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panies him through the perils of the deep; and, collecti his strength, he manfully contends with the wind an waves, and saves himself from the jaws of destruction.

Lessen thy fears, and if thou hast been hitherto unhapp or comfortless, experience will teach thee that life is neve without its changes. If the morning is clouded, the brigh ness of noon may chase away the obscurity. Unmingle joy or sorrow, is seldom of long duration. Why shoul we despair at the setting of the sun, when we know he wil smile upon us so soon again? Consider the whole exten of thy present adversity, and if every thing on earth is darl and desolate, remember that God will never forsake thee Then do not despair!

Fear not, for God is always with thee. If thou shoulds be left without hope, or the enjoyments of life, thou has still a treasure in the inexaustible goodness of thy creator If death has deprived thee of a relative or friend, do no give way to unavailing grief over their graves. Thou art also a wanderer to eternity, and will meet them in the skies. If thou hast suffered by the injustice of thy neighbors; it the malice of thine enemies hath afflicted thee; if the deso. lating hand of war hath deprived thee of thy property; let not thy courage forsake thee, for he who watches over the stars, will not fail to number thy tears. Strive to think that the sufferings thou hast endured the past year, were only a test of thy christian virtues; a lesson to govern thy future life. Thou wert born for another world, and not for this shadow of earthly existence. By virtue, and wisdom, and greatness of soul, thou wilt one day be fitted for the enjoyments of

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heaven. The evils of this life, therefore, which exist but for a moment, tend to increase and strengthen the power of thy mind, and prepares thee for eternal glory.

Thou hast nothing but thyself to fear; for thy imprudence and uncontrolled passions, are thy most formidable enemies. If thy present situation is painful to thee, encounter thy difficulties with christian fortitude. Consider, maturely, those means by which thou canst best relieve thy distress; and thy heavenly father, who watches over the smallest worm, will give thee his assistance.

To thee, Oh, Lord, I cheerfully surrender myself, and whatever may happen to me in the ensuing year, shall not estrange my affections from thee. If thou art with me, why should I be terrified or discouraged? With the new year, I will endeavour to live more worthy of thy holy name; and whatever pain and struggling it may cost me, I will strive to lay aside my vicious inclinations, which secretly ruin me.

Should the present year be appointed for my death, may I be prepared to stand before thee, with a purified spirit, while the tears of my friends are bedewing my grave. I will prepare myself for the event, and look upon it as the signal, that is to call me away to the enjoyment of unmingled happiness, which thy infinite goodness has prepared for the righteous in the world to come.

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It is a beautiful thing to behold a family at their devot Who would not be moved by the tear that trembles in mother's eye, as she looks to heaven, and pours fort fervent supplications, for the welfare of her children? can look with indifference upon the venerable father, rounded by his family, with his uncovered locks, kn in the presence of Almighty God, and praying for happiness and prosperity? In whose bosom is not awa the finest feelings, on beholding a tender child, in the b of its innocence, folding its little hands in prayer, an ploring the invisible, yet eternal father, to bless its pa its brothers and sisters, and its playmates.

It can not be denied, that in former times, there e more true piety, than at present; nor that there was integrity and nobleness of soul; more philanthroph domestic bliss; with less of selfishness, hypocrisy an mouthed slander.

With what is termed the refinement of our manner partly disappeared our sense of religious duty. We chiefly of wild and extravagant pleasures. We se happiness in the pomp and show of the world, wh might have found it in our own bosoms. There are persons who affect to believe, that a public manifesta their religious feelings, would be a disgrace; but th not hesitate to mingle in idle, indecent and riotous asse

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They would not be found reading their bible, but they are ready to peruse corrupt and immoral books. Thus the heart grows desolate, even in the midst of its fancied improvements; and in its desires, descends to the level of the brute. The carelessness and immorality of parents, are frequently destructive of the peace and prosperity of their families. But many will yet return to the simple and exemplary life of our forefathers, and be reinstated in their virtues.

Public worship, is of inestimable value. But it often becomes a mere habit. In the dissipations of life, the heart grows cold, and ceases to employ itself with the things of heaven. How soon do those beautiful impressions vanish from our minds! How soon are the holy vows and repentant tears, which accompanied them, forgotten or despised! It seems we would only be christians on the Sabbath, as though every day in the week was not equally worthy of our devotion to God.

We should not make a vain show of our religion. Christian meekness will be found in a solitary corner; but the hypocrite sounds his trumpet, and goes forth into the streets, that he may have glory of men.*

How delightful, on the contrary, is piety and devotion, when brought within the limits of a single family. Here, the father and mother become the priest and priestess of the Almighty! Here is erected the temple of God! Here assembles the little family, after the labour of the day is completed! Here they look abroad into the heavens, and gaze upon the glittering stars-proclaiming the magnificence

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