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1 Tim.5.8. But if any provide not for his own, especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse then an Infidell. Deut.6.7. And thou (balt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou fitteft in thine boufe, and when thou walkeft by the way, and when thou lieft down, and when thon rifeft up. Prov.19.18. Chaften thy fon while there is hope, and let not thy foul pare for his crying.

Prov. 13.24 He that pareth his rod, hateth his fon; but he that loveth him, chasteneth him. betimes.

Prov.29.17. Correct thy Jon and he shall give thee reft: yea, he fhall give delight unto thy foul. Prov.22.15. Foolishneffe is bound in the heart of a child: but the rod of correction fhall drive it far from him.

Prov.10.1.-A wife fon maketh a glad father, but a foolish fon is the heavineffe of his mo

ther. Prov.1.8. My fon hear the instruction of thy father, and for fake not the law of thy mother. Deut.4 9. Onely take beed to thy self, and keep thy foul diligently, left thou forget the things which thine eyes have feen, and left they depart from thy heart all the daies of thy life, but teach the thy fons, and thy Sons fans.

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I. Reverence; which they must expresse, 1. By honouring them in their hearts, bearing not only an awe and refpect, but a kindnesse and affection towards them; loving their perfons, fearing to do any thing may justly provoke them; and highly efteeming them, as the inftrumems under God of their being, Lev. 19.3. Te shall fear every inan his Mother and his Father. The Mother is placed first, because children, though they stand most in need of their Mothers in their younger years, yet when they are grown up (many times) do most wickedly neglect and defpise them, But how curfed a thing it is to fet light by Parents, and even in our fecreteft thoughts to defpife them, God himself declares, Deut.27.16. Curfed be be that fetteth light by his Father, or his Mother, and all the people fhall fay, Amen,

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2. By fpeaking to them with due respect and re-f gard, and to others of them. What a heinous fi then is mocking Parents? Prov.30.17. The eye that mocketh at his Father, and defpifeth to obey his Mother, the Ravens of the valley shall pick out, and the young Eagle fhall eat it, But there


is á more horrid Crime than that, which is carfing Parents, Exod.21.17. And he that cur feth his Father or his Mother, shall furely be put to death. And to this Head we may refer that great and high offence that thofe wretched Children are guilty of, who either through impatience of the Government, or greedineffe of the poßeffions of their Parents, do wish their deaths; And let them not think to excufe themselves, by faying, they wish them in Heavens for that they do it, not fo much that they may have eafe and reft at their journies end, as because they muft needs take death in the way. But whoever does thus embrue his foal in bloudy wishes of his Parents death, let him know, there is one above that fees and obferves that great wickedneß: And if long life be promifed as a reward of honouring Parents, Lis very agreeable to Divine fuftice,that untimely leath be the punishment of the contrary. And fo hey who so eagerly define the death of theit Paents, take the direct courfe (untimely) to meet with their own:

3. By giving them (in their outward carriage) U due respect and obfervance; behaving themelves with humility towards them, and giving hem all thofe figns and expreffions of civil honeur hich are to be paid by Inferiours to Superiours. How contrary to this is that deteftable fin of fmiing Parents? Exod.21.19. And he that fmiteth is Father or his Mother, shall be furely put to

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death. The punishment the Heathens inflicted on fuck unnatural children, was to few them in a fack with a dog, cat, viper, and ape ( as emblems of unnaturalness and fo drown'd them together: So much doth the very Light of Nature abhor fuch monstrous undutifulneß.

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II. obedience which they must manifeft, 1. By hearkning to their infractions, and carefully laying up their precepts in their hearts; efpecially thofe that concern the welfare of theit Souls. There is ordinarily fuch a pride, and hea dineffe in youth, that they are apt to flight the counfels and directions of their Elders, and to Look upon them as proceeding either from too mach feverity, or from dotage, when they are in-i deed the fruits of wisdom, sobriety & experience. [ To fuch the counfell of Solomonis neceffary, Prov. 23.22. Hearken unto thy Father that begat ther and defpife not thy Mother when he is old. May more Texts there are in that book to this purpoft that fhew how the wifeft of men have thought it neceffary, that Children should carefully attend to the Counsel of their Parents,


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2. By obeying their lawful Commands; mol gladly and chearfully doing those things that may bring joy and comfort to them, and carefully voiding what they apprehend will grieve or F flict them. And that out of Confcience, and 6 obedience to God who enjoyns it, and not meers from fome outward advantages or benefits to them.


felves, as too many children do. This is not only contained in the fifth Commandment, but exprefly enjoyned in other places of Scripture, Col. 3.20. Children obey your Parents in all things, for this is well pleafing unto the Lord. Eph. 6.1. Children obey your Parents in the Lord, for this is right. In the former place 'tis in all things: In the other, in the Lord, i. e. If their commands arenor contrary to Gods; for in that cafe, our duty to God must be preferred. If any Parent shall be fo wicked as to command his Child to steal, or lie, or do any wicked thing, the Child does not offend against his Duty, if he disobeys; Only let him do it in fuch a modeft and respectful manner, that it may appear, that 'tis Confcience, and not Stubbornneffe that moves him to refufe obedience.

3. In bearing patiently their reproofs, and fubmitting to their corrections, and reforming thereupon what is amiffe. Prov.29.17. Correct thy on, and he shall give thee reft, yea he shall give delight unto thy foul. Heb. 12.9. Furthermore, ve have had Fathers of our flesh, which corrected and we gave them reverence; Shall we not nuch more be in fubjection to the Father of Spirits, and live? Prov. 13.1. A wife Son heareth his Fathers inftruction; but a fcorner heareth not reinke.

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4. In forbearing to do any thing of moment withut craving their advice and counsel; efpecially Gg 2


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