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The description of the Citie of Jerusalem and the Territorie

(16) Probatica Piscina without the Gate of the Temple, where the Angell troubling the waters, the first diseased man that entred them was healed. It was at this time dried up.

(17) The beautifull Gate where Peter and John made the man walke, who was lame from his mothers wombe.


(18) Salomons house, of old having a Gate leading Salomons into the Temple, and it is now inhabited by the Turkish House. Cady, who hath an Episcopall office. Here I did see pleasant Fountaines of waters, and did looke into the circuit where the Temple stood, through an Iron grate, when the said Magistrate called us before him. And I remember we were bidden put off our shooes before we entred in to him, where hee sat upon a Carpet spread upon the ground, with his legges crossed like a Tailor, and his shooes of (as the Turkes use.)

(19) This Gate of old had the name of the Droves The gate of of cattell brought in for sacrifices: but at this day is Saint Stephen. called the Gate of Saint Stephen, because the Jewes drew

out that Protomartyr by this Gate, and so stoned him.

(20) Heere they say was the house of Anna, wherein shee bare the Virgin Marie.

(21) The Gate of Damasco, of old called the Gate of Ephraim.

Pontius Pilate.

(22) The house of Pontius Pilate, in which the Turkish [I. iii. 222.] Sangiaco (who is the military Governour of the City and The House of Province) did then dwell, so as no Christian might come into the house without giving a reward. The Fryars Fryars say that in this house are heard noises, whippings, and Superstitions. sighes, nightly to this very time, and each man the more superstitious he is, the more incredible things he tels thereof. They say that the staires upon which Christ ascended, when he was brought to Pilate, were long since carried to Rome, and these be the staires which I said the Romans call Holy (vulgarly Scale Sante), and doe worship with great superstition. They be of marble, but for my part let every man beleeve as he list, whither they were brought from thence, and be the same staires


The Arch of

Veronica's dwelling place.

The gate of the dolorous way.

that Christ ascended or not. Onely I am sure that here they shew the place void in the very streete, where staires have beene of old; yet must I needs say, that marble staires ill befit the poore building of this house. Here the Souldiers spoiled our Redeemer of his garments, and in scorne attired him with purple.

(23) The Arch of Pilate, which is a gallery of bricke, built over the street, from one wall to another, whence Pilate shewed Christ to the people, saying; behold the man, doe with him what you will.

(24) Here they say the Virgin Mary fell downe fainting, when Christ was led to Mount Calvary.

(25) Here they say that Christ fainting, the Jewes tooke his Crosse, and laied it upon Symon of Cyren. (26) The Pallace of King Herod.

(27) Here they say Christ uttered these words; Daughters of Syon weepe not for me, weepe for your selves, &c.

(28) Here they say the rich glutton dwelt, and not farre hence they shew the house where Mary Magdalen washed Christs feete with her teares, and dried them with the haires of her head.

(29) Here they say Veronica dwelt, and that this woman gave her white hand-kercher to Christ when he did sweat blood, who wiping his face therewith, left the lively print of it therein: about which hand-kercher the Romans and the Spaniards contend, both saying that they have it, and shewing it for an holy relike to the people.

(30) The Gate of old called Judiciall, now not extant, by which Christ was led to Mount Calvary to be crucified, for this mountaine now inclosed within the wals, was then without the wals. And the way from the house of Pontius Pilate (noted with the figures 22) to this gate, is called the dolorous way by the Italian Christians, because Christ was led by it to his passion. (31) The prison from whence the Angell brought Peter, breaking his chaines, and opening the iron doore, and it is seated under the

ruines of the Pallace, which since that time belonged to the Knights of Jerusalem.

(32) The Church which the Christians built over the Sepulcher of Christ, of which I will after write more largely, making a rude Mappe thereof, as I have done of the City.




(33) The Monastery of the Franciscan Friars, in which The Monaswe did lodge, being seated on the highest part of Mount tery of the Calvary, which since hath beene called the Mount of our holy Saviour. And this is called the new Monastery, in respect of the old (noted with the figure 6) and onely hath the monuments of the old painted, to the visiting whereof the Pope hath given large indulgences. The Franciscan Friars conducting us, shewed us some other monuments within the wals. And not farre from the gate of Syon, (noted with the figure 4) they shewed us (34) the house of the High Priest Anna, where Christ was examined by the Pharises, and there they shewed us an Olive tree, (which must needs be old), to which they say Christ was bound. (35) The Church of the The Church Apostle Saint James, whom the Spaniards call Saint James of the Apostle of Gallicia, and worship for their protecting Saint, who Saint James. was called James the greater, and they say was here beheaded. This Church is stately built, for the poverty of the Armenians, who built it, and maintained there an Archbishoppe, to keepe it, and to performe there the rites of their religion.

(36) The place where they say Christ appeared to the three Maries dwelling together, upon the very day of his resurrection, where the Christians built three Churches, which the Turks have converted to 3 Moschees, yet bearing no reverence to the place, because they beleeve not that Christ died, and much lesse beleeve that he rose againe.

(37) The house of the Evangelist Saint Marke, mentioned in the twelfth Chapter of the Acts. This is the house of Mary the Mother of John, surnamed Marke, whither Peter came when the Angell delivered him out

The place

where Christ appeared to the three Maries. [I. iii. 223.]

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