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cashier shall make a full statement of the situation of the bank, in a book to be kept for that purpose, when a majority of the directors shall be a quorum for discounting ; but if a majority

а of said directors should not attend on the days appointed, then, and in that case, any two of them shall have the privilege of discounting

Section 15. That said bank shall make the same statements Statement for and returns, to be verified and published in the same manner as

publication. are required of the other banks of this commonwealth, not located in the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburg or Allegheny ; and the said directors, or a majority of them, shall examine one of the statements every three months, and certify under their hands that it is correct, to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Section 16. That it shall be the duty of the auditor general, Defaced notes. whenever requested by said bank, to receive all defaced and mutilated bills or notes, and to deliver in lieu thereof other cir. culating notes, duly numbered, registered and countersigned as aforesaid, to the same amount; and said auditor general, on receipt of any bills or notes under any of the provisions of this act, shall forthwith make out complete lists of the same, containing the numbers, dates and amounts of all said bills or notes respectively, and without delay cause said lists to be recorded in his office, in the book or books for recording the aforesaid mortgages, and as soon thereafter as practicable shall burn and destroy all notes received as aforesaid, in the presence of the state treasurer and cashier or president of said bank.

Section 17. That on the death of any party who shall have Relative to withgiven and deposited mortgage securities as aforesaid, or when-drawal of mortever any person, having so given and deposited the same,

gaged securities shall

from bank. desire to withdraw his or her or their means from said bank, and to have their said mortgage securities cancelled, and the lands and tenements bound thereby released, it shall be lawful for such stockholder, if living, or for the heirs or devisees of such as may be dead, to apply to the auditor general by petition, briefly setting forth the facts, and praying that the said securities may be cancelled; whereupon the said auditor general shall forth- Duty of auditor with issue a citation, directed to the said bank, and cause the general. same to be served, by copy, on the president or cashier thereof, requiring said bank, within six months after said service, to substitute other mortgage securities, under the provisions of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh sections of this act, for the same amount as that proposed to be cancelled, or within said six months to deliver up to said auditor general, to be destroyed, an amount of the circulating notes of said bank equal to the amount of said mortgage securities so proposed to be cancelled ; and on compliance of bank with either of said provisions, the auditor general shall issue an order, under his hand and seal of office, directed to the recorder of deeds in whose office such mortgage or mortgages may be recorded, authorizing said recorder to enter satisfaction on such mortgage or mortgages; and said recorder shall also, at the same time, record the authority on which said satisfaction may be entered, after which date the said stockholder is discharged from all liability, unless he holds other stock in the bank: Provided, That no mortgage securities shall Proviso. be cancelled or marked satisfied as aforesaid, unless the stock

holder asking for the same shall have first discharged all his or her indebtedness to said bank, and paid off all costs that may occur by entering said satisfaction, and getting other mortgages

in lieu thereof. Settling up the Section 18. That on settling up of the said bank, either at affairs of the bank, redeeming

the expiration of the charter or by consent of the partners, or circulation, &c. by failure of the bank, the persons authorized to settle it, after

giving notice in one paper published in the county, one in Harrisburg, and one in Philadelphia, to be published six months, giving notice that they are ready to redeem all the notes in circulation, and requesting the holders of them to present them; and at the expiration of two years from the date of the notice, on proof of the notice being published, and all the notes that were presented at the counter was paid, the auditor general is authorized to issue power of attorney to the register and recorder of the counties in which the mortgaged premises are, to enter satisfaction on all the mortgages held by the common

wealth as security for the redemption of the notes. Plates, dies, Section 19. That the plates, dies and other materials procured notes, books, &o , by the auditor general for engraving and printing said bills or to be paid for by notes as herein directed, shall remain in the possession of said .

auditor general for safe keeping, and under his direction and control; and the necessary expense of procuring said plates, dies, books and other materials, and of printing, numbering, registering and countersigning said bills or notes, and the usual fees for recording said mortgages and other papers, shall be paid by the said bank before the said bills or notes shall be delivered by the auditor general as aforesaid.

JOHN M. THOMPSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tem.


Speaker of the Senate.

I do certify that the bill, entitled “ An Act to incorporate the Mifflin County Bank,” passed the House of Representatives on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, which has been disapproved by the governor, and returned by the governor, with his objections, to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, was agreed to by two-thirds of the House of Representatives on the twenty-fourth day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and that the foregoing is the act so agreed to by the said House.

JOAN M. THOMPSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tem. Attest: E. H. Rauch,

Clerk of the House of Representatives.

I do certify that the bill, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Mifflin County Bank,” passed the Senate on the fifteenth of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, which has been disapproved by the governor, and returned, with his objeotions, to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, was agreed to by two-thirds of the Senate, agreeably to the con

stitution, on the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and that the foregoing is the act so agreed to by the Senate.


Speaker of the Senate.


Clerk of the Senate.

No. 347. .


To incorporate the Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That F. Wenrick, F. R. Gilbert, W. J. Seal, Henry Frank, J. Harner, H. L. Gilbert, E. Kahler, Lamuel Landis, G. Bowman, G. M. Brubaker, J. D. Monroe, J. L. Foster, W. Deppen, Jonathan Swab and George C. Welker, are hereby appointed commissioners, who, or a majority of them, are authorized and empowered, from and after the passage of this act, to establish an insurance company, by the name of the Farmers' and Mechanics' mutual fire insurance company, to be located in the borough of Millersburg, Dauphin county, which said company shall be organized and managed according to the provisions of an act to provide for the incorporation of insurance companies, approved the second day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and shall be limited to the risks designated in the first class, in the seventh section of said act, and shall transact its business upon the mutual principle. JOHN M. THOMPSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tem.


