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prove your hearts unto him. Let not Servants therefore difpute their lawful commands, but do them; and that with an eye to Gods Command. If their Master's should command any thing, though lawful, yet imprudent, let them humbly offer their reafons to the contrary, but if they per fift, let them not finally refuse to obey them.

3. In patiently and meekly fubmitting to their reproofs, when they do amiffe, not answering & gain, as the Apostle fpeaks, Tit.2.9. i. e. Not making fuch farly and rude replies as may encreaft their Mafters difpleafure. A thing too frequent among servants,even in the juftest reprehenfions. Whereas St. Peter directs them to fuffer patiently the most undeferved correction,even when they do well, and yet fuffer for it, 1 Pet.2.20. And further, they must know, that the giving their Mafters the hearing, & the patient fuffering of rebuke, is not all that is required of them in this matter ; but they must peedily amend the faults they are rebuked for, and reform what has been amiffe. III. Faithfulneß. They must be true and faithful.

1. In their words, fpeaking the truth alwaies. Lying doubles a fault. A lying tongue is an abomination to the Lord, Prov.6.17. & Rev.21.8. Lyars are of the number of those that shall be shut out of the new Ferufalem,& fhall have their part is the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. When therefore they are charged with a fault (if they


beguilty) let them remember, that an humble ingenuous confeffion, with promife of amendment, is the best and most pacifying excuse, they can' poffibly make.

z. In their actions: 1. In not purloining, as the Apostle commands, Tit.2.10. not converting that which is their Masters to their own use, or difpofing of any thing that is His, without his leave, contenting themfelves with fuch things as are fit for a fervant to have, and not fecretly filching fuch things as they know are not allowed them by their Mafter, or appointed for them. Where the fear of God is in the heart, there will be a care of these things; Where 'tis not, fervants think they may do any thing, what they pleafe. 2. In not wasting and imbeziling their Mafters goods, (as the unjuft Steward was accufed to have done, Luke 16.6.) by their neglect and carele fneffe. Every Mafter is fuppofed to intruft his affairs, as well to the care, as to the honesty of his fervant; therefore unfaithfulneffe is a great fin, and (in fome refpects) worse then common theft, by how much there is a greater trust repofed, the betraying whereof adds to the


3. They must be faithfull in their work and bu *fineffe, and in the managing all things intrufted to them, labouring to preferve and increase their Mafters estate, by all good and lawful means. This the Apoftle hints in those words, Tit.2.10.

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Shewing all good fidelity. And with what uprightnelle and integrity fervants fhould carry themfelves herein, the fame Apostle cels us in thofe words, Col.3. 22. In fingleneffe of heart, fearing God. If the fear of God be in the heart, that will make fervants faithfull. Such a fervant was Eleezer, that wife, faithfull, praying fervant, of whom we reade, Gen.24. And fuch honeft, upright fervants were Facob and Fofeph, who were great blessings to the Mafters whom they served.

4. They must be faithfull in respect of their Mafters children, (if any care of them be commit ted to them) endeavouring their good and welfare every kind of way; infufing good princi ples into them, and the feeds of piety and vertue, and abhorring to speak or do any thing before them, that may tend to corrupt or deprave them. They must not conceale their faults and miscar riages, much leffe be acceffary to the drawing them into any evil courfe, or be any way inftrumental to their raine, as too many fervants are.

5. They must do all the good they can to their fellow-fervants, by prudent fuggeftions, a good example, and an unblameable converfation.

6. They must preferve (by all good means the reputation of their Master and his family; and not like idle tale-bearers, divulge every thing don in the boufe, which is an unfaithfulneß an hon

fervant fhould abhorre.

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IV. Diligence Conftantly attending to all those things that are the duties of their place, and not giving themselves to idleneffe and floth; remembring their time is their Masters, and therefore not to be fquandred away or mispent. They must do all true fervice to their Masters, not only when their eye is over them, but when they are abfent, and not like to difcern their failings. Not with eye fervice, Eph. 6.6. Good fervants, when their Mafters eye is not upon them, fee him that is invifible; and defire to perform the duties of their places carefully and confcientis only, that they may efcape, not only their Mafters, but Gods anger, who will call them tơ


So much of the duties of fervants.

The Motives to incourage them to a cheerfull performance of them are these two:

1. By performing their duties in this manner, they will adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, Tit.2. 10. The world will then fee True Religion is not meerly a Name, but a powerfull hing, rendring men good in all their relatis. It will render Religion amiable to the World.

2. They shall not lose their reward. God will plentifully reward them, if out of conscience to bis command they be faithfull. Eph.6.8. Knowng that what foever good thing any man doth, the fame shall be receive of the Lord, whether he be Ff z


bond or free. Col. 3.24. Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye ferve the Lord Christ.

Let fervants therefore fet these two motives alwaies before their eyes, to make them faithfull and cheerfull in their duties.

Eph.6.5. Servants be obedient to them that are your Masters, according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in fingleneß of your heart, as unto Chrift.

V.6. Not with eye fervice, as men-pleasers, but as the fervants of Chrift,doing the will of Ged from the heart.

V.7. With good will doing fervice, as to the Lord

and not to men.

V.8. Knowing, that whatsoever good thing any man doth, the fame fhall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

Col 3.22. Servants, obey in all things your Mafters according to the flesh. not with eie fervice, as men pleafers,but in fingleneffe of heart, fearing God

V.23. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

V.24. Knowing, that of the Lord ye shall re ceive the reward of inheritance for ye ferv the Lord Christ.

V.25. But he that doth wrong, fhall receive fo the wrong which he hath done, and there is nort Lect of perfons. 1 Tim..

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