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They can't set their horses together.

Self do self harm.
After sweet meat comes sour


An honey tongue, an heart of gall.

To beat the iron whilst it is hot, or to make hay whilst the sun shines.

He who kills by the sword dies by the sword.

He who is loaded with iron

is loaded with fear; that is, he who loads himself with armor and weapons against danger, discovers he is much afraid. He that makes more of you than he is wont to do, either designs to cheat you, or stand in need of you. Do not trust, nor contend, nor hire, and you'll live among men; that is, you'll live peaceably.

Tell the truth and shame the devil.

We say, he does not smoke but smokes.

He he found a last to his shoe; that is, he has met with his match.

Do not undertake to be a baker if your head is made of butter; that is do not take upon you any business you are unfit for.

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Andar, andar, vir morrer á To eat an whole ox and faint

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at the tail. This proverb is spoken when any body falls short of a thing after having used all his endea


Out of debt out of danger. It is good to make hay while the sun shines.

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Debaixo de má capa jaz bom A tattered cloak may cover


Quem múito abraça, póuco aperta, No açougue, quem mal falla, mal óuve,

Quem em mais alto nada, mais presto se afoga,

Hóspede com sol, ha honor, Hóspeda formosa, dano faz á bolsa,

O hóspede e o peixe aos tres días fede,

Horta sem agoa, casa sem telhado, molher sem amor, marido sem cuidado, de graça he caro,

Honra ao bom para que te honre, e ao máo para que te naō deshonre,

Honra he dos amos, a que se faz aos criados,

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a good drinker; that is, men are not to be judged by outward appearance. All grasp, all lose; or covet all, and lose all. He that speaks knavishly shall hear knavishly. Te-. rence says, Qui pergit ea, quæ vult, dicere, ea, quæ non vult, audiet. This is, the highest charges are the more liable and nearer to the downfall. First come, first served. A beautiful hostess, or landlady is bad for the purse. Fresh fish, and new


guests, smell when they are three days old. That is, a garden without water, a house untiled, a wife without love, and a careless husband, are all alike, being all stark nought. Honor a good man, that he may honor you; and an il man, that he may not dishonor you. The honor done to servants redounds to their masters.

Officio de conselho, honra An office in the council is

sem proveito,

honour without profit; that is, to be of the council of a town, by which nothing is got in Portu


Homem apercebido, méyo A man that is prepared, has.


half the battle over.




TENHA vm. muito bons GOOD morrow, sir.

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