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145. I cried in al hert; Laverd, here me;
'pine rightwisnesses sal I seke to pe.

146. I cried to þe; sauf me make pou, þat I yheme pi bodes nou,

147. I 3for-come in ripenes, and made crie; In pine wordes over-hoped I.

148. Bifore come mine eghen at þe in grikinge, þat I think pi *speche over all thinge.

149. Mi steven here, Laverd, after þi merci; And after pi domes qwiken me for-pi.

150. Neghed me filiyhand to wickenes ai, Fra pi lagh soth-lic fer made er þai.

151. Nere ertou, Laverd, in godenesse; And alle pine waies soth-fastnesse.

152. In biginning of þi witnesses knew I swa, For in ai grounded pou pa..

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156. Miserationes tuae multae nimis Domine secundum judiðinum gelif-festa mec

cium tuum vivifica me

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ge-seh Sætte bi-bodu Bin ic lufude dryht' in Sinre mild-heortnisse 159. Vide quia mandata tua dilexi Domine in tua misericordia gelif-festa mec vivifica me

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aldermen oehtende perun mec bi un-gepyrhtu from pordum dinū 161. Principes persecuti sunt me gratis

forhtað heorte min

formidavit cor meum

et a verbis tuis

ic biom ge-blissad ic ofer ge-sprec ðin spe sege‐moetð here-reaf 162. Laetabor ego super eloquia tua sicut qui invenit spolia



un-rehtpisnisse on fionge ic hefde 7 on-scuniende ic eam aee sod-lice 163. Iniquitatem odio habui et abominatus sum legem autem

dine ic lufade

tuam dilexi

seofen siðum in dege lof ic segde de ofer domas reht-pisnisse 164. Septies in die laudem dixi tibi super judicia justitiae



155. Far fra sinful hele es ai,

For pi rightwisnesses noght soght þai.

156. pine mercies, Laverd, mani be;
And after pi dome quiken me.

157. Fele pat filiyhen me, and droven me swa;
Fra þi witnesses noght 1helded I for þa.

158. I sagh wemmand, and 2 skulded awai;
For pi speches noght 3yhemed pai.

159. See, for pi bodes, Laverd, luved I;
þou quikened me in þi merci.

160. Biginning of þi wordes sothnesse,
In ai alle domes of pi rightwisnesse.

161. Princes filiyhed me self-willi;
Of pi wordes dred mi hert for-pi.

162. I sal faine over pine speches mare,
Als wha swa fand mikel þat reft ware.

163. Wicknes to hatreden had I sothli,
And am wlated; and þi lagh luved I.

164. Seven sithe in dai lof saide I to pe,
Over domes of þi rightwisenesses þat be.

1 bohed, E. sculked, H. E.

3 3hemed, H.

4 fond mikel þat robbed, E.

sib micelu


noman Dinne

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165. Pax multa diligentibus nomen tuum et non est in illis

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ic heold bi-bodu Bin 7

cyðnisse dine for-don alle pegas

168. Servavi mandata tua et testimonia tua quia omnes viae

mine in ge-sihðe dinre drht'

meae in conspectu tuo Domine

XXII. X & w


to-niolaece ge-bed min in ge-sihde dinre dryht' 169. Adpropiet oratio mea in conspectu tuo Domine secundum ge-sprece dinū sele me eloquium tuum da mihi intellectum


in-gaeð boen min in ge-sih be dinre dryht' efter 170. Intret postulatio mea in conspectu tuo Domine secundum ge-sprece dinu ge-nere mec eloquium tuum eripe me

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forð-segeð tunge min ge-spreocu din for-don all bi-bodu 172. Pronuntiabit lingua mea eloquia tua quia omnia mandata

ðin reht-pisnis

tua aequitas

sie hond din dæt halne mec doe for-don bi-bodu din

173. Fiat manus tua ut salvum me faciat quia mandata tua

ic ge-ceas
ic ge-pillade


min is

mea est

dine dryht' 7 aee din smeang 174. Concupivi salutare tuum Domine et lex tua meditatio

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167. Mi saule yhemed pi witnesse ;

And swith mikel luved am, mare and lesse.

168. I3gatte pi bodes and witnesses pine, For in pi sight al waies mine.

169. Negh mi bi-seking, Laverd, in sight of pe; Bi þi speche, understanding gif me.

170. In-ga min askinge in þi sight nou; After pi speche, me outake pou.

171. Rift sal mine lippes *ympne, dai and 5 night, þi rightwisenesses when pou has me taght.

172. Schewe sal mi tung þi speche þat esse, For alle pine bodes evennesse.

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