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with determina

may commence


shall ascertain and determine the amount of such loss; and When dissatisfied if the member insured is not satisfied with the determin tion of Directors, tion of the Directors, he may within three months ner suit against said after such determination is made known, bring an actio: at law against said Company in the County where the los or damage happened; and in case the plaintiff in such action shall not, on trial, recover damages greater tha the amount determined as aforesaid, he shall not be a lowed costs; but the Company shall recover its costs and after the expiration of three months execution may issue against the Company.

Jish the amount

member on any


Sum to be paid in

no case to exceed

amount of note


SECT. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Directors shall, Directors to pub- after receiving notice of any loss or damage by fire, sus to be paid by each tained by any member, and ascertaining the amount of the same, settle and determine the sums to be paid by the several members of said Company, as their respective proportions of such loss and publish the same in such manner as they shall see proper, and as the by-laws may prescribe. And the sum to be paid by each member shall always be in proportion to the original amount of the note or notes, but shall in no case exceed the amount of said note or notes by him deposited; and shall be paid to the Treasurer, within thirty days next after the publication of said notice. And if any member shall, for the space of thirty days after such notice, neglect or refuse to pay the sum assessed on him as his proportion of any assessment as Members refus- aforesaid; in such case, the Directors may sue for and recover the whole amount of the note or notes by him deposited, with costs of suit; and the money thus collectAmount recover- ed, after deducting the costs and expenses shall remain in the Treasury of said Company, subject to the payment such losses and expenses as have then accrued; or may thereafter accrue, and the balance if any remain shall be returned to the party from whom it was collected, on demand, after thirty days from the expiration of the time for which insurance was made.

ing to pay may be sued.

ed, how disposed


May insure for a


SECT. 9. Be it further enacted, That the said Company term not exceed- may make insurance for any term of time not exceeding

ing 7 years.


seven years, [on] any house or other building, household

* furniture, and goods in any building, within this State, against damage by fire originating in any cause other than Elesign in the insured.


months, unless

ere SECT. 10. Be it further enacted, That the Directors To pay for all shall provide for the payment of all losses in manner afore- losses within 3 said within three months, after they shall have been noti- they rebuild. fied as aforesaid; unless they shall judge it proper, within that time, to rebuild the house or houses destroyed, or repair the damages sustained, which they are hereby empowered to do in convenient time; Provided they do not Proviso. lay out and expend in such building or repairs more than the sum insured on the premises; but no allowance is to be made, in estimating damages, in any case, for gilding, paintings, prints stucco or carved work, nor are the same to be replaced if destroyed by fire.


SECT. 11. Be it further enacted, That if insurance on Insurance to be any house or property shall be and subsist in said Com- void in certain pany, and in any other office, or from and by any other person or persons, at the same time, the insurance made in and by this Company shall be deemed and become void, unless such double insurance subsists with the consent of the Directors, signified by endorsement on the back of the Policy signed by the President and Secretary.

Mode of calling

SECT. 12. Be it further enacted, That any two of the persons named in this Act shall call the first meeting of first meeting, said Company, by publishing a notice of the time and place of meeting in the newspaper printed at Hallowell, at least ten days prior to said meeting.


by this Act sub-
fication of the Le-

SECT. 13. Be it further enacted, That the powers granted Powers granted by this Act, may be enlarged, or restrained at the pleasure ject to the modiof the Legislature; and no Director or member of said Company, shall, in any case, be liable beyond the amount of his said note deposited as aforesaid; and this Act shall not take effect unless property to the amount of fifty thousand dollars shall be agreed to be insured by said Company.


Chapter 86.

AN ACT to incorporate the East Machias Sluice Company.

