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necessities the French Christians, during the past year, have subscribed fully as much to the cause of God as in the most prosperous years which preceded it. This one fact shows the vitality and power of the Gospel under the most unfavourable circumstances. Whilst the Committee rejoices at it, it learns with regret that the whole falling off in the funds of the Paris Society has taken place in the foreign contributions. For two years the Nonconforming Christians of Great Britain have given scarcely any assistance to the cause of Christ on the Continent. The Committee earnestly trusts that this reproach will be speedily removed by an increased liberality, and to this end offers its organization and services to all denominations who may desire to aid in this important movement. The work is great and hopeful; the labourers devoted and energetic; the smile and blessing of God are upon them: all things invite us to go up and possess the land for Christ!

The Committee is happy to state that it has secured the valuable services of the Rev. M. A. Garvey, LL.B., as Secretary to the Society, and that all communications addressed to him at 7, Blomfield-street, Finsbury Circus, will receive immediate

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MR. EDITOR,-I forward you some copious extracts from a letter of the Rev. Wm. Gill, dated from Raratonga, South Seas, May 12, 1848, addressed to my esteemed pastor; the letter is of a most animating and encouraging nature. I read in my Bible, "what ye hear in the ear in closets, proclaim on the house tops." Thousands of our British Israel will be rejoiced to hear such "good tidings from a far country." You will much oblige if you can give it insertion in the May Magazine, if you accord in opinion with the writer of the extreme desirableness of giving it publicity through the medium of your interesting pages. Most fervently praying that we may hear of "greater things than these," and that Heaven's best blessings may descend in a still greater abundance on the united efforts of Christian Missionary Societies,

I remain yours, very sincerely,

Devizes, April 13th, 1849.

"MY DEAR FRIEND,-You say in your kind epistle, Christian love is expressive,

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and the boundaries as marked by sea or by land cannot prevent its expression.' And truly we can set our seal to the truthfulness of this remark: ever since we have been separated from those who are dear in Christian love at home, we have received the most kind assurances that that love cannot indeed be circumscribed by the boundaries of land or sea. In no instance, however, has this love so much abounded as in the sympathy, liberality, and prayer of the churches on our behalf, while under the trying dispensation of Providence in 1846. Our hearts were rejoiced to witness the solicitude you speak of; and as far as we are able we are desirous to reply to the inquiries of the friends respecting our present state. The box of articles you and the kind friends at Devizes sent us has been received, and with many others distributed to the people. On the 1st of January, I had the pleasure of giving out to our schools more than 800 garments. Since brother Buzzacott has left for England we have the cares and duties of the two stations; in both we find the vast majority of the children are orphans.

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Since the hurricane of 1831, narrated in 'Williams' Enterprizes,' the population of the island has been gradually decreasing; this has been more the case here than in any other island of the groupe, consequently our youthful population are in numberless instances left to grow up without friend or protector. Multitudes have died rejoicing in Christ. A goodly harvest has already been gathered; but still we look with deep anxiety towards the future. In most heathen lands where the Gospel first-fruits so abundant as those on these has been received so generally, and the islands, we have been taught by experience to expect a reaction, and in many instances we have seen a sad declension. Such re

sults, in many cases, have doubtless been brought about by a premature withdrawment of foreign aid. At the period of twenty or thirty years after the introduction of the Gospel, just when the missionary and the churches at home are reaping a reward

for past labour, just then is the time that the people require more instruction, more culture, more foreign aid than at any previous period. While we do well to use every endeavour to make our missions self-supporting, by contributions and native agency, nothing can be more fatal than a premature withdrawment of our interest and assistance. We have no reason for complaint, as far as this mission is concerned; up to the present time both the churches and the directors have manifested the deepest sympathy towards us, and have always rendered timely and willing aid. We do well to rejoice and give thanks to God for all that has been done here; but

we must not forget, that twenty-five years ago Raratonga and its neighbouring islands were in the grossest idolatry! These churches still require the prayer and counsel of the parent churches at home. It will be gratifying to you to know that the people are doing something towards the advancement of the Saviour's kingdom. Upwards of 300l. are annually collected by the people of the groupe for the Society; raised principally by the sale of arrowroot. Thirteen native teachers are located at different stations on the islands; twelve are already among heathen lands in the distant west; and fourteen are under daily instruction in our Institution-three of whom are devoted to go forth on the arrival of the missionary ship from England. How great the honour thus put on the churches at home, and how great and unreserved should be the amount of praise to God. It would rejoice many a Christian's heart at home to see the good old native teacher Papehia, who first brought the Word of God to these people. He and his native colleague, who were at the burning of all the Raratonga idols, are still in our midst; both active and devoted deacons of our churches. A few days ago we held our May meeting. The people of our two stations met. After the sermon, 300 individuals united in commemorating the dying love of the Saviour; after which, some of the elder members spoke. One of the native teachers said, How changed is your condition to-day to that which we saw when we first landed among you. found you wild beasts,-but Christ, the good shepherd, has made you lambs of his fold. I well remember the day I first landed here, Williams said, "if you find Papehia alive join yourself to him, and as soon as you can go to all the chief places of the land." Soon after coming on shore, we went to the other side of the land. I had a coloured shirt on; but long before we arrived every bit was picked off my back. Alas! how changed is our condition this day. Jesus, the Son of God, of whom we have heard to-day, has been our Saviour!'


