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Fechtrup, B., 19, n.; 65, n.; 83,n.; 88, n.;
94, n.; III, n.; 115, n.; 116, n.; 130,
n.; 158, n.; 163, n.; 166, n.; 336, n.;
342, n.; 396, n.; 416, n.
Felicissimus, a layman, one of the earliest
Confessors at Carthage in the Persecu-
tion of Decius, 77

Felicissimus, a Deacon who joined No-
vatus...non communicaturos in Monte
the Five Presbyters 'his
satellites,' 113 and nn.; was already a
Deacon when he joined Novatus, 116.
First Council of Carthage: Decision
on Felicissimus, 131, 133...180; his
journey to Rome as a legate of Fortu-
natus, 228

Felix, Bishop of Bagai, 471, n.
Felix, Bishop of (?) Bamaccora, 413, n.;
471, n.

Felix, pseudo bishop of Privatus (of
Lambæsis, see name), appointment,

Felix III., Pope... Penitential discipline,
167, n.

Fidus, a Bishop: his views on penitential
discipline and infant Baptism, 231,
295, 296, 297

Firmare concilium, 363, n.
Firmilianus, Bishop of Cæsarea, his
letter to Cyprian, 372, sqq.; Genuine-
ness of this Letter, 377; Greek locu-
tions, 381; Quotations of Scripture
in his letter, 386; Origen and Firmi-
lian, 374; Dionysius of Alexandria on
Firmilian, 375; Basil on Firmilian,
375, 388; Firmilian's influence in as-
sembling Councils, 376 and n.; Latino
Latini on the Letter of Firmilian, 378
Florentini (his Martyrology quoted), 483,
n.; 615

Florida (confessio), floridiores...use of
the words, 78, n.

Florus, one of the Lapsed; triennium of
penance, 223
Fortunatianus, Proconsul at Carthage,
Persecution of Decius, 76, n.
Fortunatianus, the lapsed Bishop of As-
suras, 232

Fortunatus (ad F., Exhortation to Con-
fessorship), 264, sqq.; 474, 475
Fortunatus, Bishop of Thuccabor, 402, n.
Fortunatus, a Bishop, sent to Rome with

Caldonius (see name), 131, 133, 145
Fortunatus, a sub-deacon, sent by Cy-
prian to the clergy of Rome, 110
and n.
Fortunatus, one of the original opponents
of Cyprian, 111, n.; anti-pope at Car-
thage, 227, sqq.; the Five Bishops who
created him anti-pope, 227, n.

Fortunatus, Venantius, 280, sqq.
Freppel, Mgr., 26, n.; 55, n.; 66, n.;
87, n.; 91, n.; 94, 97, n.; 98, 201,
202, 218, 227, n.; 267, n.; 307, n.;
321, 370, n.; 475, n.

Furni, a town, 45, n.; 580

Gaius of Dida and his deacon, 107, 113,
n.; 328

Galerius, the Proconsul, 502

Gallienus, the Emperor, 300; concessions
made long ago to the Christians, 304
and n.; 458, 460, 477 and n.
Gallus (Persecution of), 222
Gaulish Appeal to Carthage (the), 314,

[ocr errors]

Gemellæ, a town, 369, 592, 599
Geminius, Bishop of Furni, 50
Geminius Victor, of Furni, nominates a
presbyter as tutor, 45-47
Geminius Faustinus, the presbyter, ap-
pointed as tutor, 45, 47

Girba (the isle of Meninx), 367, 598
Gordius, one of the Five Presbyters,
original opponents of Cyprian, 111, n.
See also Novatus

Græcising-Latin Inscriptions, 306 and n.
Gratia Dei (de), 13. See Donatus
Gratian (Decretum of), Quotations of De
Unitate, 219

Gregory of Nyssa, 27, n.; 54, n.; 65, n.;
90. n.; 242, n.; 284

Gregory Nazianzen, 3, n.; 5, n.; 6, n.;
8, n.; II, n.; 240, n.; 432, 433, n.
Gregory Thaumaturgus, 27, n.; 29, n.;
65, n.; 242, n.

