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they have there seen upon the Sabbath, great houses for the worship of God—crowds attending--schools for the children, &c.; and they thus testify to their countrymen that all which the teachers have been telling them of Christianity is true. This is a happy circumstance, as our teachers have suffered much from unprincipled white men telling the natives that religion was all a delusion.

Since last voyage the wife of the teacher

Josia has died. He returns to Samoa with a young child. Tatau, who has been out seven years, also returns for further instruction. We have left three teachers in Marè, and other three waiting there to return to Lifu.

Treatment of the Evangelist on Ninè.

On Monday, the 28th August, we were at the station on Ninè, or Savage Island, where the teacher Peniamina was landed in October, 1846. Knowing the custom of the island to kill their countrymen who visit a foreign place, as soon as any epidemic breaks out after their return, we approached the island with much concern for the safety of Peniamina, fearing that it had been visited by that epidemic which raged throughout these islands about a month after he was landed last voyage. But our fears were soon removed, by seeing him coming off to us in his canoe safe and well.

He was in great danger when he landed, and for some time after. The first day, armed crowds assembled wishing to kill him, lest disease should be the consequence of his return. The canoe we gave him, and his box and property, they wished to be sent back to the vessel, saying, That the foreign wood would produce disease among them. He reasoned with them, and told them if they examined the wood, they would see it was the very same that grew on their own island,

and had never caused sickness among them. "And as to myself," he said, "you know this is my country-I am not a god-I am just like yourselves, and have no control over diseases that belongs only to God."

Success after Trial.

He then told them about the new religion -immortality, heaven, hell, and salvation by Christ-and had prayer with them. The hearts of many were touched, and they wished him to be spared. But others insisted on his being put to death. . "Do it now," they said, "while he is single, and before disease breaks out: by and by others will join him, and then it will be difficult." Night came on, and he had no place where to lay his head. The people feared to let him sleep in their houses. He was told to sleep under a tree for the night. Then they thought of a deserted fortification, and said he had better go there. He went there, but rain came on, and there was no shelter. He then wandered about the settlement, and was asked into one house where they gave him a morsel of food, and in another he at last found a resting-place for the night. Next day the teacher had to open his box and shew them his property. Some things were stolen; others he yielded gent request; and he was left with an all but empty chest. Finding that his friends daily increased, and the consequent difficulty of killing him openly, the Priests tried the sorceries of their craft to put him to death secretly. But all was in vain. The Word of God grew and prevailed. The people of the district gave up working on the Sabbath— commenced attending religious services on that day-family prayer was begun, and also the practice of asking a blessing on their meals; and this was the state in which we found them.

to their ur


THE Anniversary of this Auxiliary was held in Manchester in the month of June. The Services commenced on Saturday Evening, June 16th, with two Special Prayer Meetings: one in Rusholme-road Chapel, the Rev. R. Knill, of Chester, presiding; and the other in Ducie Chapel, where the Rev. J. Moore, late of Tahiti, presided.

On Lord's Day, June 17th, Sermons were preached on behalf of the Society in the different Chapels, by the Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Rev. Jas. Sherman, Rev. J. B. Brown, B. A., and Rev. H. Allon; also by the Rev. N. Hall, B.A., of Hull, the Rev. C. M. Birrell, of Liverpool, and several of the resident Ministers; the Collection amounting to the sum of 17177.

On Monday Evening, a Public Meeting of the members and friends of the Society was held in Grosvenor-street Chapel, where Samuel Fletcher, Esq., the Treasurer, presided, and read the Financial Report of the Auxiliary for the past year. Several resolutions, declaratory of faithful attachment to the cause of Missions, were moved and seconded and powerfully advocated by the Rev. H. Allon, Rev. Jas. Sherman, Rev. J. B. Brown, Rev. R. Knill, Rev. Jas. Hill, of Clapham, Rev. C. M. Birrell, and Rev. Dr. Fletcher. The collection amounted to 60%.

On Tuesday Evening, two Juvenile Missionary Meetings were held: one in Rusholme-road Chapel, J. M. Wells, Esq., in the chair; and the other in Hope Chapel, Salford, at which James Carlton, Esq., presided. The attendance at both Meetings was numerous, and the addresses highly interesting to the young, who appeared deeply affected with the various details presented and appeals made to them.

