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tread too long, in diftinguishing his Priefly Office, from his being a Sacrifice; the fuppofing that for Chrift to be a Prieft and a Sacrifice is all one and the fame thing, and it may be it is; because they have not thought on this fo well as they fhould: Namely, that as he was a Sacrifice, he was paffive, Ifa. 53. that is, ded or had away as a Lamb to his Sufferings: But as a Prieft, he was active; that is he did willingly, and freely give up his Body to be a Sacrifice. He batb given bis Life a Ranfom for many. This Confideration being with fome Weight and Clearness on my Spirit, I was, and am caused to lay them down in two particular Heads. And therefore,


The fecond thing that I would fpeak fomething to, it is this; that as there were Priests under the first Covenant, fo there is a Priest under this, belonging to his New Covenant, a High Prieft, the Chief Priest; as it is clear, where it is faid, We baving an High-Priest over the Houfe of God, Heb. 10. 21. Chap 3. 1. Chap. 5 5, 10. and Chap. 7. 24, 25, 26. Chap. 8.


Now the things that I fhall treat upon are thefe: First, I fhall fhew you the Qualifications required of a Prieft under the Law. Secondly his Office; and thirdly, how Jefus Chrift did according to what was fignified by those under the Law: I fay, how he did anfwer the Types, and where he went beyond them.

For his Qualifications.

First, they must be called thereto of God; No Man takes his Honour upon him, but he that is called of God, as Aaron, Heb. 5. 4. Now Aaron's being called of God to be a Prieft, fignifies,

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that Jefus Chrift is a Prieft of God's Appointment, fuch a one that God hath chofen, likes of, and hath fet on work, called of God an High-Priest, &c. ver. 10.

Secondly, The Priefts under the Law, they muft be Men compleat, not deformed; Speak unto Aaron, faith God to Mofes, faying, Whosoever he be of thy Seed in their Generations, that hath any Blemifh, let him not approach to offer the Bread of his God: for whatsoever Man he be that bath a Ble-mish, he shall not approach (if he be) a blind Man, or-a lame Man, or that bath a flat Nefe, or any thing fuperfluous, or a Man that is broken footed, or broken handed, or crook-backt, or a Dwarf, or he that hath a Blemish in his Eye, or be Scurvy, or Scabbed, or hath his Stones broken: No Man that hath a Blemish of the Seed of Aaron the Priest, fhall come nigh to offer Offerings of the Lord made by Fire; he hath a Blemish, he fall not come nigh to offer the Bread of his God, Levit. 21. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. What doth all this fignify, but that, in the firft place, he muft not be lame, to fignify, he muft not go haltingly about the Work of our Salvation. 2. He must not be blind, to fignify that he must not go ignorantly to work, but he must be quick of Understanding in the Things of God. 3. He muft nos be fcabbed, to fignify, that the Prieft muft not be corrupt, or filthy in his Office. In a Word, he must be every ways compleat, to fignify to us, that Jefus Chrift was to be, and is moft compleat, and moft perfect every way, an acceptable High-Prieft in Things pertaining to God, in reference to his fecond Covenant.


Thirdly, The Priefts under the Law were not be hard-hearted, but pitiful and compaffionate,

willing and ready, with abundance of Bowels to offer for the People, and to make an Attonement for them, Heb. 5. 1, 2. To fignify, that Jefus Chrift fhould be a tender Hearted HighPrieft, able and willing to Sympathize, and be affected with the Infirmities of others, to pray for them, to offer up for them his precious Blood; he must be fuch a one, who can have Compaffion on (a Company of poor) ignorant Souls and on them that are out of the way, to recover them, and to fet them in Safety, Heb. 4. 15. and that he might thus do, he must be a Man that had Experience of the Difadvantages that infirmity and Sin did bring unto thefe poor Creature, Heb. 2. 17.