Gregory the Great, 315, 515

Gregory of Tours, on Trophimus of Arles,
316 and n.

Gretser, his Bavarian manuscript, 206,
207 and n.; 209 and n.

Harnack, Dr A., 67, n.; 389; see note
'Cyprian before the Roman Presby-
ters, 150. See Appendix, Addi-
tional note on Libelli, 541, sqq. and
Appendix, On the Nameless Epistle ad
Novatianum and the attribution of it
to Xystus, 557, sqq.
Hartel (readings of his edition of Cyprian),
8, n.; 22, n.; 23, n.; 34, n.; 44, n.; 70, n.;
80, n.; 85, n.; 87, n.; 88, n.; 107, n.;
112, n.; 116, n.; 130, n.; 144, n.j
145, n.; 146, n.; 185, n.; 204, n.; 205,
n.; 206, n.; 207, n.; 208, n.; 209, n.;
210, n.; 211, n.; 288, n.; 313, n.;
363, 371, n.; 393, n.; 394, n.; 469, n.;
473, n.; 481, n. ; 531, n.

Hefele, on votum decisivum' and

'votum consultativum' in Councils,
431, n.

Heraclas, his title of Pope, 29
Herculanus, a Bishop, one of Cyprian's
five representatives during his retire-
ment, 107. See also Caldonius, Roga-
tianus, Victor, Numidicus

Herennianus, a sub-deacon, carries with
others Cyprian's letter to the Numidian
Bishop Confessors, 473
Hilary, S., 280 and n.; 286
Hippo Diarrhytus, 367, 578
Hippolytus of Portus, 31, n.; Difficulties
in identifying Hippolytus through
whom Dionysius wrote to the Romans
with Hippolytus of Portus, 169; on
Callistus, 336, n.

Hooker, 325, n.; 334-335
Hort, Dr, 8, n.; 44, n.; 427, n.
Horti (Cyprian's), 18, 494, 496

Hosius, Cardinal, his Codex of de Uni-
tate, 211, 216

Iader, Bishop of Midili, 471, n.
Iconium and Synnada (Councils of), 340
-342, 347, 348

'Idols are not Gods' (That), ro, sqq.
Indulgence granted by Lucianus to 'all
Lapsed' in the name of 'all Confessors,'
93, 109

Infant Baptism, 231, 295, 296
Intercourse of Churches or Dioceses, 232,
233. See Aftermath, end
Interpolations (de Unitate), 200, sqq.; 547
Irenæus, on the Episcopate, 38, n.; 427,

Januarius, Bishop of Lambæsis, 227, n.
Jerome, S., 1, n.; 3, 6, n.; 10, n.;

12, n.; 21, n.; 53, n.; 54, n.; 72. n.;
112, n.; 141, n.; 164, n.; 255 and n.;
351, n.; 356, n.; 359, 374, n.; 391,
404, n.; 448, n.; 474, n.
Jewish priesthood, 33

Fovinus, a lapsed Bishop, 227
Jubaianus, a Bishop of Mauretania, his
Letter to Cyprian, 352; Cyprian's Letter
to J., 352, 372, 373, n.; 398, 399
Justin Martyr, 37, 38, n.

Kephron and the Lands of Kolluthion,
463, 464

Lacerna birrhus, 514
Lacinia manuales, 516
Lactantius, 5, n.; 255, 266, n.; 462, n.
Laity. See Plebes

Lambesis, a town, 226, n.; 586
Lapsi, 79, sqq.; the Lapsed and the Mar-
tyrs, 89, sqq.; 106, sqq.; 156, sqq.;

164, sqq.; the treatise De Lapsis, 174,
sqq.; 230, 259, 298, 305. See also
Spanish Appeal, 311, sqq.

Latino Latini, withdraws his annotations
from Manutius' edition of Cyprian, 209,
210; on the Letter of Firmilian, 378
Laurentinus, the Martyr, 70
Laurentius, S., Martyr, his dialogue with
Xystus, 491 and n.

