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losophy of Kant," "An Enquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect," and "Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind." Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832) published, besides works in history, biography, and politics, a "Dissertation on Ethical Philosophy," and "A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations." Sir William Hamilton (1788-1856) wrote "Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education, and University Reform," "Lectures on Logic," and "Lectures on Metaphysics."

Richard Whately (1787-1863) published a multitude of works, of which the following may be noted here: "The Use and Abuse of Party Feeling in Matters of Religion," ""Elements of Logic," "Elements of Rhetoric," "Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon," and "Introductory Lectures on Political Economy."

3. Robert Hall (1764-1831) was remarkable for his eloquence in the pulpit, and for the wonderful powers of reasoning which his sermons displayed. His discourses were published in six volumes, in 1831-33. Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) was the other great pulpit-orator and profound theologian of that period. His works, which are very numerous, deal with physical science, political economy, mental philosophy, as well as with Biblical learning, and divinity. His most popular work is "Astronomical Discourses." The brothers Augustus William Hare (1792-1834) and Julius Charles Hare (1796-1855), both clergymen, published "Guesses at Truth," besides many other works. A great movement in English thought, in the direction of Catholicity in the Anglican Church, was effected by the writings of Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800), of John Keble (1792-1866), and of John Henry Newman (1801). A movement in the direction of theological liberalism in the Anglican Church was promoted by the writings of Thomas Arnold of Rugby, of Frederick Denison Maurice (1805-72), and of Frederick William Robertson (1816-53).

4. The departments of political economy, jurisprudence, and social science, are represented by many great writers. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) published "A Fragment on Government," ""An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation," "The Rationale of Judicial Evidence," and many other works. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) published "An Essay on the Principle of Population," and other writings on political economy. David Ricardo (1772-1823) published works on the Currency, on Rent, and on "The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation." Nassau William Senior (1790– 1864) published "Introductory Lectures on Political Economy," "On Foreign Poor-Laws and Laborers," and "Treatise on Political Economy."

5. In physical science, the great writers were Sir William Herschel (1738-1822); Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829); Michael Faraday (1794-1867); Mary Somerville (1780-1872); Sir Charles Lyell (17971875); and Hugh Miller (1802–1856).



1. OUR studies upon English literature, beginning with Cædmon in the seventh century, have now come to their necessary end in that portion of the nineteenth century in which we live, and in which the actors and the writers are very near to us, and are covered by the dust of contemporary conflicts and by the mist of contemporary opinions. We are upon the battle-field itself; the battle is still going on around us; we see here and there noble soldiers fighting bravely, and doing grand deeds; but in the trampling of so many feet, in the shouts of so many voices, in the hurrying this way and that of armed and of disarmed hosts, we cannot tell either just what all these movements mean, or just how this particular battle will end, or just what is the measure of praise or of blame that should be given to each one who is having a hand in it.

2. Some indication of the substance of English literature since the middle of this century may be gathered from the following record in the form of Annals:

1850. Alfred Tennyson becomes Laureate, In Memoriam. Robert Browning, Christmas-eve and Easter-day. Dickens, David Copperfield; Household Words established. Thackeray, The Kickleburys on the Rhine, Rebecca and Rowena. Leigh Hunt, Autobiography. Douglas Jerrold, The Catspaw. Harriet Martineau, History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace. Thomas Carlyle, Latter-Day Pamphlets. Elizabeth C. Gaskell, Moorland Cottage. E. B. Lytton, Harold. Thomas Lovell Beddoes, Death's Jest-Book. Alexander Dyce, Edition of Marlowe. Wilkie Collins, Antonina. Sydney Dobell, The Roman. Francis W. Newman, Phases of Faith. F. D. Maurice, Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, Part i. Charles Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire, 7 vols. (1850-61).

1851. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Casa Guidi Windows. John

Ruskin, The Stones of Venice. Thomas Carlyle, Life of John Sterling. Arthur Helps, Companions of My Solitude. Douglas Jerrold, Retired from Business. W. Hepworth Dixon, William Penn. E. B. Lytton, Not so Bad as We Seem. J. O. Halliwell, Edition of Shakespeare. Robert Chambers, Life and Works of Burns. W. E. Gladstone, Two Letters on Neapolitan State Prosecutions. Charles Kingsley, Yeast. G. L. Craik, The English Language. Richard Chenevix Trench, On the Study of Words.

