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save and except so far as the said Act repeals any former Act or Acts, or any Part thereof, and save and except also so far as except as to relates to any of the said Duties and Drawbacks which have been Arrears and charged or incurred or become payable respectively at any Time Penalties in before the passing of this Act, and all Fines, Penalties, and For- respect thereof. feitures in respect thereof or in relation thereto, all which said last-mentioned Duties, Drawbacks, Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures shall respectively be sued for, recovered, levied, paid, and applied in the same Manner as if this Act had not been passed.

to be allowed

on the Stocks

II. And be it enacted, That, by way of Drawback or Remission Drawback of of Duty on the Stocks of Bricks in the Possession of the Makers a Moiety of the thereof, there shall be allowed and repaid or remitted to the Maker Duty charged or Owner of all Bricks which at the Time of the passing of this Act are in the entered Field or other entered Premises where of Bricks in the the same have been made and charged with Duty, and which are Possession of in a sound and perfect State, and have not been used for any Makers at the Purpose, excepting for the casing of Clamps, a Moiety of the Duty passing of this which has been charged on such Bricks; and the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall forthwith cause Accounts of all such Bricks to be taken by their Officers, under such Regulations as the said Commissioners may make in that Behalf, and shall allow and repay or remit a Moiety of the said Duties, according to such Accounts respectively.

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March 1850 to

which the latter

III. And whereas various Contracts have been made before Purchasers of the passing of this Act for the Sale and Purchase or requiring Bricks under 'the Use of Bricks, and such Contracts have been made on the Contracts made 'Assumption that the Duties of Excise on Bricks payable by Law before the 27th ⚫ at the Time of making such Contracts would continue: Be it be allowed by enacted, That the Maker or Seller of or Person using any Bricks Seller an Abateby or under any such Contract shall and he is hereby required, ment from the from and after the Twenty-seventh Day of March One thousand Price thereof eight hundred and fifty, to make an Abatement from such Con- equivalent to tract, equivalent to the Duty from which he will be relieved under the Duties from or by virtue of this Act, in respect of all such Bricks which he is relieved. shall send out and deliver or use under or in pursuance of any such Contract as aforesaid after the Twenty-seventh Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifty, (that is to say,) for and in respect of all such Bricks, if any, which at the Period last aforesaid were in the Field, Yard, or Premises where the same were made and charged with Duty a Moiety of the said Duty charged thereon, and for and in respect of all such Bricks which shall be made at any Time after the said Twenty-seventh Day of March a Sum equal to the Duty of Excise which at the Time of making such Contract was payable on Bricks of the like Description.

IV. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Act may be repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of amended, &c. Parliament.


An Act for raising the Sum of Nine millions two hundred thousand Pounds by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of

the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty.

[17th May 1850.]

7 & 8 Vict. c. 101.

11 & 12 Vict. c. 82.

7 & 8 Vict.
c. 101. s. 47.

Repeal of 7 & 8 Vict.

c. 101. s. 47.

in part.

The Mode in
which the
Averages of
Unions and
Parishes com-

bined in School
Districts shall
be ascertained
and declared.


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An Act to make better Provision for the Contributions of
Unions and Parishes in School Districts to the common
Funds of the respective Districts. [17th May 1850.]
WI HEREAS by the Act passed in the Eighth Year of Her
Majesty, intituled An Act for the further Amendment of
the Laws relating to the Poor in England, and by the Act passed
' in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled An
'Act to amend the Law for the Formation of Districts for the
Education of Infant Poor, Provisions are made for the Form-
'ation of School Districts for the Management of certain Infant
Poor by the Combination of Unions and Parishes into such
'Districts: And whereas it is by the said first-recited Statute
enacted, "that the Expenses incurred by any District Board in
"the Purchase or Hire of any Building or Buildings to be used
"as a School, or in erecting, repairing, adding to, or fitting up
6.66 any Building, and in the Purchase of Utensils and Materials
"for the Employment of the Inmates of such School, or of Books
"" and other Objects and Things necessary for the Instruction of
"such Inmates, and the Salaries of the Officers and Servants of
"the Establishment, and all other Expenses incurred on the
common Account of the Parishes or Unions, or Parishes and
"Unions, so united for the Management of any Class of Infant
"Poor, or incidental to the Discharge of the Duties of such
"District Board, shall be paid by such Unions in the Propor-
"tion of the Averages last declared for every such Union, and
"by such Parishes in the Proportion of the average Expendi-
"ture of every such Parish for the like Period and Purposes as
"those to which the declared Averages of such Unions shall
"relate; and the said Commissioners shall from Time to Time,
"by Order under their Hands and Seal, ascertain and declare
"the Proportion and Rates of Contribution in the above
6 (6 respects of every such Parish and Union :" And whereas such
Provision for the Contributions of the several Unions and
Parishes in such Districts is inconvenient, and it is desirable
that the same should be repealed, and other Provisions should
be enacted for the Purpose aforesaid: Be it therefore enacted
by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons,
in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the
same, That after the passing of this Act so much of the said Act
of the Eighth Year of Her Majesty as is herein-before recited,
providing for the Contribution of the Unions and Parishes com-
prised in any such School District, shall be and the same is hereby

