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GENERAL CHURCH INTELLIGENCE. WIGAN. On Sunday, May 21st, Mr. R. G. Sheldon, of Liverpool, preached the anniversary services of this society. The attendance, both morning and evening, was very good. In the afternoon Mr. Sheldon baptised two children of one of the members. Owing to advancing years and serious infirmity, to which Mr. Sheldon has been subject, he had intimated the probability of the present being the last occasion on which his services would be available so far from home, and the friends in Wigan determined to present him with a small token of the estimation in which his services have been held. A stationery case, made of polished oak, had been selected, and bore the following inscription:

"Presented to Mr. R. G. Sheldon, of Liverpool, as a small acknowledgment of his disinterested and laborious services, extending over nearly half a century, in the furtherance of religious worship, and the promulgation in Wigan of the views of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg."

The presentation was made by Mr. James Mason, as the oldest member of the society, who briefly referred to some of the incidents attending Mr. Sheldon's early visits to the town. He was followed by several other friends, and Mr. Sheldon then acknowledged the testimonial, speaking of the pleasure he had enjoyed in the service of the Church, and the gratification to which he should yet look forward so long as his health permitted. It was felt that a genial sphere pervaded all present, and that the society had in the course of the past few years materially increased in strength. The services are now undertaken by most of the adult members in turn; the attendance has improved, the Sunday-school increased, and, as contributions have for a long while been accumulating towards a building fund, it has been determined to select a site, and commence the erection of a new and suitable building at an early period.

SOUTH LONDON. The ladies' committee of this society are still busily engaged in preparing for the forthcoming bazaar. During the last month they have received several contributions from London and the provinces, and a few donations have also been added to the building fund, which now amounts

to £263. It is hoped that the various friends interested in the effort, who have not yet responded to the circulars sent to them, will kindly do so at their earliest convenience. There are many isolated receivers, without claims upon them to assist societies elsewhere, who may reasonably be expected to desire to see churches planted in the various portions of the mighty metropolis, in which the glad tidings of the New Dispensation may be proclaimed. They are, therefore, respectfully reminded that they have now an opportunity of practically evincing such desire, by cooperating with their South London brethren to supply a long-felt and dailyincreasing want.

Steps are being taken to obtain an eligible site on which to erect a church, and we trust that ere long the gratifying intelligence may be communicated that one has been secured.

THE NEW CHURCH COLLEGE.-To the Committee.--Gentlemen,-Since my last report I have met regularly with the students on Thursday evenings, with the exception of Easter holiday week, and with the exception, also, of the College anniversary, in which the students were all engaged to take part.

The students have been very regular in their attendance, seldom any one being absent, unless by special permission. The first exercise (after prayer) consists usually in the students reading aloud, in turn, a portion of the Bible and also of the liturgy, I correcting their pronunciation, emphasis, &c., as they read. I then hold a conversation with them on some important doctrine in theology, or some point of ministerial conduct.

In fully-organised theological seminaries there is usually a chair of theology, of pulpit eloquence, of pastoral care, and of languages. In our "day of small things" in the New Church I have to attend, in a degree, to all these subjects.

We then proceed to read a portion of Swedenborg in Latin, or of the New Testament in Greek (in alternate weeks), from lessons previously assigned. The study of Hebrew must be deferred till the students are sufficiently well grounded in Latin and Greek. The exercises close with a recitation from one of the students (in turn), in which pronunciation, emphasis, gesture, and manner are all


criticised. I consider the students as making marked improvement, particularly in reading and speaking.

I may add that I have also required a written sermon from each of them, for examination and correction.-I remain, gentlemen, very truly yours,

O. PRESCOTT HILLER. London, May 19th, 1865.

GREAT GRIMSBY.-The Rev. W. Woodman delivered two lectures in the lecture room of the Mechanics' Institute here, on the 29th and 30th of May. The first lecture was on " The present theological crisis, as bearing on the inspiration and interpretation of the sacred Scriptures its causes and probable issues; with a brief examination of the views propounded by Bishop Colenso, and on the Essays and Reviews." The second lecture was on "Heaven: where and what is it? How shall we know each other in the future life?" There was a good attendance upon the lectures, and we have reason to believe that a deep impression was made upon many minds by the truths enunciated, especially during the second lecture. The isolated receivers in Great Grimsby desire to express their warmest thanks to the Committee of the Missionary Institution, for their kindness in assisting them to secure the services of the able lecturer.

