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Arms, carrying, etc., 34, 129

unlawfully drilling to use of, 35

Army and navy, 35

Appeals, notice of, recognizance, etc., 131, 22, 32

Apprentice, 36, 7-8

Arrest without warrant, 39, 40

Arson, 40

Arsenic, 41, 280, 1-2

Art, maliciously destroying works of, etc., 29, 41
Articles of the peace, 41, 268-9, 270-2

Assault and battery, 41-2

with intent to obstruct sale of grain, 42-3

on seamen, stevedores, 43-4

with intent to commit an indictable offence, 44
on clergyman, 44

on magistrate, bailiff, constables, etc., 45

on females or children, 45

Assembly, unlawful, 45

Assessment act, 45-7

Attempts to commit offences, 47

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