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and he had a frightful look of horror and confusion.

"You are a murderer!" exclaimed I, almost involuntarily.

"How do you know that?" said he, staggering back; "I'm sure you never saw—'

formed a part. But nothing more was visible. I struck my eyes till the light flashed from them, in hopes that my senses had been imposed upon by distempered vision-however, it was in vain, for the hand still motioned me to advance, and I rushed forwards with wild desperation and caught hold of it. I was pulled along a little way notwithstanding the

"Hush, hush," cried Marietta to him; "are you mad?-Speak again!-What frightens you? Why don't you run and help Morval-resistance I made, and soon discovered a man den?"

"Has anything happened to him?" inquired Angerstoff, with a gaze of consternation.

"You told us he had fallen overboard," returned Marietta. "Must my husband perish?"

"Give me some water to wash my hands," said Angerstoff, growing deadly pale, and catching hold of the table for support.


I now hastened upon deck, but Morvalden was not there. I then went to the side of the vessel and put my hands on the gunwale, while I leaned over and looked downwards. taking them off, I found them marked with blood. I grew sick at heart, and began to identify myself with Angerstoff the murderer. The sea, the beacon, and the sky appeared of a sanguine hue; and I thought I heard the dying exclamations of Morvalden sounding a hundred fathom below me, and echoing through the caverns of the deep. I advanced to the cabin door, intending to descend the stairs, but found that some one had fastened it firmly on the inside. I felt convinced that I was intentionally shut out, and a cold shuddering pervaded my frame. I covered my face with my hands, not daring to look around; for it seemed as if I was excluded from the company of the living, and doomed to be the associate of the spirits of drowned and murdered men. After a little time I began to walk hastily backwards and forwards; but the light of the lantern happened to flash on a stream of blood that ran along the deck, and I could not summon up resolution to pass the spot where it was a second time. The sky looked black and threatening-the sea had a fierceness in its sound and motions-and the wind swept over its bosom with melancholy sighs. Everything was sombre and ominous; and I looked in vain for some object that would, by its soothing aspect, remove the dark impressions which crowded upon my mind.

While standing near the bows of the vessel, I saw a hand and arm rise slowly behind the stern, and wave from side to side. I started back as far as I could go in horrible affright, and looked again, expecting to behold the entire spectral figure of which I supposed they

stretched along the stern-cable, and clinging to it in a convulsive manner. It was Morvalden. He raised his head feebly and said something, but I could only distinguish the words "murdered-overboard-reached this rope terrible death."

I stretched out my arms to support him, but at that moment the vessel plunged violently, and he was shaken off the cable, and dropped among the waves. He floated for an instant, and then disappeared under the keel.

I seized the first rope I could find, and threw one end of it over the stern, and likewise flung some planks into the sea thinking that the unfortunate Morvalden might still retain strength enough to catch hold of them if they came within his reach. I continued on the watch for a considerable time, but at last abandoned all hopes of saving him, and made another attempt to get down to the cabinthe doors were now unfastened, and I opened them without any difficulty. The first thing I saw on going below, was Angerstoff stretched along the floor, and fast asleep. His torpid look, flushed countenance, and uneasy respiration convinced me that he had taken a large quantity of ardent spirits. Marietta was in her own apartment. Even the presence of a murderer appeared less terrible than the frightful solitariness of the deck, and I lay down upon a bench, determining to spend the remainder of the night there. The lamp that hung from the roof soon went out, and left me in total darkness. Imagination began to conjure up a thousand appalling forms, and the voice of Angerstoff speaking in his sleep filled my ears at intervals-"Hoist up the beacon!-the lamps won't burn-horrible!— they contain blood instead of oil.—Is that a boat coming?-Yes, yes, I hear the oars.Curses!-why is that corpse so long of sinking?-If it doesn't go down soon, they'll find me out-How terribly the wind blows!-We are driving ashore-See! see! Morvalden is swimming after us-How he writhes in the water!"

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Marietta now rushed from her room with a light in her hand, and seizing Angerstoff by the arm, tried to awake him. He soon rose


up with chattering teeth and shivering limbs, | escape? See you prevent the possibility of and was on the point of speaking, but she prevented him, and he staggered away to his berth, and lay down in it.

Next morning when I went upon deck, after a short and perturbed sleep, I found Marietta dashing water over it, that she might efface all vestige of the transactions of the preceding night. Angerstoff did not make his appearance till noon, and his looks were ghastly and agonized. He seemed stupified with horror, and sometimes entirely lost all perception of the things around him for a considerable time. He suddenly came close up to me, and demanded, with a bold air but quivering voice, what I had meant by calling him a murderer?

