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20. Decision of Special Sessions upon Appeal. (From J. Stone's Petty Sessions, by Westoby, 5th ed. p. 427.)

[Caption as in Form No. 1, ante, p. 351, tit. "Constables (High)."] We, the undersigned, [two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division (a) then and there present, did, in pursuance of a notice of objection duly given according to the provisions of the said statute, and verified [or admitted] before us, proceed to hear and determine a certain objection [or certain objections] by way of appeal made by C. D. of the parish of D. in the said county and division [grocer], against a rate made for the relief of the poor [or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish of D., bearing date and made on the day of, in the year that is to say, [here state the nature of the objection or objections as set forth in the notice]; and after hearing what could be alleged as well on behalf of the said objector as on behalf of the collector [or overseers, or surveyors] by whom such rate was made, we do hereby order that the said rate be and the same is hereby in all respects quashed [or confirmed; or that the said rate be amended as follows: that is to say, [here set out the rating to be lowered or raised as the case may be, as by reducing the sum specified under the column of "gross estimated rental" from the sum of — the sum of, and the sum mentioned under the column of "rateable value" from the sum of to the sum of - ; and the sum stated


under the column of "rate at in the pound" from the sum of
to the sum of]; and further that the clerk to the justices of this
special sessions do amend the said rate accordingly. [And if the justices
deem it proper to allow costs on either side, add the following:-and we do
hereby further order that the said do forthwith [or on or before the
day of next] pay to the said the sum of

for and in

respect of the costs of the said in_prosecuting [or defending] the
above-mentioned objection [or objections]. Given under our hands and
seals at the special sessions [or adjourned special sessions] aforesaid.
[Signatures and seals of at least two justices.]

21. Order respiting Appeal to the next Special Sessions.

County of C.
to wit.
On the application of Mr. G., on behalf of C. D. of the parish of D. in
the said division, a person rated to the relief of the poor [or the main.
tenance of the highways] of the said parish of D. in and by a certain rate
bearing date the day of last, against which said rate the said
C. D. has duly entered an appeal: It is ordered that the hearing of the
said appeal be respited to the next special sessions to be held in and for
this division for that purpose. Given, &c. [as in Form No. 20, supra.]

At a special session, &c. [place Caption as in Form
No. 1, ante, p. 351.]

22. Recognizance on Appeal against Decision of the Special Sessions.
(Id. s. 6.)]-Proceed as in the Form of Recognizance No. 13 (E.), ante, p. 28,
stating the condition thus:-the condition of the within-written recogni-
zance is such, that if the said A. B. shall, at the next general [or quarter]
sessions of the peace to be holden at in and for the said [county]
of, enter and prosecute an appeal against a certain order and decision
bearing date the day of
instant, and made by [names] [two]
of her Majesty's justices of the peace of and for the said [county] of
acting in and for the division of N. in the same [county] in specal ses-

(a) See 12 & 13 Vict. c. 18, s. 1.

Oke's Synop.

2nd ed. p. 376.

sions, whereby the said justices did order that state the substance of the order]; and further, that if the said A. B. shall abide by and duly perform the order of the court to be made upon the trial of such appeal, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to remain in fuli force and virtue.

Oke's Synop.
2nd ed.
p. 376-378.


1. Application to Clerks to Justices by Manager. (6 & 7 Vict. c. 68, s. 5). [From 7 L. T. 354; 10 J. P. 479.]

To Messrs. I. G. and B. clerks to the justices of the peace of the county of C. acting in and for the division of N. in the same


I, the undersigned C. G., being the actual and responsible manager of a certain company of players cammonly called or known by the name or style of the Company of Players, do hereby, in pursuance and by virtue of an act passed in a session of parliament holden in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for regulating Theatres," give you notice that I intend to make application at a special session, to be holden in and for your said division, to the justices of the peace assembled thereat for a licence to be granted unto me for the performance of stage plays in a certain building called the situate at, in the division and county aforesaid, for the space of calendar months; and I request you will, within twenty-one days next after this application, appoint a day for holding a special sessions in the said division for the purpose of granting unto me such licence, and that you will give notice of the holding of such session to each of the justices acting within such division, pursuant to the statute aforesaid. Witness my hand this day of 185-.