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II. And be it enacted, That in respect of any District heretofore formed or hereafter to be formed under the Provisions of the Statutes aforesaid the Poor Law Board shall cause an Inquiry to be made as to the average annual Expense incurred by or on account of the Relief of the Poor in every Union and Parish forming an integral Part of such District during the Three Years ending on the Twenty-fifth Day of March next before the Date


of the Formation of such District, such Expense to include the Cost of the Relief of the Poor belonging to the Parish, or, in the Case of a Union, the Cost of the Relief of the Poor belonging to the several Parishes thereof, and of those chargeable upon the common Fund thereof, and in each Case the Payment of the Salaries of all Officers engaged in the Administration of the Relief of the Poor, and other like Expenses of current and ordinary Nature; and the said Board shall by an Order declare the respective Averages so ascertained, and after the Issue of such Order the several Unions and Parishes comprised in any such District shall contribute to the several Charges set forth in the Clause hereinbefore cited from the said first-mentioned Statute according to the Proportion of the Averages declared in such Order until the same shall be altered by any subsequent Order of the said Board.

III. And be it enacted, That the said Poor Law Board, from Provision for Time to Time whenever it shall seem proper to them to do so, the Declaration may cause a fresh Inquiry to be made in manner aforesaid, in of fresh Averrespect of any such District, as to the Expense of the Unions and ages. Parishes therein for the Three Years ending on the Twenty-fifth Day of March next preceding such Inquiry, and declare by their Order the Averages ascertained by such Inquiry, and thereupon the Contributions of the several Unions and Parishes in such District to the Charges aforesaid shall be calculated according to the Averages so last declared.

IV. And be it enacted, That when any Union or Parish shall Provision for be added to any previously formed District the said Board shall Addition of a cause the average Expense of such Union or Parish correspond- Parish or Union ing with the Period for which the Averages of such District shall to an existing have been last ascertained and declared as aforesaid.


V. And be it enacted, That in respect of any District here- Accounts in any tofore formed all Charges and Expenses which shall not have such District been closed and audited at the passing of this Act, and to which not closed, &c. the said Clause of the said first-recited Statute would have applied, to be settled shall be estimated and settled according to the Proportions of according to the Averages to be declared according to the Provisions of this Act.

this Act.

VI. And be it enacted, That the several Words used in this Interpretation Act shall be construed in the Manner prescribed by the said re- of Terms. cited Statute of the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty, and the Statutes explaining and extending it; and that every Provision of the said several Statutes not repealed shall extend to this Act, except where any such Provision would be inconsistent with anything herein contained.

VII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Act may be repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of amended, &c. Parliament.


An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom
as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and
Employments, and to extend the Time limited for those
Purposes respectively.
[17th May 1850.]
[This Act is the same, except as to Dates, as 12 & 13 Vict. c. 9.]

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Heritable Property conveyed for religious or

educational Purposes to vest in Dis

ponees or their



An Act to render more simple and effectual the Titles by which Congregations or Societies associated for Purposes of Religious Worship or Education in Scotland hold Real Property required for such Purposes. [17th May 1850.] WHEREAS it is expedient to render more simple and

