 feet high from its base, and 383 were placed here on the 26th of March, above the level of the sea. The entrance 1707. It was long doubted whether these to this fortress is defended by an outer ensigns of royalty had not been removed; barrier of palisadoes; within this is a dry but, in 1818, when commissioners were ditch, draw-bridge, and gate, defended appointed by his late Majesty, then Prince by two batteries which flank it; and the Regent, to search for them, a large oaken whole is commanded by a half-moon chest in the crown room was forced open, mounted with cannon. Beyond these and the relics of the Scottish monarchy are two gate-ways, the first of which is were discovered. They were found in a very strong, and has two portcullises. state of the most perfect preservation, Immediately beyond the second gate- and have since been open to the inspecway, on the right hand, is a battery tion of the public. The crown room was mounted with cannon, carrying balls of neatly fitted up for the exhibition of 12 and 18 lbs. weight. On the north them; and two persons, in the dress of side are a mortar and some gun batte- the wardens of the tower, attended to ries. The upper part of the castle con- show them to visitors. The governor of tains a half-moon battery, a chapel, a the castle is generally a Scottish nobleparade for exercise, and a number of man; and there is a deputy governor, laid out in barracks for the officers. There major, a store-keeper, master gunner, and houses in the form of a square, which are who resides in the garrison; also a fortare also other barracks sufficient to con- chaplain. In its present improved state tain 1200 men; a powder magazine, this castle can accommodate 2000 men; bomb-proof; a grand arsenal, capable but its natural strength of situation was of containing 8000 stand of arms; and not sufficient to render it impregnable, other apartments which can contain full even before the invention of artillery, 22,000 more. On the east side of the much less would it be capable of securing square were formerly royal apartments, it against the attacks of a modern army in one of which King James VI. was provided with cannon. 940ST of born. In this quarter, immediately under

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A LETTER FROM LEGION TO THE DUKE OF RICHMOND, Chairman of the Slavery Committee of the House of Lords: containing An Exposure of the Character of the Evidence on the Colonial Side, produced before the Committee. London, S. Bagster. 8vo. PP. 196.

THE appointment in 1832 of a Parliamentary Committee to inquire into the State of the Slave Population, surprised and disappointed the country. The friends of humanity had supposed that the design of such a proposition from the Colonial party was too well understood in the present day to allow of its success; and in this opinion they were confirmed by the dispatch of Viscount Goderich, of November 5, 1831. It has been an old manoeuvre of the party, and ought to be scouted by every honest man. It is in vain to tell the British public they have not sufficient knowledge on which to act. They know to the contrary, and will not be deluded by any Colonial artifice Our opponents, like the magicians and astrologers of Babylon, want to gain time. In their desperation, they madly hope that some oceurrences may befal the nation, which shall avert its attention from the degradation and misery of the slave. They dread the emancipation of their bondsmen-and, while hopeless of ultimate success, are yet determined to protract the struggle to the latest possible moment.

If, however, it was determined by Parliament again to institute inquiry, the country had a right to expect that the composition of the committee should have been such as af forded a pledge for the honest and impartial discharge of its duties. No slave-holding peer should have been permitted to rank amongst its members. Such a pecuniary interest in the existing state of things should have been deemed a total disqualification for such a post.

"It will not be disputed, (says Legion) that the members of the tribunal by which such a ques

tion was to be decided should be men of intelligence; of information; patient, indefatigable, and, above all, disinterested and impartial; or, if a bias were permissible, that bias, according to the spirit of British law, should have been in favour of the weaker party.

work, Lord Seaford was, in vulgar phrase, sold up, and compelled to fly to Jamaica, to look after the wreck of that property which the whole question involved. Was such a man, with feelings rankling under a sense of recent injury, a fit judge to be named upon this Committee?

But Spiritual Peers were added to give to it weight with the public; and was your Grace, or your Grace's coadjutors, so uninformed upon the Colonial question, as not to know that the conduct of all the Spiritual Peers, on this delicate subject, has been such as to lower them in public estimation? It is known by all who have taken any part in the controversy that the Bishops are, ex officio, slave proprietors; and their management of the Codrington estates has sufficiently proved, how readily they chime in with Colonial feelings, and how promptly they echo the Colonial cuckoo-note of amelioration, as a substitute for freedom! These holy men have an account to reckon with their God upon this topic; and to that awful reckoning I leave them. But there is a vast body of the public who feel with myself that the Spiritual Peers, dreading as they do, and as a large majority of them have acknowledged in reference to this very question that they do, that all reform trenches upon invasion of ecclesiastical property, were the least unobjectionable of all judges upon the Colonial controversy. Yet, Sir, I am a churchman; I have all my relatives; and I love and respect the been educated as a churchman, in common with church to which I belong, but not its slavepossessing fathers!"

