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associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are created a body politic and corporate, by the Corporate name. the Phipsburg Coal Company, for the purpose

May hold estate $100,000.


ing and working coal mines in the Town of Ph in the County of Lincoln with power to have and to the amount of estate real and personal not exceeding in value o dred thousand dollars and the same at pleasure to dispose of as they may see fit. And said Compar Rights and privi be entitled to the rights and privileges and be sub the duties and requirements of "an Act concerning porations" passed February 16, 1836, and shall a subject to the laws regulating manufacturing Corpor SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That, the Legis Legislature may may, at any time, enlarge, restrain, or annul the p granted by this Act.

enlarge, &c.

Chapter 69.

AN ACT to incorporate the . Croix Navigation Company.

Approved March 3, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re sentatives, in Legislature assembled, That Anson G. Chand Fatores of Corpo Reuel Williams, John A. Chandler, Daniel Williams, S uel Veazie, Niel D. Shaw, George M. Chase, Shelomith Whipple, Luther C. White, George W. Stanley, Jos Pierce and Joseph Whitney with their associates, succe sors and assigns, be and they hereby are incorporated in Corporate name. a body politic by the name of the St. Croix Navigatio Company, with the power and for the purpose of floating lumber and other articles with greater facility and of using and navigating rafts, boats and other water craft upon the waters of the St. Croix River, between the tide waters thereof and the outlet or foot of the Chepetnecook Lake, with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the duties and liabilities, provided and required by an Act, passed on the sixteenth of February, 1836, entitled "AD

Powers, &c.

Act concerning Corporations." Provided, that the rights Proviso.
of others, public and private and of every description, in
he use of the waters of said River shall not be infringed

r impaired.

May hold estate

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purposes to amount of 200,f this Act, the Corporation is hereby authorized to pur- 000 dollars. hase and hold any estate, real and personal to an amount ot exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, and the Captal Stock shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, Capital stocknd the stockholders shall be allowed one vote for the irst share, and one vote for every two succeeding sharesProvided, no member shall be entitled to more than twenty Proviso. otes; and any member may vote by proxy authorized in vriting.

how divided,&c.

maintain dams, &c.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation May construct nay construct and maintain such dams, locks, piers, and Dooms, inclined planes, and other structures and excavaLions as may be necessary for said purposes.

Persons wilfully

injuring, &c. liable to treble dam

ages, fine or im


SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall wilfully or maliciously destroy, injure, impair or obstruct any of the rights, privileges or property of the Corporaion as herein granted, such person shall forfeit and pay to he party injured, treble damages, to be recovered in an action of trespass, or be punished by fine to the use of the State, not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment, not exceeding six months, by indictment in any Court of competent jurisdiction. SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall Liability of pery boat, raft or otherwise wilfully delay or obstruct the any lock, &c. pproaching, entering, passing or repassing any lock, inlined plane, sluice or other avenue, or do any other act whereby the operations of said Corporation in the transortation on said river shall, under the improvements uthorized by this Act, be obstructed, such person shall or every such offence, forfeit and pay all damages thereor to be recovered in an action of the case.

sons obstructing

SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation Maytake lands by hay take and occupy such lands adjacent to said River as paying just com


Compensation for

pensation there may be necessary for the purposes of this Act, on par a just compensation to the owners to be determined in t -how determin same manner and subject to the same rules and regulatio as are provided in the several Acts for the laying out highways.


by flowage, to have remedy.

SECT. 7. Be it further enacted, That if by reason of r Persons injured powers, herein granted, any person shall be injured by waters flowing on such person's lands, he shall have: same remedy, in the same manner and to the same effe as is, or shall be provided by the several Acts for the port and regulation of Mills.

Rates of toll established.

