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Further powers.

Section 4. That the said corporation, and their successors, by the name, style and title aforesaid, shall be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court, or before any judge or justice, in all manner of suits, complaints, pleas, matters and demands, of whatsoever nature, kind or form they may be, and all and every matter and thing to do in as full and effectual a manner as any other person, bodies politic or corporate, within this commonwealth, may or can do.

Section 5. That the said corporation, and their successors,

shall be and hereby are authorized and empowered to make, By.laws. ordain and establish by-laws and ordinances, and do everything

incident and needful for the support and due government of the

said corporation, and managing the funds and revenues tbereof: Proviso. Provided, The said by-laws be not repugnant to the constitution

and laws of the United States, to the constitution and laws of

this commonwealth, or to this act. Corporation not

Section 6. That the said corporation shall not, at any time, to consist of more consist of more than seven persons, whereof the said synod may, than seven per. at their discretion, at any regular session held under the rules

and regulations of said synod, change four-sevenths, in such

manner as to the said synod shall seem proper; and the said Farther powers corporation shall have power and authority to manage and disrelative to dis. posing of proper

pose of all moneys, goods, chattels, lands, tenements and herety.

ditaments, and other estates whatsoever, committed to their care
and trust by the said synod; but in cases where special instruc-
tions for the management and disposal thereof shall be given by
the synod, in writing, under the hand of their clerk, it shall be

the duty of the said corporation to act according to such instrucProviso.

tions: Provided, The said instructions shall not be repugnant
to the constitution and laws of the United States, or to the con-
stitution and laws of this commonwealth, or to the provisions

and restrictions in this act contained. Number of mem

Section 7. That four members of this corporation shall be a bors necessary to sufficient number to transact the business thereof, and to make transact busi

by-laws, rules and regulations: Provided, That previous to any Notice of meet- meeting of the board or corporation for such purposes, not apings, where to be pointed by adjournment, ten days' notice shall be previously published.

given thereof, in at least one of the newspapers printed in the Copy of notice city of Pittsburg; a copy of which notice in said paper, circumembers.

lar, or other printed or written form, shall be sent by mail, or
other reliable conveyance, to each member of said corporation,
nine days at least previous to said meeting, by the person or
persons calling the meeting; and the said corporation shall and
may, as often as they shall see proper, and according to the

rules by them to be prescribed, choose out of their number a Oficers. president and vice president, and secretary, and shall have au

thority to appoint a treasurer, whose duty it shall be, under such
obligations as said corporation may direct or require, to take
charge of all the property and funds of said corporation, the
same to receive, keep, manage and dispose of, according to die
rection of said corporation, and as often as they direct, to fur.
nish and exhibit detailed and accurate statements of the condi-
tion of the same; and said corporation shall appoint such other
officers and servants as shall by them, the said corporation, be
deemed necessary, to which officers they may assign such a com-

De83, &c.

to be sent to

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pensation for their services, and such duties to be performed by Compensation of them, to continue in office for such time, and to be succeeded by officers, &o. others in such way and manner as the said corporation shall direct.

Section 8. That all questions before the said corporation shall All quostions to be decided by a plurality of votes, whereof each member pre- balloto

be decided by sent shall have one vote; and the said corporation shall beep Votes. regular and fair entries of their proceedings, and a just account Minutes of proof their receipts and disbursements, in a book or books kept for ceedings. that purpose ; and their treasurer shall exhibit to the First United Presbyterian synod of the West, at each regular meeting of the same, an exact state of the accounts of the corporation.

Section 9. That the said corporation may take, receive, pur- Annual income, chase, possess and enjoy messuages, houses, lands, tenements, relative to. rents, annuities and other hereditaments, real and personal estate, of any amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars yearly value; but the said limitations not to be considered as including the annual or periodical collections and voluntary contributions made in the churches under the care of the said synod, or contributions from any other source, that are not to be funded, but expended in church operations.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED— The eleventh day of April, Anno Domini one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-nine.


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No. 689.


To the act to incorporate the Milford and Metamoras Railroad Company,

approved the seventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen. tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the time for the completion of the Milford and Metamoras railroad company, incorporated by an act of assembly, entitled “An Act to incorporate the Milford and Metamoras railroad company,” approved the seventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred nnd forty-nine, be and the same is here.

by extended for the further period of ten years from and after the passage of this act.

W. C. A. LAWRENCE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JNO. CRESSWELL, JR.,

Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The eleventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.


No. 690.


To incorporate the Mahoning Railroad Company.


Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen. tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly

met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Commissioners. Jacob L. Hill, W. W. M'Guigan, Benjamin T. Hughes, Henry

Weldy, David Hunter, Francis Bright, William Donaldson, Peter Seiberling, Jacob Mantz, or any five of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to open books, receive subscriptions and organize a company, by the name, style and title of

the Mahoning railroad company, with all the powers, and subPowers.

ject to the provisions and restrictions prescribed by an act, entitled "An Act regulating railroad companies,” approved the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of the said company shall Capital stook.

consist of twenty thousand shares, at fifty dollars each: ProProviso.

vided, That said company may, from time to time, by vote of the stockholders, at a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capital stock so much as, in their opinion, may be necessary to complete the said road, and carry out the true intent and

meaning of this act. Roate.

