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maiorum constituta? Quae cum omnia graviter severeque dixerit; quaeram, cur hunc eundem Apollonium Verres idem, repente, nulla re nova allata, nulla defensione, B1o sine causa de carcere emitti iusserit: tantumque in hoc 20 crimine suspicionis esse affirmabo, ut iam ipsis iudicibus sine mea argumentatione coniecturam facere permittam, 810 quod hoc genus praedandi, quam improbum, quam indignum, y quamque ad magnitudinem quaestus immensum infinitumque esse videatur. CIC. in Verrem.

30. (a) "Fecit, fecerit." Quis unquam edixit isto modo? To2 quis unquam eius rei fraudem aut periculum proposuit edicto, quae neque post edictum, neque ante edictum pro- B19 videri potuit? Iure, legibus, auctoritate omnium, qui con5 sulebantur, testamentum C. Annius fecerat, non improbum, non inofficiosum, non inhumanum: quodsi ita fecisset, tamen ẞ2 post illius mortem nihil de testamento illius novi iuris con- Bs stitui oporteret. Voconia lex te videlicet delectabat? B3 Imitatus esses ipsum illum Q. Voconium. In lege Voconia ẞ1o Io non est fecit, fecerit; neque in ulla praeteritum tempus reprehenditur, nisi eius rei, quae sua sponte scelerata et nefaria est, ut, etiamsi lex non esset, magnopere vitanda fuerit. Atque in his rebus multa videmus ita sancta esse legibus, ut ante facta in iudicium non vocentur. Cornelia B18 15 testamentaria, nummaria, ceterae complures; in quibus non 3o ius aliquod novum populo constituitur, sed sancitur, ut, quod semper malum facinus fuerit, eius quaestio ad populum pertineat ex certo tempore. De iure vero civili si quis novi quid instituit, is omnia, quae ante acta sunt, rata esse pati20 tur. Cedo mihi leges Atinias, Furias, Fusias, ipsam, ut ẞ1o dixi, Voconiam, omnes praeterea de iure civili: hoc reperies in omnibus statui ius, quo post eam legem populus utatur. Cic. in Verrem.

(b) Quid ad haec Hortensius? Falsum esse crimen? c'h3 Hoc nunquam dicet. Non magnam hac ratione pecuniam d* 25 captam? Ne id quidem dicet. Non iniuriam factam Siculis Ca' atque aratoribus? Qui poterit dicere? Quid igitur dicet? Fecisse alios. Quid est hoc? Utrum crimini defensio, an 85 comitatus exsilio quaeritur? Tu in hac re publica, atque in y hac hominum libidine, et (ut adhuc habuit se status iudi- a' 30 ciorum) etiam licentia, non ex iure, non ex aequitate, non ß3 ex lege, non ex eo, quod oportuerit, non ex eo, quod licuerit, p sed ex eo, quod aliquis fecerit, id, quod reprehenditur, recte factum esse defendes ? CIC. in Verrem.




strances of conscience in the judge, and to reconcile it to the B4 violation of his duty. We likewise know, that they are too often used to reconcile the prosecutor to the powerful facB13 tions of a protected criminal, and to the injury of those who have suffered by his crimes; thus inducing all parties to 15 separate in a kind of good humour, as if they had nothing more than a verbal dispute to settle, or a slight quarrel over a table to compromise; while nations, whole suffering nations, are left to beat the empty air with cries of misery and anguish, and to cast forth to an offended heaven the impreca- 20 Cy' tions of disappointment and despair. BURKE.

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(30.) Where is the man that ever before dared to mention the practice of all the villains, of all the notorious deprepls dators, as his justification? To gather up, and put it all into one code, and call it the duty of a British governor? I believe so audacious a thing was never before attempted by 5 man, "He had arbitrary power!" My lords, the East India Company have not arbitrary power to give him. The king has no arbitrary power to give. Neither your lordships, nor the Commons, nor the whole legislature, have arbitrary power to give. Arbitrary power is a thing which no man can give. 10 My lords, Mr. Hastings claims an acquittal at your hands; Mr. Hastings is to have the advantage of counsel. God forbid he should not have them! but, then, the people under him are to have none of those advantages. How can any man dare to say, that the people below are to have 15 no laws, no rights? I now declare, that as no government ever had arbitrary power, it cannot delegate that power to any person under it, so as not to leave him accountable upon the principles on which it was given......