"Why, that you are one," replied I, after a

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"Yes, yes," returned Angerstoff; "he never shall leave the vessel-He had as well take care lest I do to him what I did to-"

"To Morvalden, I suppose you mean," said L. "Well, well, speak it out," replied he ferociously; "there is no one here to listen to your lies, and I'll not be fool enough to give you an opportunity of uttering them elsewhere. I'll strangle you the next time you tell these lies about-"

"Come," interrupted Marietta, "don't be uneasy-the boat will soon be far enough away if he wants to give you the slip, he must leap overboard.”

I was irritated and disappointed beyond measure at the failure of the plan of escape I had formed, but thought it most prudent to conceal my feelings. I now perceived the rashness and bad consequences of my bold as

"Whence, then, came that blood that covered sertions respecting the murder of Morvalden; the deck?" inquired I. for Angerstoff evidently thought that his perHe grew pale, and then cried, "You lie sonal safety, and even his life would be endanyou lie infernally-there was none!"

"I saw it," said I. "I saw Morvalden himself-long after midnight. He was clinging to the stern-cable, and said-"

"Ha, ha, ha!" exclaimed Angerstoff. "Did you hear me dreaming?-I was mad last night-Come, come, come!-We shall tend the beacon together-Let us make friends, and don't be afraid, for you'll find me a good fellow in the end."

He now forcibly shook hands with me, and then hurried down to the cabin.

gered, if I ever found an opportunity of accusing and giving evidence against him. All my motions were now watched with double vigilance. Marietta and her paramour kept upon deck by turns during the whole day, and the latter looked over the surrounding ocean, through a glass at intervals, to discover if any boat or vessel was approaching us. He often muttered threats as he walked past me, and more than once seemed waiting for an opportunity to push me overboard. Marietta and he frequently whispered together, and I always imagined I heard my name mentioned in the course of these conversations.

I now felt completely miserable, being satisfied that Angerstoff was bent upon my destrue tion. I wandered in a state of fearful circumspection from one part of the vessel to the other, not knowing how to secure myself from his designs. Every time he approached me my heart palpitated dreadfully; and when night came on I was agonized with terror, and could not remain in one spot, but hurried backwards and forwards between the cabin and the deck, looking wildly from side to side, and momentarily expecting to feel a cold knife entering my vitals. My forehead began to burn, and my eyes dazzled;

In the afternoon, while sitting on deck, I discerned a boat far off, but I determined to conceal this from Angerstoff and Marietta, lest they should use some means to prevent its approach. I walked carelessly about, casting a glance upon the sea occasionally, and meditating how I could best take advantage of the means of deliverance which I had in prospect. After the lapse of an hour the boat was not more than half a mile distant from us, but she, suddenly changed her course, and bore away towards the shore. I immediately shouted and waved a handkerchief over my head, as signals for her to return. Angerstoff rushed from the cabin, and seized my arm, threatening at the same time to push me overboard if II became acutely sensitive, and the slightest attempted to hail her again. I disengaged myself from his grasp, and dashed him violently from me.

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murmur, or the faintest breath of wind, set my whole frame in a state of uncontrollable vibration. At first I sometimes thought of throwing myself into the sea; but I soon aequired such an intense feeling of existence, that the mere idea of death was horrible to me,

Shortly after midnight I lay down in my berth, almost exhausted by the harrowing emotions that had careered through my mind during the past day. I felt a strong desire to sleep, yet dared not indulge myself; soul and body seemed at war. Every noise excited my imagination, and scarcely a minute passed in the course of which I did not start up and look around. Angerstoff paced the deck overhead, and when the sound of his footsteps accidentally ceased at any time, I grew deadly sick at heart, expecting that he was silently coming to murder me. At length I thought I heard some one near my bed—I sprung from it, and, having seized a bar of iron that lay on the floor, rushed into the cabin. I found Angerstoff there, who started back when he saw me, and said,

"What is the matter? Did you think that -I want you to watch the beacon, that I may have some rest. Follow me upon deck, and I will give you directions about it."

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I hesitated a moment, and then went up the gangway stairs behind him. We walked forward to the mast together, and he showed how I was to lower the lantern when any of the lamps happened to go out, and bidding me beware of sleep, returned to the cabin. Most of my fears forsook me the moment he disappeared. I felt nearly as happy as if I had been set at liberty, and for a time forgot that my situation had anything painful or alarming connected with it. Angerstoff resumed his station in about three hours, and I again took refuge in my berth, where I enjoyed a short but undisturbed slumber.