APPROVED-The twentieth day of

thousand eight hundred and sixty.

Speaker of the Senate. March, Anno Domini one


No. 348.


To an act to incorporate the Mount Joy Savings Institution, approved ibe

thirteenth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem

bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Name changed. the Mount Joy savings institution, located at the borough of

Mount Joy, in Lancaster county, shall be called and known by

the name, style and title of the Mount Joy Bank, and in adAdditional privi- dition to its present objects and privileges, shall have and leges.

enjoy full banking privileges, and the privilege of issuing bank notes, redeemable in specie, at its counter. All judgments obtained by said corporation, and notes, bonds, drafts, contracts or debts, made and owing to it by its former name, it shall be lawful to enforce, recover and collect, in the name given by this act, and a change in the title of any of its officers or agents shall not prevent such recovery and collection, nor shall such change in its name affect any pending suits wherein it is

a party. Increase of oapi.

Section 2. That the directors of said corporation are hereby tal stock. authorized to increase the capital stock of the same twenty-five

thousand dollars, such new capital stock to be divided into five hundred shares, of the value of fifty dollars each; they may open books for subscription to the same, at such time or times, and in such amounts, at any one time, as to them may seem expedient, giving at least thirty days' public notice, in at least

one newspaper published in Lancaster county, of the time and Present stock. place when such books will be opened. The holders of the holders first per present stock shall first be permitted to subscribe for any num.


ber of shares, not exceeding, however, one-half, or other proper proportion of the number of shares of old stock held by such stockholder, on the first day books shall be opened for subscription to any certain amount of stock. Should any stockholder neglect or refuse to take his or her quota, for ten days after the books shall have been opened, then any other stock

holder may subscribe for such stock not so taken ; and after When person8 twenty days from the time such books shall have been opened, other than stook. holders may sub: persons other than stockholders shall be permitted to subscribe

for any shares then undisposed of, and for the disposal of which the books shall have been opened. Every subscriber shall pay five dollars, in gold or silver coin of the United States, at the time of subscribing, for each share subscribed for; the remain. der of the money, payable thereon, shall be paid wholly or

partly in coin, at such times and in such amounts as the direcDividends on in- tors shall require. The said stock may receive such dividends, creased stock.

and be transferred, subject to the payment of the instalmen's due, and to become due thereon, as the by-laws shall prescribe,



debtedness limi

but the holders thereof shall not be entitled to certificates therefor, or votes thereon, until it be fully paid. If any instalment Unpaid instal.; upon any stock shall remain unpaid at the time prescribed for ments, relative payment, such stock, with all moneys paid thereon, may be forfeited to the bank; but before such forfeiture is made, at least one year's notice shall be given to the person holding the same at the time of such notice.

Section 3. That after the stock authorized by the preceding Further increaso section shall have been subscribed for and fully paid in, it shall of capital stock. and may be lawful for the directors of said bank to further increase its capital stock, in such amounts and at such times as may be deemed expedient. The further increase or increases authorized by this section shall not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars in the aggregate, and any such increase shall first be authorized by a majority of at least two-thirds of the stockhoklers present at any general or special meeting, after at least thirty days' notice published as aforesaid, and given by order of the directors, or any ten stockholders, that a proposition for such increase, and stating the amount thereof, will be voted upon at said meeting; such stock may be forfeited, shall be subscribed for, paid and in all respects disposed of as the stock authorized by the preceding section.

Section 4. That no person or persons, firm or corporation, Amount of inwho shall be drawer or drawers, endorser or endorsers, upon tech. any note or notes discounted by said bank, or shall be in any wise indebted to it to the amount of ten thousand dollars, shall be suffered to become indebted to it in any greater or further amount in any manner or form whatever. Any wilful violation of this Relative to viosection shall work an absolute forfeiture of the charter of said lations of this bank; and any director or other officer knowingly permitting or consenting to any violation hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the court of quarter sessions of Lancaster county, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

Section 5. That said bank shall be invested with all the pri. Subject to. vileges and immunities of incorporated banks under the general jaws of the commonwealth regulating them, and shall be subject to all the provisions and restrictions thereof, so far as the same are not altered and supplied by this act, or the act to which it is a supplement. It may purchase, hoid, lease and convey such real estate only as may be necessary to transact its busi- Real estate. pess, not exceeding five thousand dollars in value, and such as may be bought by it at sales on executions issued upon judg. ments or mortgages, to secure debts due it. It shall pay a bonus Bonus into the state treasury of one per centum of the amount of capital stock authorized by the second section of this act, within one year after its passage, and one per centum of the amount of capital stock from time to time created according to the third section hereof, witkin one year after its creation.

SECTION 6. That this act shall go into effect when a certificate Acceptance of of the acceptance thereof by the directors of said savings insti- this act, relative tution, under the hands of its president and treasurer, and its corporate seal, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, who is required to file the same. board of directors shall continue in office until the third Mon


The present

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