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My lords, I say, that Mr. Hastings has no refuge—let 20 B15 him run from law to law; let him fly from common law, and the sacred institutions of the country in which he was born; let him fly from acts of parliament; let him do all Bis this, still the Mahomedan law condemns him the high magistrates of Asia condemn him, for receiving presents: 25 they condemn him for levying arbitrary fines and impositions. No, let him fly where he will-from law to lawlaw, thank God, meets him every where-arbitrary power cannot secure him against law; and I would as soon have him tried on the Koran, or any other eastern code of laws, 30 as on the common law of this kingdom. BURKE.

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31. Lugent omnes provinciae: queruntur omnes liberi ß18 populi regna denique omnia de nostris cupiditatibus et ß2 iniuriis expostulant: locus intra oceanum iam nullus est, neque tam longinquus, neque tam reconditus, quo non per B11 5 haec tempora nostrorum hominum libido iniquitasque per- a1 vaserit. Sustinere iam populus Romanus omnium nationum-non vim, non arma, non bellum, sed luctus, lacrimas, ß3 querimonias non potest. In eiusmodi re ac moribus, si is, ẞ10 ß1o qui erit adductus in iudicium, cum manifestis flagitiis tene10 bitur, alios eadem fecisse dicet, illi exempla non deerunt; yo rei publicae salus deerit, si improborum exemplis improbi 82 iudicio ac periculo liberabuntur. Placent vobis hominum ß mores placet ita geri magistratus, ut geruntur? placet d' socios sic tractari, quod restat, ut per haec tempora tractatos p* videtis ?


C. Verres reperietur, qui, quicquid expediat, id licere y dicat? quod nemo nisi improbus fecerit, id aliorum exemplo se fecisse defendat? At in Sicilia factitatum est. Quae est ß3 ista conditio Siciliae? cur, quae optimo iure propter vetus20 tatem, fidelitatem, propinquitatemque esse debet, huic praecipua lex iniuriae definitur? CIC. in Verrem.



32. Idem etiam Q. Ciceronem, fratris mei filium, compellat edicto nec sentit amens commendationem esse com- a' pellationem suam. Quid enim accidere huic adolescenti d' potuit optatius quam cognosci ab omnibus Caesaris con5 siliorum esse socium, Antonii furoris inimicum? At etiam y gladiator ausus est scribere hunc de patris et patrui parri- a° cidio cogitasse. O admirabilem impudentiam, audaciam, §12 temeritatem! in eum adolescentem hoc scribere audere, quem ego et frater meus propter eius suavissimos atque 10 optimos mores praestantissimumque ingenium certatim amamus, omnibusque horis oculis, auribus, complexu tene- ß3 mus? Nam me isdem edictis nescit laedat an laudet. y' Quum idem supplicium minatur optimis civibus, quod ego yo de sceleratissimis ac pessimis sumpserim, laudare videtur, a" 15 quasi imitari velit: quum autem illam pulcherrimi facti memoriam refricat, tum a sui similibus invidiam aliquam in C'y me commoveri putat. CIC. Phil. III.

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(31.) But that country, it is said, has been in some degree civilized, and civilized by us. It is said, they have gained some knowledge of the principles of justice. What, sir! Have they gained principles of justice from us? Their civilization brought about by us! Yes; we give them 5 enough of our intercourse to convey to them the means, and to imitate them in the study, of mutual destruction. We give them just enough of the forms of justice to enable them to add the pretext of legal trials to their other modes of perpetrating the most atrocious iniquity. We give them 10 just enough of European improvements to enable them the more effectually to turn Africa into a ravaged wilderness. Some evidences say, that the Africans are addicted to the Bis practice of gambling; that they even sell their wives and children, and, ultimately, themselves. Are these, then, 15 the legitimate source of slavery? Shall we pretend, that we can thus acquire an honest right to exact the labour of these people? Can we pretend, that we have a right to carry them away to distant regions, men of whom we know B13 nothing by authentic inquiry, and of whom there is every 20 reasonable presumption to think that those who sell them to us have no right to do so?

