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SHAKE. An earthquake shakes the hills (agitates; causes to tremble).-Nothing could shake his determination (change; weaken).

SHRINK. Woolen cloth shrinks in hot water (contracts). He will not shrink from danger (withdraw; retire).—I shrink from the contemplation of such suffering (recoil in horror).

SNAP. The wind snaps the mast (breaks).-The dog snaps at every one (tries to bite). SPARE. I can not spare more (part with).-Spare the life of the prisoner (forbear to destroy).

SPRING. The dog springs at the game (jumps; leaps).-Much good will spring from it (come; proceed).—The vessel has sprung a leak (commenced leaking).

STAND. The house yet stands (is not demolished).-London stands on the Thames (is situated).-Our government has stood more than eighty years (existed).-He stands first in order (is placed; ranks).-He can not stand the cold (endure).

STICK. We stick a pin on the sleeve (thrust in).-He sticks it on with glue (fastens).The carriage sticks in the mire (stops; is held fast).-He sticks at no difficulty (stops; hesitates).

STRIKE. The arrow struck the mark (hit).-The roots of the tree strike deep (penetrate). The clock strikes one (sounds).—It struck me with surprise (impressed strongly). SWEEP. Let him sweep the room (clean with a brush or broom).-The water swept away the bridge (carried; bore).-The cholera swept off multitudes (destroyed). TEND. Shepherds tend their flocks (watch; guard).-From that point the river tends southward (moves; is in the direction).—I fear it will tend to their destruction (contribute; lead to).


CLOSE'LY. One event follows closely upon another (very near).—We must attend closely to business (intently).—The parties are closely connected by marriage (intimately). CERTAIN LY. Certainly this was a good man (in truth).—I will certainly return (without failure).

DEEPLY. He was deeply skilled in philosophy (thoroughly).—He sighed deeply (with great sorrow).

DES PER ATE LY. They fought desperately (furiously; madly).—He was desperately in love (deeply; violently).

EA'SI LY. He easily performed the task (without difficulty).—The carriage moves easily (without jolting).

EV'ER. Have you ever been to the city? (at any time).-He is ever mindful of his duty (always).

FAIRLY. The question was fairly stated (frankly; honestly). The record was fairly written (plainly).-He fought till he was fairly defeated (completely).

FINE'LY. It is finely pulverized (minutely).-She was finely dressed (beautifully).-The town is finely situated (favorably).

FREE'LY. We go and come freely (without restraint).-He comes freely (without reserve). The patient bled freely (copiously).-We give freely to the poor (liberally). GAY LY. He sings gayly (merrily).—The lady is gayly dressed (finely; splendidly). JUST'LY. He is justly condemned to death (rightfully).-His character is justly described (truthfully).

IN'TI MATE LY. The two fluids are intimately mixed (closely).—I am intimately acquainted with him (familiarly).

PLAIN'LY. He is plainly dressed (without ornament).-Deal plainly with me (honestly; frankly). This doctrine is plainly taught (clearly).

PŎS'I TIVE LY. Virtue is always positively good (really; in its own nature).-Is this positively your hand-writing? (certainly; without any doubt).-The witness testified positively to the fact (explicitly; expressly).

RICH'LY. The hospital is richly endowed (amply).-The punishment was richly deserved (truly; justly).-The lady was richly dressed (gayly; splendidly). SOFT'LY. He softly pressed my hand (gently).-Speak softly (not loudly).

SOON. I will return soon (in a short time).—I would as soon go, as stay (readily; willingly).

WELL. He rides well (skillfully).-The country is well watered (abundantly).—I like it well (very much).-Every one speaks well of him (favorably).-Let the room be well ven


The English alphabet consists of twenty-six letters, which are divided into vowels and consonants.

A Vowel is a letter which can be fully and easily sounded by itself.

A Consonant is a letter which can not be fully and easily sounded by itself without the aid of a vowel.

The vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes w and y. The remaining nineteen letters are consonants.

A Diphthong is the union of two vowels in one syllable, as the oi in oil. A Triphthong is the union of three vowels in one syllable, as the ieu in lieu.

A Primitive word is one not derived from another; as, hope, grace.

A Derivative word is one formed from a primitive by the addition of some suffix cr prefix; as, hope'ful, dis grace'.

A Sentence is an assemblage of words that make complete sense.

For examples, let pupils refer to their Reading Books.

The Comma (,) commonly represents the shortest pause in reading; the Semicolon (; a pause longer than that of the comma; the Colon (:) a pause longer than that of the semicolon; and the Period (.) a full pause, or end of an independent sentence.

The Interrogation point (?) shows that a question is asked.

The Exclamation point (!) indicates sudden passion or emotion.

The Parenthesis ( ) includes an explanatory mark, or phrase, inserted between the parts of a sentence, as in the examples here given.

The Brackets ([ ]) include an explanatory observation standing by itself, or separating two subjects.

