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Given under my [or our] hand [or hands] at the police court in Worship
Street aforesaid [or at
aforesaid], this
day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and

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in the county of

[Magistrate or Justice's signature.]

3. Form of Precept used, for each Person appointed, at the Police Court, Worship Street.

in the parish of Saint

To Mr.
in the county of Middle-
sex, and within the metropolitan police district.

Metropolitan It having been to appear unto me T. J. A., Esquire,
Police District one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metro-
to wit.

the county of Middlesex, and within the metropolitan police district, upon
the oath of· -, a credible witness, that a tumult or riot may be reason-
ably apprehended in the said county and district [and being of opinion
that the ordinary officers appointed for preserving the peace in the said
county and district are not sufficient for the preservation of the peace
therein and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the pro-
perty in the said county and district], I do, in pursuance of an act of par-
liament made and passed in the session of parliament holden in the first
and secend years of the reign of his late Majesty William the Fourth, inti-
tuled, "An Act for amending the Laws relative to the Appointment of
Special Constables, and for the better Preservation of the Peace," nomi-
nate and appoint you the said as and to act as a special constable
for the preservation of the public peace and for the protection of the
inhabitants and security of the property within the said parish of Saint
and elsewhere within the said district, such appointment to continue
in force during the period of two calendar months from the day of the
date hereof. Given under my hand at the police court in Worship
Street aforesaid, this
in the year of our Lord one thou-
sand eight hundred and

day of

[Magistrate's signature.]

This Form is easily adapted to a country parish.

4. Precept of Appointment of a Non-resident, under 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 43, s. 1.]-This may be in the Form No. 3, supra, inserting at the asterisk." you being willing to act as a special constable under the pro

visions of the statute above mentioned."

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Whereas under and by virtue of a precept in writing bearing to wit. date this day [or the — day of instant], under the hands of us the undersigned [or J. T. B. and J. D. M., Esquires], two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of, and acting for the division of in the same county, you are appointed to act as a special constable for the preservation of the peace and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the property within the said parish of for the period of — from the date thereof [or until the day of next]: These are therefore to require you to be and appear on


o'clock in the forenoon, at, before such justices of the peace for the said county as may then be there, for the purpose of being sworn into office, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided; and in default of your compliance herewith, you will be liable to a penalty of

Oke's Synop.

2nd. ed.

pp. 383, 384.

Oke's Synop.

2nd ed. pp. 383, 384.

five pounds. Given under our hands and seals, this
the year of our Lord
at -- -, in the county aforesaid."

day of


[Justices' signatures and seals.]


6. Constable's Oath (given in 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41.) I, A. B., do swear that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the office of special constable for the parish [or township] without favour or affection, malice or ill-will: and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of her Majesty's subjects; and that while I continue to hold the said office, I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. So help me God.

7. Certificate of Appointment and of Oath taken, for the Constable.

} We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county in the same

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to wit. of, and acting in and for the division of
county, do hereby certify that H. G. of street, in the parish of
in the said division, has been duly appointed to act and this day duly sworn
to discharge the duties faithfully as a special constable for the preservation
of the peace and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the
property within the said parish of for the period of from the
date hereof [or until the day of
next]. Witness our hands
day of 185-.


[ocr errors]

J. T. B.
J. D. M.

8. Notification of Appointment, for the Secretary of State and Lord Lieutenant of the County.

Sir [or My Lord],


We are directed by the justices acting for the division of N. to inform you [or your Lordship], in pursuance of the provisions of the 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, that under the circumstances detailed in the accompanying copy of deposition they have this day, by precepts in writing under their hands, nominated and appointed H. G., J. G. &c. to act as special constables in the parish [or district] referred to in such deposition for the period of next ensuing, and that the proper oath to execute the said office has been duly administered to them.

[blocks in formation]

N. B. The orders for the constables' expenses will be found at pp. 361, 362, ante, No. 2 and 3, as they are required to be made at a special session.


1. Oath given in 3 & 4 Vict. c. 88, s. 16, for Local Constables.]—I A. B. do swear that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the office of local constable for the parish [or township, &c] of

for the year ensuing, or until another shall be sworn in my stead, according to the best of my skill and knowledge. So help me God.

2. Certificate of Superintendent or Constable having taken the Oath. (2 & 3 Vict. c. 93, s. 8, and 3 & 4 Vict. c. 88, ss. 16, 19.) County of S. I [or we] hereby certify, that A. B. hath this day been to wit. Sduly sworn in before me [or us] the undersigned, one [or two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of S., in petty sessions assembled for the petty sessional division of L. in the same county, to act as a [local, or as the case may be] constable within the parish of, in the said county [and division], in pursuance of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the second and third [or third and fourth] years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for the establishment of County and District Constables by the authority of Justices of the Peace," [or "An Act to amend an Act for the establishment of County and District Constables"], the said A. B. having been duly appointed superintendent [or constable] by the chief constable of the said county of S. by virtue of the statute aforesaid. Dated this day of



J. S.

1. Order for Constable's Expenses, or Clerk's Fees. (5 & 6 Vict c. 109, Oke's Synop. s. 17, and see 11 & 12 Vict. c. 91, s. 6 (a) ).

