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felves a Prey; their Virtue is discountenanc'd and opprefs'd; they are perfecuted in their Fortune and in their Fame; they are often purfued with a Succeffion of cross Accidents, and a Struggle with the most unacceptable Difficulties and Misfortunes of Life. St. Paul tells us how roughly the most illuftrious Saints have been used; thofe of whom the World was not worthy. They were expos'd to Penury and Contempt, to the Violence of cruel Men. They wandred about in Sheep-Skins and Goat-Skins, in Dens and Caves of the Earth; they were def titute, afflicted, tormented. So on the other Side, it has been both obferv'd and lamented, how strangely Wickedness and Injustice has profper'd; what fair Returns of Advantage have been brought in by Fraud and Circumvention; and how of ten Rapine and Oppreffion has made its Way to Greatnefs and Power. What is more common than to fee thofe who have the leaft Godliness carry off the greatest Gains, thrive upon their Vices, and have their Succefs increased proportionably

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tionably to their Guilt; they rife from contemptible Beginnings, and gain their Point without thofe Checks and Difficulties which attend industrious Honesty: Nature feems to wait upon them, and the happy Event of Things furmounts not only their Expectations, but their Wishes And for a Confummation of all, the Progrefs of their good Fortune is fometimes fmooth and uninterrupted, drawn out to a furprising Length, and they enjoy with as much Security, as they acquir'd with Injuftice. They flourish in their Families, and in their Friends, and grow old in Vice and Profperity : So that what Solomon obferves of Wifdom, is fometimes no lefs true of that which he calls Folly; In her RightHand is Length of Days, and in her Left-Hand Riches and Honour. Let us hear her glorious Votaries defcrib'd by Job and the Pfalmift. They come in no Misfortune like other Folk, nor are plagued like other Men; their Eyes fwell with Fatnefs, and they do even what


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they luft*. They live, (though he wondred at it) become old, and are mighty in Power; their Seed is eftablished in their Sight with them, and their OffSpring before their Eyes. Their Houfes are fafe from Fear, neither is the Rod of God upon them; they take the Timbrel and Harp, and rejoice at the Sound of the Organ: They spend their Days in Wealth, and in a Moment (without any remarkable Judgment) go down to the Grave t.

And now, if there was nothing after this Life, the Pfalmift's hafty Complaint would be unanswerable, and good Men might often apply to themselves, without retracting it, That they had cleanfed their Hearts in vain, and washed their Hands in Innocency. But though Providence fometimes fuffers Virtue and Vice to be unfuitably treated here, and there may be very good Reasons given

* Pfal. lxxiii. 5, 7. Job xxi. 12, 13.


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for fuch a Permiffion, yet at the laft Account all thefe Things will be rectify'd, and every one's Condition adjusted to the Merit of his Cause. Though God may connive at the Wicked for a-while, either for their Repentance, or more exemplary Punishment: Though he may try the Faith and Conftancy of his Servants for their greater Advantage; yet the Marks of the divine Fayour or Displeasure will not be always thus myftical and concealed; for when the Book of Remembrance the Prophet mentions is called over, then there will be a vifible and everlasting Distinction made; and we shall plainly difcern between him that ferved God, and him that ferved him not : For can we imagine that God will for ever difcountenance his own Orders, and make his Laws a Grievance to those who keep them? Will he take no Notice of thofe who have deny'd their strongest Paffions, and renounc'd their faireft Intereft in Obedidience to his Commands; vindicated his Honour, and fupported his Government


at the highest Expence? Will the Name of Virtue and Vice be indiftinguishably bury'd in the Grave, and carried into the Land where all Things are forgotten? No! it's not the Property of a wife Governour to be unconcerned about the Obfervance or Neglect of those Things which himself has prescrib❜d: This were to reflect upon the Wisdom of the Constitution, and to make him the Author of fuch Provifions which were vain and infignificant. In due Time God will arife and maintain his own Cause, reward his Servants, and punish his Enemies. At that folemn Appearance none shall repent of the Good, nor boast of the Evil they have done; none shall contemn his Power any longer, nor wait upon his Promises in vain. The whole Extent of his Providence will be fully vindicated; and what has been delay'd in this Life will be paid to the uttermoft Farthing: For then (as the Prophet fpeaks) Judgment shall run down like Waters, and Righteoufnefs like a mighty Stream. Then thofe who chose


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