Marks of Quotation ("") include the words quoted from an author or speaker. A quotation within a quotation is preceded by a single inverted comma, and closed by a single apostrophe.

The Apostrophe (') denotes the possessive case, and also marks the omission of a letter or letters; as, John's book; o'er, don't, for over, do not.

The Dash (-) denotes a sudden pause or change in the subject or sentiment. The Ellipsis sentences.

·) or (****) indicates the designed omission of letters, words, or

The Hyphen (-) connects the parts of compound words, or divides words into syllables. The Caret (^), used only in manuscript, denotes the accidental omission of a letter, word, or words.

The Brace () connects a number of words with one common term, which may be either expressed or understood.

The Section (§) is sometimes used to divide a book or chapter into parts.

The Paragraph (T) denotes the beginning of a new subject.

The Index () points to some important passage.

The Asterisk (*), and other references, refer to notes in the margin, or at the bottom of the page.

A Diaeresis (") placed over the latter of two vowels shows that they belong to two distinct syllables; thus, aërial.


The first word of every book, tract, chapter, or letter; the first word after a period; all names of the Deity; names of titles of honor and respect; all proper names, and most nouns and adjectives derived from them; the first word of every line in poetry; and sometimes words of primary importance, should begin with a capital letter. The pronoun I and the interjection O are written or printed in capitals. Title-pages of books, and


RULE I. Words of one syllable, and words accented on the last syllable, ending with a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, DOUBLE the final consonant when they take an addition (or suffix) beginning with a vowel; as, rob, rob'bing, robbed, rob'ber y; rub, rub'bing, rubbed; blur, blur'ring, blurred; ac quit', ac quit'ting, ac quit'ted.

Exceptions. If the accent is changed from the last to the preceding syllable of the primitive, the final consonant is not doubled; as, re fer', ref'er ence; pre fer', pref'er a ble. From gas are formed gas'es, gas'i form, gas'e ous, gas'i fy, gas'sy. X, which is included among the double consonants, is not doubled, as wax, wax'en; tax, tax'ing; per plex', per plex'ing.

Note.-In other cases not embraced in the Rule, the final consonant is not doubled; as, fail, fail'ing, failed: ri'val, ri'val ing; quar'rel, quarʼrel ing, quar'reled. But Worcester and some others, in opposition to Lowth, Walker, Perry, and Webster, double the final consonant in a few words which are accented on the first syllable, as in trav'el, trav'el ler; jew'el, jew'el ler; wor'ship, wor'ship ping, wor'shipped.

RULE II. Words ending in silent e generally drop the e when they take a suffix beginning with a vowel; as, name, nām'ing, named; have, hav'ing; sale, sal'a ble; cure, cur'a ble; re move', re mov'a ble.

Exceptions. For the sake of euphony, when c or g would precede a or o, the e is retained, as in charge, charge'able; peace, peace'a ble; change, change'a ble; courage, cour a'geous. The e is dropped in judg'ment, du'ly, tru'ly, aw'ful, etc., as the suffix does not begin with a vowel. The e is retained in (dye) dye'ing, (hoe) hoe'ing, (shoe) shoe'ing, (singe) singe'ing, (tinge) tinge'ing, to distinguish them from (die) dy'ing, (sing) sing'ing, etc.

RULE III. Words ending in y, preceded by a consonant, change the y to i or e before a suffix beginning with any letter but s or i; as, love'ly, love'li er, love'li est; glo'ry, glo'ri ous; glo'ri fy, glo'ri fied; fly, flies (verb); mer'ry, mer'ri er; beau'ty, beau'te ous. If the y is not preceded by a consonant, it is not generally changed, as, joy, joy'ous, joy'ful; although day forms dai'ly.

Exceptions.-Monosyllables retain the y when the suffix begins with a consonant; as, dry, dry/ly, dry'ness; shy, shy'ly, shy'ness; sly, sly'ly, sly'ness.

RULE IV. The plural of nouns is generally formed by adding s or es to the singular; but nouns ending in y, preceded by a consonant, form their plural by changing y into ics; as, ar'my, ar'mies; al ly', al lies'; ba'by, ba'bies; cit'y, cit'ies; fly, flies; sky, skies; canopies, comedies, lilies, pennies, etc. But nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel, form the plural regularly, as, boy, boys; mon'ey, mon'eys; val'ley, val'leys; jour'ney, jour'


Notes.-Words ending in a double consonant generally retain both consonants on receiving a suffix; but some words ending in ll drop one before less and ly; as, skill, skil'less; full, ful'ly; chill, chil'ly; squall, squal'ly. Webster, in opposition to Walker and Worcester, retains the I before ness and ful, in derivatives of dull, will, skill, and full; as, dull'ness, will'ful, skill'ful, full'ness. Webster spells dis till', ful fill', in still'; Worcester, dis til', ful fil', in stil'.

Compound words usually retain the forms of their primitives; but an e is dropped in wherever; and words ending in ll drop one l in composition, as in al'so, al'most, un til', welfare, with al'.

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