Laying on of hands, 400. Cyprian's and
Stephen's explanation. Three inten-
tions with which it was used besides
that of ordination, 420 and n.
Leo I., Pope, 166, n.; 315, nn.
Levitica tribus, 36, n.
Lex Regia, 62, n.

Libelli, 81, 82, 265; additional note, 541.
See also Martyrs (Letters from)
Liberalis, a Bishop, accompanies Cyprian
to Hadrumetum, 132

Lightfoot, Bp., on Hippolytus of Portus,
169 and nn.; on Dionysius' Epistle called
diaconic, 171; II, n.; 20, n.; 37, n.; 38,
n.; 39, n.; 40, n. ; 57, n.; 68, n.; 116, n.;
164, n.; 165, nn.; 284, n.; 445, n.;
452, n.; 476, n.; 484, n.; 485, n.; 525,
Linea, 516

Lipsius, 65, n.; 67, n.; 120, n.; 126, n.
(on the date of the election of Corne-
lius, 127, n.); 133, n.; 138, n.; 145, n.;
299, n.; 304, n.; 316, n.; 373, n. ; 485,
n.; 488, n.

Litteus, Bishop of Gemellæ, 369 and n.;
471, n.

Liturgies (mixed cup symbolism), 293, n.
Longinus, a member of the first Nova-

tianist delegacy to Carthage, 136
Lucanus, acolyte, carries with others the
letter of Cyprian to the Numidian
Bishop-Confessors, 473

Lucianus, a Carthaginian friend of Cele-
rinus (see name), Persecution of De-
cius, 70, 93. See letters from Martyrs.
Grant of a general indulgence to all
Lapsed' in the name of 'all Confessors,'
93, 109

Lucius, the Pope, successor of Cornelius,
his exile and recall, 304, 305; a 'pre-
cept' attributed to him; his treatment
of the Lapsed, 305; his death, 306

Mabaret, Abbé du, his letter ap. 'Mé-
moires de Trévoux'...the interpolations
(de Unitate) are restored in Baluze's
edition, 213, sqq.; Appendix, 546
Macarius, Roman Confessor (Persecution
of Decius), 69. See Confessors at

Machæus, a member of the first Nova-
tianist delegacy to Carthage, 136
Macrianus, his influence on Valerian, 457,

Mactharis, a town, 369, 604

Magalia, Mapalia, Mappalia, 510, n.
Magister Sacrorum, 61

Magnus (Letter of Cyprian to), 349
Majestas. See Crimen Majestatis
Manualis, e, 516. See Lacinia
Manutius' edition of Cyprian's works,
209-212. Special note, Appendix,

Mappalicus, the Martyr, 77, 92

Maran, Dom Prudent, see Baluze; 213,
214, n.; 215, n.
Marcianus, Novatianist Bishop of Arles,
317, sqq. See Gaulish Appeal
Marcion, Marcionites, 347, 398
Martialis, a lapsed Bishop, 37, n.; 233.
See also Spanish Appeal, 311, sqq.
Martyrs (Acts of the). See Notarii and

Martyrs (Letters from), see the Lapsed
and the Martyrs; 89, 92, sqq.; 172, 173,


Massa Candida, 517

Maximus, Roman Presbyter and Con-
fessor (Persecution of Decius), 69;
joins the schism of Novatian, 140,
141; is reconciled to Cornelius and
becomes his supporter, 160-162; Lo-
culus, 69, 162

Maximus, Novatianist Roman Presbyter

sent by Novatian to Carthage to an-
nounce the election of Novatian as
Antipope, 136; made Antipope at
Carthage, 226

Maximus, acolyte, carries with others
Cyprian's Letter to the Numidian
Bishop-Confessors, 473

Metator (of Antichrist), sense of the word,

Mettius, a sub-deacon sent to Rome with

Nicephorus the acolyte, 145 ›
Minucius Felix, 9, sqq.
Mixed Cup (the), 289, sqq.
Mommsen, 61, n.; 67, n.; 162, n.; 231,

n.; 237, n.; 300, n.; 303, n.; 472, n.;
485, n.; 488, n.; 491, n.

