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note or notes, with costs of suit; and the money thus collected, shall remain in the Treasury of said Company, subject to the payment of such losses and expenses, as have, or may thereafter accrue; and the balance, if any remain, shall be returned to the party, from whom it was collected, on demand, after thirty days from the expiration of the term, for which insurance was made.

sure certain prop

exceeding three

SECT. 9. Be it further enacted, That the said company Company may inmay make insurance, for any term not exceeding seven erty for a time not years, on dwelling houses, stores, shops, and other build- years. ings, household furniture and merchandize in this State, against loss or damage by fire, originating in any cause, other than by design in the assured. And that when the property insured shall be alienated by sale, or otherwise, Policy void in the policy shall thereupon be void, and be surrendered to to be surrenderthe Directors of said company to be cancelled; and upon such surrender, the assured shall be entitled to receive his, her, or their deposite note or notes, upon the payment of his, her, or their proportion of all losses, and expenses, that have accrued prior to such surrender.

certain cases and

first meeting.

SECT. 10. Be it further enacted, That any two of the Manner of calling persons herein named, are authorized to call the first meeting, by posting up advertisements, in two or more public place in Wells ten days prior to said meeting. And no policy shall be issued by said Company, until application shall be made for insurance on thirty thousand dollars, at least.

Chapter 21.

AN Act to establish the Piscataqua Ferry Company.

Approved February 16, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives in Legislature assembled, That, Charles Stimpson, Names of Corpo-
Joseph Dame, Samuel Badger, Moses Remick, Lyman
Parker, John Cloutman, John P. Simes, Oliver Philbrick,


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their associates, successors, and assigns, be and they hereby are created a body politic and corporate, by the name of Corporate nate, the Piscataqua Ferry Company, with power by that name. to sue and be sued, to have and use a common seal, and to change the same, at pleasure, to ordain, establish, and put in execution, any by laws and regulations for the management of their affairs, not repugnant to the laws of this State, and to exercise aud enjoy all the powers and priv leges, incident to similar corporate bodies.

SECT. 2. Be it further enasted, That said Corporation be, and hereby is authorized to establish, set up, and maintain a Ferry across the Piscataqua River at Kittery, at or Place of landing, near the United States Navy Yard bridge and landing on the opposite side of said River, at some point between Central and Long wharves, in Portsmouth New Hamp shire, with a boat, or boats, propelled by steam, or horse power, sufficient for transporting passengers, and travellers with their horses, carriages, carts, teams, and cattle.

Description of boat.

Rates of toll.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That a toll be, and hereby is granted and established for the use of said Corporation, according to the rates following, to wit, for each foot passenger, two cents, each person with a wheel-barrow, or hand cart, three cents, for each person and horse, ten cents, for each sleigh, chaise, or other carriage of pleasure, drawn by one horse twenty cents, for each coach, chariot, sleigh, phæton, or other pleasure carriage, drawn by two horses, forty cents, for each sleigh phaton, or other pleasure carriage drawn by four horses, fifty cents, for each sled sleigh, cart or other carriage drawn by one horse ten cents, for each cart, waggon, sled or sleigh drawn by two horses or oxen twenty cents, and for each additional beast, five cents, for neat cattle or horses exclusive of those rode upon, or in teams, or carriages eight cents, for sheep and swine two cents each; and to each team one person, and no more shall be allowed free of toll, and the said corporation may commute the rates of toll, with any person or with any corporation, by taking

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of him or them, a. certain sum annually, which may be
mutually agreed on, instead of the toll aforesaid.

keep suitable

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation Corporation to shall keep at all times, at the ferry established as aforesaid, boats, &c. a good beaf, or boats, in good repair, suitable and convenient for the accommodation of travellers, their horses, carriages, carts, teams and cattle and cause ready and due attendance on passengers to be given, on all occasions, and

lect, &c.

for every neglect of such attendance, said Corporation shall forfeit and pay one dollar, and for every neglect of keep- Penaly for neging such a boat, twenty dollars; each penalty to be recovered by an action of debt in any court of competent jurisdiction, one moiety thereof to the use of the State, and the other moiety to the use of any person, who shall sue therefor; and said corporation shall be further liable to pay, in an action on the case, all such special damages, as any person shall sustain by such neglect.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That if said Corporation shall neglect or refuse, for the space of five years from the passing of this Act, to set up said Ferry agreeably to provisions of the second section of this Act, then this grant shall be void.


