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of the distinguished respect with which I have the honour to salute you. (Signed)

B. INGINACE, Secretary to the Government. Mr. Reynolds, Commander (or Master) of the Ship Hebe.

Letter from Mr. M. HEAD to Mr. JAMES WOOD.

New Providence, Aug. 9, 1816.


I LEFT Abaco Saturday morning, July 27th. On my taking leave of the people there we sang and wept together, and commended each other to God by fervent prayer. It was truly affecting to see so many of the inhabitants following me at the boat side, and to hear their ardent desires for another preacher as soon as possible.

They have a very neat little chapel, and two rooms for the preacher, with a convenient kitchen, all which have been built since I came among them. The seats in the chapel are all let. Were a preacher among the people there, I doubt not that much good would be done, for their hearts seem prepared to receive the word of truth. The people at Abaco are in general very poor, and hence cannot do much towards the support of a preacher, but they are willing to do all in their power.

When I left the District in the month of April, I went by way of Harbour Island, (as no direct opportunity offered for Abaco) and after remaining there a few days, I proceeded towards my destination. When, after we had been out at sea four days, we drew near to a small isle on the coast of Abaco, about 64 miles from my appointed place; the Captain, at my request, ordered the boat to be let down, and some of the crew to row me on shore; as I had proposed to let the vessel go on with my luggage, and intended to prosecute the remainder of my journey in boats, and visit the small isles as I went along, After rowing about a mile from the vessel I had left, we came up with some fishermen, who at my request readily gave me a passage to their isle. On my arrival there I was conducted to one of the most respectable cottages in the place, the owner of which bade me sit down, and told me I was welcome to remain at his house as long as I chose. After having expressed my gratitude to to him for his kind invitation, I went and conversed with the people from cottage to cottage, and informed them that I intended to preach to them the next morning, which was the Lord's day. I read

prayers, and preached twice: they all heard very attentively, and many of them appeared to feel the word. The next day, after being in an open boat, exposed to the scorching sun, about nine hours, we arrived at another isle, where I found many persons who had never heard a sermon. I conversed with a number of them, and proposed preaching; they unanimously agreed to attend, and assembled under a large tree, where they heard with deep attention. I believe that some of them felt the force of the divine truths which I was enabled to deliver upon the occasion. A poor man requested me to accept of a supper and lodging at his house that night, which invitation I readily accepted. The next day, after encountering the danger arising from a heavy thunder storm at sea, I arrived in another isle, where I preached in the evening. During the last quarter I visited almost all the settlements both north and southward of our chapel at Abaco, to the distance of about 80 miles. My time being so much taken up with the affairs of the chapel, prevented me from paying another visit to those parts.

Through mercy, notwithstanding hard labour, &c. my health is good. I feel great delight in my Divine Master's work; and the more hardships I am called to endure, I experience the more spiritual


I have received some letters from bro

thers Moore and Ward, the former of whom has been unwell, but is now much recovered. The work of the Lord prospers in the hands of those brethren. Brothers Rutledge and Dowson are well, and going on prosperously in bringing sinners to God, and in building up believers.

I am, dear Sir, your's, &c. MICHAEL HEAD. Extract of a Letter from Mr. M. HEAD, to a Friend in Jersey. Bahamas, August 18, 1816.


THIS is Lord's day, about 5 o'clock, here, your bed-time in Jersey; for our time is four hours and a half later than with you.

We have just come to an anchor for the night; we have been enduring a tremendous storm; I am on my voyage to Long Island, my new circuit. I left Abaco about a fortnight ago:-We have a neat little chapel there. After being out about a week, we landed at New Providence. The Bahama Islands are computed to be about 500 in uumber, large and small; but I can venture to say there are many more, some of them mere

Pecks. At this season of the year it is very dangerous to go out of harbour, for the hurricanes are expected every hour. Det New Providence, and am no further than a hundred miles from it this evening. What a sabbath hath this been! nothing to be seen but water and rocks, and a heavy storm almost all day. Oh! what courage, faith, patience, zeal, and prudence are necessary for a poor Missionary in this part of the world! This is our hottest time of the year; many officers, as well as inhabitants, have observed to me they never remembered such a hot summer in their lives. After preaching we are obliged to change all our clothes. Our hours for divine service on the Lord's day are, five in the morning, when a prayer meeting is held; nine, for preaching, and at four in the afternoon; we have also preaching three times on the week evenings. This is in Providence, but we preach more on the neighbouring isles, so called. Through mercy I have enjoyed good health, and thanks be to the Lord, he has preserved me hitherto in the midst of fevers and contagious disorders of various kinds, which are ineident to a country like this. I can assure you, no person has any business here except he is prepared for death every