Signed by the said C. G. in the presence of
us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's
justices of the peace of and for the said
county of C., and acting in and for the
said division of N.

J. S.
J. P.

2. Justices' Clerks' Notice to Justices. (Id.)

C. G.


To the Reverend J. T. B., Clerk, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the division of N. in the county of C. Agreeably to the terms of a notice delivered to us under the statute 6 & 7 Vict. c. 68, intituled, "An Act for regulating Theatres," by one C. G., the actual and responsible manager of a certain company of players, commonly called or known by the name or style of pany of Players, of his intention to make application at a special sessions, to be holden in and for the said division, to the justices of the peace assembled thereat, for a licence to be granted to him for the performance of stage plays in a certain building, called the ———, situate at —, in this division and county, for the space of calendar month; we do hereby give you notice, that a special session of the justices acting in and for the said division will be held at the

in N. on

-the -day

of next, at the hour of twelve at noon, for the purpose, and pursuant to the statute above-mentioned. Dated this

[blocks in formation]

day of 185-. Clerks to the justices of

the said division.

3. Licence of Theatre, and Rules for Order, &c. (Id. ss. 3, 5, 9.) County of C. At a special session of her Majesty's justices of the to wit. peace of and for the county of C., acting for the division of N. in the same county, holden in and for the said division, at the in N., in the same division, on —, the

day of
dred and

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hunfor the purpose of granting licences to houses for the performance of stage plays, in pursuance of the statute made and passed in a session of parliament holden in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for regulating Theatres."

We, the undersigned, being four of her Majesty's justices of the peace
acting for the said division, present at this special session, do hereby
license, authorize and empower C. G, he being the actual and respon-
sible manager of a certain company of players, commonly called or known
by the name or style of Company of Players, to have and keep
open a certain building, called the
situate at -9 in the division
and county aforesaid, as and for a house and place of public resort for the
public performance of stage plays, under the provisions of the statute
aforesaid, for the space of
calendar months from the date hereof;
provided that the said C. G. do observe and keep the rules for insuring
order and decency at and in the said theatre so licensed by us the said
justices, and for regulating the times during which the said theatre shall
be allowed to be open, a copy of which rules is annexed to this licence,
pursuant to the statute aforesaid in that case made and provided. Given
under our hands and seals at the special sessions above mentioned in open

[Signatures and seals of at least four justices.]

1. The theatre shall be closed every Sunday, Christmas Day, Good
Friday, and days appointed for a public fast and thanksgiving, and
during Lent.

2. The theatre shall be closed every Saturday night at the hour of halfpast eleven.

3. No spirituous liquors, wine, ale, beer, porter, cider, perry or tobacco shall be sold or disposed of in the theatre, or upon the premises.

4. Police constables when dressed in uniform, or other constables when not dressed, if known as such to the manager or his servants, shall be permitted to have free egress to the theatre at all times during the time of public performance.

5. The manager shall, to the best of his ability, maintain and keep good order and decent behaviour in the theatre during the hours of public performance.

6. For every breach of the above rules the manager shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding £5.

[Signed as in licence.]

4. Recognizance of Manager and Sureties for observing Rules. (Id. 8. 7.)]-This will be in the General Form, No. 48, (S. 1), ante, p. 276, with the following condition :-The condition of the within written recognizance is such, that if the said C. G. shall duly observe and keep the several rules for insuring order and decency at and for regulating the times of opening a certain theatre, situate at -, in the division of N., in the said county of C., made and annexed to the licence of the said theatre granted to the said C. G. this day by us, the justices within men

Oke's Synop. 2nd ed.

p. 376-378,

Oke's Synop.