1852. Thackeray, Esmond. Anna Jameson, Legends of the Madonna. Dickens, Child's History of England. Wilkie Collins, Basil. B. Disraeli, Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography. John Earl Russell, Memoirs of Thomas Moore. W. Hepworth Dixon, Robert Blake. Charles Reade, Peg Woffington. Charles Kingsley, Phaëton. A. H. Layard, Nineveh and Babylon. Henry Morley, Life of Bernard Palissy of Saintes.

1853. Charlotte Bronté, Villette. Macaulay, Speeches. Dickens, Bleak House. Thackeray, English Humorists. Sydney Dobell, Balder. Leigh Hunt, Religion of the Heart. Elizabeth C. Gaskell, Cranford, Ruth. Matthew Arnold, Empedocles on Etna, Poems. E. B. Lytton, My Novel. Charles Knight, Once upon a Time. Michael Faraday, Lectures on Non-Metallic Elements. Charles Kingsley, Hypatia. Charles Reade, Christie Johnstone.

1854. Dickens, Hard Times. John Forster, Life of Goldsmith (enlarged edition). W. E. Aytoun, Firmilian. Douglas Jerrold, A Heart of Gold. Robert Bell, Annotated Edition of the Poets begun. H. H. Milman, History of Latin Christianity, vols. iii., iv. Gerald Massey, Ballad of Babe Christabel. William Allingham, Day and Night Songs. Thomas Henry Huxley, Educational Value of Natural History. Richard Owen, Structure of Skeleton and Teeth. F. D. Maurice, Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. John Doran, Table Traits. John Ruskin, Lectures on Architecture and Painting.

1855. Robert Browning, Men and Women. Alfred Tennyson, Maud. Dickens, Little Dorrit. Thackeray, The Newcomes, The Rose and the Ring. G. H. Lewes, Life of Goethe. Arthur Helps, The Spanish Conquest of America (1855-61). Macaulay, History of England, vols. iii., iv. Charles Kingsley, Glaucus, Westward Ho. A. P. Stanley, Sinai and Palestine. George Macdonald, Within and Without: a Dramatic Poem. George Meredith, Shaving of Shagpat. Leigh Hunt, The Old Court Suburb, Stories in Verse. Elizabeth C. Gaskell, North and South. Anthony Trollope, The Warden. Matthew Arnoid, Poems, 2d series. Charles Shirley Brooks, Aspen Court. Saturday Review established.

1856. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh. W. E. Aytoun, Bothwell. David Masson, Essays, Biographical and Critical. Alexander Dyce, Edition of Shakespeare. J. O. Halliwell, Edition of Marston. J.

A. Froude, History of England from Fall of Wolsey to Death of Elizabeth, vols. i., ii. Thackeray, Miscellanies. Dinah Maria Mulock (Craik), John Halifax. Edward A. Freeman, History and Conquests of the Sara


1857. Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown's School Days. Elizabeth C. Gaskell, Life of Charlotte Bronté. Anthony Trollope, Barchester Towers. Henry Thomas Buckle, History of Civilization in England. Charles Kingsley, Two Years Ago. Charles Reade, Never Too Late to Mend.

1858. Thackeray, The Virginians. "George Eliot," Scenes of Clerical Life. John Forster, IIistorical and Biographical Essays. Thomas Carlyle, Life of Friedrich II., vols. i., ii. Anthony Trollope, Doctor Thorne. James A. Froude, History of England, vols. iii., iv. Arthur Helps, Oulita the Serf: a Tragedy. Matthew Arnold, Merope: a Tragedy. E. B. Lytton, What will he Do with It? Robert Chambers, Domestic Annals of Scotland. William Morris, Defence of Guinevere, and other Poems. W. E. Gladstone, Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age. Adelaide Anne Procter, Legends and Lyrics.

1859. "George Eliot," Adam Bede. Alfred Tennyson, Idyls of the King. Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. Charles Darwin, Origin of Species. Sir William Hamilton, Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. Anthony Trollope, The West Indies. David Masson, Life of Milton, vol. i.; British Novelists. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty. John Earl


Russell, Life of C. J. Fox. 1860. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Poems before Congress. George Eliot," The Mill on the Floss. G. H. Lewes, Physiology of Common Life. John Forster, Arrest of the Five Members. Shirley Brooks, The Gordian Knot. Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White. Macaulay, Miscellaneous Writings; History of England, vol. v. James A. Froude, History of England, vols. v., vi. Charles Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth.