Thursday, 22d. The Captain offered to take any letter which I might have to forward to England, for he has charge of the mail, and is going to land me, and then go on to the furthest isle in the Bakamas to meet the British Packet. The Packet never comes further than the first island towards Jamaica; the coast is so dangerous that a vessel is kept on purpose, with a good pilot. I waited on His Excellency the Governor, to get permission to go in her, and to be at Long Island. He very readily granted my request, and gave the Captain orders; therefore it is one consulation, I am favoured with a good vessel, and good pilots; one on board, and the best of all, in heaven. We have had tremendous storms: the storms here are not as at home, for in a moment, when all appears fair, the thunder, lightning, and wind, come and knock the vessel on her beamends, except all sails are let go in a moment. Through mercy I can sit up in the cabin and read, and walk the deck a little; but it is oppressively hot, so that there is no showing on deck by day: poor black men chiefly steer by the direction of a white man below, in the cabin stairs. When I consider how the Lord has preserved me amongst contagious fevers, and the effects of the sun, I am quite astonished at his goodness;

and it is my grief that I do not love him more than I do. I feel my mind drawn to covenant afresh with him from this hour, and to be more zealous in his vineyard, and to give my soul more fully to him. I believe it is my duty to work for God while I have it in my power. I intend to spare no time or strength, but to devote the whole to him on Long Island, come what may. I am inclined to think I shall not stand it long, but let God look to that; and his will be done.

Friday, 23d. I expect to land to-mor row, if the breeze continue; we have had a long passage ever since Snnday morning the 14th, but the win of the Lord be done in all things.

I remain, your's, in the best of bonds, MICHAEL HEAD.

NEW SOUTH WALES. INTELLIGENCE has at length been received of the arrival of Mr. LEIGH at this distant colony. He landed there in July, 1815, and commenced preaching at Sidney, and some other places. The vessel in which he sailed left New South Wales in September, 1815, but Mr. LEIGH postponed writing until the Packet sailed. By that conveyance he sent his letters and journal, but as the Packet met with some accident at sea, they have not yet been received. After so long a delay, it is however very satisfactory to hear of the ar rival and the commencement of the labours of this Brother; and also a pleasing account of his diligence in religious duties during the voyage, from the person who made this communication.

The Missionaries, Messrs. Fox, OSBORNE, and NEWSTEAD, for Ceylon, after being driven back by the dreadful gales of November 10th, 11th, and 12th, finally sailed from Portsmouth on the 22d. Their past preservation calls for gratitude, and we trust their future preservation in the hands of Him whom winds and seas obey.

The following extract from Mr. Fox's journal, will be read with great interest.

Nov. 9. It blows a furious gale. The sea runs literally mountains high; the vessel pitches very much. We have run all day under a single sail, (fore-top-sail), and that reduced to the smallest size, been close reefed. Brothers O. and N. very sick, all the rest well.

Nov. 10. This morning I awoke very early by a considerable thumping somewhere aft in the ship. We were running with a strong breeze, and ours was the lee side, which was considerably in the water. The noise seemed to come from the rudder tackling. I was a little alarms

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ed, knowing, that if the weather tackling gave way, we should be laid on the beam ends at once. I arose, and with difficulty thrust my cabin door open, and down fell sheaves, blocks, &c. with such a noise that alarmed the whole ship, none knowing what was the matter. I called out up the fore hatch-way, "The lee tackle of the rudder is unshipped;" the captain when he saw it, said," Thank God, it is not the weather tackling." In about an hour, things were put right without further mischief. It has been so stormy and squally, that we have not been able to have public worship to-day. We have consecrated my cabin for a temple.

Nov. 11. This last night I have scarcely slept; it has been blowing hard all night. Ours has been the weather side, and our feet have been higher than our heads. I was afraid of the rudder tackling failing again. About five this evening, it began to blow one of the most tremendous gales I ever witnessed; by my account we were about lat. 49 deg. 30 min. north; lon. 4 deg. 30 min. west. About five, P. M. I was on deck, assisting in hauling in the sails. When I went below, I left the fore-stay-sail up, and the fore-top-sail close reefed. I had not been many minutes absent from the deck, when one of the seamen came into my cabin, saying, "I know not what will become of us all; the wind has just carried away our fore-top-sail as clean as possible." The main top-sail was then hoisted and close reefed, and in a few minutes it shared the fate of the fore-top-sail, and the wind threatened to carry our masts also. I now saw the wise providence of God in causing the rudder tackling to fail the day before; had it failed now, we had gone to the bottom at once. The sea raged and waved dreadfully, and the wind made a terrific howling in the masts and rigging. The ship was laid nearly on its side to save the masts, and it was a perpetual effort to keep her there. The pumps were manned, but we had no leak. Brother O. was sick in his cot. Brother N. was laid on our sofa till he was thrown off upon deck; it was difficult to hold fast in any place. Mrs. O. was with us. I believe, not one of our little troop expected to see the morning, myself excepted. While the masts remained, the vessel water tight, and the helm manageable, I had but little fear. The seaman performed wonders; they did all that men could do, and providentially none were washed overboard. The ship was tossed about like a straw, and from the amazing agita tion of the sea, the few stars that ap peared, and the scudding clouds, appeared to have a motion equal to the flight of an