BATH, HENRY STREET.-On Tuesday evening, June 6th, the members and friends of this church did themselves the honour of expressing their appreciation of the long, valuable, and gratuitous services of their very excellent minister, the Rev. J. Keene, by requesting him to allow a photographic likeness of himself, in his official dress, to be placed in the library of the church. Mrs. Keene was at the same time presented with a portrait of her beloved husband in his secular character. Both photographs are beautifully coloured and framed, and

are excellent likenesses.

Mr. C. Hall, on behalf of the subscribers, read and presented an address to Mr. Keene, who feelingly replied in some very appropriate remarks.

SWEDENBORG SOCIETY'S LIBRARY.This society has for some years been collecting materials for a complete New Church Library, one which shall contain, besides Swedenborg's works in every



language in which they are or may hereafter be published, copies of all collateral works. As the society's funds cannot be legitimately expended on the purchase of other than Swedenborg's works, they will be happy to receive copies of the following, which are wanted to complete the library up to the present time:"Peculiarities of the Bible," "Antediluvian History," "Postdiluvian History," by the Rev. E. D. Rendell; Smithson's Prophet Isaiah ;" "Rise and Progress of the New Church," by Hindmarsh, edited by the Rev. E. Madeley; "Sermons to my Household," Rev. D. G. Goyder; "Signification of Colours," by Portal (in French); "Memoirs of the Rev. G. Bush;" Fernald's "Life and Compendium of the Writings of Swedenborg ;" Hobart's "Life of Swedenborg;" Smithson's "Documents respecting the Life and Character of Swedenborg;" Wilkinson's "Biography of Swedenborg;" "Sermons," by Rev. W. Bruce; Smithson's "Tracts;" Dictionary of Correspondence" (last edition); "God Manifest," Rev. O. P. Hiller.


DATES, THEIR VALUE AND CONVENIENCE. To the Editor.-I have often noticed the want of dates in reports and papers inserted in the Magazine, which induces me to call your attention to the subject. In the Repository of this month, in the account of the anniversary meeting of the London Missionary and Tract Society, Mr. Goldsack referred to a sermon preached by Dr. Temple, at the Royal Chapel, St. James's, "recently." Mr. Austin referred to Mr. Beecher's sermons, "recently published." So little may be sufficient in speaking, but in print more is required.

The report of Dr. Bayley's visit to Norwich, 18th April, states that the Norwich News reported an account of the lectures in four columns. I am going to write for a copy, and should be glad to save the proprietor the trouble of referring by giving the date of publication. Any one noticing the Times, will constantly see "letters unanswered," "subscriptions not sent," "address or dates omitted."


I suggest that some notice be taken of this, as the want of punctuality and of dates actually robs parties of time, which is often of more consequence than being robbed of money.

London, 4th June, 1865.

G. C.

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ISLINGTON.-The annual meeting of this society was held on the 16th May. The report of the committee indicated a steady improvement in the attendance, with an addition of members and communicants. The funds also show a balance in favour of the society, and there were many indications of an increased activity amongst the members. Six week-day services were conducted by the students in the months of February, March, and April, under the auspices of the New Church College, with sufficient encouragement to merit a further effort in this direction.

On Tuesday, the 23rd, the anniversary tea meeting was held in the schoolroom. Unfortunately, a meeting at Argyle Square on the same evening, and a somewhat unfavourable state of the weather, caused the absence of several friends whose presence and assistance are so valuable upon these occasions. After tea all assembled in the church, and Mr. Bateman, having taken the chair, made a few introductory remarks, and regretted that arrangements could not be made so as to avoid having conflicting demands upon the time of friends of the New Church, which necessarily impaired their success. He then called upon the secretary to explain the condition of the society.

Mr. Elliott then briefly stated some of the prominent features of the annual report, and adverted to the satisfactory character of its statistics.