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(32.) It is not necessary that the right honourable gentleman should sarcastically call that time to our recollection. Well do I remember every circumstance of that memorable period. God forbid I should forget it! O illustrious disgrace! O victorious defeat! May your memorial be fresh and new to 5 the latest generations! May the day of that generous conflict be stamped in characters never to be cancelled or worn out from the records of time! Let no man hear of us, who shall not hear that in a struggle against the intrigues of courts, and the perfidious levity of the multitude, we fell in 10 the cause of honour, in the cause of our country, in the cause of human nature itself! But if fortune should be as powerful over fame, as she has been prevalent over virtue, at least our conscience is beyond her jurisdiction. My poor share in the support of that great measure, no man shall 15 ravish from me. It shall be safely lodged in the sanctuary of my heart; never, never to be torn from thence, but with those holds that grapple it to life. BURKE.


33. (a) Ubi hoc videt, illorum confessionem, testifica- Blo tionem suam, tabellas sibi nullo adiumento futuras; init B19 consilium, non improbi praetoris, (nam id quidem esset & ferendum,) sed importuni atque amentis tyranni. Statuit, 5 si hoc crimen extenuari vellet, (nam omnino tolli posse non arbitrabatur,) navarchos omnes, testes sui sceleris, vita esse a13 privandos. Vocat Cleomenem : dicit ei, se statuisse ani- 81o madvertere in omnes navarchos: ita sui periculi rationes ferre ac postulare. Tibi uni parcam; et potius istius culpae 10 crimen vituperationemque inconstantiae suscipiam, quam aut in te sim crudelis, aut tot tam graves testes vivos incolumesque esse patiar. Agit gratias Cleomenes, approbat Bis consilium: dicit, ita fieri oportere. Haec posteaquam acta d'1o et constituta sunt, procedit iste repente praetorio, inflam15 matus scelere, furore, crudelitate: in forum venit: navar- B1o chos vocari iubet. Qui nihil metuerent, nihil suspicarentur, ßa statim accurrunt. Iste hominibus miseris innocentibusque iniici catenas imperat. CIC. in Verrem.


(b) Nam neminem vestrum fugit, Quirites, urbe 8** 20 capta quae miseriae consequi soleant: arma qui contra tulerunt, statim crudelissime trucidantur; caeteri, qui possunt per aetatem et vires laborem ferre, rapiuntur in B1 servitutem; qui non possunt, vita privantur; uno denique atque eodem tempore domus hostili flagrat incendio, et quos a' 25 natura aut voluntas necessitudine aut benevolentia coniunxit, distrahuntur; liberi partim e gremiis diripiuntur parentum, partim in sinu iugulantur, partim ante pedes constuprantur. Bi Nemo, iudices, est, qui possit satis rem consequi verbis nec referre oratione magnitudinem calamitatis. CORNIFICIUS.

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34. (a) Quod enim fretum, quem Euripum tot motus, tan- 8' tas, tam varias habere putatis agitationes fluctuum, quantas ao perturbationes, et quantos aestus habet ratio comitiorum! Dies intermissus unus, aut nox interposita saepe perturbat a 5 omnia: et totam opinionem parva nonnumquam commutat aura rumoris. Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum. ßa Nam ut tempestates saepe certo aliquo caeli signo commo- B1 ventur, saepe improviso nulla ex certa ratione, obscura B'ß 10 aliqua ex causa excitantur: sic in hac comitiorum tempes- ao tate populari, saepe intelligas, quo signo commota sit: saepe ao ita obscura est, ut casu excitata esse videatur. CIC. p. Murena.

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