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fections and might, but loving our selves, our pleafures, or profits, or credit before him; inordinate fetting our minds and affections on other things befides God. 9. Want of zeal and forwardneffe to promote his Glory: Lukewarmneffe, indifferency in the things of God; not forrowing for thofe raigning fins I whereby his honour is eclipfed. 10. Not fearing God fo as to keep from any wilful offending of him; timoroufneffe, fearing man more than God, by committing fin to fhun fome outward fuffering. Not rejoycing in God, nor in his waies and Worship counting his waies grievous and burdenfom: Apoftatizing from him, forfaking his Worship and Service. 12. Prefuming groundleffely on his mercy, while we go on in any wilful fin, or defpairing of it, fo, as to neg lect duty. 13. Unthankfulneffe for those great mercies he hath fo freely bestowed up. on us; not acknowledging them, or letting them flip by, without any regard or notice being too apt to afcribe Gods bleffings to our deferts or endeavours; facrificing to our own net, to our own wit or parts, not afcribing all Glory to God. 14. Infenfibleneffe under his judgments, or discontent at his difpenfations; Impatience under his Fatherly chaftifements; not accepting the punishment of our iniquities without murmuring or repi

Chap. "ning; not amending by his corrections,bre "ther fainting, defpairing, and charging "foolishly. 15. Not yeelding fuch fine

and univerfal obedience to him as we out "both in heart and life. 16. Not having "high and an adoring efteem of God, notes "meaning our felves humbly before him, a "cording as our vileneffe and his infinite forp fing excellencies do require.

"The fecond Commandment fhews the mar ner how the true God must be workhipped, "and requires the obferving and keeping pare

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& entire all fuch religious Worship and Ord "nances as he hath appointed in his Word I "ward Idolatry is opposed to the first Com "mandment, outward to this. The true Go is to be worshipped only in that way th himfelf hath appointed: Therefore Id trous and fuperftitious Worshippers of hir he cals haters of him; and expreffes rec *fervent zeal for his own Worship, and are "vengefull indignation against all falfe Worb "as being fpiritual whoredom.

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"The fins against this Commandment 32 "1. All will-worship, fuperftition or comp "ing the Ordinances of God by mans inver 2. Making any Images for a religio ufe either of the true God or of falfe. 3. M "king any reprefentation of God; of all, "any of the Three Perfons in the Trinity;


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ther inwardly in our minds, or outwardly in " kind of Image or likeneffe of any creaany ture whatsoever; er worshipping of it, or God in it and by it. 4. Worshipping of God any way not agreeable to his Nature, and not warranted by his Word; which requires he fhould be worshipped in Spirit and Truth, with uprightneffe and fincerity; he being a fpiritual and moft pure Being, without any fible form or fhape: Therefore all formality, unfpiritualneffe, and meer bodily Worship is that which he cannot away with.


The third Commandment requires we should honour and reverence the most holy and glorious Name of God; and that all bis Titles, Attributes, Ordinances, or whate ver elfe he is pleaf'd to make known himself by, be holily and reverently used by us. This "Commandment feems to have regard principally to that which we call the common Wor fhip of God, i. e, the right carriage of our felves for his honour in all the common affairs of our life (as well as in the exercifes of Religion) fo far forth as we have any thing to do with him therein.

The fins against this Commandment aré, 1.Light & irreverent ufing & naming the name of God, Deut.28.58.Not fearing this glorious and fearful Name, the Lord thy God. 2. Cu"ftomary fwearing, and in ordinary communi❝cation.

cation. 3. Swearing falfly, or pe not fwearing in truth, judgment and ris "oufneffe, Fer. 4.2. when lawfully thereunto. 4. Blafpheming. 5. Cur 6. Charms and Exorcifms. 7. Prop jefting on Scripture. 8. Unlawful and warrantable vowes. 9. Calling on G with our lips, when our hearts are far fi him..

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The fourth Commandment requires the fo τε keeping holy to God fuch fet times be bach "appointed in his Word; exprefly one whole "day in feven to be a Sabbath unn the th "Lord.

"The fins against this Commandment "1. Not preparing for it by taking care fote difpatch and difpofe our worldly buf "that we may be more free and fit for the s ties of the day. 2. Not refting from we "ly employments and fervile works; excep: "ing neceffary and charitable offices to men and


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beafts, to our felves or others. 3. Negle "of, or a careleffe heartleffe performance of the "private and publick duties that concern th

fanctification of it. 4. Being weary of the "Sabbath, not delighting in it, nor the date "of it, but wifhing it were gone. 5. Prop "ning the day by Idleneffe, vain thoughts.

worldly difcourfe, making it a day of car "reft, of feafting, jollity, immoderate exist

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and drinking, vifiting, a day of sports and recreations,which alienate the mind more from God than the ordinary labours of our callings. 6. Not taking care that thofe under our charge do fanctifie the day and keep it holy to the Lord, but by our careleffeneffe, or con'nivance, and ill example encouraging them in the prophanation of it.

So much of the duties commanded and fins orbidden in the firft Table.

The fecond Table enjoyns the duties of Charity nd Fuftice towards our Neighbour. Against is we fin, when we do not love our neighbours ith fuch a true unfeigned love as our (elves, when we do not fo deal with them, as we defire they should Heal with us.

"The fifth Commandment requires the giEving of that honour and performing those duFties which belong to every one in their feveral places, and which we mutually owe in our feveral relations, as Inferiours, Superiours, Equals. By Father and Mother are meant, - not only natural Parents, but all Superiours in Fage and gifts, and especially fuch as by Gods Ordinance are over us in place of authority, whether in Family, Church, or Common F wealth.

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"The Sins of Inferiours against Superiours, = are, 1. Not paying them due reverence in heart, word and behaviour. 2. The envy



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