arrow through the air. Having death just before us, I asked each of the company, if they did not now repent having embarked in the great cause, and if they did not wish they were in some other place? They all answered, No, we wish to be no where but where we are; we are willing to die, and go to be with God forever. My heart was sensibly touched. I saw a scene which I have heard orators attempt to paint: a little tribe of the ser vants of Jesus Christ, looking over the bounds of time without an anxious thought, amid the most awful war of contending elements. The dreadful storm continued with unabated fury till day-light, and the returning light invited one of the most appalling scenes I ever witnessed. Those who had been at sea twenty years, declared, they had seen nothing like it. Towards mid-day, the weather moderated, and the moderated state was a storm, and we unitedly gave thanks to our God, whose kind hand had screened us in the storm. We now steered N. E. endeavouring to run into some bay or harbour till the wind changed. We are all thankful for this kind interposition of Providence in our favour, which has excited feelings that cannot be described, and can never be forgot.

The following is an Extract from a joint
Letter, from Messrs. OSBORNE, FOX,
and NEWSTEAD, dated Portsmouth,
November 18.

SINCE We last wrote, our exercises have furnished a few particulars. After we left the Downs, on Monday, Nov. 4, with much tacking, in a few days, we had nearly got out of the English Channel; when last Monday, the 11th, about four o'clock, P. M. a very heavy storm came on; about six we lost our fore-top-sail about nine our main-top-sail; both were clearly carried away, and we fully expected to have been driven of the wind 3 if we had, in all probability we had been wrecked. Much consternation appeared in most on board; but we were graciously supported; we knew the ways of the Lord were mysterious; yet we had a sort of confidence that we should be saved. We had two ports in view-Heaven and Ceylon, and which to choose we knew not. We felt happy in our circunstances, rejoicing that we were on such an errand, and had not the slightest wish to be any where else. We must acknowledge we felt much affection, at that time, for our good friends in Londen, and different parts of England; but much more for the heathen. This storm continued till the next evening, since then we have been sailing back, and the captain intende

ing at anchor till the wind is favour, We have had a little trial of our faith, and I doubt not but it will teach us its

itter from Mr. NEWSTEAD to Mr. BENSON.

Portsmouth, Nov. 21, 1818.

CONSIDERING it as I do, an honour and
• privilege to address a line to you, I
adly devote a short time to the grate-
Je task of again thanking you for your
kindness and attention, (together with
the rest of our excellent Committee), to-
wards as while in London. This has
made an impression upon my heart which
I trust will never be forgotten. I remem-
ber, with feelings of the most pleasing
kind, the interesting occasions on which
we have received proofs of your kindness;
the happy season we had at breakfast
with you, with our invaluable friend Mr.
Besting also; the solemn time of our or-
dastion the no less solemn and interest
ing time, when we publicly declared
cur experience, and our views; and re-
cred that impressive charge from you,
Sir, which so deeply affected me with
the importance of the vast undertaking
in which I was about to engage. These
things are remembered now with peculiar
interest, under the anxious feelings in
duced by our present circumstances.
Detained by the operations of a Divine
Providence, which cannot err, we are
still at this place, where the Friends have
treated us with uncommon attention and
kindness. I am hosp tably entertained
at the house of a liberal and pious friend,
Mr. Josiah Webb. Most of the passen-
gers are on shore, but the captain has
called to inform me he expects the wind
will be fair for him, so that we may em-
bark again at eight to-morrow morning,
the 22d instant. I have suffered exceed-
ingly from sea-sickness, but I am merci
fairy restored by having been several days
on shore. I feel great anxiety to be
again actually engaged in my blessed
Master's work, and ere long to be at my
appointment. We shall, I trust, be re-
membered in your prayers continually;
and I hope we shall labour to be all we
be eve you would wish us to be. May
the Lord assist and direct us! Brothers
Fox and Osborne join in affectionate love
sad respects to yourself, and all the

i am, your affectionate Servant
in the Gospel of Christ,

P. S. While detained here, and hindwed from my usual and regular pursuits,


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FAREWELL TO ENGLAND. ENGLAND, farewell! a happier land than thee I have not seen, nor e'er expect to see; So fair thy beauties, and thy faults so few, "O bless my country, heaven!" a Patriot So sweet thy comforts, and thy sons so true. "O bless my country!" Christian hearts recried, plied;