The object of our author is to show, from an examination of the Colonial evidence, the self-interest, or the implied or confessed ignorance, or the inconsistency, of every witness; and, in some instances, we have no hesitation in asserting, he has proved them We regret that our guilty on each count. limits will not permit us to extract largely from this pamphlet; but we hope our readers will examine it carefully for themselves.

The following quotation from the examination of the Duke of Manchester, an ExGovernor of Jamaica, displays an ignorance at once astounding and disgraceful. Mere forgetfulness can scarcely be supposed to account for his replies.

"Will your Grace have the goodness to explain to the Committee how the law upon that subject stood prior to that Act?"

I am not certain whether there was any law regarding the separation of families before that." "Does your Grace know whether, in practice, care was taken not to separate families in sales?" "I do not know that there was."

"I appeal not to the party feelings of your Grace-not to the personal attachments of your Grace-not to the prepossessions of your Grace--but to that high sense of knightly honour by "Your Grace has had two clauses submitted to which you seek to be distinguished, whether such your consideration; do you consider those clauses was the composition of the Lords' Slavery Com-tending to improve the condition of the slaves?" mittee. I too declare myself a party man, not in a political sense, but in reference to this question. I am an anti-slavery man to the backbone. But, even in an analysis of anti-slavery and pro-slavery evidence, party-feeling shall not govern me; and, with a consciousness of this, I feel myself entitled to ask your Grace whether in the nomination of the Peers' Committee party feeling or party interests were forgotten?

"Look at the members of this Committee; my Lord Seaford, my Lord Harewood, Lord Sligo, Lord Holland, Lord Combermere, and several others. Were not many of them personally and deeply interested in the result? Was it not in fact a question, whether these men were or were not the unconscious murderers of their fellowcreatures?

"I do consider so certainly, so far as they look to marriage, which, perhaps, they may think more of now than they did formerly; but when I first knew the island they thought nothing of it."

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In the latter part of the fifth clause it prohibits the separation of families by sale, only when levied together; is there or was there any and what law, to prevent their separation by separate levies or by voluntary sales?"


I do not recollect; what there may be now I can say nothing at all about."

"Was there at that time?"

"I do not recollect. The slave law is sufficient answer that question. The slave laws of the day are all in print, and will state that."


Does your Grace recollect whether any other day was given to the slaves, on the prohibition of Sunday markets after eleven o'clock ?"

Were they not called upon to decide whether they had, by their agents and representatives, sanctioned, for their own interests, a "No, I do not recollect any other day being system of oppression and death? And, accord-given, while I was there, than the Saturday and ing to all the principles of equity and common Sunday; the markets were prohibited only after a sense, were these the men to give a verdict upon certain hour in the day." this solemn issue? Let your Grace's military honour answer that question to your conscience. Why, before the Committee had half done its

"The Saturday was given while your Grace was there, as well as the Sunday?" "Yes."

"Was that given in consequence of the prohibition of the Sunday market after eleven o'clock ?"

"I do not exactly recollect whether it was at the time."

"Can your Grace, by reference to the Act, state how the law stood upon that point previously to this passing?"

"I cannot, unless I had the Negro code of that day to refer to. I have had nothing to do with these things for so long, and never expecting to have any thing more to say upon the subject, I do not bear these things in mind."-(Vide p. 383.)

"Is your Grace aware what is the penalty for exceeding a legal punishment?"

"I do not recollect what it is. There is one, I know."

"Has your Grace ever heard an instance of such a penalty being enforced?"

"I do not recollect. 1 have heard instances of cruelty to Negroes, and punishment for it; what it amounted to I do not recollect."-(Vide p. 389.)

Jamaica, seems determined throughout his Mr. Baillie, a twenty-seven-year resident in evidence to do good service to his friends, and yet, poor man, there is scarcely one of all the witnesses examined, who has rendered more important aid to the Abolitionists. His admissions, it is true, were undesigned; but they are not less valuable on this account. Let the

following be taken as a sample.

