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Magisterial Synopsis," or with any other Book o,“
Practice on the subjects.

6. That by having the General Blank Forms or Outlines
in Jervis's Acts printed with proper spaces for varia-
tions to suit particular exigencies, the requirements of
Statutes, and the local additions, and marks to distin-
guish one class of Forms from another, Magistrates
and Magistrates' Clerks will be enabled so to vary
such General Forms according to the directions to be
given in such Collection as to suit the circumstances
of almost every case, without having recourse to the
expensive mode of purchasing printed Special Blank
Forms under each title or for each subject.

Acting upon these very cogent reasons, and to remedy the inconvenience alluded to, I took upon myself the task of compiling the present Collection (numbering nearly 1800 Precedents*), adapting and remodelling the Forms in the several Books of Practice, and those obtained from other sources, to the General Outlines or Forms in Jervis's Acts in all cases where that could be accomplished,-making numerous additions and variations necessary in the variety of matters within the cognizance of Justices of the Peace out of Quarter Sessions, -drawing others not before published in any shape,-and arranging the whole in the Three like practical Divisions or Classes of the subjects as in the Second Edition of the "Synopsis," subdivided into convenient Chapters; and in doing which I have used infinite care and pains, being fully aware of the responsibility attaching to the use of a Form; but in my labours I received great assistance and encouragement from Forms and Communications sent me by the following acting Magistrates and Clerks, and many valuable suggestions from others, to whom I take this opportunity of tendering respectfully my thanks:-H. B. Bence, Esq., Thorington Hall, Saxmundham; Thomas J. Arnold, Esq., one of the Magistrates of the Police Court, Worship Street; Mr. T. Coombs, jun., Dorches ter; Mr. W. Craven, Halifax; Mr. Wigley, Aberayron; and

972 in Part I. (Summary Convictions and Orders); 401 in Part II. (Indictable Offences); and 418 in Part III. (Other Proceedings out of Sessions).

Mr. H. L. Penprase, Assistant Clerk to the Justices of Truro. I am also under some obligation to the following works and publications from which a large portion of the Forms has been collected and adapted, viz.:-Burn's Justice, 28th and 29th edit.; Archbold's J. P. 4th edit. (1846); Arch. Cr. Ev. & Pl. by Jervis; J. Stone's Petty Sessions, by Westoby; S. Stone's Hand-book of Informations, 2nd ed.; Bench Formulist (1846); Shelford on Highways (1845); Justice of the Peace; Law Times; Robinson's Formularies; Toone's Magistrate's Manual, 4th ed.; and other smaller works on distinct statutes, as well as to a few of the blank Forms published by Messrs. Shaw and Sons, Fetter Lane; and I have generally, throughout the following pages, referred in the Forms given to the Books of Practice as well as to my "Synopsis," it being no part of the present work to supersede the necessity of referring to such books for further information; but where no such reference is given to a work or other authority, the Forms have been either entirely remodelled and adapted to those in approved use, in the manner before mentioned, or have not before been published. In the two Chapters of General Forms (Chap. I. of Parts I. and II.), there is a large number of original useful Forms not given in Jervis's Acts, and which appear for the first time in this Collection; and the greater part of those in Chap. II. of Part II. formed a portion of an Appendix of Forms to a MS. "Analysis of Indictable Offences," prepared by me in the year 1846 for publication, but abandoned. At the conclusion I have added a few "Miscellaneous Forms," not strictly belonging to either of the three classes into which the work is divided, but some of them having appeared in other magisterial books, it has been deemed necessary to insert them to render the work complete.

As to the size and bulk of the present work, I have endeavoured to compress it within moderate limits, but at the same time to make it complete, as well as practical in the arrangement of the several parts composing each of the various Precedents; and I have not deemed it necessary, in giving numerous Special Forms, to swell the work by setting them out or repeating them at full length each time they

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