Fourthly, The High-Priefts under the Law were not to be fhy or squeamish, in Cafe there 'were any that had the Plague or Leproly, Scab or Biotches; but muft look on them, go to them, and offer for them (Levit. 13. read that whole Chapter) all which is to fignify, that Jefus Chrift fhould not refufe to take Notice of the feveral Infirmities of the pooreft People, but to teach them, and to fee that none of them be loft, by Reafon of their Infirmity, for want of looking to, or tending of. This Priviledge alfo have we under this fecond Covenant. This is way to make Grace fhine.


Fifthly, the High-Priefts under the Law, they were to be anointed with very excellent Oil, compounded by Art (Exod. 29. 7. Chap. 30. 30.) to fignify, that Jefus the great High-Priest of this New Covenant, fhould be in a moft eminent way anomted to his Prieftly Office by the Holy Spirit of the Lord.


Sixthly, the Prieft's Food and Livelihood in the time of his Miniftry, was to be the confecrated and holy Things, Exod. 29. 33. to fignify, that it is the very Mean and Drink of Jefus Chrift, to do his Prieftly Office, and to fave and preferve his poor tempted and afflicted Saints. O what a New Covenant High Priest have we!

Seventhly, The Priefts under the Law, were to be washed with Water, Exod. 29. 4. to fignify, that Jefus Chrift fhould not go about the Work of his Priefly Office, with the Filth of Sin upon him, but was without Sin to appear as our High Prieft in the Prefence of his Father, to execute his Prieftly Office there for our Advantage. For fuch a High Prieft became us, who is holy, harmlefs, undefiled, feparate from Sinners, and made bigher than the Heavens, Heb. 7. 26.

Eighthly, The High Priefts under the Law, before they went into the holy Place, they were to be cloathed with a curious Garment, a Breaftplate, and an Ephed, and a Robe, and a broidered Coat, a Mitre, and a Girdle, and these were to be made of Gold, and Blue, and Purple, and Scarlet, and fine Linnen; and in his Garment and glorious Ornaments, there must be precious Stones, and on thofe Stones there must be written the Nameş of the Children of Ifrael, (read the 28th of Exodus) and all this was to fignify what a glorious High Prieft Jefus Chrift should be; and how in the Righteoufnefs of God, he fhould appear before God as our High Prieft, to offer up the Sacrifice that was to be offered for our Salvation to God his Father; but I pafs that:

Now I fhall fpeak to his Office: The Office of the High Prieft in general was two-fold. irft. To offer the Sacrifice without the Camp. Secondly,

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Secondly, To bring it within the Veil, that is, into the holiest of all, which did type our Heaven.

First, it was the Office of the Prieft to offer the Sacrifice; and fo did Jefus Chrift, he did offer his own Body and Soul in Sacrifice. I fay, HE did OFFER it, and not another, as it is written, No Man taketh away my Life, but I lay it down of myself; I have Power to lay it down, and I have Power to take it up again, John 10. 17, 18, And again it is faid, When he (Jefus) had offered up one Sacrifice for Sins for ever, fat down on the Right Hand of God, Heb. 10. 12.

Secondly, the Priefts under the Law muft offer up the Sacrifice that God had appointed, and none elfe, a compleat one without any Biemifh; and fo did our High Prieft, where he faith, Sacrifice and Offerings thou wouldeft not, but a Body haft thou prepared me, and that will I offer,

Heb. 10.5.

Thirdly, the Prieft was to take of the Ashes of the Sacrifice, and lay them in a clean Place: And this fignifies, that the Body of Jefus after it had been offered, fhould be laid into Jofeph's Sepulcre, as in a clean Place, where never any Man before was laid, Levit. 6. 11. compared with John 19. 41, 42.

This being one Part of his Office, and when this was done, then in the next Place he was to put on the glorious Garment, when he was to go into the holieft, and take of the Blood, and carry it thither, &c. he was to put on the holy Garment, which fignifieth the Righteoufnefs of Jefus Chrift.

Secondly, He was in this holy Garment, which hath in it the Stones, and in the Stones, the Names of the Twelve Tribes of the Children


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