"Does not much licentious intercourse take place between the white classes and the slave population, whether black or colcured?"

"I do not consider that there is any licentious

connection between them, if I may be permitted to put this construction upon it: white people are in the habit of having a woman living with them, and I believe in most instances in the same way as man and wife do in this country,-kept mistresses as they are culled; but as to any violation of decency I have not seen it."

"Does that take place to a greater extent than in this country?"


Not half so much.”

"In point of fact, do you not know that almost every overseer, book keeper, and person in authority, keeps a coloured mistress ?"

"Not altogether coloured mistresses; some keep blacks; and I believe the brown population have originated entirely from that connexion. people of that description, when they get chilAn overseer, carpenter, mason, or other white dren, have been the means of having them emancipated. Such constitute the bulk of our brown population."

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Can you mention the names of any among your own acquaintance who do not keep a coloured mistress, or who, if they do, practise such secresy that it is wholly unknown to you?"

"I should consider myself a very mean chaof my acquaintance, either here or abroad, as racter if I was to investigate the conduct of any to their connexions with women."

"So far from meaning to ask you to criminate any friend, you are asked to absolve any friend from such criminality, by giving the name of any one who does not?" I do not myself.”


The winess is directed to withdraw. The witness is again called in. "Can you name any overseer, driver, or other person in authority, who does not keep a mistress ?" "I CANNOT."-(Vide p. 109.)

The following quotation from the examination of Admiral Sir L. W. Halsted, may be left to speak for itself. We shall merely adduce another extract, in order to show the opAdmiral had enjoyed. It is thus that many portunities for observation, which the gallant officers of the army and navy unintentionally mislead the public.

"On the last occasion you were resident four years in Jamaica?” "Three years and four months I was there?".

At that time you considered the slaves happy and contented, not wanting for any thing, not over-worked, and upon the whole so well off, that you thought they were better off than the peasantry of England?"

"Completely so.'


"Would you think it advantageous to this country to extend the system you saw to the

shores of Great Britain ?"

"In the first place they must have a different sort of clothing here; they can go half-naked ; but the same system would not do here."

"Except in point of clothing, you would think it advantageous to the peasantry here to be placed

in the same circumstances?"

"Their food is different; but with respect to other circumstances, they would benefit."

"It would be an inconvenience to them to be clothed as the peasantry of this country are, would it not?"



"The question does not suppose they are to be clothed in the same way or receiving the same kind of food; but supposing the English peasantry had the same degree of comfort, and the same degree of food in point of quantity, you would think it advantageous that Englishmen should be placed upon the same system?"

"I believe there are many Englishmen who would be exceedingly happy to be put into the situation of the negroes in the West Indies." "To become slaves?"

"No, not to become slaves."

"Will you state the reasons you have for thinking it would not be desirable to have the system of slavery prevailing in the West Indies introduced here?"

"I have never thought the system of slavery would be a good thing for Old England."

"You think that the slaves are better off than the people of this country?"

"I believe they are better off in many instances that there is a greater attention paid to their wants.'

"As you must have a tender regard for the country of which you are a native, how happens it that you do not desire to see the population of England in as happy a condition as the slaves in the West Indies?"

"I should like to see the labouring population of this country in the same state of comfort; I speak from what I have heard of the state of the labourer here, whose pecuniary wages are tremely low, and which can hardly afford them any thing to eat, or drink, or to clothe themselves."


The witness is directed to withdraw. The witness is again called in. "Would you object to the introduction of the system before alluded to, including slavery as a part of that system?"

"Of course, as an Englishman, I cannot possibly advocate any thing like slavery in England; but what 1 mean to say is this, that there are, I understand many people in England whose wages are so exceedingly low that they are not so well off, or so comfortable, as the negroes I have seen in the West Indies."

Objecting to slavery, as you would naturally do, what is there that you know, or have observed of slavery in the West Indies, to create so great an abhorrence of it?"

"With respect to the placing the people of this country in the same situation, there must be a difference as to clothing, and that sort of thing; a man who is happy and comfortable in that country, according to the climate and provisions, is a great deal better off than he would be in this country."

"You consider slavery to be an evil?"
"There is no doubt about that."

"What have you observed of this system of slavery in the West Indies that creates in your mind so great an abhorrence of it?"

