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bury Dearborn and such others as may hereafter be associated with them, their successors and assigns be and they hereby are made a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Maine Scythe and Shovel Manufacturing Corporate name. Company for the purpose of carrying on the manufacture of the various implements of husbandry and mechanics' Tools, in the vicinity of the City of Portland, in the County of Cumberland, with all the powers and privileges incident to Powers' and liasimilar Corporations, subject to all the duties, liabilities, and requirements contained in the several Acts of this State defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations, and also to an Act concerning Corporations, passed the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation


to the amount of

may purchase and hold real and personal estate to an May hold estate amount, not exceeding at any, one time, one hundred $100,000. thousand dollars, and may erect on their own land any buildings works and machines, that may be necessary or useful in carrying on the business aforesaid.

Chapter 115.

AN ACT authorizing the erection of a dam across the mouth of Nequasset


Approved March 15, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That David Stinson and Jacob Smith Name of Proprie their heirs and assigns be, and they are hereby authorized and


empowered to erect and maintain a dam, or dams, for the purpose of raising water power to propel mills and manufactories across the mouth of Nequasset Creek in the Location. Town of Woolwich from and to their own land, and to erect said mills and factories; Provided that said Stinson Proviso. and Smith their heirs and assigns shall be liable to the owners of all lands injured by said dam or dams; to be ascertained as provided for by law in cases of flowage, or


in any other legal manner the persons injured may electProvided also that the proprietors of said dam shall so construct the same as to allow a free and convenient pas sage for all craft, laden or unladen, as have heretofore passed up and down said Creek, and for rafts of logs, timber and other materials of sixty feet in length and eighteen feet in breadth, and provided that no power conferred by this Act shall be so exercised as to produce damage by flowing the wheels of mills erected on Nequasset Falls, or injury to the privileges belonging to said Mills, and on which said Mills stand.

Chapter 116.

AN ACT to incorporate the Howe's Line Stage Company.

Approved March 15, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Henry Pennell,

Names of Corpo- Oren Shaw, Thomas Longley, James Lowell, Jacob H.


Reed, A. M. Shaw, Lewis Howe, Seth May, T. & W. Stinson, William Mayberry, Issacher S. Holmes, Henry Emerson, James Ford, Jacob Kimball, Francis Webster with their associates, successors and assigns be, and they hereby are incorporated into a Company by the name of Corporate name. the Howe's Line Stage Company for the purpose of establishing and continuing a line of Stages from Augusta to Portland through the Towns of Winthrop, Monmouth, Greene, Lewiston, Danville, Minot, New Gloucester, Gray, Cumberland, Falmouth, and Westbrook, with power to take and hold any real and personal estate to an amount, May hold estate not exceeding twenty thousand dollars at any one time, and the same to convey at pleasure to make any by laws for the management of their affairs not repugnant to the Laws of this State, and generally to have, exercise, and enjoy, all the privileges, rights and powers, and subject to all the duties and liabilities incident to similar Corpora

to the amount of $20,000.

tions, and to the "Act concerning Corporations" passed February the sixteenth in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and thirty six.

ing first meeting.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the three persons Manner of callfirst above named may call the first meeting of said Corporation, by giving to their associates such notice as they may think suitable.

Chapter 117.

AN ACT to incorporate the Frankfort Steam Mill, Wharf and Ware House

Approved March 15, 1836.


SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Benjamin Shaw, Names of CorpoBenjamin Johnson, Charles W. Cutter, Lot V. Bartlett, and Joseph Bartlett, and such other persons as may become. associated with them, their successors and assigns, be and they are hereby created a body corporate, by the name

May hold estate

to amount of 200,

000 dollars.

of the Frankfort Steam Mill, Wharf and Ware House Corporate name. Corporation, for the purpose of manufacturing lumber, iron, and hemp, by the use of Steam Power at Frankfort in Location. the County of Waldo, and for these and the usual purposes of Wharfing and Ware Housing, may purchase and hold any real and personal property to an amount not exceeding at any one time, two hundred thousand dollars, and may construct and erect on their real estate so purchased, such buildings, wharves, works and machinery as may be necessary or useful in conducting the business of the Corporation, and the same may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of at their pleasure, and said Corporation may have and use a common seal, and by its aforesaid name may sue, Powers, &c. and be sued, prosecute and defend suits at law; may ordain and establish such by laws, ordinances and regulations, not repugnant to the laws of this State, as be may necessary and convenient for the government of said Corporation;


Manner of call

and shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and requirements, contained in the several Public Acts of this State, respecting Manufacturing Corpoations, also subject to an Act concerning Corporations passed the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six. Provided, That said Corporation shall not so construct any of their wharves, mills, or ware houses as in any way to obstruct the free navigation of the Penobscot River.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That any three of the ing first meeting. persons named in the first section of this Act, may call the meeting for the organization of said Corporation by giving notice thereof in one of the public papers, printed in the County of Waldo, fourteen days prior to the time of said meeting.


Corporate name.

Chapter 118.

AN ACT to incorporate the New York and Hallowell Granite Association.

Approved March 15, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Names of corpo- Legislature assembled, That Ward B. Howard, Russell Newall, Prince W. Paddock, and Nathaniel Kimball, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they hereby are created a Corporation by the name of the New York and Hallowell [Granite] Association, for the purpose of getting out, preparing transporting, and shipping Granite in the Town of Hallowell, and also of engaging in such other branches of trade and business, as may be necessarily connected therewith, and for these purposes shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties. and requirements, expressed in the several Acts defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations, and also to an Act "concerning Corporations" passed February sixteenth one thousand eight hundred and thirty

Powers, &c.

six, and may take and hold real or personal estate, to an amount, not exceeding at any one time, in the whole, the value of one hundred thousand dollars.

Chapter 119.

AN ACT concerning the Sullivan Hopewell Granite Company.

Approved March 15, 1836.

to the amount of

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That the Sullivan Hopewell Granite May hold estate Company may hold real and personal estate of the value $250,000. of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the whole, any thing in existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding and make and enforce in law all convenient and necessary by laws not repugnant to law, and the Constitution of this State.

Chapter 120.

AN ACT to establish the Androscoggin Canal and Mill Corporation.

Approved March 15, 1836.


SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Moses Mason Jun. Names of CorpoHenry H. Boody, John Merrill, John B. Cross, Jonas L. Sibley and Edward Crehore, with their associates, successors and assigns, be and the same are hereby incorporated and created a body politic by the name of the Androscog- Corporate name. gin Canal and Mill Corporation with all the privileges and immunities, incident by law to a Corporation aggregate. And said Corporation may take, hold and convey, any estate, real, personal, or mixed, necessary for carrying into effect the objects of this Act.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation

shall have the power to lay out, make, and maintain a Powers, &c.

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