Page images

ful apparition, and awaking in agony, found himself sitting up in bed, with a pistol grasped in his right hand. On casting a fearful glance round the room, he discovered, by the moon-light, a corpse, dressed in a shroud, reared erect, against the wall, close by the window. With much difficulty, he summoned up resolution to approach the dismal object, the features of which, and the minutest parts of its funeral apparel, he perceived distinctly. He passed one hand over it;

phenomenon, I can give the following information to such of my readers as may be desirous of seeing it themselves. When the rising sun, and according to analogy the case will be the same at the setting sun, throws his rays over the Broken upon the body of a man standing opposite to fine light clouds floating around, or hovering. past him, he needs only fix his eye steadfastly upon them, and in all probability, he will see the singular spectacle of his own shadow extending to the length of five or six hundred feet, at the distance of about two miles before him. This is one of the most agreeable phenomena, I ever had an opportunity of remarking on the great observations of Germany. Philosophical Magazine, vol. i. page 232.

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felt nothing; and staggered back to the bed. After a long interval, and much reasoning with himself, he renewed his investigation, and at length discovered that the object of his terror was produced by the moon-beams, forming a long, bright image, through the broken window, on which his fancy, impressed by his dream, had pictured, with mischievous accuracy, the lineaments of a body prepared for interment. Powerful asso

ciations of terror, in this intance, had excited the recollected images with uncommon force and effect.

In another instance, related by an Italian writer, whole multitudes were deceived for several hours, by an apparition of a more specious kind. A croud was assembled in the streets of Florence, earnestly beholding the image of an angel, hovering in the sky, and expecting some miraculous consequences. He soon perceived, that the deception was

produced by a partial mist, which covered the dome of the church, and left the gilded figure of an angel, which surmounted the building, by the rays of the sun.

illuminated Without the

presence of a philosopher, this would have passed for a supernatural appear



A lawyer's argument for the existence of witchcraft-Proofs of spectral impressions, from recollected perceptions—New England witches-Cardan-Donne— Jonson-The maid of France—and other visionaries.


a compilation, on the duties of a Justice of Peace, published by Nelson, we meet with a proof of the existence of witchcraft, which the editor appears to have thought irrefragable. "It seems," saith he, "that there must formerly "have been such a crime as witchcraft, "because divers statutes have been made

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against it." Were we to reason in the

manner, respecting demoniacal

same manner,

agency, in medical cases, proof could be brought, (particularly from the older German writers), that medicines have been administered, for the purpose of expelling the devil from human bodies, into which it was supposed that he had entered, and that many different remedies had been employed to this end.

Instead of resorting to any arguments of this nature, I shall now proceed to shew, that the forms of objects which have no external prototypes, are exhi bited to the mind, in certain states of the brain.

§ II.

In the course of my professional employment, I have frequently conversed with persons, who imagined that they saw demons, and heard them speak. This species of delusion admits of many gradations, and distinctions, exclusive of actual insanity.

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