effectual the Titles by which Congregations or Societies ' associated together for the Purposes of maintaining Religious Worship or promoting Education in Scotland may hold the Heritable Property required for such Purposes: May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That wherever Heritable Property, consisting of Lands or Houses in Scotland, has been or may hereafter be acquired by any Congregation or Society or Body of Men associated for religious Purposes or for the Promotion of Education, as a Chapel, Meeting House, or other Place of Worship, or as a Manse or Dwelling House for the Minister of such Congregation, or Offices, Garden, or Glebe for his Use, or as a Schoolhouse, or Schoolmaster's House, Garden, or Play-ground, or as a College, Academy, or Seminary, or as a Hall or Rooms for the Meetings or Transaction of the Business of such Congregation or Society or Body of Men, and wherever the Charter, Disposition, Conveyance, or Lease of such Heritable Property has been or may be taken in favour of the Minister, Kirk Session, Vestrymen, Deacons, Managers, or other Office-bearers or Office-bearer of such Congregation or Society or Body of Men, or any of them, or of Trustees appointed or to be from Time to Time appointed, or of any Party or Parties named in such Charter, Disposition, Conveyance, or Lease, in trust for behoof of the Congregation or Society or Body of Men, or of the Individuals composing the same, such Charter, Disposition, or Conveyance, when followed by Infeftment duly expede and recorded in Terms of Law, or such Lease, shall not only vest the Party or Parties named therein in the Lands, Houses, or other Heritable Property thereby feud, conveyed, or leased, but shall also, after the Death or Resignation or Removal from Office of such Party or Parties, or any of them, effectually vest their Successors in Office for the Time being, chosen and appointed in the Manner provided in such Charter, Disposition, Conveyance, or Lease, or if no Mode of Appointment be therein set forth or prescribed, then in Terms of the Rules or Regulations of such Congregation or Society or Body of Men, in such Lands, Houses, or Property, subject to such and the like Trusts, and with and under the same Powers and Provisions, as are contained in the Charter, Disposition, Conveyance, or Lease given and granted to the Parties, Disponees, or Lessees therein, and that without any Transference, Assignment, Conveyance, or other Transmission or Renewal of the Investiture whatsoever, anything in such Charter, Disposition, Conveyance, or Lease contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

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II. And be it enacted, That where no Agreement shall have Providing for been made or shall be made with the Superior of such Herit- Payment in able Property for a periodical or other Payment in lieu of the lieu of CasualCasualty or Composition payable by Law or in Terms of the ties of SupeInvestiture upon the Entry of Heirs and singular Successors, or where the Casualty and Composition shall not have been taxed, and where by Law and under the Terms of the Investiture Composition as on the Entry of a singular Successor would be, or but for the Provisions of this Act would have been, payable upon the Entry of any Party or Parties as Successors to the Party or Parties in whose Name the Titles shall have been expede or recorded as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for such Superior, at the Death of the existing Vassal in such Heritable Property, and at the Expiration of every Period of Twenty-five Years thereafter, so long as such Heritable Property shall belong to or be held for behoof of such Congregation or Society or Body of Men, to demand and take from such Congregation or Society or Body of Men, or other Party or Parties to whom such Heritable Property may have been or shall be feued or conveyed, or by whom the same may be held, for their Behoof, a Sum corresponding to the Casualty or Composition, if any such shall in the Circumstances be due, which would have been payable upon the Entry of a singular Successor therein, and such Payments shall be in full of all Casualties of Entry and Composition payable to the Superior for or furth of such Heritable Property while the same shall remain the Property or be held for behoof of such Congregation or Society or Body of Men, and the Superior shall have all such and the like Preference and Execution for the Recovery of such Sums as Superiors have for the Recovery of Casualties of Superiority according to Law: Provided always, that where such Casualty or Composition shall not have been taxed in the Investiture, and the Heritable Property so feued or conveyed shall not be situated in a Town or Village, or in the immediate Vicinity thereof, the Casualty or Composition payable therefor shall be held to be the annual Rent or annual Value of the Land so feued or conveyed, if let as an agricultural Subject at the Time when such Casualty or Composition shall become due and exigible in virtue of this Act.

their Succes.


III. And be it enacted, That wherever any Sum or Sums of Sums invested Money shall have been or shall be invested on Heritable Security on Heritable in Scotland for the Behoof of any such Congregation or Society Security for religious, educaor Body of Men as aforesaid, for the Purposes aforesaid, or for any tional, or charireligious, educational, or charitable Object under their Adminis- table Purposes tration and Management, and the Bond and Disposition in Secu- to vest in Disrity or other Deed whereby such Security has been or may be ponees and constituted shall have been or shall be taken in favour of any Minister, Kirk Session, Vestrymen, Deacons, Managers, Officebearers or Office-bearer, or of Trustees as aforesaid, and duly recorded or followed by Infeftment (where Infeftment shall be necessary) duly expede and recorded in Terms of Law, such Bond and Disposition in Security or other Deed and Infeftment (if any) shall not only effectually vest the Party or Parties therein named in such Bond and Disposition in Security or other Deed, but shall also, after the Death or Resignation or Removal from Office of such

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