County of C. At a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace
to wit. Sin and for the said county of C., acting in and for the di-
vision of N., in the said county, holden at the
in and for the said division, on Tuesday, the

in N.,

[ocr errors]

day of

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and

We, the justices assembled at the said petty sessions, do by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided, hereby order you, the overseers of the poor of the parish of A., in the said division and county, to pay out of the monies in your hands, collected for the relief of the poor of your said parish, unto F. N., a constable appointed under the statute aforesaid for your said parish,

[or unto Messieurs I. G. and B., the clerks to the justices of the said division,]

the sum of- the same being the amount of the fees and allowances settled according to the statute aforesaid for certain duties performed by the said F. N. [or I. G. and B.] in respect of your said parish as ascertained by us, and for which the payment is not by law charged upon the county rate, such payment being under and in accordance with the regulations in such behalf of the justices assembled in general quarter sessions

(a) It has been said (13 J. P. pp. 261, 769, 798), that this order can be enforced by distress warrant under sect. 19 of the 11 & 12 Vict. c. 43. A complaint and summons should however previously issue, the forms of which are given post, as well as directions for such distress warrant.

2nd ed. p. 385.

Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 385.

held by adjournment at the county courts in and for the said county of
Cambridge, on Friday, the seventh day of June, one thousand eight hun-
dred and forty-four.

Given under our hands and seals, at the petty sessions aforesaid.
[Justices' signatures and seals.]

To the overseers of the poor of

[blocks in formation]

2. Complaint of Non-payment (a).]—Proceed as in the General Form, No. 1, ante, p. 23, to the asterisk*, then :—that he the said F. N. was and is constable of the parish of A., in the division of N., in the said county; that on the day of last, J. S. and L. S., Esquires, two of the justices then assembled at a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the Isaid division holden at in N., in and for the said division, made their order in writing, under their hands and seals, directed to the overseers of the poor of the said parish of A., and by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided did thereby order them the said overseers to pay out of the monies [recite the order at length], of which said order W. F., one of the said overseers, hath had due notice, yet the said W. F. hath neglected [or refused] to pay the said sum of and the same is still due to the said F. N.

3. Summons thereon to the defaulting Overseer to show Cause.]—This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, reciting the complaint, No. 2, supra.

4. Distress Warrant on Goods of Overseer.

To K. R., one of the constables of A., and to all other peace officers in the said county of

Whereas on last past a complaint was made before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of by F. N., of the parish of A., in the said county, constable, that he the said F. N. &c. [recite complaint, No. 2, supra, to the end, then and now at this day, to wit, on- the day of, in the year of our Lord in the said county of - the parties aforesaid appear before us, the undersigned, two [or me the undersigned and one J. L., Esquire, being two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county,


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[or if overseers do not appear, the said F. N. appears before us, &c. but the said W. F., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his consel or attorney, and it is now satisfactiorily proved to us on oath that the said W.F. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law:]


And now having heard the matter of the said complaint, and the several
allegations in the said complaint being duly proved to us upon oath [in the
presence and hearing of the said W. F.], and the said sum of
having since been paid, nor any sufficient cause shown for not paying the
same: These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name,
forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said W. F.; and
if within the space of five days after the making of such distress the said
sum and the sum of for the costs incurred by the said F. N. in ob-
taining this warrant, together with the reasonable charges of taking and

(a) Vide note (a), ante, p. 423.

keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said Oke's Synop. goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising 2nd ed. p. 385. from such sale unto Messieurs. I. G. and B., the clerks of the justices of the peace for the division of N., in the said county, that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said W. F.; and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my [or our] hands and seals, this the year of our Lord at in the county aforesaid. [Justice or justices' signatures and seals.]

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day of


5. Complaint against a Parish paid Constable for Misconduct. (5 & 6 Vict. c. 109, s. 19.)]-This will be in the General Form, No. 1, ante, p. 23, setting forth particularly the facts constituting the misconduct complained of.

6. Summons thereon.]-General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26.

7. Dismissal of Paid Constable.

County of C.
to wit.
Whereas F. N., of the parish of A., in the said division, was, at a spe-
cial petty sessions of the peace holden at, &c. duly appointed a paid con-
stable, to act for the said parish under and by virtue of the statute in that
behalf: And whereas, on the
day of
instant, complaint was
made before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for
the said county, by W. F., of &c. that [recite the complaint charging the
misconduct]: Now we the undersigned, the [majority of the] justices
present at the said petty sessions (the said F. N. [not] appearing in obe-
dience to a summons in this behalf), having examined into the facts
hereinbefore mentioned, and the evidence in support of them [and the
defence of the said F. N. thereto], do hereby adjudge the said F. N. to
be guilty of the misconduct in his said office so alleged against him, and
do hereby dismiss the said F. N. from the office of paid constable for the
parish of A., in the said division, for such misconduct.

At a petty sessions, &c. [as in the caption of Form No.
1, ante, p. 423.]

Given under our hands and seals, at the petty sessions aforesaid.
[Justices' signatures and seals.].


Certificate of Constable appointed by Watch Committee having taken the
Oath. (5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 76, s. 76.)

to wit.

Borough of T. I hereby certify that A. B. hath this day been duly sworn in before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said borough of T., to act as a constable for the said borough of T. and also within the county of C., in which the said borough is situated, in pursuance of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled "An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales," the said A. B. having been duly appointed constable by the watch committee of the said borough, by virtue of the said statute. Dated this day of


J. S.

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