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expressing the order of the Psalms and Lessons, to be said at Matins and Ebensong, throughout the Year,

except certain proper Feasts,

as the Rules following

more plainly declare.



How the Psalter is appointed to be read.

THE Psalter shall be read through once every month: and because that some months be longer than some other be, it is thought good to make them even by this


To every month, as concerning this purpose, shall be appointed just xxx. days.

And because January and March hath one day above the said number, and February, which is placed between them both, hath only xxviii. days, February shall borrow of either of the months of January and March one day, and so the Psalter which shall be read in February, must be begun the last day of January, and ended the first day of March.

And whereas May, July, August, October and December have xxxi. days apiece, it is ordered that the same Psalms shall be read the last day of the said months which were read the day before: so that the Psalter may be begun again the first day of the next months ensuing.

Now to know what Psalms shall be read every day, look in the Kalendar the number that is appointed for the Psalms, and then find the same number in this Table, and upon that number shall you see what Psalms shall be said at Matins and Evensong.

And where the cxix. Psalm is divided into xxii. portions, and is over long to be read at one time, it is

so ordered that at one time shall not be read above iv. or v. of the said portions, as you shall perceive to be noted in this Table.

And here is also to be noted, that in this Table, and in all other parts of the Service, where any Psalms are appointed, the number is expressed after the great English Bible, which from the ix. Psalm unto the cxlviii. Psalm (following the division of the Ebrues) doth vary in numbers from the common Latin translation.

A Table for the order of the Psalms, to be said at Matins and Evensong.

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How the rest of holy Scripture (beside the
Psalter) is appointed to be read.


The Old Testament is appointed for the first Lessons, The Old at Matins and Evensong, and shall be read through every year once, except certain books and chapiters which be least edifying, and might best be spared, and therefore are left unread.


The New Testament is appointed for the second The New Lessons at Matins and Evensong, and shall be read over orderly every year thrice, beside the Epistles and Gospels; except the Apocalypse, out of the which there be only certain Lessons appointed upon divers proper Feasts.

And to know what Lessons shall be read every day, Lessons. find the day of the month in the Kalendar following; and there ye shall perceive the books and chapiters that shall be read for the Lessons, both at Matins and Evensong.


And here is to be noted, that whensoever there be Proper any proper Psalms or Lessons appointed for any Feast, movable or unmovable, then the Psalms and Lessons appointed in the Kalendar shall be omitted for that time.

Ye must note also, that the Collect, Epistle and Gospel, appointed for the Sunday, shall serve all the

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