"I can only say that my feelings against slavery are, that no man as an Englishman can advocate any thing like slavery; but with respect to their comforts, they appeared to me as happy and comfortable as any people could possibly be, doing away, of course, with the slavery; I cannot

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"You think that the slaves, so far as your observation has extended, had no reasonable ground of complaint?"

seeing." (!!!) "As to the treatment I had no opportunity of

"Did you reside for any length of time upon any sugar plantation?" "No."

"Have you ever resided at all on a sugar plantation?"

"I have been on a visit for two or three or four days. I was over on the north side in St. Ann's. I think I slept three or four nights at a Mr. Parke's. I never saw him before or afterwards."

"Does the general opinion you have delivered of the condition of the slave population relate to the common field negroes, or to th other class

mentioned ?"

"To all those that I have had an opportunity of observing.'

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Including the common field negroes?" "Yes; I never was in the field when they were at work. I have seen them go in gangs, but I was never in the field attending them."

"You have never seen the gangs at work for any length of time?"

I do not remember that I ever did; but I

have seen the gangs going to their work and returning from it."

"Did it ever happen to you to be sufficiently early to see the negroes go to their work in the morning?"

"Yes; I have seen them pass by; I have not been in the field; but I have seen the gangs going to work, and I have seen them returning." "Are you aware that they are allowed a certain time for their dinner?"

"I always understood so."

"Did you ever see them at dinner?" "No; I do not recollect that I have." "Do you know what means they have of ing their food?"

"No; I cannot speak to that." in grass-picking or throwing, as it is called?" "Do you know whether they are ever employed Grass-mowing they are employed in." "Are they employed in that during the dinner



"No, I do not."

"Or the difference of the number of hours in and out of crop?"


No; there is a difference, I know, in crop time; it is much about the same in that country as it is in this during harvest time; they work sooner and later, but I do not know what the dif

ference is."

"Do you know whether there is any nightwork required of the slave ?"

attend the boilers, and those things, I should sup "In crop time there must be night-work,-to pose."

"You do not know the amount of that work?" "No, but I know they do work at night-that they relieve each other in gangs; but I believe it is absolutely necessary that they should work at night in boiling the sugar."

"Is it within your knowledge that a certain Jamaica?" time of respite from labour is allowed by law in

"I do not know exactly how that is, but they are allowed a certain proportion of time for their meals; I do not know what the provision of law is, but I speak to the fact, that they are allowed time

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"You stated that you had seen gangs go out to work; at what time in the morning have you seen them?"

recollect exactly." "Perhaps at six or seven o'clock. I cannot

"Was it after your gun-fire ?"

"Yes; certainly after that."

"Do you recollect the hour at which you saw them returning from work?"

"I should suppose about six o'clock in the afternoon, as nearly as I can recollect. Unless I saw any thing very particular to notice, it did not make an impression on my mind; but I used to see them returning after we had got up from diauer, and walked round about the grounds-six o'clock perhaps."


A KNOWLEDGE of gardening was first introcook-duced into England from the Netherlands, and, until 1509, our vegetables were imported from thence. Currants (or Corinthian grapes) were brought from the Isle of Zante, then belonging to Venice, and planted in England in 1535; about thirty years afterwards the Flemings planted a number of flowers, unknown in England, at Norwich and its vicinity, including gilly flowers, carnations, the Provence rose, &c. In 1552, grapes were brought to England, and planted in Bloxhall, in Suffolk; and in 1587, tulip-roots were brought from Vienna. Hops were sent over from Artois in 1720, but five years elapsed before they were in general use for malt liquors.

"Not that I recollect; I always understood that they had regular times for their meals, like

other labourers.'

"At night when they leave work, do you know whether they do or not mow grass, or collect fodder for cattle?"

"I cannot speak to that, not having been present when they were cutting grass."

"Do you happen to know how the fodder for the cattle is collected in Jamaica?"

"No, not particularly. I have seen it on donkeys' backs, and brought in carts; but I do not know particularly how it is collected." "It must have been previously collected by

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Yes; but I do not know at what time; they cut grass with their reap hooks, I believe, as we do our wheat and barley. They are employed occasionally in picking grass."

On the time of labour he is equally uninformed, as the following extract will show.

"Do you not think that the care of the slaves and their families before and after the work, as well as during the period of their servitude, fully compensate for the work they do for their owners?"