Monnulus, Bishop of Girba, 367 and n.
Mons, in Monte, i.e. Bozra, 112 and n.;

[blocks in formation]

Natalis, Bishop of Oea, 360
Neapolis, a town, 467

Nemesianus, Bishop of Thubunæ, 371, n.;
387; 412; 421, n.; 471, n.

Nicephorus, an acolyte, sent to Rome with
Mettius the sub-deacon, 145

Nicostratus, Deacon, Roman Confessor
(Persecution of Decius), 69. See Con-
fessors at Rome. N. delegate of No-
vatian to Carthage; his character;
permanently alienated from the Church,
159, 160

Ninus, one of the Lapsed, triennium of
penance, 223

Notarii, 67, n.; 90, n. See also Acts of
the Martyrs

Novatianus, 88; his character and talents,

120, sqq.; his works, 123; the schism,
134, sqq.; Novatian's delegacies to
Carthage, 136, 143, 159; the Roman
Confessors join Novatianus, 140; Maxi-
mus the head of the first legation made
Antipope at Carthage, 226
Novatianus, on the Nameless Epistle ad
Novatianum, and the attribution of it
to Xystus. Special note, Appendix,

Novatus, Bishop of Thamugadi, 337
Novatus, the presbyter, his life and in-

trigues, 110, 111, sqq.; in Monte or
in morte, 112, n.; Novatus leader of
the Five Presbyters, 112 and n.; did
N. confer orders upon Felicissimus,
115; his connection with Novatianism,
136, sqq.; his journey to Rome, 137,
138, n.

Numeria, see Etecusa

Numidian Bishop-Confessors. Persecu-
tion of Valerian, 471, sqq.; their names,
471, n.

Numidicus, a Carthaginian Presbyter
(Persecution of Decius), 77; one of
Cyprian's five representatives during
his retirement, 107. See also Caldo-
nius, Herculanus, Rogatianus, Victor

Offering sacrifice pro dormitione, 45,
323, n.

Offerre nomen, use of the word, 92
and n.

Optatus, the reader, made Teacher of
Catechumens, 44

Optatus of Milev, 18, n.; 42, n.; 68, n.;
147, n.; 157 and n.; 231, n.; 313, n.;
394, n.; 409, n.; 413, n.; 416, n.;
427, n.; 459, n.; 471, n.; 529, n.
Ordo, the clergy, 19

Origen, 36, n.; 41, n.; 65; O. and Fir-
milian, 374; O. on Baptism into Christ,

[blocks in formation]

Pallium, the philosopher's pall, 5 and n.
Pamèle, Jacques de, his edition of Cyp-
rian's works, 206, 216, n. 3
Papa, Title of, 29

Paternus, the Proconsul. See Treatment
of Cyprian, 464, sqq.

Paul of Samosata, 376 and n.
Paula Sarcinatrix, 117
Paulinianists, 333, n.; 520

Paulus, the Confessor, at his request
Lucianus begins the system of Indulg-
ence to the Lapsed, 93, 109

Pearson, 4, n.; 18, n.; 29 and n.; 71, n.;
77, n.; 85, n.; 90, n.; 105; 163, n.;
224, n.; 235, n.; 250, n.; 258, n.;
259, n.; 289, n.; 291, n.; 299, nn.;
341, n.; 373, n.; 479, n.
Pelagius II., Pope, 217; his letters to
the Bishops of Istria, 220, 221. See
Appendix, 549-551. See also Inter-
polations (de Unitate)

Penitential discipline, 166 and n.; 176,
229, 230, sqq.

Perferre coronam, sense of the words,
223, n.

Persecutions, Roman theory, 60. See
Decius, Gallus, Valerian
Peter (the Charge to the Apostle), catena
of Cyprianic passages on the unity
signified in the Charge to Peter, 197
Peter and Paul (the Apostles), removed
to the Catacombs, 484, 485, 486
Peter of Alexandria, S., 81, nn.; 82,
95, n.