"A young chief said :-'I was a little lad when Papehia first came to our land; the report of his landing soon flew round to all the district. We were in the mountains, where we had been driven by our enemies; strange tidings reached us every day. Jehovah was the only God; Jesus the only Saviour. Our gods are lies. The whole land was taken by surprise. Some said, prepare the oven and cook these foreigners. Others said, wait a little until another ship comes, then send them away. Little did we think how things would end. I well remember, some little time after, the gods were burned. I was brought to the house of Papehia; there I first learnt my

A and B; my voice followed that of my teacher; I did not know, then, that it was to be the light of my soul.'

"Another old man, who had been one of the conquered party, and for many years had lived with his chief in a strong natural fortress, rose up, and out of the fulness of his heart said: Friends and Brethren, it was well, indeed, that our fathers used to exhort us, "Takatakai marie, e te an potoki e, Kai Kitea tetai inapotea, Kare oki e taka i teia ;"-tread softly, my son, you may yet see moonshiny nights, our present state is not fixed. Meaning, by moonshiny nights, future days of prosperity, and exhorting his son not to expose himself unncessarily to danger. But who thought of seeing such shiny days as these. It was well we went softly in those days of death, or we might now have been among the dead. Let us rejoice in Jesus. He is our King; his reign is a reign of love and peace. Ye children and young people, listen to my word of exhortation,-I say to you, tread softly, you may yet see other shiny days; hold fast; go forward; have the heart of a warrior; enlist under Jesus; and you shall yet see the bright day of his glory in heaven.'

"I did not intend to give so long a report of our meeting, but I doubt not it will gladden your heart to see how these poor people rejoice in the glorious salvation. All who engage in this enterprise shall have a sure and most plentiful reward; the spoils of victory shall be divided between those who labour abroad and those who labour at home.

June 30. Since I wrote the enclosed, we have hailed with pleasure the return of our fine missionary vessel, the "John Williams." She arrived off our island on the 17th of May, and we expect is now sailing among the dark heathen lands to the west of us.

"It will always rejoice our hearts to hear from our Christian friends over which you preside; may the best blessing of the love of our Saviour rest on them as a people, and your honoured labours among them be very useful. Oh, that all the churches in our beloved land were united and zealous

in this glorious cause. The heathen are perishing, shall we let them? God forbid: Come to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.' The Lord waiteth to be gracious to the nations of the earth. When shall it be that all shall rejoice in his name.

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Praying for your prosperity and peace,
"I am, my dear Friend,
"Yours affectionately,

"To the Rev. Richard Elliot, Devizes."

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THE following communication was addressed by Mrs. Lewis, of Nagercoil, to a Christian lady in Birmingham, who for several years has paid an annual subscription for the support of a Native Female Teacher, under the name of SARAH MANSField Glover. An additional interest attaches to the teacher at present representing this name, on account of her connection by marriage with a devoted Native Evangelist now dead, and to whom the remarks of Mrs. Lewis chiefly apply :

I have the pleasure to inform you that the subscription for Sarah Mansfield Glover has been handed over to me from another part of this district; and I feel a peculiar gratification in having your representative as a co-worker with me in the Lord's vineyard. I have bestowed the name on Lydia, the young widow of my dear husband's late Moonshee, Daniel Griffiths, whose history you may perhaps have heard. He was the first-fruits of Mr. Lewis's labours in this heathen land-a young man of high Caste-the Naik; from which many of the Kings of India are chosen. He was a hardened heathen, but a clever man; and so much respected, by even the Brahmins, at Coimbatoor, at which place we were then located, that he was employed by them to teach their sons English, and was even allowed to eat in their houses. He was educated by a celebrated College Moonshee in Madras, who sent him back to his friends a thorough Vishnooite, and assured them that he was fully qualified to argue with any Missionary who might fall in his way, being furnished by him with as many as two hundred objections to Christianity.

It was under these circumstances that our brother Missionary of that place engaged him, on our arrival from England, to teach us the Tamil language; remarking at the time, that, though he was the only clever man in Coimbatoor, he had less hope of his conversion than of almost any other person he knew, so hardened did he appear.