Approved March 9, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre Names of Corpo sentatives in Legislature assembled, That John C. Talbot, Cyrus W. Foster, William Pope, Jeremiah Foster Junr., John E. Sevey, Luther Hall, Walter Robbins, John Bryant, Jeremiah Foster, Jabez Norton, H. S. Chase, Silas H. Chase, A. M. Foster, Micah J. Talbot, John S. Seavey, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they hereby Corporate name. are incorporated into a Company by the name of the East Machias Sluice Company, for the purpose and with the power of repairing or rebuilding a sluice way for the pas sage of lumber from the Mills, called Unity and Industry, to the tide waters in East Machias River, upon the same track, on which the sluice way has heretofore been laid, Provided, that it shall not interfere with the private rights of any individual: And also to erect a sluice way between said points on such lands as now belong to said Corporators, or on such lands as the Company may purchase, and to keep up and maintain said Sluice ways and repair and rebuild the same at pleasure.


SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Company shall Powers and du have and exercise all the rights and powers, and be subject to all the restrictions of "An Act concerning Corpora tions" passed at the present session of the Legislature.


Number of shares.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, 'That said Company may divide their Capital Stock or joint property into such a number of shares as they may deem proper, and in transEach share enti- acting all Corporation business, each share shall be entitled to one vote, and absent members may vote by proxy.

tled to one vote.

Rates of toll.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That a toll is hereby granted for the use of said Corporation, upon the following articles of lumber passed through said sluice way, as follows, viz: upon every thousand feet of board plank and joist board measure, six and a quarter cents; upon every thousand of laths and shingles, three cents; upon every

thousand of clapboards, ten cents; upon every ton of timber and every hundred feet of ranging timber, ten cents; upon every thousand of staves fifteen cents; upon each housand feet of oar rafters ten cents; and in that proporion for a greater or less quantity of said articles, and all articles or kinds of lumber of every description intended to be conveyed through said sluice, shall be placed therein, and taken therefrom, by the respective owners thereof, or at their expense, in addition to the rates of toll aforesaid.

Chapter 87.

AN ACT to incorporate the North Yarmouth and Freeport Stage Company.

Approved March 9, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Philip Eastman, Jacob G. Loring, Names of CorpoWilliam B. Gooch, Samuel Sweetser, their associates, rators. successors and assigns, be and they hereby are constituted

a Corporation for the purpose of running Stages, by the

to the amount of

name of the North Yarmouth and Freeport Stage Com Corporate name. pany, with power to take and hold any estate real and May hold estate personal to an amount not exceeding twenty five thousand $25,000. dollars, and the same at pleasure to convey, by gift, grant, bargain, or sale, or otherwise; and to manage the same for their use and benefit for the purposes aforesaid; and generally to have and exercise all the powers and privi- ties. leges, usually granted to other Corporations for similar purposes, and to be subject to all the liabilities of an "Act concerning Corporations" passed February the sixteenth eighteen hundred and thirty six.

Powers and du


Corporate name.

Chapter 88.

AN ACT to incorporate the Kennebec Granite Company.

Approved March 9, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre Names of Corpo- entatives, in Legislature assembled, That Reuel Williams. Alfred Redington, Samuel Melvin Junr, their associates. successors and assigns, be and they hereby are created a Corporation by the name of the Kennebec Granite Company, for the purpose of quarrying, working and manufac turing Granite on their own lands in the towns of Hallowell and Augusta, and for vending the same; and for these purposes, shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties and requirements expressed in the several Acts, defining the general powers and duties of manufacturing corporations, and also to "an Act concering Corporations" passed the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, and may take, and May hold estate hold and manage real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars at any one time, and may dispose of the same at pleasure.

Powers and duties.

to amount of 200,000 dollars.

first meeting.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That any two of the Manner of calling persons above named, may call the first meeting of said Corporation, by publishing notice thereof in any newspa per, printed in Hallowell or Augusta, ten days before such meeting.

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Chapter 89.

AN ACT to incorporate the Belfast Flannel Manufacturing Company.

Approved March 9, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Philip Morrill, Benjamin HazNames of Corpo- eltine, E. T. Morrill, H. G. K. Calef, Samuel A. Moulton, James P. White, Thomas Pickard, Bailey Pierce, Paul R. Hazeltine, William O. Poor, Daniel Harraden, their asso


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