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GONE from her cheek is the summer bloom,
And her lip has lost all its faint perfume;
And the gloss has dropped from her golden hair,
And her cheek is pale, but no longer fair.
And the spirit that sate on her soft blue eye
Is struck with cold mortality;
And the smile that played round her lip has fled,
And every charm has now left the dead.
Like slaves they obeyed her in height of power,
But left her all in her wintry hour;
And the crowds that swore for her love to die,
Shrunk from the tone of her last faint sigh,
-And this is man's fidelity!

"Tis woman aloue, with a purer heart,
Can see all these idols of love depart,
And love the more, and smile and bless
Man in his uttermost wretchedness.


A LAPLAND JOURNEY. THE above engraving represents a Laplander travelling in his sledge, drawn by a rein-deer. Of the habits, &c., of this useful animal, and of the contrivance by which his services are rendered so available, we present our readers with a short account, principally supplied by Dr. Thomson, in his "Travels in Sweden."

The riches of the Laplanders consist in their rein-deer, and in the extent of ground on which they feed. The poorer people have from fifty to two hundred of these animals, the middle class from three hundred to seven hundred, and the rich possess a thousand, or more. The lands are from three to five Swedish miles in extent. It very often happens that those whose herds are large lose some of their rein-deer, which they generally find again in the ensuing season, and they then drive them back to their old companions. This animal feeds almost entirely on the rein-deer moss, which grows in prodigious quantities in Lapland, whitening whole districts of great extent; sometimes in autumn, when there is no snow lying, a sudden frost freezes up this plant. When this fails, the animal has no resource, for he will not eat hay. His keepers fell the trees in order to supply him with the filamentous lichens which clothe their branches; but this kind of food but ill supplies the place of what is natural to him. It is astonishing with what readiness he gets at his proper food, through the deep snow that covers it, and by which it is protected from the severe frosts.

The rein-deer feeds also on frogs, snakes, and even on the mountain rat, often pursuing the latter to so great a distance as not to find its way back again. The herds are driven home, night and morning, to be milked. A maidservant and a dog are sufficient to drive a whole herd. If the rein-deer prove refractory, the dog easily makes them obey the word of command, especially when seconded by the hissing of the woman, at which they are extremely terrified. In general, however, they are exceedingly tractable, and are so essential to the Laplanders as, in fact, to constitute their only resource, being considered

as at once the substitute for the cow, the horse, the sheep, and the goat; indeed, without them the country would be uninhabitable.

In winter the Laplanders yoke these creatures to sledges, in which they travel with prodigious velocity. Their sledges are made of birch-wood, and are drawn along the ground. The back part is upright, or nearly so, the lower part only being sloped a little inwards. The body of the machine is like the hulk of a boat with a blunt keel, and consists of five longitudinal boards, lying one over the edge of another, that which forms the keel being about an inch thick. The whole carriage is six feet in length; and, from the back part to within two feet of the front, its breadth is every where about

four feet.

To this carriage they usually harness two rein-deer, driving them by cords fastened to their horns; and it is said they will tread 150 versts in one day, a distance equal to 112 English miles.


Ir is an evident and remarkable fact that there


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is a certain degree of correspondence to religion No. 25, New Town, Landport, July 2. throughout the economy of the world. Things bearing an apparent analogy to its truths sometimes more prominently, sometimes more abstrusely, present themselves on all sides to a thoughtful mind. He that made all things for himself seems to have willed that there should be a great system of emblems, reflecting or shadowing that system of principles in which we are to apprehend him, and our relation and obligations to him. So that reljgion, standing up in grand parallel to an infinity of things, receives their testimony and homage, and speaks with a voice which is echoed by the creation.FOSTER.

It is in the relaxation of security, it is in the expansion of prosperity, it is in the hour of dilatation of the heart, and of its softening into festi vity and mirth, that the real character of men is discerned.-BURKE.

Sir, I feel it incumbent on me to let my fellow-crea tures know the great benefit I have received from taking the Universal Medicines. I have been afflicted for ten years with an asthma, and strong billious affection, often attended with great vomitings of blood, scarcely an appetile, and reduced to the lowest ebb of existence. Having had all the best advice, with no beneficial effect, I at length fell within the channel of your fame, and procured a supply of the "Universals" of your agent, Mr. Pearson, at Hanley, which completely cured me, by taking eight to twelve pills a day, the extent of which was performed for less than ten shillings. For the good of mankind you are at liberty to give this what publicity you please, and am, most gratefully, dear Sir, yours, &c., THOMAS TAYLOR. Hanley, Staffordshire, 16th July, 1832.