Act void if said

ferry is not set up five years.

for the space of

Manner of calling

SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of said Corporation may be called at such time, and place, first meeting. as may be determined upon by a majority of the persons

e, herein named, by publishing notice thereof in the New on Hampshire Gazette, ten days at least, prior thereto, also, by posting up one or more notices at some public place or places in Kittery as aforesaid.



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Corporate name.

Chapter 22.

AN ACT to incorporate the Proprietors of the Elm Grove Cemetery.

Approved February 18, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives in Legislature assembled, That Sullivan Dwight. Names of Corpo John S. Abbot, Thomas A. Snow, Edward Robinson, Wiliam Singer, Hezekiah Prince Junr. David Kellogg, Olive: Robbins, Thomas McLellan, Jonathan Cilley, Rufus C Counce, Oliver Jordan, Rowland Jacobs Jr., Hezekia Prince, their associates, successors, and assigns, be and they hereby are constituted a Corporation by the name of the Elm Grove Cemetery, and by that name may sue and defend in any Court of record, or in any other place; have and use a common seal; ordain, establish, and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances, and regulations, as to them may appear necessary, and convenient, for the gov ernment of said Corporation, and the prudent management of their affairs, Provided the same be not repugnant to the laws of this State; take and hold, not exceeding al estate, amount three acres of land in the town of Thomaston, which shall be used solely, and exclusively, for the purposes of a Cemetery for the dead; and personal property to an amount not exceeding twelve hundred dollars; with all the powers, and privileges, necessary to carry into full effect the objects contemplated by this Act of incorporation.

Powers, &c.

Real and person

allowed tobe held by Corporators.

Manner of divid

ing land and as

to each proprietor.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation signing allotment may divide the land held as aforesaid, into suitable and convenient allotments, pathways and alleys, and assign in writing to each Corporator, and to each person who shall hereafter become an associate, to be held by them respectively and by their respective heirs and assigns, subject to such rules and regulations, as the Corporation shall from time to time ordain, and prescribe, for the sole purpose aforesaid, a portion of said land, not exceeding in quantity five square rods; Provided however, if any Corporator, or associate, his heirs or assigns shall use, or allow any other person to use the allotment assigned to him as aforesaid


for any other purpose than as aforesaid, the same shall forthwith resort to, and become the property of this corporation and it may be assigned by them to some other Corporator or associate for the purposes aforesaid, in the same manner as if no assignment had been previously made. SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That no part of said land, either before, or, after such allotment or assignment, shall be liable to be attached, taken, distrained, or sold on mesne process, execution, or warrant of distress, so long as the same shall be kept or used for the purposes of a Cemetery as aforesaid-and the same shall be free from taxation so long as the same shall be used, and dedicated, exclusively to the purposes aforesaid.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the officers of the Corporation shall be a President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually belonging to such offices, and they shall also be a Board of Managers of the affairs of the Corporation-and the Corporation may elect any other officers the by-laws shall prescribe.

Land aforesaid

exempt from at

tachment and



Manner of call

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting ing first meeting. of this Corporation may be called by any three of the Corporators aforesaid, by notice of the time, and place, thereof, published in any newspaper printed in the County of Lincoln, ten days at least before the time appointed for holding the same.

Chapter 23.

AN ACT to incorporate the Freedom Academy.

Approved February 18, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That there be and hereby is established in Freedom, in the County of Waldo, an Academy by the name of Freedom Academy, for the pur- Corporate name. pose of instruction in such branches of education as are

usually taught in Academies; and that Joseph Hockey, Names of CorpoGeorge Rigby, Samuel Flint, Thos. B. Hussey, Nathan rators.

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