Dr. Goyder afterwards spoke upon the importance of unity amongst the members, and reminded them that, in a review of the past, quality must be kept in view equally with the more popular element of quantity. He concluded with an affectionate appeal to all to avoid the baneful effects of permitting the love of rule to enter the precincts of any society. Mr. Goldsack expressed his hope that the society would so enlarge itself as to fill the church now building on the adjoining ground,-apparently forgetting in the warmth of his feelings that no such building had as yet been commenced. We trust his words may prove prophetic, and as soon as may be after next conference realised by the erection of the chapel and south wing of the college. Mr. Goldsack also gave an interesting account of the condition of the New Church at Adelaide, South Australia.

Mr. Smith, of Cross Street Society,

deprecated any attempt to conceal from whence we obtained our doctrines, and mentioned a circumstance within his knowledge, illustrative of the good effect of an honest and candid avowal of our belief.

Mr. Colley stated that his experience of the power for good possessed by New Church truths was deep and heartfelt. He remarked that their fullest effects were realised when kindred spirits were found, whose sympathy warmed them into more fervent life.

He then

Mr. Bateman, observing strangers present, took the opportunity of explaining the catholic character of the New Church, which, without shrinking from the distinct expression of dogmatic truth, regarded all mankind as brethren. contrasted the New Church doctrine of the trinity with that of the Church of England, and in an eloquent manner pointed out the powerful effect of the former upon the life of its recipients.

Several hymns were sung at intervals, and an evening which began with, perhaps, some slight feelings of discouragement terminated, we may safely say, with more than ordinary feelings of pleasure to all present.

CROSS STREET SOCIETY, HATTON GARDEN. The annual general meeting of this society was held on the 20th of March, and the proceedings were of a satisfactory character. The report of the committee entered at length into the financial operations of the society, and described the efforts made to establish day and Sunday-schools, which had failed for the present; and the money subscribed, therefore, had, by consent, been


applied towards liquidating a portion of the debts owing by the society." We append the most interesting passages in the report :

"At the last annual general meeting the society had the gratification to learn that after a period of twenty-seven years, during which the treasurer's account had always shown that the payments had exceeded the receipts, a change had taken place, and that the account for 1863 showed a balance in the treasurer's hands. This balance, although small (£9. 14s. 10d.), it was hoped would be the commencement of a new era, and that in future the duty of the treasurer would be what his name implies, viz., to hold in his hands the funds of the society, ready to meet all its demands,


without requiring him to make advances out of his own pocket. Your committee have much pleasure in being able to state that this hope has been realised in the past year to a greater degree than could have been expected. The treasurer's account for 1864 shows a considerable balance remaining in his hands, viz., £52. 16s. 9d. * * * * *

"Your committee congratulate the society on the improved aspect of its financial affairs, and with the expectation that this improvement will continue, they recommend that the stipend of our worthy minister be increased to £200. for the year 1865. Last year the society increased the stipend from £150. to £175., and was then desirous to make it £200., but it was thought prudent to defer it until the result of another year.

"Now, however, that the interest which will have to be paid is so greatly reduced, in consequence of paying off so large a portion of the debt, your committee feel sanguine that the income will provide for this extra charge of £25., and not only so, but they hope that it will besides provide an annual surplus to be applied to the lessening and final extinguishment of the debt.

"With this prospect in view, we may look forward to a time when the society, which has passed through many trials, may be altogether free from debt, and have larger means of usefulness."

JERSEY.-The society here has been favoured with a visit from the Rev. Dr. Bayley, who delivered several interesting discourses, and performed some other important uses.

On May 17th he gave a lecture on "The Flood," in which he showed the impossibility of such an event having literally taken place, and explained the instructive spiritual signification of the Divinely-inspired allegory. A second lecture, on "The Ark," was delivered on the 19th. The first lecture was delivered in a public hall, to an attentive audience of about 400; the second was in the Temple, which was crowded, and the hearers manifested the deepest interest.

On Sunday, Dr. Bayley preached twice. After the morning's service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered to twenty-seven communicants; and in the evening three children were baptised.

On the Tuesday and Thursday even

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ings of the following week two more lectures were delivered, one on "The Passover," and the other on Heaven." A report of the concluding lecture appeared in the Baptist Press.

The beneficial effects of Dr. Bayley's visit cannot be fully estimated at present. This much we know, that it has awakened a spirit of inquiry, and that some whose minds were in doubt have been confirmed. Several have expressed their satisfaction with the views set forth, and Dr. Bayley has made a most favourable and, we hope, a lasting impression on many minds in favour of New Church principles.