SECTION 3. That said company shall have the right to build and construct a railroad beginning at a point within the limits of the borough of Tamaqua, in Schuylkill county, connecting with the railroad at the Little Schuylkill navigation, railroad and coal company; thence by such practicable route through Mahoning valley, to a point on the Lehigh Valley railroad, and connect.

ing therewith above the Lehigh Water Gap. Limitation. Section 4. That if the said company shall not proceed to

carry on the work of constructing said road, within three years

from the passage of this act, and shall not complete the same within five years thereafter, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, then this charter shall become null and void : Provided nevertheless, That if the Lehigh Valley railroad com- Construction of pany shall, within twelve months after the passage of this act, railroad, relative

by Lehigh Valley commence the construction of a railroad over the same route to. mentioned in the preceding section, as they are authorized to do by the act of assembly, approved the eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and complete the same within two years thereafter, then and in that case all rights and privileges intended to be conferred by this act on the Mahoning railroad company, shall cease and determine.

Section 5. That if the said Lehigh Valley railroad company Commencement shall and do neglect or refuse to commence and complete the and completion. construction of a railroad within the time and over the route, with the connections aforesaid, then and thenceforth all rights and privileges intended to be conferred or granted to the said Lehigh Valley railroad company, by any act, part or parts of any acts of assembly heretofore passed, so far as the same relates to the construction of a railroad over the route, and with the termini aforesaid, shall accrue to the aforesaid Mahoning railroad company.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The eleventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.


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No. 691.


To incorporate the Plymouth and Wilkesbarre Railroad and Bridge Com


| SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen-
tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That
Henderson Gaylord, William C. Reynolds, Samuel Hoyt, Charles Commissioners.
Bennett, w. W. Ketcham, L. D. Shoemaker, George P. Steele,
Draper Smith, Alexander Gray, John Brown, Charles Dorrance,
A. J. Davis and Walter G. Sterling, of Luzerne county; Erskine
Hazard, Paul Thurlow, J. Willis Martin, Samuel Jones, M. D.,

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H. M. Fuller, James Coxe, Richard Richinson, Henry J. Boller, of Philadelphia city, and E. A. Douglass, of Carbon county, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby appointed com

missioners to receive subscriptions and organize a company, by Style.

the name, style and title of the Plymouth and Wilkes barre rail.

road and bridge company, with power to construct a railroad Route.

from the Susquehanna and Lehigh railroad, in Wilkesbarre or Hanover township, in Luzerne county, and connect therewith at or near the crossing of said railroad over the North Branch canal, at South Wilkesbarre, to connect with the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroad, at or near the coal breaker of the Bos

ton coal company, in the township of Plymouth, in Luzerne Authorized to county, and to build and erect a railroad bridge across the Saserect bridge. quehanna river, at or near Richards's island, in said river. Capital stock. Section 2. That the capital stock of said company shall con

sist of two thousand shares of fifty dollars each; and for the purpose of completing and equipping the said railroad and

building the bridge, the said company shall have the power to May borrow borrow any sum of money, necessary to complete the same, at a money. rate of interest not exceeding seven per centum per annum, and

to secure the payment of the same by the issue of bonds, and by a mortgage of the said railroad and bridge, together with the

corporate rights and franchises granted by this act. May connect Section 3. That the said company be and they are hereby with other rail- authorized to connect their said railroad with any other railroad roads.

now made or hereafter to be made, and to construct lateral branches, not exceeding three miles in length, from either terminus, or from any point on the line of said road; such lateral branches to be subject, however, to all the conditions and restriclions provided by this act for the building and construction of

the main road. Settling for right Section 4. That the said company shall have all the rights of way, relative and privileges enjoyed by the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg

railroad company, for the obtaining and settling for the right of

way over any lands which the said railroad may pass. Subject to. Section 5. That this company shall hereby have all the rights

and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions of the act regulating railroad companies, passed the nineteenth day of February, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and forty-nine, except

the eighteenth section of said act. Bridge to be a Section 6. That upon the completion of said bridge and railpublic highway. road authorized, as aforesaid, the same shall be esteemed a pub

lic highway for the conveyance of passengers and the transporBubject to. tation of freight ; subject to such rules and regulations, in rela

tion to the same, and to the size and construction of wheels, cars and carriages, the weight of loads, and all other matters and

things connected with the use of said railroad, as the president Tolls.

and directors may prescribe and direct: Provided, That said company shall have the exclusive control of the motive power, and may, from time to time, establish, demand and receive such rates of toll, or other compensation, for the use of such road and of said motive power, and for the conveyance of passengers, the transportation of merchandise and commodities, and the cars and other vehicles containing the same, or otherwise passing


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