Next day while I was walking the deck, and anxiously surveying the expanse of ocean around, Angerstoff requested me to come down to the cabin. I obeyed his summons, and found him there. He gave me a book, saying it was very entertaining and would serve to amuse me during my idle hours; and then went above, shutting the doors carefully behind him. I was struck with his behaviour, but felt no alarm, for Marietta sat at work near me, apparently unconscious of what had passed. I began to peruse the volume I held in my hand, and found it so interesting that I paid little attention to anything else, till the dashing of oars struck my ear. I sprung from my chair, with the intention of hastening upon deck, but Marietta stopped me, saying,

"It is of no use. The gangway doors are fastened."

Notwithstanding this information, I made an attempt to open them, but could not succeed. I was now convinced, by the percussion against

the vessel, that a boat lay alongside, and I heard a strange voice addressing Angerstoff. Fired with the idea of deliverance, I leaped upon a table which stood in the middle of the cabin, and tried to push off the sky-light, but was suddenly stunned by a violent blow on the back of my head. I staggered back and looked round. Marietta stood close behind me brandishing an axe, as if in the act of repeating the stroke. Her face was flushed with rage, and, having seized my arm, she cried,

"Come down instantly, accursed villain! I know you want to betray us, but may we all go to the bottom if you find a chance of doing so.

I struggled to free myself from her grasp, but being in a state of dizziness and confusion, I was unable to effect this, and she soon pulled me to the ground. At that moment Angerstoff hurriedly entered the cabin, exclaiming,

"What noise is this? Oh, just as I expected! Has that devil-that spy-been trying to get above boards? Why haven't I the heart to despatch him at once? But there's no time now. The people are waiting-Marietta, come and lend a hand."

They now forced me down upon the floor, and bound me to an iron ring that was fixed in it. This being done, Angerstoff directed his female accomplice to prevent me from speaking, and went upon deck again.

While in this state of bondage, I heard distinctly all that passed without. Some one asked Angerstoff how Morvalden did. "Well, quite well," replied the former; but he's below, and so sick that he can't see any person."

"Strange enough," said the first speaker, laughing. "Is he ill and in good health at the same time? he had as well be overboard as in that condition."

"Overboard!" repeated Angerstoff; "what! how do you mean?-all false!--but listen to me.-Are there any news stirring ashore!' "Why," said the stranger, "the chief talk there just now is about a curious thing that happened this morning. A dead man was found upon the beach, and they suspect from the wounds on his body that he hasn't got fair play. They are making a great noise about it, and government means to send out a boat, with an officer on board who is to visit all the shipping round this, that he may ascertain if any of them has lost a man lately. 'Tis a dark business; but they'll get to the bottom of it, I warrant ye-Why, you look as pale as if you knew more about this matter than you choose to tell."


"No, no, no," returned Angerstoff; "I never heard of a murder, but I think of a friend of mine who-but I won't detain you, for the sea is getting up-We'll have a blowy night, I'm afraid."

"So you don't want any fish to-day?" cried the stranger. "Then I'll be off-Good morning, good morning. I suppose you'll have the government boat alongside by-and-by."

I now heard the sound of oars, and supposed, from the conversation having ceased, that the fishermen had departed. Angerstoff came down to the cabin soon after, and released me without speaking a word.

manage the business-yes, yes-I'll cut the cables, and off we'll go-that's settled!"

hawser at the bows, and afterwards the one He then seized an axe, and first divided the attached to the stern.

The vessel immediately began to drift away, rolled with such violence that I was dashed and having no sails or helm to steady her, swung over so much that I thought she would from side to side several times. She often not regain the upright position, and Angerstoff all the while unconsciously strengthened this belief, by exclaiming,

Marietta then approached him, and, taking must go to the bottom!" hold of his arm, said,

"She will capsize; shift the ballast, or we

"Do you believe what that man has told you?"

"Yes," cried he vehemently; "I suspect I will find the truth of it soon enough."

"Oh!" exclaimed she, "what is to become of us? How dreadful!-We are chained here, and cannot escape."

"Escape what?" interrupted Angerstoff; "girl, you have lost your senses. we fear the officers of justice? Keep a guard Why should over your tongue."

"Yes," returned Marietta, "I talk without thinking, or understanding my own words; but come upon deck, and let me speak with you there."

They now went up the gangway stairs to gether, and continued in deep conversation for some time.

Angerstoff gradually became more agitated as the day advanced. He watched upon deck almost without intermission, and seemed irresolute what to do, sometimes sitting down composedly, and at other times hurrying backwards and forwards, with clenched hands and bloodless cheeks. The wind blew pretty fresh from the shore, and there was a heavy swell; and I supposed, from the anxious looks with which he contemplated the sky, that he hoped the threatening aspect of the weather would prevent the government boat from putting out to sea. He kept his glass constantly in his hand, and surveyed the ocean through it in all directions.