Peters, Dr, 5, n.; 24, n.; 146, n.; 319, n.;
321, n.; 343, n.; 348; 350, n.; 351, n.;
353, n.; 370, n.; 373, n.; 398, n.;
409, n.; 416, n.; 434, n.; 435, nn.;
436; 440, n.; 459, n.; 475, n.;
476, n.

Philip, the Emperor, his toleration of the
Christians, 64 and n.
Plague (the), 240, sqq.

Platonia (see also Damasus), 483 and n.
Plebes, the Commons (the Laity), 19,
32, n.; 36, 106, 173, n.; 188, 430,
431; Right of the Laity of with-
drawing from the Communion of sacri-
legious or sinful Bishops, 194, n.; 313,
314, 327; the Laity silent in the Bap-
tismal Councils, 426, sqq.
Polianus, Bishop of Milev, 471, n.
Polycarpus, Bishop of Hadrumetum,
371, n.

Pompeius, an African Bishop, present at
the Consecration of Cornelius, 135 (also
133, n.)

Pompeius, Bishop of Sabrata (Letter of
Cyprian to), 358; special note on this
Letter, 361

Pomponius, Bishop of Dionysiana, 371, n.
Pontianus, the Pope, 169, 170
Pontiff (the title of), 33, 197
Præceptum, 465, n.; 492, n.
Prærogativa (martyrum), sense of the
word, 91, n.

Præscriptio, use of the word, 313
Præsens, Præsentes, use of the words,
32, n.; 88, 96, n.; 328, 329, 430, n.
Præses (of Numidia), 472, n.
Prayers, thrice daily, 269
Presbyterian theories with regard to
Novatus, 115 and n.; Presbyterianism,
Presbyters, 36, 193, n.; Presbyters as
members of the Administration, 323,
sqq.; 381

Presbyters (the Five), a faction hostile to
Cyprian's election and authority, 25,
26, 109 and n.; Novatus their leader;
their identification, 110, n.
Priesthood, of the Laity, 20, 37, 38, 404, n.
Primitivus, a presbyter, sent to Cornelius,

Primores quinque, Commissioners at Car-
thage, Persecution of Decius, 76 and n.;
Princeps, sense of the word, 537, 538,
404, n.
Principalis, Principales, sense and use of
the words, 495, 538, 539
Principalis Ecclesia, 192, 234; special
note, 537

Principalitas, sense and use of the word,
539, 540 and n.

Principes, use of the word, 497

Privatus, Bp. of Lambæsis, condemned of
heresy, 226, 227

Probation (idea of), 254, 258, sqq.
Prophets, 410, n. (the Cappadocian case
of a professed prophetess)

Prudentius, 2, n.; 7, n.; 165, n.; 169, n.;
404, n.; 491, n.

Puppianus (Letter of Cyprian to), 28, n.;


Quadriennium, use of the word, 41, n.
Quintus, Mauretanian Bishop, 350; Letter
of Cyprian to Q., 350. Special note:
that Quietus of Buruch (Sentt. Epp.
27) is Quintus, Recipient of Ep. 71,
Quirinus, a lay friend of Cyprian; the
Testimonia compiled and classified for

him, 22, sqq.; 473; his liberality to the
Numidian Bishop-Confessors, 473

Rebaptism. See Baptismal Question
Rebaptismate (de), the Nameless Author,
390; antiquity of the Treatise, genuine
reading of S. John vii. 39, 392 and n.;
arguments, 393, sqq.; did the Author
know Cyprian's later writings on Bap-
tism? 396; had Cyprian read the
Author? 397; possibly the Treatise
which Jubaianus submitted to Cyprian,

Receptum eum...continuit..., use of the
words, 498, n.

Repostus of Tuburnuc, apostate Bishop,


Repræsentare, 324, n.
Resentment (on), 249
Respondere Natalibus, 245

Restoration of Clerics, 166 and nn.;

Rettberg, F. W., 15, n.; 23, n.; 54, n.;

65, n.; III, n.; 161, n.; 225, n.; 255,
n.; 289, n.; 349, n.; 351, n.; 357, n.;
373, n.