On Wednesday Morning, the Services of the Anniversary were concluded with a Public Breakfast in the Roby School-room, Grosvenor-street Chapel, when James Sidebottom, Esq., presided, and the following gentlemen addressed the Meeting :-Rev. J. B. Brown, Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Rev. H. Allon, Rev. J. Moore, Rev. N. Hall, and Rev. F. Tucker. The Secretary, the Rev. Dr. Clunie, reported the amount of the collections at the several Services and Meetings, so far as it was ascertained. The collections amounted to about 18487., and 1247. had been received from various Associations, making a total of 19727.; shewing an increase of nearly 1007. in the collections, as compared with those of the previous year. Thanks were voted to the Deputation for their very efficient services, on the motion of Professor Mason, seconded by Rev. Dr. Halley, and supported by the Rev. Jas. Gwyther and Rev. R. Fletcher, and the Meeting then terminated.


EMBARKATIONS.-On Saturday, June 30, the Rev. Carl Buch, D. Ph., and Mrs. Buch, at Portsmouth, per Barham, for Calcutta; the Rev. George Christie, with Mrs. and Miss Christie, per Agincourt, July 19, for Cape Town.-ARRIVALS.-The Rev. William Milne, Mrs. Milne, and family, at Liverpool, from Jamaica, April 28; Rev. James Scott and Mrs. Scott, at Liverpool, from Demerara, May 18; Mrs. Lechler, from Salem, viá Madras, June 25; Rev. E. A. Wallbridge, with Mrs. Wallbridge and family, and Mrs. Giles, from Demerara, July 6; Rev. Robert Jones, Mrs. Jones, and family, from Jamaica, July 3.

*** The insertion of the Contribution List is unavoidably postponed until next Month.

Contributions in aid of the Society will be thankfully received by Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, Bart., Treasurer and Rev. Ebenezer Prout, at the Mission House, Blomfield-street, Finsbury, London; by Mr. W. F. Watson, 52, Princes-street, Edinburgh; J. Risk, Esq., 108, Fife-place, Glasgow; and by Rev. John Hands, Society House, 32, Lower Abbey-street, Dublin. Post Office Orders should be in favour of Rev. Ebenezer Prout, and payable at the General Pos Office.


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FOR the long period of forty-nine years, the Rev. Thomas Stark, of Forres, was one of the brightest ornaments of the United Presbyterian Church; and one of the most honoured and effective Christian pastors in the North of Scotland. A man of large and catholic heart, he embraced, in the arms of his Christian love, the whole "household of faith;" and was, in return, sincerely esteemed and regarded by good men of all other religious communities. We cannot soon forget a sermon he preached in Trevor Chapel, when he last visited the Metropolis. His text was Matt. xxi. 33-44. The discourse was full of pathos and theological power. Very gladly do we avail ourselves of the following interesting sketch of our late revered friend, which appears in the funeral sermon preached on occasion of his death, by the Rev. A. L. Simpson, of Forres, on the afternoon of Sabbath, the 18th February, 1849.-EDITOR.

"The late Mr. Stark was born about Lammas, 1779; the place of his birth was Glenrigg, in the parish of Falkirk, his father being a farmer there. He was brought up in the congregation of the Rev. Mr. Stewart of Falkirk (of whom I have heard him often speak). He studied at the University of Glasgow, which he attended during five sessions-entering on his course when


about fourteen years of age; he passed into the divinity hall three years after his entrance on college studies, and attended the usual time, studying under Mr. Bruce of Whitburn, who was then Professor of Theology in connection with the General Associate Synod. He was licensed to preach the gospel by the Presbytery of Stirling, on the 27th of July, 1801, and preached his first sermon at Bucklyvie. He was very popular as a preacher. After his settlement at Forres he was called to Kirkwall, one of the largest congregations in the Church, and also to Edinburgh..

"His settlement at Forres took place in 1802, the parish church having been granted for the purpose, as his own was too small to contain the people who were expected to be present. The late Mr. Munro, of Chapel-hill, preached the ordination sermon. The cause of the Secession was in a very weakly state in Forres at that time, of which there is sufficient evidence in the fact, that, although an unanimous call,only seventeen individuals had signed it, two of whom were not members. To him, therefore, under God, must be ascribed the merit of gathering the congregation, which now represents no inconsiderable portion of the intelligence and piety of the town and surrounding district.

"With respect to his ministerial gifts 2 L

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