MINISTERS' MEETING.-The quarterly meeting of the ministers in Lancashire was held at Liverpool on Tuesday, the 20th ult., when all the Lancashire ministers were present. The former portion of the time was occupied in listening to a paper read by the Rev. R. Storry, on "The structure and correspondence of the bones in the human body," followed by discussion. Both the papers and the observations were of a highly interesting and practically useful nature. quently the conversation turned on various subjects of general church interest, and it was generally felt that the meeting had been as useful as it was interesting. In consequence of the conference occurring so near the time at which the next meeting should take place, it was resolved to hold the next in December, at Preston.


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Departed into the spiritual world, Feb. 10th, at Leigh, aged 53 years, Mr. William Okill. In early childhood he was, by an elder brother, instructed in the principles of the New Jerusalem. Through life he ever maintained an unspotted reputation. Willing to do good whenever opportunity offered, he was beloved by all who knew him. He was the friend of all, the enemy of none. Though averse to obtruding his views of spiritual things in mixed company, he was ever able and ready, when the new doctrines were attacked, to defend them in a lucid and effectual manner, putting his opposers to shame. Our friend was troubled with asthma for many years, and suffered acutely, yet he never murmured; but, having unbounded confidence in the Divine mercy and compassion, he felt assured that all things would work together for good to those who love and serve their Divine Lord and Master. He passed from the natural to the spiritual world in peace and tranquility, breathing goodwill to all mankind.

Departed this mortal life, at Liverpool, March 7th, in humble hope of a joyful entrance into the Lord's heavenly kingdom above, aged 26 years, Mrs. Hannah Connor. She and her affectionate husband have been efficient and diligent teachers in the Sunday school, Limekilnlane (now held in Prince Edward-street), for many years past. Our departed sister was greatly beloved by her fellow-teachers and by all the children. Being amiable, gentle, and lively, she was at the monthly social gatherings of the young the centre of attraction. The Sunday-school was her element-it was, in fact, the instrument of leading both her and her husband into the Lord's New Church, a powerful argument in favour of such institutions. To gently lead the infant mind in truth and goodness was her chief delight. During her long and acute sufferings (from a painful internal disease) she found much consolation from her partner reading the Holy Word and New Church books. The perusal of the pages of the Juvenile Magazine was to her a source of great pleasure. Her end was 'perfect peace.' Her earthly remains were interred on Sunday, March 12th, at Anfield Cemetery, near Liverpool, the service of our Liturgy being performed by the Rev. C. G. Macpherson; and on


the following Sunday a sermon was preached by her affectionate pastor, Mr. R. G. Sheldon, from Rev. xiv. 13.

Departed this life, March 12th, Mrs. Alice Ashworth, relict of the late Mr. James Ashworth, of whom an obituary notice appears in the Magazine for April, 1855. The deceased was the oldest, and in some respects the most distinguished, member of the New Church at Heywood. She had been connected with the early history of the societies of the New Church at Middleton and Heywood, the early meetings of the first having been held in the dwelling-house of her mother, those of the last named in her own. She was a near relative of the late Mr. Boardman, for many years the leader of the society at Middleton. After her marriage, she and her husband resided for a short time at Middleton, where they attended the public services of the New Church. Removing soon after to Heywood, they felt the want of the worship to which they had become accustomed, and determined to commence a meeting in their own house. Mr. Boardman was invited to conduct this service, and for some time came over periodically for this purpose. Other preachers also took part in the service, which, once commenced, was steadily pursued until a small society was formed, and a room rented, in which to open a Sundayschool and to conduct the public worship of the church. The life of Mrs. Ashworth is thus interwoven with the entire history of the society. She undertook, in its beginning, the toil and inconvenience of having her house converted into a chapel and meeting-room for the early receivers of the doctrines; and she encouraged and sustained her husband in their long walk together in all the efforts that were made for the building up of the church. There has been no movement in which she has not had a part, no labour in which she has not been a helper, and no advancement in which she has not sympathised. Her whole life, from youth to old age, has been occupied by this intense affection for and lively interest in the church.

A life so long, so earnestly, and so steadily devoted to the church, could not be without many deep religious feelings and much religious experience. A mind occupied only with the world and with self could not have kept up for so long a period the fervour of its devo

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