At length he suddenly dashed the instrument away, and exclaimed,

They are coming now!" Marietta, on hearing this, ran wildly towards him, and put her hands in his, but he pushed her to one side and began to pace the deck, apparently in deep thought. After a little time he started, and cried,

deck, intently watching the boat, which was In the midst of this I kept my station upon expectation, thinking that every new wave still several miles distant. I waited in fearful upon our vessel and overwhelm us, while our against which we were impelled would burst pursuers were too far off to afford any assist of being saved was inexpressibly agonizing. ance. The idea of perishing when on the point

tained of the boat making up with us gradually As the day advanced, the hopes I had enterdiminished. The wind blew violently, and grew so hazy that our pursuers soon became we drifted along at a rapid rate, and the weather quite undistinguishable. Marietta and Angerstood motionless, holding firmly by the bulstoff appeared to be stupified with terror. They warks of the vessel; and though the waves fre the gangway, they did not offer to shut the quently broke over the deck and rushed down companion door, which would have remained open had not I closed it. The tempest, gloom, elicited from them any expressions of mutes) and danger that thickened around us neither regard, nor seemed to produce the slightest sympathetic emotion in their bosoms. They gazed sternly at each other and at me, and every time the vessel rolled, clung with corvulsive eagerness to whatever lay within their reach.

About sunset our attention was attracted by proceed from the waves around us; but the a dreadful roaring, which evidently did n to ascertain the cause of it for a long time. atmosphere being very hazy, we were unable At length we distinguished a range of high fury. Whenever the surge broke upon the cliffs, against which the sea beat with terris large jets of foam started up to a great heigh and flashed angrily over their black and rugsť surfaces, while the wind moaned and whistled with fearful caprice among the projecting poss A dense mist covered the upper par

"I have it now!-It's the only plan--I'll of rock.

of the cliffs, and prevented us from seeing if there were any houses upon their summits, though this point appeared of little importance, for we drifted towards the shore so fast that immediate death seemed inevitable.

We soon felt our vessel bound twice against the sand, and, in a little time after, a heavy sea carried her up the beach, where she remained imbedded and hard aground. During the ebb of the waves there was not more than two feet of water round her bows. I immediately perceived this, and watching a favourable opportunity, swung myself down to the beach, by means of part of the cable that projected through the hawse-hole. I began to run towards the cliffs the moment my feet touched the ground, and Angerstoff attempted to follow me, that he might prevent my escape; but, while in the act of descending from the vessel, the sea flowed in with such violence, that he was obliged to spring on board again to save himself from being overwhelmed by its waters.

I hurried on and began to climb up the rocks, which were very steep and slippery; but I soon grew breathless from fatigue, and found it necessary to stop. It was now almost dark, and when I looked around I neither saw anything distinctly, nor could form the least idea how far I had still to ascend before I reached the top of the cliffs. I knew not which way to turn my steps, and remained irresolute till the barking of a dog faintly struck my ear. I joyfully followed the sound, and, after an hour of perilous exertion, discovered a light at some distance, which I soon found to proceed from the window of a small hut.

After I had knocked repeatedly, the door was opened by an old man, with a lamp in his hand. He started back on seeing me, for my dress was wet and disordered, my face and hands had been wounded while scrambling among the rocks, and fatigue and terror had given me a wan and agitated look. I entered the house, the inmates of which were a woman and a boy, and having seated myself near the fire, related to my host all that had occurred on board the floating beacon, and then requested him to accompany me down to the beach, that we might search for Angerstoff and Marietta.

"No, no," cried he, "that is impossible. Hear how the storm rages! Worlds would not induce me to have any communication with murderers. It would be impious to attempt it on such a night as this. The Almighty is surely punishing them now! Come here and look out."

I followed him to the door, but the moment

he opened it the wind extinguished the lamp. Total darkness prevailed without, and a chaos of rushing, bursting, and moaning sounds swelled upon the ear with irregular loudness. The blast swept round the hut in violent eddyings, and we felt the chilly spray of the sea driving upon our faces at intervals. I shuddered, and the old man closed the door, and then resumed his seat near the fire.

My entertainer made a bed for me upon the floor, but the noise of the tempest, and the anxiety I felt about the fate of Angerstoff and Marietta, kept me awake the greater part of the night. Soon after dawn my host accompanied me down to the beach. We found the wreck of the floating beacon, but were unable to discover any traces of the guilty pair whom I had left on board of it.

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