2nd ed.

p. 376-378.

tioned, in pursuance of the statute 6 & 7 Vict. c. 68, for the space of calendar months, during the currency thereof; and shall also duly pay all penalties which the said C. G. may be adjudged to pay for breach of the said rules, or any of the provisions of the said act, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue.

5. Notice of Recognizance ]—Take notice that you C. G. are bound in the sum of and your sureties D. E. and F. G. in the sum of each, that you the said C. G. shall duly observe and keep [&c. as in the recognizance, No. 4, supra to the asterisk*, and then ] and unless the same be observed, kept and paid accordingly, the recognizance entered into by you and your sureties shall be forthwith levied on you and them. Dated this day of


[This may be signed by one of the justices granting the licence.]

6. Order rescinding Rules or altering them, or making other Rules. (s. 9.)
At a [or an adjourned] special session [&c. as in Form No. 3, supra.]
We, the undersigned, being [four] of her Majesty's justices of the peace
acting for the said division, present at this [adjourned] special session, do
hereby rescind the rules [numbered 1 and 3], made and annexed to the
licence of a certain theatre situate at —, duly granted to one C. G. on
day of
last, in pursuance of the statute aforesaid.

[or do hereby alter the rule numbered 6, made and annexed, &c., by
inserting, instead of the penalty of £5, the sum of £3 [or as the
case may be],

[and in case of new rules being made for those rescinded, say :-and do make and order the following rules instead, that is to say [here set them out.]

Given, &c. [as in No. 3, supra.]

7. Order of two Justices to close Theatre in case of Riot or Breach of the Peace. (Id. s. 9.)

To C. G., the manager of a certain theatre situate at

under the statute 6 & 7 Vict. c. 68.


Whereas it hath this day been duly proved on oath before us, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of C. usually acting in the jurisdiction where the theatre above mentioned is situate, that a riot and breach of the peace has taken [or is about to take place] in the said theatre [or in the neighbourhood of the said theatre], we do hereby order that the said theatre be closed for the space of from this hour [or the date hereof], and we do hereby order you the said C. G. to close the same accordingly. Given under our hands and seals, this day of at twelve o'clock at noon. [Justices' signatures and seals.]

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Where the matter is within Jervis's Act (11 & 12 Vict. c. 43,) such of the General Forms in Chap. I. of Part I. (pp. 23-65,) as are required are referred to or adapted; where otherwise, new ones are given as the occasion may demand.


Vide Temporary Authority to sell, Form No. 1, ante, p. 348. Vide tit. " Riots," post, for orders to close houses in case of riot or tumult.


I. As to Parish Apprentices.
II. As to Apprentices in general.

I. AS TO PARISH APPRENTICES (a). 1. Order of two Justices for binding out Apprentice.

c. 139, s. 1.)

(56 Geo. 3, Adapted from

Form in 1 Arch.

J. P. 96.


Leicestershire to wit. Whereas J. N. and J. S., overseers of the of the parish of A. in the county of Leicester, have this day brought before us, J. P. and N. P., Esquires, (two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county,) one C. D., a poor male [or female] child of the age of years, having a settlement in the said parish, whose parents are not able to keep and maintain him, and the said J. N. and J. Š., as such overseers as aforesaid, now propose to us the said justices that they shall bind the said C. D. apprentice to one E. F. of the parish of in the county of — shoemaker, and residing within the distance of forty miles from the parish or place to which the said C. D. belongs, [or residing, or having an establishment in trade, at which it is intended that the said C. D. shall be employed, out of the said county, and at a greater distance than forty miles from the

(a) The Forms Nos. 1 and 3 to 13 apply to apprentices in parishes not within an union; the Form No. 2 to apprentices in unions or parishes under guardians, the 7 & 8 Vict. c. 101, s. 12, requiring the guardians to bind the person without the interposition of justices.

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