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treasures, of the latter. All his meditations are rich in thought and spiritual feeling, and many of them specimens of exquisite beauty and finished perfection in this species of composition. The poetry, with which every one closes, has caught the full spirit of our best sacred lyrics. Many of these pieces would make rich additions to our collections of hymns; and all of them would have done, had they been composed in measures proper for psalmody.

On the whole, this American reprint of the English edition must, we think, be hailed with peculiar satisfaction by all who love the religion of the Bible and of the closet, and who, at the same time, can say, "We know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we know him that is true; and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and Eternal Life."



SEVERAL authors have written copiously, and some learnedly, on the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. The present volume does not pretend to vie with the writings of a Dyer, a Serle, or a Goode. It takes its own ground, and only offers its humble aid to the plain Christian, who may be inclined to afford it a place in his library, and occasionally to refresh his mind with a few simple and devotional reflections on the glory of that Saviour whose "name is as ointment poured forth." May he, by his Holy Spirit, fulfil his promise to the Church, in the experience both of the reader and the writer: "MY PEOPLE SHALL KNOW MY NAME."

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