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SECT. 13. Be it further enacted, That if said Rail Roa shall in the course thereof, cross any tide waters, naviga ble rivers or streams, the said Corporation be and the May erect bridges hereby are authorized and empowered to erect for the sol over tide waters and exclusive travel on their said Rail Road, a bridge across each of said rivers or streams, or across any such tid waters: Provided, said bridge or bridges shall be so cor structed as not to obstruct or impede the navigation said waters.

or navigable streams.

to inspection of

Gov. and Council


Treasurer to

make return of profits, &c.

SECT. 14. Be it further enacted, That the Books of sai Books to be open Corporation shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Governor and Council, and of any Committee day authorized by the Legislature: and at the expiration of every fifteen years, the Treasurer of said Corporation shall make an exhibit under oath to the Legislature, o the net profits derived from the income of said Rail Road SECT. 15. Be it further enacted, That the provisions o Exempt from pro- an Act entitled "An Act concerning Corporations" passed visions of a for- March seventeenth in the year of our Lord one thousand to Corporations. eight hundred and thirty one, shall not extend or apply to the Company hereby incorporated.

mer Act

port the mail.

SECT. 16. Be it further enacted, That the said CorporaHolden to trans- tion shall at all times, when the Post Master General shall require it, be holden to transport the Mail of the United States from and to such place or places on said Rail Road as required, for a fair and reasonable compensation-and in case the Corporation and the Post Master General shall Compensation be unable to agree upon the compensation aforesaid, the Legislature of the State may fix and determine the same.

how determined.

Chapter 98.

AN ACT to incorporate the Saturday Cove Granite Company.

Approved March 10, 1836.



SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreresentatives, in Legislature assembled, That Richard Moody, Names of CorpoFrye Hall, Joseph Hall, Hiram O. Alden, Nathaniel M. Lowney, their associates, successors and assigns be and they hereby are created a Corporation by the name of the Saturday Cove Granite Company-for the purpose of Corporate name. quarrying, working, manufacturing vending and dealing in, Granite, Marble, Slate and other Stone in Northport and Lincolnville in the County of Waldo, and for these pur- Powers and priviposes shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and requirements, expressed in the several Acts defining the general powers and duties of manufacturing Corporations, and also to an Act "concerning Corporations" passed the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, and may take and hold any real and personal estate to an amount, not May hold estate exceeding at any one time, one hundred thousand dollars. $100,000. SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That Richard Moody Manner of callabove named shall have power to call the first meeting of said Corporation, by giving personal notice of the time and place of holding the same, personally or in writing, fourteen days at least prior to said meeting.

amount of

ing first meeting.

Chapter 99.

AN ACT to incorporate the McHeard's Granite Company.

Approved March 10, 1836.


SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaives in Legislature assembled, That John Horton, Bushrod W. Names of CorpoHinkley, Addison Dodge, John Stevens, Joseph Hinkley, Charles Peters; and George Black, their associates, suc


cessors, and assigns be and they hereby are constituted Corporate name. corporation, by the name of the McHeard's Granite Co pany for the purpose of quarrying and manufactur Granite and other Stone on land which may be owned c held by lease or otherwise, by them in the Town of Bl hill, and erecting and maintaining, such buildings, whare and vessels as may be necessary and convenient, in qua rying, manufacturing and exporting said Granite and oth Powers and du- Stone; and shall have all the powers and privileges, a be subject to all the duties and requirements, contain in the several Acts defining the general powers and dute of Corporations, and also an Act concerning Corporation passed February sixteenth one thousand eight hundre and thirty six. And said Corporation by the name afore said may prosecute and defend suits at law, have and use a common seal, and change the same at pleasure, m make by laws for the management of their affairs, not t to the amount of pugnant to the laws of this State, and may take and hol any estate real or personal, to an amount not exceed ing two hundred thousand dollars, to be used for the purposes aforesaid, and may sell and convey the same a will.

May make by-laws.

May hold estate


Mode of calling the first meeting.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting o said Corporation shall be held at Bluehill at such time and to be notified in such manner, as a majority of the above named persons may direct, and said meeting may be called to order by the first named of said persons, who may be present.

Chapter 100.

Approved March 15, 1836.

AN ACT to change the name of the Maine Granite Company.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That the name and title of the CorpoCorporate name. ration, created by virtue of the Act entitled "an Act to in

corporate the Maine Granite Company," be, and the same Corporate name ereby is changed, to "The Maine Quarrying Association," changed. by which latter name and title said Company shall herefter be known and styled.

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Chapter 101.

AN ACT to incorporate the Penobscot Mill and Manufacturing Company.

Approved March 15, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Simon P. Green, Names of CorpoJoseph Floyd, Walter Smith, George Kittredge, Lyman rators. Morse, Ebenezer Chapman, Albert Foster, George W. Tole, Samuel Haley, their associates, successors and assigns be and hereby are established a Corporation by the

name of the Penobscot Mill and Manufacturing Company, Corporate name. for the purpose of manufacturing lumber, cotton, wool, iron and steel, and by that name may sue and be sued prosecute and defend suits at law, shall have a common seal, to be altered by them at pleasure, may make any by laws for the management of their concerns, not repugnant to the Laws of this State, and generally shall be vested with and enjoy all the powers and privileges incident to ileges. such Corporations.

Powers and priv

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Company may. May erect mills,

erect on their own land at or near Shad Rip Falls, in the &c. Town of Orono, such mills, dams, works, machines and buildings as is necessary to carry on their business, Pro- Proviso. vided, that they do not in any way obstruct the navigation

of the Penobscot River.

May hold estate

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Company may to the amount of hold by purchase or otherwise, real and personal estate to $700,000. the amount of seven hundred thousand dollars.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation Duties and shall be liable to all the duties and requirements, expressed requirements.

in the several Acts of this State, defining the general pow ers and duties of Corporations, and also to "an Act comcerning Corporations" passed February sixteenth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirts six.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any two of the Mode of calling Corporators may call the first meeting of the Company. by giving or causing a notice to be given to the others named in this Act of the time and place of said meeting.

first meeting.


Chapter 102.

AN ACT to ncorporate the Exchange Fire and Marine Insurance Company.

Approved March 15, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre Names of Corpo- sentatives,in Legislature assembled, That Jacob Knight, Charles M. Davis, Enoch Paine, Nathan Nutter, Luther Jewett, George Willis, Augustine Haines, John L. Meserve, their associates, successors, and assigns, be and they hereby are Corporate name. created a Corporation by the name of the Exchange Fire and Marine Insurance Company, with the powers usually Powers and du- granted to other Insurance Companies, and subject to all


the duties obligations and restrictions, contained in a law of this State passed the twenty fourth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, entitled "An Act to define the powers, duties and restrictions of Insur ance Companies," for the term of twenty years from and after the passing of this Act, and may purchase and hold to the amount of real estate to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand

May hold estate


Capital Stock $200,000.

Number of shares.


SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Capital Stock of said Company exclusive of premium notes and profits, shall be two hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, of which fifty per cent shall be paid within thirty days after public notice given by the President and Directors in two newspapers printed in Portland and

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