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of Miss Worthy was supposed to be the cause of these frequent communications; and the reader will have no reason to doubt, but that the result of this courtship will be as honorable, correct, and good, as the parties are themselves. There are few living, of a more amiable, pleasant, and excellent turn of mind, than Mr. Merryman, since he has known the grace of God in truth; while every year Mr. Lovegood has the uncommon satisfaction to see his beloved "son in the gospel" grow in every good word and work.

No wonder that one of such an amiable temper and manners, soon stole into the good graces of the Lovelys. Mr. Lovely especially admired his great candor and liberality in speaking about that worthy old clergyman Doctor Orderly, though he had been holding a long controversy with him on conditional justification; admiring that a difference in sentiment, could not prevent him from speaking very largely of the Doctor's temper, diligent discharge of his duty, liberality and great attention to the poor. That while his dignified priestly appearance would rather alarm them, yet his humble deportment would still allure them; that by the very respectable regularity of his conduct, he had got the character, among others, of a precise old fool, and especially from the following circumstance, which had recently taken place.

While Mr. Sedate, his curate, was on a visit at a distance, to see his friends, the Doctor was unexpectedly taken ill, when his presence was needed to attend the funeral of one who died of a mortification. A speedy interment being necessary, the Doctor was in much perplexity to know who should perform this office. It was hinted to him that the Rev. Mr. Jackadandy, a neighbouring clergyman, would be glad to do that service for him. This the Doctor instantly resisted, saying he would sooner die than that the sacred offices of the church should suffer the disgrace of being performed by such cox

combs in divinity. The Doctor accordingly, dressed like an old woman, in his morning gown, with his handkerchief about his head, staggered out of his chamber and performed the office.*

The reader will naturally suppose, that on the Wednesday evening lecture, Mr. Lovegood would avail himself of the assistance of Mr. Merryman, and a previous hint having been given him respecting the state of the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Lovely, he preached a very appropriate sermon on the following text,"Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace;" and all the family returned from the church serious, yet cheerful and happy. This gave Mrs. Lovely a further opportunity of obviating her husband's objection, as it respected the melancholy consequences of real religion. Mr. Merryman is always cheerful, and now she was cheerful too; and

* If the reader wishes for a further description of the race of these pseudo-spiritual monkies in holy orders, they are generally to be known by their loose and vain affectation, especially in their dress. They are the fools of fashion; and as they now dress, you would rather suppose them to be a set of jockies in half-mourning. The present Mr. Jackadandy always appears stuffed out with such an abundance of wadding about his neckcloth and collar, that he reminds you of a pouting pigeon. His coat behind is cut quite short like a soldier's jacket, while he never appears but in his short boots, over his coloured stockings, whisking about his little cane with amazing dexterity, like a magic wand; and as soon as the fashion changes, there is no doubt but that he will be the same dapper Jackadandy in the next extreme, should the jacket or coat grow into such a size as to be turned into a petticoat.

One observation further, as it respects the furniture of the pates of these Jackadandys. Their studies are mostly confined to the paltry, loose, periodical publications of the day: out of these they pick and cull different passages, and these, with awkward impertinence, they retail as their own. As for the study of divinity, how far that claims any share of their attention is easily settled. When one of them, being under examination for orders, was asked, Who is the Mediator between God and man? he profoundly answered, it was His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Can any one wonder, that the grave and respectable Dr. Orderly should be so disgusted at such a Jackadandy, as not to permit him even to bury the dead?

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though at times, she would still drop the penitential tear; yet as she was in the way of hearing so much of these gracious promises, which are so freely held forth in the word of God, her mind seemed to be much more allured by the gospel, than alarmed by the law; and this made Mr. Lovely less anxious to move his quarters.

However on the next evening, at family prayer, Mr. Merryman read the third chapter of the epistle to the Romans, which so decidedly settles the point of our justification, alone "through the redemption which is in Christ," that Mr. Merryman supposed he had a right to say, some people were more in danger from their good works than their bad ones, if they were tempted to make them a matter of their confidence before God.

After the family service, it appeared that this speech considerably offended the self-righteous views of Mr. Lovely. He thought it very odd, that the Almighty should require nothing of us in point of justification; and that if such sentiments were just, good people had no better chance for heaven than bad ones; that though we certainly ought, in a measure, to trust in our Savior's merits, yet it still seemed very strange to him, that nothing should be required of us, to entitle ourselves to those merits. Thus the conversation on the same subject recommenced, while Mr. Merryman very properly begged that the Bible itself, without any forced commentary whatever, might settle the point. The same apostle was, therefore, referred to, to make good his own conclusion, that " a man is justified by faith only, without the deeds of the law :" while Mr. Lovely was not a little surprised to find in the fourth chapter, that the justification of the person of Abraham was by faith only, in the righteousness of Christ, which was accounted, reckoned, or imputed,* to all them that believe; and that the works of Abraham, as mentioned by St.

These three expressions are all the same in the original Greek.

James, were not to justify his person before God, but his faith before man; because if it were otherwise to be interpreted, it would be utterly impracticable to reconcile St. Paul and St. James to each other; and equally impossible that we could be justified by the faith of the Gospel only, as St. Paul declares, in order "that we may have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Thus the perplexity of Mr. Lovely was very considerable, while the conversation was highly satisfactory to the feelings of Mrs. Lovely, who almost shocked the formality of her amiable husband, by saying, that all she did was so intermixed with sin, though these feelings grieved her to the heart, that she felt her need of mercy as much as the vilest Magdalen on the earth.

However Mr. Lovely, finding himself hard pressed, begged for quarter: he requested to know, as Dr. Orderly was such an excellent man, and seemed to be more of his way of thinking, whether he could not contrive so as to have an interview with him.The hospitable and friendly Mr. Merryman immediately observed, that he did not doubt it; that he and the worthy Doctor were on very friendly terms; and that as his living was but about six miles from his house, he was sure the Doctor would treat him as a gentleman and a Christian. But as he was always much engaged in composing fresh sermons for his congregation, he did not love to be interrupted towards the latter end of the week; that he could as yet, give Mr. Lovely nothing better than bachelor's fare, though he hoped to see better days, (casting a wishful look at Miss Worthy) but that still he would do his best.

This generous conduct and affectionate familiarity, still more interested the Lovelys in the favor of Mr. Merryman. A promise was given that they would make an excursion to Sandover; the result of which will soon be communicated to the reader.




Containing an account of the return of Henry Littleworth, and the happy death of Mr. Chipman.

DURING the absence of the Lovelys, while on their visit to Mr. Merryman, Henry Littleworth returned. The result of this visit shall now be brought forward.

Far. [To his wife.] Why dame, here is old Nelly Trot, the letter-carrier; she has brought a letter from Mapleton, and it is from Harry. Dear Child, I hope he is coming home. It appears to me as if he had been gone a longful time. [To Miss Nancy.] Nancy my child, pay the postage, and give poor Nelly a cup of drink.

Miss Nancy. Nelly, what does the letter come to? Nelly. Eight-pence Miss.

Mrs. Lit. Eight-pence! why it is just double since this French war.

Far. Never mind dame, the Lord be thanked! better pay a few more taxes than be governed by Bonypart, and the French folk; but come in, and let us read the letter. [The Farmer puts on his spectacles and reads it.]

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