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service, and all other communication with them in spiritual things, it is a GREAT DAMNABLE SIN to deal with them."-On John ii. 10.

"The GOOD (i. e. the Papists) must tolerate the EVIL (i. e. the Protestants), when it is so strong that it cannot be redressed without danger or disturbance of the whole Church; otherwise, where evil men, be they heretics or OTHER MALEFACTORS, may be punished and suppressed, without disturbance and hazard of the good. They may, and ought, by public authority, either spiritual or temporal, to be chastised or EXECUTED."-On Matther xiii. 29.

"All heretics, though in the beginning they may appear to have some show of truth, yet in due time, their deceits and falsehoods shall be known by all wise men : though for troubling the state of such Commonwealths, where, unluckily, they have been received, they cannot BE SO SUDDENLY EXTIRPATED."- On 2 Tim. iii. 9.

The Protestant clergy, of all denominations, are further described, in this authorised Popish Bible, as 366 THIEVES, MURDERERS, AND MINISTERS OF THE DEVIL." -On John x. 1. They and their flocks, as supporters of the Protestant heresy, are declared " to be in a rebellion and damnable revolt against the Priests of God's Church; that rebellion which (they declare) is the bane of our days."-On Heb. xiii. 17. The Papists are commanded by this Bible, their authorised divine oracle, to be " zealous and stout against heretics, of what sort soever, remembering the example of holy ELIAS, who, in zeal, killed 450 false prophets."-On Rev. ii, 6. 20. "When

Rome puts heretics to death, and allows their punishment in other countries, their blood (the blood of the Protestants) is not called the blood of saints, no more than the blood of thieves, man-killers, and other malefactors (is so called), for the shedding of which, by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer."-On Rev. xvii. 6. In another annotation, the exclamation of Queen MARY'S Rhemish priests is sanctioned; viz. “If St. Paul appealed to CESAR, not yet christened, how much more may we call for the aid of Christian (meaning Popish) Princes, for the punishment of heretics ?On Acts xxv. 11. Again, "The Protestants resemble JUDAS in Apostacy."—On John vi. 68. "To all such the Apostle giveth the curse, and telleth them that the storm of darkness and eternal damnation is provided for them."-On Jude 11.


The following story is akin to the Cock Lane and other ghosts :-A president's wife in Orleans, was buried by her own direction without the usual ceremonies of the Roman Catholic church, and deposited in a vault belonging to the Capuchin convent. Dreadful noises were soon heard to issue from the said vault, to the no small terror of the neighbourhood. At last, the prior, with a select committee, proceeded to the place, and began to catechise the unruly ghost, who was directed to answer, after the approved and well-known method

of knocks against the wall. The spirit was first asked if it were in Paradise?—no answer. If in Hell?—still no reply. If in Purgatory?-A loud knock against the wall, which of course was taken in the affirmative. Several queries were next put to the spirit, touching its identity, and many names proposed of persons buried in the same vault; no answer, however, was elicited until the lady's name was mentioned, when lo! there came two mighty rushings against the wall. It was then demanded of the lady why she had been condemned— was it because she was a Lutheran? This question was answered by three tremendous rushings, that shook to their very centre the nervous systems of the auditors. The case being now clearly made out, the prior immediately waited on the president to report progress. He told him that his wife must remain in Purgatory until the day of judgment, and that even then she ran some risk of being finally condemned to Hell, unless so thing were speedily done for her relief. The president, like a good husband, ordered a hundred masses to be said, and a galaxy of candles to be lighted, and also asked all the friars to come and sup with him directly. The invitation was accepted, and in the midst of their revels the husband dispatched some officers to the convent to examine the vault. They arrived luckily in sufficient time to apprehend three substantial ghosts, in the shape of three novices of the order."-Lambeth and the Vatican, 3 vols. 12mo.


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Copy of a Bull, granting plenary indulgence by the Pope, for all sins committed or to be committed, by John Henry, Esq. of Ireland, and all his relations to the third degree of consanguinity, and to any other fifty persons of his acquaintance, whom he or his successors may choose to name :



"His Holiness hath granted a plenary indulgence on the point of death for the supplicant, his relations and kinsmen, to the third degree inclusive, moreover for fifty other persons, to be designated by the same supplicant in the usual form.


"Joseph Henry, Esq. an Irishman, at Rome, being penitent, and in a short time about to depart, supplicates his Holiness, that he may graciously grant to himself, his relations, and kinsmen, to the third degree inclusive, moreover to fifty other persons, plenary indulgence, when on the point of death, provided that they then being truly penitent, having confessed, and received the holy sacrament; or since they may not be able to comply with this, that at least being contrite, they shall invoke devoutly, the most holy name of Jesus, with lips, if not "Esq. an Irishman." with heart, and “ GOD.”


“ Secretary.

“ For Joseph Henry,

Twenty-one only of the acquaintances and relations of Mr. Henry have taken advantage of this most satisfactory forgiveness.


We would recommend the following statement to the notice of Mr. Cobbett, as an illustration of his assertion, that we have suffered greatly in intelligence by the Reformation.

"Speaking of dirtiness reminds me of the pig, and the pig reminds me of St. Anthony, who reminds me of his festival. As that saint was fond of this dirty animal, devotees have concluded that he was fond of every other animal, or bird, or beast; and he is invested with the protectorate general of all that breathe. On the day of his festival, which is celebrated at Rome with great solemnity, the street in which the church of this saint is situated is crowded with horses, and asses, and pigs, on the heads of which the priests call down celestial benedictions, having first, however, received a fee for every beast.

"The lower class, who are too poor to possess such important animals, bring under their arms cocks, hens, and turkeys (ornamented with small red ribands tied round their necks), that the saint may bless them with fatness, and preserve them from the maladies to which they are subject. As soon as all these creatures, down to the smallest chicken, have paid their tribute to the church, a priest sprinkles them with holy water, and if it happens that some little pig is possessed by a devil, and is obstinate (of which there are many examples), he is forthwith exorcised.

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