The study of divinity is, indeed, difficult, and we are to labour hard and dig deep for it; but then we dig in a golden mine, which equally invites and rewards our labour.-DR. SOUTH. There are moments of despondency when Shak-cial-road; Mrs. Beech's, 7, Sloane-square, Chelsea; Mrs. speare thought himself no poet, Raphael no painter -when the greatest wits have doubted the excellence of their happiest efforts.-COLTON. Hypocrisy is part of the homage which vice pays

to virtue.

The "Vegetable Universal Medicines" are to be had at the College, New Road, King's Cross, London; at the Surrey Branch, 96, Great Surrey-street; Mr. Field's, 16, Airstreet, Quadrant; Mr. Chappell's, Royal Exchange; Mr. Walker's, Lamb's-conduit-passage, Red-lion-square; Mr. J. Loft's, Mile-end-road; Mr. Bennett's, Covent-gardenmarket; Mr. Haydon's, Fleur-de-lis-court, Norton-falgate; Mr. Haslet's, 147, Ratcliffe-highway; Messrs. Norbury's, Brentford; Mrs. Stepping, Clare-market; Messrs. Salmon, Little Bell-alley; Miss Varai's, 24, Lucas-street, CommerWingrove-place, Clerkenwell; Miss C. Atkinson, 19, New Chapple's, Royal Library, Pall-mall; Mrs. Pippen's, 18, Trinity-grounds, Deptford; Mr. Taylor, Hanwell; Mr. Kirtlam, 4, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth; Mr. Payne, 64, Jermyn-street; Mr. Howard, at Mr. Wood's, hair-dresser, Richmond; Mr. Meyar, 3, May's-buildings, Blackheath; Mr. Griffiths, Wood wharf, Greenwich; Mr. Pitt, 1, Cornwall-road, Lambeth; Mr. J. Dobson, 35, Craven-street, Strand; Mr. Oliver, Bridge-street, Vauxhall; Mr. J. CHANGE IN THE VALUE OF MONEY. Monck, Bexley Heath; Mr. T. Stokes, 12, St. Ronan's, Deptford; Mr. Cowell, 22, Terrace, Pimlico; Mr. Parfitt, THE following scale of prices for seats at 96, Edgware-road; Mr. Hart, Portsmouth-place, Kenningcoronations is amusing, as showing the relative ton-lane; Mr. Charlesworth, grocer, 124, Shoreditch; Mr. R. G. Bower, grocer, 22, Brick-lane, St. Luke's; Mr. S. value of money, if not of public curiosity and J. Avila, pawnbroker, opposite the church, Hackney; Mr. love of exhibition :-Edward ist, half a far-J. S. Briggs, 1, Brunswick-place, Stoke Newington; Mr. T. Gardner, 95, Wood-street, Cheapside, and 9, Nortonthing; Edward 2nd, a farthing; Edward 3d, falgate; Mr. J. Williamson, 15, Seabright-place, Hackneyhalfpenny; Richard 2nd, a penny; Henry 4th, road; Mr. J. Osborn, Wells-street, Hackney road, and ditto; Henry 5th, twopence; Henry 6th, ditto; gate-street; Mr. T. Walter, cheesemonger, 67, Hoxton Old Homerton; Mr. H. Cox, grocer, 16, Union-street, BishopsEdward 4th, ditto; Richard 3d, ditto; Henry Town; and at one agent's in every principal town in Great 7th, ditto; Henry 8th, fourpence; Edward 6th, Britain, the Islands of Guernsey and Malta; and through. ditto; Mary, ditto; Elizabeth, sixpence; James 1st, one shilling; Charles 1st, ditto; Charles 2nd, half-a-crown; James 2nd, ditto; William and Anne, ditto; George 1st, five shillings; George 2nd, half-a-guinea; George 3rd, in abbey, ten guineas-in street, from one to ten guineas; George 4th, in street, from one to twenty guineas.

out the whole of the United States of America.

N. B. The College will not be answerable for the consequences of any medicines sold by any chymist or druggist, as none such are allowed to sell the "Universal Medicines."

Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communications for the Editor are to be addressed.

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