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the remaining fifty per cent within three years after the payment of the first instalment.

age the affairs of

to be elected on

second Tuesday

of January, an


SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the property and affairs of said Company, shall be managed by seven Di- Directors to manrectors who shall hold their offices one year and until Company. others are chosen in their room, and shall be stockholders and citizens of this State, and be elected on the second Tuesday of January of each year, on such notice of the place and hour as shall be given according to the by laws of the Company; which election shall be had and held by the stockholders, by a major vote, by ballot, one vote being allowed to each share, and absent stockholders may vote by proxy authorized in writing, under such restrictions as the by laws may prescribe. Said election shall be had under the inspection of three stockholders not being Directors, but no stockholder to be entitled to more than ten votes.

sworn, &c.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Directors shall choose one of their own number to be President, who shall President to be be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and shall preside at the Board, and that a majority of the whole number of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All vacancies in the board Vacancies-how of Directors, may be filled by a special election, held and conducted in the same manner as above mentioned. But no person being a Director of any other Company, carry- Directors. ing on the business of Insurance, shall be eligible as a Director of this Corporation.


Qualification of

first meeting.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any two of the three persons first named in this Act, may call the first Manner of calling meeting of said Company by publishing the time and place thereof in two public newspapers, printed in Portland fourteen days previously, at which meeting any officers may be chosen and any Corporation business transacted.



Chapter 103.

AN ACT to incorporate the Eastport Manufacturing Company

Approved March 15, 15

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of i resentatives in Legislature assembled, That Edward Ba Names of Corpo Samuel Wheeler, Charles Peavey, John Mason, Ber B. Leavitt, Robert Mowe, John J. Peavy, their associ successors and assigns be and they hereby are constr Corporate name. a body politic and corporate by the name of the East Manufacturing Company, for the purpose of manufac wood, cotton, wool, iron steel and other metals and gri grain and gypsum, in the Town of Eastport by the ap Powers and priv. tion of tide water power, and said Corporation may dig canals, and sluice ways, build such dams to include waters, erect such wharves, piers, tills, works, machi and buildings on lands owned or held by lease or othe wise by them in the Town of Eastport, as may be nece sary for carrying on the aforesaid manufactures a branches of trade; and for these purposes shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties and requirements expressed in the several Acts of this State, defining the general powers and duties incident manufacturing Corporations; and also "an Act concerning Corporations," passed February 16, 1836.


SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Cor May hold estate ration may take and hold any real and personal estate an amount; not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousa dollars, and may sell and dispose of the same at pleasur

to the amount of $150,000.

Chapter 104.

AN ACT to authorize Jesse Russell Jun. and Bernard C. Bailey to bail

dam across tide waters in the Town of Woolwich.

Approved March 15, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives,

Names of Corpo- Legislature assembled, That Jesse Russell Jr. and Bernard C Bailey, their heirs and assigns be, and they hereby




uthorized to erect and maintain a dam or dams for the Powers, &c. urpose of raising a water power to propel mills and other achinery and manufactories, across the mouth of Brookg's Bay in the Town of Woolwich, from and to their wn land, and to erect and maintain the said mills, manuFactories and other machinery-Provided that said Russell Proviso. And Bailey, their heirs and assigns, shall be liable to the owners of all lands marsh and flats sustaining damage by reason of said dam, to be ascertained and recovered in the same Liabilities. manner as is provided by law for the estimation and recovery of damages sustained by individuals by reason of the laying out of highways, over their land-or in any other manner the parties injured may elect.

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AN ACT to incorporate the Pleasant River Iron and Steel Company.

Approved March 15, 1836.


Corporate name.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Hamlen Davis, John Name of CorpoMixer, Jonathan M. Marston, Timothy S. Robinson, Walter Willey, Grosvener Buttrick, Elijah Mixer, William L. Day, Amos Tyler, Albert Dane, George W. Gilman, Addison Parker, Ransom Reed, Daniel Mixer, and Charles E. Walker, their associates, successors, and assigns be and they hereby are made a body corporate and politic by the name of Pleasant River Iron and Steel Company for the purpose of manufacturing Iron and Steel, and procuring and preparing the ore and other materials therefor within Township numbered Six in the ninth range, north of the Bingham Purchase in the County of Penobscot, with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the duties Power, &c. and requirements, contained in the several Acts, defining the general powers and duties of Corporations, and also to an Act passed the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six...

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation May hold estate shall have power to take and hold and tranfer personal or real estate to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.

to the amount of $100,000.


Description and boundaries.

Chapter 106.

AN ACT to incorporate the Proprietors of the Franklin House.

Approved March 15, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepreName of Corpo- sentatives in Legislature assembled, That John Ham, Nathaniel Harlow, Henry Little, D. V. McQuesten, James Crosby, C. A. Stackpole, George Starrett, John Pearson, Jacob McGaw, Edward Kent, Albert Titcomb, Philip Titcomb, Joseph Kendrick, Edward A. Emerson, George Wheelwright, Benjamin Plummer Jr. David Mosmon, Joel Hills, Andrew T. Palmer, Rowland Tyler, David McDougall, John Godfrey, John E. Godfrey, T. B. Thompson, Joel D. Thompson, A. G. Brown, and J. W. Mason, their asssociates, successors and assigns,—proprietors of the following described real estate situate in Bangor in the County of Penobscot, and bounded as follows, to wit, beginning at a point on the west side of Harlow street, thence running northerly one hundred and fifty feet to a stake; thence westerly at right angles with Harlow street to the Kenduskeag stream, and thence down said stream so that a line running parallel with the northerly line aforesaid will strike the first mentioned bound, or however otherwise bounded, being the lot on which the public house now stands called the "Franklin House"-be and they are hereby made a body corporate by the name of the Propri Corporate name. etors of the Franklin House, for the purpose of erecting,

finishing, altering, repairing, improving, enlarging, and furnishing, on the premises above described, a commodious building or buildings, with suitable accommodations for travelers, for a Public House.

to the amount of

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Proprietors may have and hold estate real and personal not exceeding May hold estate one hundred thousand dollars, and shall have all the pow- $100,000. ers necessary for the convenient management of said property, subject nevertheless to the duties and requirements, and entitled to all the privileges of an Act entitled "An Act concerning Corporations" passed February sixteenth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.

deemed personal

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the shares or stock shares to in this Corporation shall be deemed and taken to be per- property. sonal property, and transferred and sold as such. And whenever the Corporation shall be dissolved, the property thereof shall vest in the holders of the shares, at the time of such dissolution according to their several and respective interests therein, subject to the legal and equitable claims of creditors of the Corporation, to be enforced according to law.

Chapter 107.

AN ACT to incorporate the Madaceunk Mill Company.

Approved March 15, 1836.


SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreentatives, in Legislature assembled, That Jacob Fish, Asa Names of Corpo Freeman, their associates and successors be and they hereby are made and constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of the Madaceunk Mill Company and Corporate name. shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to Powers, &c. all the liabilities duties and requirements contained in the several Acts defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations, and also subject to an Act concerning Corporations passed the sixteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, and that each and every of the stockholders and members of said Corporation, for the time being

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