Of his two hundred objections to Christianity, he brought forward, day by day, those which he thought unanswerable: many an hour did he and Mr. Lewis spend together in conversing on the all-important truths of Divine Revelation, and, by God's mercy, the haughty Naik was at last humbled and brought low, even to the foot of the Cross. On one occasion he was overwhelmed with a sense of his lost condition as a sinner, and prostrated himself on the floor in my husband's study, crying out in the agony of his soul, "Oh! Sir, what shall I do to be saved?" Our feelings at that moment I shall never forget. Many were the prayers that had been offered for him, and there we beheld the answer! He was a new creature in Christ Jesus. Great indeed was the change that appeared in him; and many, many were the proofs he gave of the sincerity of his Christian profession. He renounced his Caste entirely, and ate in the houses of the poorest Christians; shewing, by his conduct towards them, that he considered them in the light of brethren; and he was, in return, beloved and respected by them.

The excitement produced in the town by his conversion was very great. We often saw crowds of people congregated together, and many were the plans they formed for his destruction; but the Lord kept him. His worldly sacrifices for Christ's sake were great. His scholars left him, lest they should be polluted by his touch—his property was taken from him by his brother-and his monthly income, which, at that time, must have been about fifty rupees, was reduced to about eight, as the salary of a Native Teacher. But he used often to say, "Ah! Sir, I am always happy now, but formerly I did not know what happiness was." He feared not the threats of the people, though had he not lived under our roof from the day he made a public profession, and had not God restrained the hand of the wicked, it is most probable that he would have fallen a victim to their rage.

From the time of his conversion he preached daily in their streets, beseeching the heathen to turn to the Lord. On one occasion, when he was addressing a crowd of people, a Mohammedan took off his slipper and struck him on the cheek with it-the greatest indignity

which can be offered to a Hindoo (page 265). Daniel immediately turned to him the other cheek, when the Mohammedan, completely ashamed, said, "What sort of religion is this which you have adopted? At one time you would have beaten me for such a deed."

In the year 1843 we removed to Madras, whither Daniel, at his own request, accompanied us, and on his way thither became the husband of a very interesting young woman residing at Bangalore, named Lydia, a female convert to Christianity from among the Canarese people in that place. Our dear Missionary sister, Mrs. Sewell, was the honoured instrument in the hands of God of her conversion. From the time of their marriage till her husband's death, they enjoyed much happiness in their union, and were blessed with three children, one of whom is now with her father in glory.

Daniel was studying in the Theological Seminary at Bangalore till a short time before his death, when it was deemed necessary to remove him to Madras, where he died. Though, for a short time before his death, his mind was affected, he still retained his love to Christ; for Mr. Sugden, his tutor, writes of him, "I never heard that, during the whole of his illness, there was anything in him unworthy of the Christian character. Love to Christ and all the people of God, and deep pity for the poor heathen, were ever the characteristics of his conversation. I have never met, either in England or in this country, a more simple-minded, intelligent, and zealous Christian. He came with us to Bangalore from Madras when we first landed, and I have had many opportunities of observing his lovely Christian deportment-his perseverance and industry as a Student-and his patient endurance of persecution."

He was a very affectionate husband, and his dear young widow feels his loss most acutely: often, when speaking of his kindness to her, or his love to God, the tears of affection roll down her cheeks. After his death, at her own particular request, she left Bangalore, and, with her babes, joined us at Santhapooram, or "The village of Peace." She is a great com. fort to me, and is employed in teaching in my school. From her influence over my forty girls, both in and out of school-hours-for she is with them almost constantly—I anticipate the best results. She teaches by example, as well as by direct precept; and the former often makes a more lasting impression than the latter.

I am grieved to say I have been obliged to send away several of the biggest girls, because I really have not rice to give them: those who remain have been for some time entirely dependent upon ourselves, and we have contracted a large debt rather than dismiss them, hoping that relief will come. If not, we must again lessen the number. The beautiful articles so kindly sent from Birmingham have been conveyed to the Neilgherries to be sold. A child can be supported for the small sum of 21. 10s. a year, and, if we had a few more special subscriptions, it would be a great relief to our minds. You would be delighted to see dear Lydia, and Leah, another good woman, visiting the poor and the afflicted. They are my two principal teachers in our adult female Sabbath-school; and, together, conduct a prayermeeting every Wednesday with the women of our congregation. Lydia, though so lately an entire stranger to the people, takes a lively and active interest in their spiritual as well as their temporal affairs, and has already gained their affection and esteem. I do believe that the Lord will make her a great blessing among this people. Pray for her, and for us, that we may receive all needful grace from the living Fountain!

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THE long suspension of the work of God in this extensive settlement, in consequence of the late hostilities with the Caffres, together with the serious injuries sustained in every department of the Mission during that disastrous period, have been frequently noticed in former numbers. When our Missionary brethren returned with the people to their homes they found the chapel burnt, many of the

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