1861. "George Eliot," Silas Marner. Dickens, Great Expectations. Thackeray, The Four Georges, Lovel. Anthony Trollope, Framley Parsonage. Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown at Oxford. W. E. Aytoun, Norman Sinclair. Charles Knight, Popular History of England (185862). Earl Stanhope, Life of Pitt. Theodore Martin, Translation of Catullus.

1862. Thackeray, Adventures of Philip, Roundabout Papers. Thomas Carlyle, Life of Friedrich II., vol. iii. E. B. Lytton, A Strange Story.

Sir Henry Taylor, St. Clement's Eve. F. D. Maurice, Claims of the Bible and of Science. David Gray, The Luggie, and other Poems. Caroline E. Norton, The Lady of Garaye. Jean Ingelow, Poems. Mrs. Browning's Last Poems. John William Colenso, The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Examined, 5 Parts (1861-65). Theodore Martin, Translation of Dante's Vita Nuora. Charles Darwin, Fertilization of Orchids.

1863. " George Eliot," Romola. Thomas Henry Huxley, Evidence

as to Man's Place in Nature. John Tyndall, Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion. Edward A. Freeman, History of Federal Government, vol. i. Charles Kingsley, The Water Babies. A. W. Kinglake, History of the Invasion of the Crimea, vols. i., ii. Elizabeth C. Gaskell, Sylvia's Lovers. John Keble, Life of Bishop Wilson. A. P. Stanley, History of the Jewish Church. Florence Nightingale (b. 1820), Notes on Hospitals. George Macdonald, David Elginbrod.

1864. Alfred Tennyson, Enoch Arden. Robert Browning, Dramatis Persona. John Forster, Life of Sir John Eliot. Algernon Charles Swinburne, Atlanta in Calydon. John Henry Newman, Apologia pro Vitâ Suâ. William Allingham, Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland. G. H. Lewes, Aristotle. Thomas Carlyle, Life of Friedrich II., vol. iv. E. B. Pusey, Lectures on Daniel, An Eirenicon. John William Kaye, History of the Sepoy War. John Doran, Their Majesties' Servants. Henry Morley, English Writers before Chaucer.

Algernon Charles Swinburne,

1865. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend. Chastelard. John Stuart Mill, Comte and Positivism. Fortnightly Review established. Thomas Carlyle, Life of Friedrich II., vols. v., vi. Elizabeth C. Gaskell, Wives and Daughters. W. H. Dixon, The Holy Land. F. D. Maurice, Conflict of Good and Evil in Our Day. George Grote, Plato.

1866. "George Eliot," Felix Holt. Lord Lytton, The Lost Tales of Miletus. James A. Froude, History of England, vols. ix., x. Wilkie Collins, Armadale. Matthew Arnold, New Poems. Bryan W. Procter, Charles Lamb: a Memoir. Christiana Rossetti, The Prince's Progress, etc. Francis Turner Palgrave, Essays on Art.

Edward A. FreeThackeray, Denis

1867. William Morris, Life and Death of Jason. man, History of the Norman Conquest, vol. i. Duval. Jean Ingelow, A Story of Doom. G. H. Lewes, Biographical History of Philosophy (enlarged edition). Thomas Carlyle, Shooting Niagara, and After? W. H. Dixon, New America. Theodore Martin, Memoir of W. E. Aytoun. Matthew Arnold, Study of Celtic Literature. James A. Froude, Short Studies on Great Subjects. John Tyndall, Sound. Augusta Webster, A Woman Sold, etc. Henry Maudsley, The Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. John Hill Burton, History of Scotland, vols. i.-iv.


Henry Morley, English Writers from Chaucer to

1868. "George Eliot," The Spanish Gypsy: a Poem. Robert Browning, The Ring and the Book. William Morris, The Earthly Paradise. Gerald Massey, Shakespeare's Sonnets Interpreted. Edward A. Freeman, History of the Norman Conquest, vol. ii. W. H. Dixon, Spiritual Wives. A. P. Stanley, Memorials of Westminster Abbey.

1869. Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy. Edward A. Freeman,

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