Ritschl, O., 18, n.; 40, n.; 85, n.; 94, n.;

125, n.; 130, n.; 135, n.; 143, n.; 144, n.
See notes: 'Cyprian before his own
presbyters,' 148; Felicissimus as a
more faithful representative of the
Church,' 153; "Evanescence of No-
vatus under Ritschl's analysis,' 154-
161, n.; 166, n.; 189, n.; 191, n.; 196,
n.; 235, n.; 289, n.; 311, n.; 330; 373, n.;
on Ep. 74 to Pompeius, 361; on Ep.
72 to Stephanus, 362; on Ep. 75 (Fir-
milian's), 382, sqq.

Ritual. See Mixed Cup, Water, Wine,

Rivington, Rev. L., 220, 539, 540
Rogatianus, Bishop of Nova, case of a
contumelious deacon (Cypr. Ep. 3),
234, 235

Rogatianus, presbyter at Carthage, trustee
of Cyprian's charities during his ab-
sence, 77, 85; one of Cyprian's repre-
sentatives during his retirement, 107.
See also Caldonius, Herculanus, Numi-
dicus, Victor
Rogatianus, a deacon, who carried the
Letter of Firmilian, 372
Rome (the Church of), under Fabian, 67;
interference of the C. of R. (Persecution
of Decius), 87; Cornelius elected, 127;
Novatianism, 134, sqq.; the C. of R.
under Lucius, 304, 305; under Stepha-
nus, 307, sqq.; the Spanish Appeal to
Carthage, 311, sqq.; the Gaulish Appeal
to Carthage, 314, sqq.; tradition on re-

baptism of Schismatics, 336; the C. of
R. under Xystus, 475, sqq.
Rome (claims of the Modern Church of
R.), 208, sqq. See 'Principalis Ecclesia,'
Freppel, Peters, Rivington

Rossi, G. B. de, 5, n.; 30, n.; 69, n.;
72, n.; 95, n.; 125, n.; 162, n.; 183,
n.; 300, n.; 301, n.; 303, n.; 483, nn.;
484, n.; 487, nn.; 488, n.; 489, n.;
490, nn.; 491, n.
Rufinus, Deacon, Roman Confessor (Per-
secution of Decius), 69. See Confessors
at Rome

Sabrata, a town, 358, 597

Sacerdos, Sacerdotium, use of the words,
33, n.; 36, 166, n.

Sacrificati (Persecution of Decius), 80,
166, n. See also 223
Sacrilegium, 502, n.

Salonina, Cornelia, wife of Gallienus,
probably a Christian, 300, 458, n.
Salzburg Itinerary, 482, 490, n.
Sanctificare, use of the word, 404, n.
Sarcinatrix, 117

Saturus, appointed to read the lesson at
Easter, 41, n.; 44, n.; 45

Scruples (a case recorded by Dionysius
of Alexandria), 355
Secretarium, 464

Secundinus, Bishop of Carpos, 421, n.
Sedatus, Bishop of Thuburbo, 404, n.
Seniores Plebis, in later African Councils,
427, n.

Sententia Episcoporum, authenticity of
the document, 371, 372
Sexti (ad), 500, 512, 513
Shepherd, Rev. E. J., 47-51, 224, 280,
297, 364, 371, 379

Sicily. First mention of a Christian
Church in that island, 95 and n.
Sidgwick, H., on Christian Humility,

441, n.

Sidonius, Roman Confessor (Persecution
of Decius), 69. See Confessors at

Sigus (the mines of), 473 and n.
Sin (original), 273, 297 and n.
Slavery, slaves, 14, 81, 252, n.; 260
Soldiers and officers named in Cyprian's
trial, 516

Soliassus, budinarius, 117

Sorrows (Interpretation of), 256, &c.
Spanish Appeal to Carthage, 311, sqq.
See also Basilides and Martialis
Spectaculum, use of the word, 504, n.
Speculator, 505, n.; 506, n.
Spisina (Espesina), 74 and n.

[ocr errors]

Sportula, ...sportulantium fratrum...,'

325, n.

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