But heaven had answered ere that prayer was

And blest her with his own Eternal Word.
Though Art and Nature strove to make her
'Twas God's peculiar smile conferr'd the rest!
O who can live within thy ample bound,
And not admire, and own 'tis favour'd ground!
Sweet roll the seasons round the circling year,
Dispensing beauty, health, and friendly cheer
Enchanting prospects stretch before the sight,
The deep'ning valley, or the mountain's heights
Here cultur'd fields-there blooming meade

are seen

In all the sweet variety of green.
Here wreathing hedges-mighty forests there,
The fattening flocks, the herds, the peaceful


Here mighty rivers roll their ample tide,
There fruitful rills, adorn the green vale side.
Majestic rocks for ornament and shield,
How sweet the view! how varied all the
And graceful furrows, which full plenty yield.


Like beauteous silver net-work spread on
Thou fairest land of my nativity,
I bless the hand which cast my lot in thee;
I love thy Temples, and the God adore,
Who made my cup of bliss in them run o'er.
I love thy happy myriads, who embrace
And thou hast those who twine around my
The joyful tidings of a Saviour's grace:
From whom'twas only less than death to part.
But God has call'd, and I must speed away,
In other lands to point the living way,
Which leads to fairer climes, to heaven's
eternal day.
Portsmouth, Nov. 20, 1816.
Mr. Pitte


TROU, at whose touch the snow-clad moun-
tains smoke,

Eternal Wisdom! touch my lips profane!
O, touch my heart! my heart, though cold,
shall glow;

My lips breathe eloquence divine! for not
Of earth, in earth-born strains, I mean to sing
Advent'rous, but of Thee! Thy love alone
Thy wisdom knows, thy love, my awful theme!
Let me not err, low grov'ling in the dust,
Let me not fall, high tow'ring to the sky :-
O! where shall I begin? how trace the Source
Of all! how fathom vast immensity!
Long as the God has been, who ne'er began,
Trac'd back, and backward still, but trac'd in

Love has so long existed ;-God is love!
Who name him other, know not yet his name;
And if they seek him, lost in error's gloom,
Or superstition's lab'rinth, find him not.
Whate'er the glimm'ring lamp of reason show'd
Of God, through pagan darkness, all was

Whate'er the bright effulgence of thy sun,
Blest revelation! has display'd all still
Is love! This pendent world, those rolling


Nature's whole system speaks its Maker kind!
The varied fruits and flowers, the pleasing


Of day and night, the painted landscape round
Of hill and date, clear fountain, shady wood,
The glitt'ring dew of morn, the crimson'd

Of evening mild, the sweetly varied song,
The peopled earth, and air, and sea, all parts
Of one stupendous whole, and fram'd for

Proclaim him good-Lord of this blest do


[blocks in formation]


Consummate beauty! test of skill divine!
Thrice happy pair!-to late degen'rate times
Your morn and evening song has some blest

Transmitted fair, in strains by heaven in-

These had the gloomy bigot read abash'd,
And own'd that GOD IS LOVE! But man,

Fell from his perfect beauty, pure desire,
Fell to deformity, and age, and death,
And hate, and envy, violence and guilt.
He fell; yet unremitted goodness spoke
To man, apostate as he was, the words
Of peace; gave mis'ry hope, and show'd


A brighter paradise than Eden's groves ;
His portion, when the woman's promis'd Seed
Should bruise the Serpent's head: amazing

The promis'd Seed was giv'n; the fulness then
Of Godhead dwelt in flesh! high heaven


No more contains the astonishment and joy,
But down its radiant hosts impatient pour,
And peace proclaim on earth, goodwill to


Oh! join the transports of th' angelic choir,
And sing, responding to the hallow'd strain,
To God be glory!-But, tremendous scene!
Whom do I see, in yon drear waste forlorn?
Whom tempted there? Who, stretch'd on
earth, sweats blood?

What ruffian band is that?-whom do they

Betray'd, insulted, through a scoffing crowd? Whom do they scourge?-whom crown with thorns remorseless!

Yet, hold barbarians! snatch me from the sight

Ye whirlwinds! Crush me, mountains!-

Horrid! on the cross they strain, they nail
The Lord of Life! they rear it!-hark, he

[blocks in formation]


Nor this the least, for which my thanks I pay,
To live to see another New-Year's-Day!
With the old year, may the old man be gone,
And, with the new, may I the new put on!
Oh! to supply new time, new grace, be
thine I

New heart, new spirit, and new life be mi ne

Printed at the Conference-Office, 14, City-Road, London, by T. CORDEUX, Agent,

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