SECT. 8. Be it further enacted, That there shall allowed to said Corporation, a toll upon all articles. follows, viz: All square and round timber to be run dar at the expense of the Corporation, if the same will without the assistance of boats, and to be delivered their works, seventy five cents per thousand feet, to scaled by board measure, if the same shall pass the whe distance embraced in the Corporation; all planks, joiss and other lumber that may be floated without boats, & any place on the river where the same may be delivered, shall be transported to any place designated on the rive within the limits of the corporation, at the rate of seve five cents per thousand, board measure; for every b passing either way the whole of said distance besides the toll required for the articles on board, that is to say, for each boat not exceeding two tons burden, one dollar; ove two and not exceeding five tons, one dollar and fifty cents over five and not exceeding twenty tons, two dollars; OE twenty and not exceeding forty tons, two dollars and fi Articles transpor- cents; over forty tons three dollars. Upon articles trac ted by boats, toll ported by boats, the whole of said distance, as follow


each cord of bark or wood, seventy five cents; hard wo lumber, unmanufactured, thirty seven and a half cents ton; staves or clapboards, seventy five cents per thousan shingles and laths, fifteen cents per thousand; hoop pol and cedar posts, seventy five cents per cord; agricultur - products, one dollar and twenty five cents per ton; othe merchandize, two dollars per ton, the tolls for any part



have a lien upon

the payment of

f the distance shall bear the same proportion to the rates oresaid, as that part of the distance bears to the whole. nd said Corporation shall have a lien upon said boats and Corporation to ticles, and may detain the same for the tolls, until the all boats, &c. for me shall be paid, and at the expiration of thirty days toll. om the time said toll shall have become payable, may, fter reasonable notice, raise the same by public sale of "O much of said boats or articles, as will pay the same ith the expenses of collecting-or said Company may sue or and recover said tolls by action of debt in any Court f competent jurisdiction-Provided, That when boats or Proviso. rticles shall be entered for transportation at either end or Terminus embraced within the limits of the corporation and intended for the whole distance, the same toll may be exacted whether the same be transported the whole distance or not Provided also, That no toll shall be taken or exacted until the river shall become boatable by the falls for flat bottomed boats of at least ten tons burden at all seasons when not encumbered by ice, and the tolls shall be subject at all times to revision and modification by the Legislature. SECT. 9. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the Corporation to duty of said Corporation to make and keep in good repair such parts as may at all times, good and sufficient bridges over any part that where roads may be canaled where any County road or town road now crosses, or wherever the same may hereafter be found necessary to pass upon any land that may be taken by said Corporation, and the the same to be kept in good repair. SECT. 10. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not


Tolls subject to

the revision of the

keep bridges over

be canalled,


ed in this Act to

owners of mills,

prior Corpora


be so construed as to prejudice the rights of any mill No powers grantowner or owners, or any owner or owners of booms, piers, the prejudice of or mill privilege or privileges, or dam or dams that may booms, &c. belong to them, nor shall their interest be prejudiced by tions. reason of the water being retained by any dam, bulkhead or lock to be erected by said Corporation; nor shall this Act be so construed as to prejudice any Corporation heretofore granted, nor to prevent or restrain any person or persons from the use of the water of the river as it had

constructed with

in five years.

This Act to have no effect until similar Act is

been or might have been used in a state of nature nor subject them to toll for the use as aforesaid.

SECT. 11. Be it further enacted, That if said Corpora: Works, &c. to be shall not construct the works, and make the improveme by this Act provided, within five years from the enactme thereof, it shall be null and void; and it shall have : effect until an Act of incorporation for like purposes si granted by New have been granted by the authority of New Brunsw from some point on the St. Johns to Cheputnecook L -and whatever toll shall be received under the authry of New Brunswick for the transportation herein prov and within the limits of this Corporation, shall be deducte from that herein granted.


Limitation of act. Subject to the modification of the Legislature.

SECT. 12. Be it further enacted, That this Act sha continue and be in force twenty years, subject howere to be annulled or modified by the Legislature.

Names of corpo


Chapter 70.

AN ACT to incorporate the New Meadows Granite Company.

Approved March 4, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives is Legislature assembled, That Peter H. Greene, Ebenezer Clapp Francis Adams with their associates successors and assigns, be and they hereby are created a Corporation by Corporate name. the name of the New Meadows Granite Company for the purpose of quarrying working and dealing in Granite and other stone in the Town of Brunswick and of transporting the same to market, and for these purposes shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and requirements incident by law, to similar corporations May hold estate and may take, hold and manage real and personal estate, not exceeding at any one time, two hundred thousand dol lars.

Powers and duties.

to amount of 200,000 dollars.

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