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Future simple.

Eu me iréi, or iréi me, I will go away; tu te irás, elle se irá, nós nos irémos, vós vos iréis, elles se irão.

Conditional simple.

Eu me iría, or iría me, I would go away; tu te irias, elle se iría, nós nos iríamos, vós vos irieis, elles se iríaō.

First compound future.

Eu héi de irme, I must go away, or am to go away; tu has de irte, elle ha de irse, or me hei de ir, &c. nos nos hemos de ir, vós vos habeis de ir, elles se haō de ir.

Second compound future.

Eu havia de ir me, I was to go away.

Third compound future.

Entao eu houve de ir me, or tive que irme, then I was in the necessity or obligation of going away, &c.

Fourth compound future.

Eu haveréi de ir me, or me haveréi de ir, I shall be under the necessity of going away, &c.

Fifth compound conditional future.

Eu me havería de ir, or havería de ir me, I should be under the necessity or obligation of going away, &c.

Future anterior.

Eu me teréi, or haveréi ido, I will, shall have gone away, &c.

Conditional anterior.

Eu me tería, or haveria ido, I would, should have gone away, &c.

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Vái te tu, go thou away; vá se elle, let him go away. Vamo-nos nós, let us go away; and not vamos nos, ide vos vós, go ye away.

Vao se elles, let them go away.



Que eu me vá, that I may go away; que tu te vás, que elle se vá, que nós nos vámos, que vós vos vades, que elles se vaō.


Que, se eu me fóra, fosse, if I went away, that I might, should, go away, &c.


Que eu me tinha ido, that I have gone away, &c.


Que, se eu me tivera, tivesse ido, that, if, I had gone away, &c.

Future simple.

Quando eu me for, when I shall go away, &c.

Future compound and anterior.

Quando eu me tiver ido, when I shall have gone away, &c.



Hir, or ir se, to go away; and not se hir, ir, except after the preposition para: as, para ir se, or para se hir, to go

away; até ir me eu, until I go away, or my going away; depois de ir te tu, after your going away, &c.


Depois de ter me eu ido, after my going away; de teres te tu ido, de ter se elle ido, &c.


Por ter eu de hir me, because I am to go away; por teres tu de ir te, &c.


Indo se, going away; téndo se ido, having gone away; bút not se indo nor se tendo ido,

Any other reciprocal verb may be conjugated after the same manner: as, vir se, to come away, &c.

Remark that there are some expressions or sentences in which, vai se, vaō se, &c. do not mean to go away: as, vái se a cuba, the tub leaks; vão se preparando, they are preparing, ir se deitar, to go to bed.

Let the student exercise himself on the conjugation of the verb reciprocal, haver se, to behave.


There are three sorts of verbs called impersonal, because they have only the third personal singular.

The first are properly impersonal of themselves, as basta, it suffices; succede, it happens.

The second are derived from the verb active, followed by the pronoun se, as sediz, or diz se, it is said, or they say; se nota, or nóta se, it is noted; they are also called passive impersonals.

The third are such as are conjugated with the personal conjunctive pronouns me, te, lhe, nos, vos, lhes; they have for their nominative, a noun or pronoun, or infinitive, either expressed or understood.

Examples of some impersonals of different conjugations.


Gea, it freezes; nevaba, nevóu, it snowed, did snow, was snowing; tem relampagueado, it has lightened; tinha chovis cado, it had mizzled; trovejára, it had thundered, nevará, it will snow; gearia, it would freeze; terá trovejado, it shall have thundered; neve, gee agora com tal que no gee depois, let it snow, let it freeze, now provided it freeze not afterwards; se nevára e geasse muito no inverno, should it snow and freeze very much, or copiously in winter; logo que tenha nevado e geado bem, as soon as it has snowed and frozen well; se tivera tivesse nevado mais, if it had snowed more; logo que nevar, as soon as it snows, or shall snow; sempre que tiver geado bem, whenever it has frozen, or shall have frozen well.



Chover, to rain; chove, it rains; chovia, estaba chovendo, it was raining; chovio, it rained; tem chorido, it has rained; tinha chovido, it had rained; choverá, it shall rain; choveria, it would rain; chova, let it rain; que chova, that it may rain; se chovera, chovesse, if it did rain, or should it rain; logo, que, sempre que, chover, as soon as, whenever it shall rain; quando tiver chovido, when it shall have rained. So conjugate succeder, to happen; and any other.


Cahir pedra, to hail; cae pedra, it hails; cahia, or estaba cahindo pedra, it was hailing; cahio pedra, it hailed; cahirá pedra, it shall, will hail; cahiria pedra, it would, should hail; tem cahido pedra, it has hailed, &c. convir, to be convenient; convem, it is convenient; convinha, it was convenient; convío, it was convenient; tem convindo, it has been convenient; convirá, it will be convenient; conviria, it would be convenient; convenha, let it be convenient; que convenha, that it may be convenient; com tal que conviera conviese, provided it would be convenient; sempre que convir, whenever it shall be convenient; convindo, it being convenient.

Examples of active verbs being made impersonal, by adding the pronoun se to the third person, as it may be done with all the active verbs, to form their passive voice: as,

Louva se o capitão, the captain is praised, or they praise the captain.

Louvão se os capitáēs, the captains are praised, or they praise the captains.

Ve se hum homem, a man is seen, or they see a man.
Vem se homens, mens are seen, or they see men.

Example of such impersonal verbs as are conjugated with the pronouns personal me te lhe, &c.



Desagrada-me, te, lhe, nos, vos, lhes, it displeases me, thee, him, or her, us, you, them, or I am displeased, thou art, he is, we are, ye are, they are displeased.


Desagradava me, te, &c. it displeased me, thee, or I was displeased, &c.

Perfect simple.

Desagradóu, me, te, the, &c, it displeased me, &c.


Desagradar me ha, it shall displease me, or I shall be displeased.


Desagradar me hia, it should displease me.


Que lhe desagrade, that it may displease him, her.

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